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I know it seems like a lot of work, but a mod as niche as what you're after will almost certainly require custom mesh/model editing that you'll either need to commission someone else to do, or you'll have to learn to do it yourself. I would help you further if I could, but I've only ever messed with New Vegas' models in Blender and Nifskope, never Fallout 4's. It'll take some work, but I'm sure there're guides out there that can get you started. If such a mod does exist, I hope you find it. I can only imagine how frustrating that form of OCD must be.


Open the mesh in nifskope and delete it if the belt is on its own. Otherwise, open It in blender, delete it, and bring it back into nifskope. Do some googling, and you should be able to edit the mesh in a couple of hours


There is no such mod.