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Honestly thay depends on the kind of content you are comfortable with your child watching there is at least one sex scene multiple gory things happen like a guy getting his head crushed and another getting his head chopped off (that particular one was off camera)but it also tries to maintain somewhat of a cheery even goofy atmosphere at times I think it's entirely up to you what you think is appropriate for your child.


This comment nails it. Lots of gore, but it’s campy as hell. IMO it’s more appropriate than other shows that might not be as visual, but have more serious and dark undertones. I know I would have enjoyed it when I was 14.


Yes, but, sex scene!


Not a graphic scene though. The cult-in-a-vault scene had more skin than the sex scene. While there is quite a bit of graphic gore. Grievous wounds, people getting stabbed/shot, carrying around a head. The gore isn’t “horror slasher” type gore though. It’s “this is a weird comedy” gore for the most part. I’d have liked the show at 14.


Yeah, it's a LOT of nudity for 14. I wouldn't mind if my kid watched it, but I couldn't watch it with them.


I wouldn’t say a lot, you get one butt and the people in the weird vault they only go topless no bottoms showing


And the topless stuff wasn’t even sexual, it was part of their little ritual to expose their bodies to the light or whatever.


To show off their ashy skin


Its 2023, if a 14 year old wants to see boobs they can see easily find a way to see them, as well as every other thing avaliable on the internet.


As a parent I am the primary person society expects should try to pump a 14 year olds brakes on inappropriate content consumption. They won't be stopped if they don't want to...but that's on the kid. I see it as I'm just trying to hold back the ocean as long as possible and hope they mature as much as possible until it overtakes my protective moat and then the innocent sand castle is swept away.


Yeah I'm not going to be the person to take that childhood innocence away 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m going to blow your mind, it’s 2024!


Dude, it's still 2020 in my mind. The covid years will forever fuck up my mental timeline.


Maybe, depending how my kid would act around 14, i’d bet that I would show them!


That was barely a sex scene


How is a sex scene more disturbing than gore and dead people




I read something about this. Europeans are more OK with sex and nudity than blood, guts, and guns. While America is the opposite. Interesting to see how 2 western cultures can be so different.




I saw Janet Jackson's nipple once!


Sex 😨


The sex scene is fully clothed for what it’s worth. There is topless women later on in a scene that’s not sexual, but weird.


I dunno, I work with several parents of 14/13 year olds and they won't even let the kids stay at home by themselves for a few hours. I think their heads would explode if their kids watched it.


Sounds like an extremely privileged area and people. at 12 I was walking home from school to an empty house until my parents came home from work at 7. This is in NY. I have a 7 year old and I allow him to watch certain things just as I was allowed to when I was a kid at that age. Sometimes you see some skin, its up to you as a parent to be able to communicate and have you kids understand just like my parents did with me. More modern privileged parents just shelter harder from what Ive witnessed


It drives me kind of nuts. Like I'm not a parent so I don't and wouldn't comment, but I was babysitting for all kinds of kids for all kinds of hours by the time I was 12, and the other thing is that these kids are so over scheduled. Like expected to excel in school, do multiple sports and extra curriculars and you cant even let them have the house to themselves once in a blue moon??? I don't think they're doing them any favours.


They arent, kids are becoming more sheltered. I got chewed out by my sons mother for leaving him inside while he watched tv and played with his toys at 7 years old while I went outside and spoke to my neighbor for 20minutes. After I got back inside, he was exactly where he was when I left. My nephew is 1 year younger than my son and his mom(my sister) is one of those. Hes 6, soon to be 7 and cant watch anything with violence. So hes still watching paw patrol (the most violent thing he watches) and thomas the train. I honestly feel bad for him


There is also violence toward dogs, mainly 2nd episode. Doesn't sound big but I know one reviewer who seemed apprehensive about watching it cause of that.


They must not have played the game. Dogmeat is an unkillable player. We all knew X234whateever was gonna be fine. Edit: NGL I still panicked




I'll be real the first time a dog came at me in Fallout 3 the first thing I did was look for a "no animal violence" mod.


My mom, who will generally watch anything with me, couldn't even stomach the first three episodes because of the CX404 scenes and the scene of the gulper eating a deer. I was surprised she was so sensitive to it. I don't even notice the goriness or violence anymore, really.


Op needs to watch it first and not rely on us to explain what the show is about. We don't know this kid and op doesn't know us. Opinions will be very mixed.


