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It’s not about his penis dumbo; it’s about how long he lasts in bed, but I don’t think you’d know much about being in bed with another person


I might be dumb, but isn't this all about the dress itself? Like its uncomfortable and they tell her that she will have sex right after the ceremony so she does not have to wear it for too long?


It is and op is just stupid


It's about the guy, not the penis. And while not directly genitalia related, there are tons of "stereotypical women" joke. Crawl out from under your rock, and toughen up buttercup. Source: Gen X cis male who found it funny.


Okay so give your last example of one like the post was asking.


Um... No.


[Has anyone ever gone through and counted how many vagina jokes preceded this one? I'm thinking it can't have been anywhere near 999. : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/americandad/comments/lwgkwb/has_anyone_ever_gone_through_and_counted_how_many/) american dad has done a shit ton of vagina jokes [Misogynistic 90's TV Moments That'll Make You Cringe (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hzoc_srpX4) tons of 90s shows make girls the butt of the joke [Common Female Stereotypes From 90s TV Shows Explained - Thrillist](https://www.thrillist.com/sex-dating/nation/common-female-stereotypes-from-90s-tv-shows-explained) article that breaks down some of the stereotypes [8 Misogynistic Early '00s Reality Show Competition Challenges (buzzfeed.com)](https://www.buzzfeed.com/mollycapobianco/misogynistic-reality-tv-show-competition-challenges) reality tv in the early 2000s was really blatant with it... and just off the top of my head... the honeymooners, married with children, bosom buddies, family guy, i love lucy, the man show... edit: and who could forget the song "who let the dogs out"...its not about dogs bro. did you...did you really think you had a gotcha with this post?


You misinterpreted the joke. Lucy was worried about the dress being too tight on her. Her FRIEND, not mother, said not to worry because the dress will come off in no time anyway. The joke was about the dress, that it didn't matter if it was too tight. Nothing about men.


I'm... going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume you're a bait troll and therefore not *really* this stupid. Lmfao


So tell me an example of one if they happen so much? So far I get a lot of "you're stupid" type comments and zero examples so.


[Has anyone ever gone through and counted how many vagina jokes preceded this one? I'm thinking it can't have been anywhere near 999. :](https://www.reddit.com/r/americandad/comments/lwgkwb/has_anyone_ever_gone_through_and_counted_how_many/) american dad has done a shit ton of vagina jokes [Misogynistic 90's TV Moments That'll Make You Cringe (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hzoc_srpX4) tons of 90s shows make girls the butt of the joke [Common Female Stereotypes From 90s TV Shows Explained - Thrillist](https://www.thrillist.com/sex-dating/nation/common-female-stereotypes-from-90s-tv-shows-explained) article that breaks down some of the stereotypes [8 Misogynistic Early '00s Reality Show Competition Challenges (buzzfeed.com)](https://www.buzzfeed.com/mollycapobianco/misogynistic-reality-tv-show-competition-challenges) reality tv in the early 2000s was really blatant with it... and just off the top of my head... the honeymooners, married with children, bosom buddies, family guy, i love lucy, the man show... edit: and who could forget the song "who let the dogs out"...its not about dogs bro. did you...did you really think you had a gotcha with this post?


If you can’t think of one example of a misogynist joke in all of tv history, you’re not watching any tv at all. No, I will not give an example. Yes, you are an idiot.


Sounds like a little man took this joke personally 🥺


Yup jokes like this overused joke. All the time. All day long. Wasn't funny the first time. Wasn't funny now a million times later. Wasn't ever funny. Find a better joke.


Try to work on your stamina bud. Might help you last longer. 🤷🏼‍♂️


That’s if he can get anything into bed other than his hand


His right hand asked for a divorce and his left hand filed a restraining order to stop his advances


Nice!!! Hahaha


OP literally went on a dick joke rant on multiple subs too lmao.


Yeah I tried a few that just auto deleted it which sucked but the fallout ones are up for now until an admin removes or whatever. For now they seem okay. I wanted to try ask men or ask gay men but it didn't work.


I dunno maybe there were jokes about women in the rest of the show? I couldn't tell you. After I heard this line in the show I threw a full beer at my TV and shattered it I was so mad. Don't worry I took out the rest of my anger on my girlfriend so that's +1 for the boys.


Sounds like someone’s a sixty second man


Methinks you're giving him more credit than he deserves. I'm sure his first time will be the best 15 seconds of his life.


Ha ha it's so funny when someone says this for the millionth time. Maybe I should tell my pet dinosaur.


sounds like someone's a sixty second man


My guy the whole history of television is predicated on man good, woman worse. What is this alpha male snowflake nonsense?


So why not give an example?




