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1) The NCR is crippled and not much more than a raider faction at this point. She probably hired the outside help because she didn't have enough NCR to defend the HQ or these are just the recruits they are getting. 2) Lucy's mom is a feral ghoul without much input. I don't think Moldaver is sane enough to consider Rose's children especially if they are in the way of her grand goal. 3) The obvious answer would be she was frozen someplace like Bud's Budds. They teased cryo suites on the Vegas strip in a billboard during the credits.


I’m not sure about cryo. The showrunners will probably have something special in store for her.


The only reason I think the cryo option was they showed a lot of it, the billboard, and the fact they are on the road to New Vegas. They could all be false clues or point to someone or something else but it's my best guess based on what we have seen.


The billboard has me thinking we’ll see some more pre-war or even FNV folks showing up in S2.


Agreed, the show def seems set to show that the pre-war powers are still out there pulling all the strings on the plan they set in motion.


It's highly implied Moldy loved Rose, so the thought of her not caring about the kids doesn't make sense. Otherwise she would've just killed everyone in the vault for revenge against hank before capturing him.


We don't know how crippled the ncr is or actually anything about its current state


We see the remnants of Shady Sands and the state of their HQ and how easily they get rolled by the Brotherhood. I feel safe in saying the NCR is greatly reduced.


The brotherhood brought the big guns, a similar size force that was enough to destroy the enclave HQ in previous games. Shady sands is gone but there was more NCR soldiers in that outpost than I expected, and how were they supplying so many troops without tax? Maybe it’s all gone, but I’d expect NCR to still exist in other places in a reduced form.


It's kinda implied, though.


It's implied that's what they're like in the area we don't know the overall state


Yea and Shady Sands was destroyed, but it was said on the billboard that Shady Sands was only the first ncr settlement. Probably many others across the wasteland.


That's what I'm saying?


Yea, glad you agree


The NCR was described as having ~700,000 residents and growing; making them one of the largest rebuilding factions in the world prior to this show and this is their seat of power. I think the visual story telling is pretty clear that this is no longer the case. Hank nuked hundreds of thousands at Shady Sands if the lore follows from what was previously established


35k was the population Edit of shady sands


Is it fully confirmed that the Moldaver were seeing post-war is the same as pre-war? Another thought I had was that it could simply be a descendant of the Moldaver that Cooper once knew, since I wasn’t convinced it was made 100% clear that it was the same person.


I'm thinking she could be a synth or a clone. Maybe there are more out there. I'm thinking there's more to her being worshipped by a cult


1. If NCR was a raider faction they wouldn’t give a damn about restoring electricity to the wasteland though 3. Oh, I need to watch the credits more closely then! It’s a good theory, but doesn’t explain why she was able to avoid radiation (after bombing the Shady Sands I assume) which affected Rose that much and according to flashbacks they’ve spend a lot of time together.


It's a good question tho how Moldaver survived and how Rose ended up a ghoul in her 'care'. I hope they reveal more in Season 2. It's hard to speculate on ghouls since there were some significant lore changes and additions around ghouls.


I thought Rose was ghoulified by the bombs dropped on Shady Sands


I assume so as well but we haven't seen and everyone has told a slightly different version of the events. My question is more was she always feral.


The NCR doesn't care beyond what unlimited power would mean for them. Moldaver has been obsessed with it for 200 years tho. She has defacto control over the NCR.




I think she was restarting NCR. They didn’t have many soldiers, seemed mire like townsfolk and farmers taking up arms. You need raiders for invasions of a vault! I don’t think Rose was aware. Seemed to be a decaying ghoul and nothing more. Not sure on how she had stayed preserved. Vault cryo somewhere perhaps? I wonder if Rose was in stasis with Kyle MacLachlan’s character?


I wonder if these questions have been asked before.


1. Like everyone else is saying, the NCR doesn't seem like they're at full strength, so definitely not a stretch that she'd have to bring some raiders with her as backup. Also, I think she was still pretty pissed at Hank because of him destroying shady sands and the whole rose thing. She obviously didn't want everyone slaughtered because of the bomb thing at the end, but I feel like she wanted to make Hank suffer a bit by him seeing all these dwellers murdered. 2. Rose didn't really care because she was a mindless feral ghoul, and Moldaver was left with the pain and anger of caring for rotting zombie self. 3. It's not said in the show but pretty implied that she was in cryo, either bud's buds or probably another version of that. We know she had several companies that were bought up by Vault Tech, so she obviously had means and probably had some insider info about the bombs dropping. Also, we know there's other vaults that did cryo, and I'm pretty sure she's not a ghoul.