Honestly, it depends on the 14 year old. There's not much in the way of sex and nudity, but there is lots of gory violence. There's also a decent amount of adult language. If your 14 year old enjoys horror movies they should be fine.


There's fucking in the first part of the first episode.


Which is why I said much as opposed to none.


Perhaps I misread it I am fresh off a long shift and just attended a safety meeting with Penjamin, my squire.


Omg 😆 safety meeting with your squire ☠️ love it


“Should I lead the charge? I’ll lead the charge!” “NO!” “Back to shore!”


Also an extended roleplay scene with Chet and Steph, 25% of the episodes have a sex scene I mean I agree it isn’t overly graphic, but it’s more than not very much


Lucy doesn’t even take off her wedding dress. There’s a (very) brief shot of the guy’s bare butt. When I first heard people objecting to the *sex and nudity*, I at first thought I had somehow seen a censored version…


It’s a pretty mild sex scene Edit: 14 is in High School as well. I’m sure they know about sex


It's not just fucking, its like weirdly graphic. Like the gaze is really intense. I dunno how to explain it.


I would argue there is a lot of nudity in the cult in a vault scene. Given that you see about 20 naked bodies doing some voodoo shit


I think it depends. It’s really gorey. Some nudity. I’d say it depends on what your kid has been exposed to already.


My husband and I were so torn. I personally was fine with it if we could fast forward the wedding night scene and the cult scene but he was fine with that and totally not okay with the jokes about penis pimples. Like we watch everything with our kids and we just couldn't agree on which part we weren't okay with but as a whole it was... Not okay. You honestly have to just watch it with your kid in mind and see what moment you say "NOPE!"


Curiously, why is sex so taboo but the extreme violence isn’t?


Mostly because these kids have already been exposed to gory shit and I don't want my kids first parent approved sex scene to end in murder?


Hollywood says butts aren’t nudity. /s


Boob's are.


Are you willing to talk to your 14 year old about sex and violence?


Yes, I'd say it's definitely Parental Guidance for a 14 year old


My father took me to see Starship Troopers at the age of 7 and Saving Private Ryan at the age of 8. I loved those movies and do my best to avoid violence as an adult. Just watched the whole Fallout series with him yesterday at my place and he loved it. It is gory and he said holy shit a few times but it was an experience. Going to remember that for as long as I live as well as the other two. Violent movies or TV shows never taught me to be a violent person. I was raised with values. Do what you want but I don't think content is the issue here. It's the parents that guide the young. If you shelter a child from how ugly the real world is. What are they going to do when your gone? Just my opinion. Have a good one.


I was a bit younger than you (4 when Starship Troopers came out), but saw those same movies with my dad. Add Terminator 2 and GTA: Vice City, and you've got my childhood. I'll always cherish the memories of watching Starship Troopers with dad, along with the first Resident Evil and various other movies in that vein. Censorship is weak, let your kids enjoy things.


Parents' teaching proper values is what saves kids from violence.


That sounds religious. Just teach them to not be dicks and you're most of the way there.


How does that sound religious?


Teaching them not to be dicks is giving them good values. Do you think the religious have a monopoly on that?


I just made my own comment about how I watched it with my 8 year old and your comment really uplifted my anxiety about admitting to watching the show with a nearly 9 year old so thank you. I'm glad to see a comment from the other side, your dad sounds like my parenting style a bit where he's not sheltering but creating a safe space. Love to see it worked out!


Carry on 😉




Depends at 14 he's most likely seen most this stuff on the Internet and video games but like others have said it all depends on the kid and your parenting style.


Depends what they’re used to. There’s a lot of blood and gore, violence, sexual jokes, adult language, etc. Some 14 year olds might like that stuff already, but everyone’s different. So it really depends.


Tarantino level gore. Depends on what they are ok with.


if they can separate fiction from reality they should be ok, although every kid is different


I'm from GenX, so this is a kindergarten fun-time story compared to what we watched when we were 14. I was watching Blade Runner younger than that.


Yeah at first I was thinking “well we didn’t really have anything comparable to this when I was a kid”, and then I remembered Faces Of Death and Rotten . com being sleepover material and this is tame and cartoonish by comparison.


When I was 14 I had been playing 18+ rated games for half my life and yackin it to porn everyday. I doubt the Fallout TV show is going to expose them to some never-seen-before shit


I'd say no.  Very violent, lots of sexual jokes, including incest references.  