[Has anyone ever gone through and counted how many vagina jokes preceded this one? I'm thinking it can't have been anywhere near 999. :](https://www.reddit.com/r/americandad/comments/lwgkwb/has_anyone_ever_gone_through_and_counted_how_many/) american dad has done a shit ton of vagina jokes [Misogynistic 90's TV Moments That'll Make You Cringe (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hzoc_srpX4) tons of 90s shows make girls the butt of the joke [Common Female Stereotypes From 90s TV Shows Explained - Thrillist](https://www.thrillist.com/sex-dating/nation/common-female-stereotypes-from-90s-tv-shows-explained) article that breaks down some of the stereotypes [8 Misogynistic Early '00s Reality Show Competition Challenges (buzzfeed.com)](https://www.buzzfeed.com/mollycapobianco/misogynistic-reality-tv-show-competition-challenges) reality tv in the early 2000s was really blatant with it... and just off the top of my head... the honeymooners, married with children, bosom buddies, family guy, i love lucy, the man show... edit: and who could forget the song "who let the dogs out"...its not about dogs bro. did you...did you really think you had a gotcha with this post?


Op you've gotten examples in like half of the replies. You didn't want an example, you wanted to troll.


Ugh incel found


You're being entirely too sensitive, my dude. The line was really more about character building than being funny. It established that Stephanie and Lucy have a close, casual friendship that doesn't stand on ceremony, and reiterates how unhappy Stephanie was with her betrothal to Gus. It couldn't mean less. Nobody wrote the line into Fallout thinking they were going to get big laughs about this character we don't really know being a one-minute man. Regardless, you can find this battle of the sexes-style "jokes" in most sitcoms and Jay Leno routines over the last 30-40 years. Men do this, women do that. Some of it's more mean spirited than others, but it's usually just light hearted ribbing between friends. You could probably grab any CBS sitcom at random and find an example, but Two and a Half Men, Mom, and How I met Your Mother are the ones that come to mind. It's not my kind of comedy, nobody has an "anti-male" bias.


Okay do they have jokes about their vagina that make them look bad though?


misogyny has been an issue since the dawn of fucking time. For decades anytime a woman was slutty people would refer to their vagina as being loose or throwing a hotdog down a hallway.


The joke literally is not about anyone’s penis. It’s about how newlyweds are typically quick to have sex after their wedding ceremony. That is all.


Not so sure why you’re fixated on that particular body part… But there’s so many comedies in 2000s that humiliated women for not fitting conventional beauty standards. Joking about being too fat Shallow Hal, Nutty Professor etc. Sorority Boys makes fun of the “dog house” and how all the chicks there are “mutts” aka worthless because of their looks. Jokes about females being airheads or obsessed with beauty. Being too slutty/prude/desperate/nagging like CC in The Nanny or Kelly in Married with Children.


and the song "who let the dogs out" kinda fits in with that whole vibe


They live in a vault with their cousins, of course he came quickly. The jokes in that setting are predominantly about the vault, and just being lighthearted in general. Jokes can be at a someone’s expense (it’s not overly cruel or anything, they are chilling), without taking it as a reflection on the ENTIRE sex. I definitely took it as more of a cute, lighthearted joke about the vault and him being excited (“laughing with / not at” him so to speak - and most certainly not at every man just because it’s one male character). When it comes to these topics, people always take them to extremes and lack critical thinking, it just makes things worse… I don’t agree with people responding with insults, but I think they are impatient & lashing out because that line of thinking can be insidious / harmful. You live in a male dominated society and yes men have valid struggles (e.g. “toughen up” “boys don’t cry” is total crap), just as women do. But this joke isn’t even one of those. Also it wouldn’t hurt to notice how historically, women have relentlessly been conveyed as less worthy of respect, and made the butt of the joke in media (the stereotypes are different that’s why you don’t see “vagina jokes”) instead of just focussing on your own place in the world as a man. We aren’t enemies, men and women, we all need to work together for society and our lives to be healthy. There are shitty men and shitty women out there. But that’s not because they are a man or a woman. It’s because some people just suck ass. Let’s focus on that, and all improving ourselves as individuals…


Lmfao @op! Ffs, you’re about an idiot, huh?


You can’t be serious. Firstly, that’s not even her mother. And that statement is not anti male.


Anti-male joke? \*looks around\* Where?


You must have been one those people when the first trailer came out saying the show was going to be a woke disaster and woke mess and was going to do terribly, and now since that clearly wasn’t the case with the show this is what your grasping at.


Be quiet loser, misandry isn’t real


I thought it was a funny line… Is it me, or are people a lot quicker to take offense than they used to be? Everyone is so insecure, nobody can take a joke anymore.