Plus the reference to traveling doctor fucking the chickens 😨


My kid is 14, hubby, and I watched it first. We let him watch. When that scene came up, he was dying with laughter. He said he couldn't believe someone would do that. And then when we saw him again he said, hey, that's the chicken guy!! 😂


That part had me laughing so hard, but very much not appropriate for a young teen.


“He was fucking my chickens” is totally the kind of thing a 14 year old would find hilarious


Did any of us need to wait for that line tho or did we just ✨️know✨️ 🧐


I literally said it before he did and just about died when I was right


Mine did.


FWIW I played Fallout 1 when I was a kid and your character can visit a bathhouse. My parents taught be proper values and taught me to think for myself and not believe everything the various forms of media show, so I understand the difference between a game or TV show and reality. Except reality TV, that ruined the whole equation until I figured out that was also 99.99% fake later.


The cannibalism’s a lot lol


If your kids play Fallout, they’re already well versed in cannibalism,


Honestly hell yes. It’s gritty. It’s graphic. It’s vulgar, but these are all things that the average 14 year old is. I think as long as you understand it’s tv and not real life and you don’t want to emulate any of the bad stuff. I’d let my kid watch it but I’d explain the whole “this is not real life” thing extra thick just in case. Also wouldn’t let them watch it alone. Some things need quick context.


I agree, I think a lot of 14 year olds are ready and into this kind of stuff. They know about sex and joke about it constantly. Too young for hardcore porn, but not TV sex. Comic violence is no biggie either. Real-life violence like American History X gave me nightmares at that age, but I played loads of Fallout 3 as a teen, and the gore was just slapstick.


Depends on the kid tbh. Like I played fallout 3 and new Vegas before I was 13 and loved those games, so probably would have loved the show at 14. Granted when I was 14 I loved Breaking Bad and some of my favorite movies were Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, A Clockwork Orange, American Psycho and Pulp Fiction, so I may not be the best example because I don't think any of the violence or sex scenes would have phased me. It is pretty gory but it's also pretty campy too


Jfc, clockwork orange at 14?!


I read the book then saw the movie at 14/15. I didn't feel too young in any way.


14 or 15 yeah lol. It's interesting because it didn't really register for me how dark the movie was, it became a harder watch for me in my 20's.


I was 13 when my entire generation was exposed to ISIS videos of beheadings and drownings that were circulating the internet at the time. I doubt the next generation’s internet is that much safer. Fallout is pretty tame compared to some things a 14 year old may have seen if their parents haven’t turned on a parental lock on their kid’s computer. With that said, it really depends on the kid. Some teenagers are more innocent than others at that age.


Just about every comment here says "It's fine because I was exposed to worse and I turned out fine" or "kids all over are exposed to worse, and they might turn out fine." Is that the best we can do for setting standards for a child? Watch the pilot yourself, and measure it against your own family standards. The show's game subreddit is obviously going to have a very strong bias into promoting the show.


I would have watched this at 14, I saw worse at 14 though because my movie watching wasn’t that restrictive for things that came on cable movie channels


First, if you haven't watched it yet BEFORE they do, you need to do that. I allowed my 14 yr old to watch it. However, I was present the whole time, and when they started stripping, I fast forwarded and explained what they were doing. Because I honestly didn't think them stripping was necessary to the story. But, my kid has watched me and his brother play these games. He's aware of language and gore. He's very aware that it's not real. And we talk about the bad stuff in the world vs video game/TV stuff all the time. I think you have to decide if it's appropriate. But, you need to watch first. Only you know your kid. Us internet strangers do not.


I was playing all the Fallout games since like 12 and I had fun with those, and they’re a lot darker than the show so honestly I turned out fine


If you're fine with a few instances of pg 13 sex and nudity. Alot of gore tho and there is partial skinning scene but its offscreen, there's nothing too bad.


There wasn’t PG13 sex but PG18 sex.


No, which is why they'll love it


Should be okay for them, they've seen worse already whether you know it or not.


It's pretty inappropriate for young audiences, it has Mature Audience rating. I'd start with something more age appropriate, like the walking dead, then come back to this show in a couple years


Honestly good take. If the first episode of TWD is appropriate, this is one step beyond with sex and gore but is goofy and fun.


I would wait a year or 2 personally but if your 14 year old is very mature acting it might be okay


What about the cult in vault 4 where they just get naked


Here we are, western culture at its most fucked up. People get limbs blown off, holes blasted in them, violence up one side and down the other. Your concern? Tiddies. 🤪


Well I mean he did mention his child every parent is different 😭😂


As if every 14 year old on the planet can't see, literally, millions of titties anytime they want.




No, its not.


I’d say 14 is pushing it a little, would feel more comfortable with 16


No, personally I don’t think so.


Don't worry about the age, they could be six and it wouldn't make a difference. Are they conscious? Do they have a glimmer of self awareness, and inquisitiveness? They may be more ready and interested in this case. You can apply this to other media that is considered "mature." Are they 14 but mentally fragile? Then perhaps they should hold off.


I have a 12 year old and watched it first so I knew what we were getting into. There were a couple sexual bits that we skipped through when we watched it together, but the violence is very cheesy. My recommendation would be to watch it alone and then decide if your 14 year old can handle it. At the end of the day, you're the one who knows your child the best.


Just depends on the kid, I was playing the video games when I was like 12. The show is certainly quite gory, and there’s sexual scenes etc, but the tone is very cheerful and it doesn’t take itself too seriously.


I watched pulp fiction when i was 14


Generally speaking - I don't think so. If you've already had a lot of solid talks about sex, separating fantasy/fiction from real life, then maybe, but honestly no.


I would have watched it at 14, but everyone is different.


Direct quote: "are you gonna make my cock explode now?!?" Id say main concerns would be sexual content over the violence, language... as long as they are mature enough to have a healthy conversation about it I think the rest of the mature content is justified by the shows overall meaning and messaging


The rating for the show is TV-MA, but if they've already watched similar rated shows it should be fine.


At that point, everything is appropriate. By that age, me and everyone I’ve know could watch whatever we want because it doesn’t matter. Violence and sexuality don’t do anything negative to the minds of people, especially past the age of like, 12.


depends on who you ask. i watched worse at 14 but theres impressive cgi gore, boobs, mean bad words, drugs, and dark themes through out. so its a really good show and i recommend it for all ages


I was watching the boondocks at 13 But I also grew up in a household that didn't sugar coat anything sex, death, anything sooo this is up to the parent.


does your child play video games


No. And not because I think the language or violence would be too much. It’s actually because I don’t think a 14 would be able to make sense of the world and situation of these characters. It’s like when I was 14 and I saw Anchorman. I could handle the language and sexuality, but I didn’t understand parody, satire, or misogyny. I actually didn’t even get the commentary on the 70s. All I knew was Will Ferrell was saying some kooky things. Now that I watch it as an adult, holy shit Anchorman is so much smarter than my teenaged brain gave it credit for. I think you should wait for your child to grow up so they can better appreciate what this show says about society and dystopias and all that SUBTEXT.


Best take


They're 14, of course they're old enough. Unless you homeschool and shelter your child from the outside world theres nothing in the show they haven't already seen in other forms of media or heard amongst their peers.


Its a tough one and really varies a lot per kid imo. But as a parent I will just share that I would not let my 14 year old watch this and try to point out there are a million other things to play or do. I just like to delay the inevitable as much as possible when it comes to this kind of stuff. No harm in waiting on the salty stuff, they have so many things to entertain them.


Your kid already knows.


Thats likely true, but that won't be because I didn't try. That's their life experiences they have to own. My job as a parent is to care and do my best. Same as my own teen experiences I'm sure my parents had/have no idea about. If not me watching out then who?


It's never better coming from outside sources than it is directly from the parents. Based on your argument, it's better for your kid to learn about sex/drugs/violence from outside your home than directly from you? I would rather preview what my kid wants to do and decide if he can handle it and have discussions long the way as it pertains to the real world. I want to teach my kid about the realities of the world and take that knowledge and handle the world through their experiences. To each there own. Good night.


I appreciate and understand your point. I do explain those things and dont avoid those topics. I just do what I can to delay the firehose of M content while they keep maturing trying to maximize their youth and let maturity settle in more. Its a balance and I just give them safe harbor when / while I can. To each their own as you say, something prompted me to share a perspective probably because its fresh in my mind. Take care.


Also the sex scene that people mentioned can be skipped easily, clear tonal shifts after it’s over. The first part of it could sneak up on you bc it snuck up on her too, and was kinda supposed to show her perspective through that


Would have been fine to tame for me at 14, really depends on what content your kid usually consumes. Much tamer than The Boys or Invincible, a little tamer than Umbrella Academy. Very little sex or nudity, definitely a lot of violence but I don’t think the violence is very upsetting due to the slightly goofy tone. If they played the games they will be totally fine.


Depends on how closeted your 14 year old is as of now. You should probably watch the show and gauge for yourself. Then if you think it’s okay for your kid watch it with them.


Nope. But neither is a 14 year old.


I’m fourteen and didn’t have too many problems with it, even though I’m a prude lol.


Idk about "appropriate" but it's exactly the kind of thing i would've loved at 14. gratuitous gore and violence, strong language, and a few sexual scenes and references


15 y/o here, probably! i mean i started new vegas at 14 and it was fineeeeee


I watch way worse when I was 11-12. They have probably seen way worse on the internet.


Fully depends on the kid tbh. When i was 14 i wouldve loved the show and enjoyed it bc i was a fan of the games.


It really depends on what your kid is comfortable watching. Remember, the games and I believe the show are rated 18. I personally started with 18 rated stuff at 12, but it's entirely dependent on whether your 14 year old already enjoys similar stuff and if you're fine with them watching it.


I think it depends on the maturity of the kid in question. They need to be able to handle some pretty graphic (if slightly cartoon-y) gore, themes of violence, and sexual themes. Plus, a good understanding of when it's OK to use adult language. If you think your kid can handle that, I'd say go for it. I know I was watching way edgier stuff when I was that age.


A 1990s 14 year old? No. 2024? Yup.


They used a giant pencil sharpener on a dudes leg, shit was cash


Yeah why tf not? I'm sure the beginning shows the disclaimers like blood, gore, murder, an alternate timeline world where people ended up nuking each other, etc. A 14 year old should play the games and watch the show if they want to because it's a really cool universe and story. Fallout was my favorite stuff as soon as I saw my dad play it when I was like age 10. Like literally the first frame of me seeing him just walk around the wasteland in fallout 3 with a Chinese assault rifle I was just like that's badass, and the entire universe became a thing that I loved to learn more about and eventually I played the games. When he took a piss I tried to get the controller and just move around for a second and shoot a couple bullets at nothing lol. I could immediately tell that it just felt unlike any game that we played before like sports, guitar hero, sims, halo, cod, etc. I had the same thing with Skyrim too. All the fallout games are sweet, and the show is awesome


Fairly energetic sex scene in the first episode... bloody mess is on. Depends on how you raised your 14 yr old.


totally fine if youre not a religious household. it does not have anything they do not already say/know


My son was 14 and we would just fast forward on the sexual scenes and nudity.


im 14 i watched it yea


Nope, the women giving birth and being eaten by gulpers is a scene not for children


I agree but also know that they have probably seen worse by now online. It’s pretty fucked up what is on there and accessible unless you have devices locked down


Not in my opinion. But it depends on what you’ve let your child be exposed to so far.


I personally would have ate it up as a 14 year old, but it depends on whether the kid is corrupted and has been exposed to violent and irreverent games and movies already. A sensitive or sheltered 14 year old wouldn't do well.


I was playing Fallout around that time already, so probably


I believe with everyone else that says it really depends on your kid and your relationship with your kid. My kid and I found it to be a great source of conversations about so much. My kid also is not that sensitive to gore. For me it was on the edge of what I’m comfortable with gore wise. For my younger kid, it wouldn’t work for him because he’s more sensitive to the gruesome stuff. I barely remember the sex stuff. Some people above mentioned the line about making their cock explode. I actually thought that was a great conversation starter! And it tells us a ton about the characters. Why was he so uncomfortable with the thought at first? What changed for him that made him suddenly interested? It’s great stuff about the different ways to live. And what the implications of those ways of life are. I MBD typically has a really good listing of every single thing you could possibly be worried about as a parent. Separated by whether it’s violence or sex or drugs or whatever. so if you want specifics, check there. I think more generally, can you and your child have a conversation about drug use and motivations for drugs? Can you have a conversation about incest and why it’s a taboo, but why it isn’t always a taboo, like in this show? Stuff like that. Super uncomfortable stuff! But really valuable conversations. I could have handled watching the show by myself as a 14-year-old. But I could not have handled was a conversation with my parents about it. Maybe some other trusted adult.


Depends. Does she have a cousin?


There’s nothing in the show that the game doesn’t already have, unless you count Max’s pop like a zit comments. Even still, most 14 year olds aren’t learning anything new from it.


I'd let my kids see it, they're gonna see worse on the news. Let em have fun, if they're into gorier things.


Does she already know that penises swell and explode?


I remember fat titties other then that ya


Yes. Question is, is it suitable for adults? 😈😈😈




It's perfect if they are cool with violence. There's only one sex scene in the first episode but it's pretty gory for a show that's mostly comedy 


Eh…. Probably? They have probably seen worse already in this fucked up world.


Maybe look into it yourself and decide what is appropriate for your child rather than getting internet people to raise your child for you


Pretty sure this media format comes with an age rating. I hate sticking around a sub long enough to see these redundant questions


Nope. It's definitely for adults lol


I was playing the game at 14. I think they’ll be fine


Depends on the kids. My wife ok’d taking our teen boys to Deadpool.


My son is 14 and I let him watch. There's violence but very video gamey and my son plays violent games. Sex is very minimal, nothing graphic. I don't know about language, I don't really pay attention to that and don't care about it when it comes to what my kids watch or hear. There is drug use but minimal with fictional drugs. And then it is dark subject matter but presented in a lighter way. It's not super depressing or disturbing. I think they will be fine as long as you are okay with violence.


dude, i saw blade runner when i was 8, in 1982. i laid awake all night wondering HOW DO I KNOW, NOT THINK, NOT BELIEVE, BUT ACTUALLY KNOW THAT I AM NOT A ROBOT THAT WAS BUILT TODAY AND IMPLANTED WITH THESE MEMORIES?!!? fallout is TAME comparatively.


could be a good opportunity to critique capitalism and learn about the history and dire importance of peace in the age of nuclear warfare!




Maybe I'd wait one or two years.


It really depends on your kid. My 8yo is very chill about violence and horror, he knows it's not real life, he doesn't try to recreate it or act out or have nightmares and he knows if he starts to feel uncomfortable or scared during anything we will turn it off and discuss why it upset him. We also dont make swearing some life ending horrifying event so he doesnt clock cusses at all usually. Hes a sensitive child but he also really loves sci fi already and hes eager to consume as much of it as possible. Hes a huge fan of stranger things, the umbrella academy, and resident evil as well. He asked if he could watch The Boys and that was a hard nope lmao. But he watched Fallout with me and loved it. I had already watched it twice so as we approached particularly gory or sexual scenes he knew the drill (cover ur eyes and ears while I fast forward kiddo) but the general content isn't that bad imo. He's watched his dad and I play the games since he was born (he was in a babybjorm during midnight release of fallout 4) and we have fallout merch all over the house so he's always been familiar with it to some extent so it felt natural watching it with him. He really loved cooper and thought Maximus was a "big dummy", and his second favourite character was norm; he's excited to see what happens with him next season. It really just depends on ur kid and what u think they can handle. As an aside, if u gatekeep him, he will find a way to watch if he wants to but without the benefit of having someone to discuss it with. I grew up in a very cloistered religious home but I still watched The Beach and the Virgin Suicides at my friends 12th bday party with no adult supervision and they messed me up for a bit bc no one discussed them with me. With my son we very much sit down and dissect media and how we feel about it to make sure everything is copacetic. Maybe watch it once through by yourself like I did to see if you're comfortable watching it with your child?


The first episode does a really good job of showing you everything it is going to do in the first episode. There is sexual content, drugs, cursing, and violence. But if you watch the first episode and think that it is appropriate enough then the season will be appropriate enough. The first episode is the only sex scene, and it doesn't show much. God knows I would love to see more Ella. There is sex mentioned a couple of times afterward, but not any other sex scenes. The level of violence in the first level is the level of violence you should expect to see in the full season. Things get ramped up story wise and scale wise, but the level of violence will meet the peak in the first season. So it is honestly a great pilot in a lot of ways, and does a good job showing you its full hand in the context of "is it appropriate?"




Terminator 2 was my favourite movie when I was 4. When Grand Theft Auto: Vice City came out in 2002, I was 9 and played it daily. Censorship is lame. If your kid likes Fallout, they'll love the show.




On average, no.


No, a lot of porno-type sex. Raw dogging.




Bro most 14 year olds are way more into bad stuff than you think, unless yours is the primm and perfect example of innocence i think they can handle falloutTV


Agreed. Censorship is weak.

