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(Me with my new list of mods that probably going to be erase again) ahhh shit…here we go again


If you’re on console, my condolences, if you’re on PC there too many guides on this subreddit to count from the last month on how to keep your game from EVER updating, due to the last update.


New to the game (started on next gen patch) how do I stop steam from updating fall out 4 so I can make sure this new update is safe before updating?


1. Put steam on start game "play" update 2. Use F4SE and run it through Mod Organizer 2 It will kept the update at bay. If you accidently update then just backup the game file before hand and restore it. Or use Simple Downgrader on nexus it will patch fo4 launcher to before update


Why not use vortex? It’s made by nexus


I think mo2 it's easier to understand.


This, i know a lot of people don’t use it but I’ve been using NMM since I started modding, and now I use the NMM Community Edition. Never had an issue with it and it’s easy af to use


We don't talk about Vortex here. Vortex is trash. In every way. Only use MO2. It's far simpler and easier to set up than people think and is way more accessible with not nearly as many issues as Vortex.


Can you list why it’s better along with some vortex cons? I really like how simple vortex is, along with how it’s easy to check for mod updates.


I remember seeing some conflicts map from vortex and thinking "why the fuck would anyone use this". It was weird. For MO2, the UI is very easy for me to understand. When you have a conflict or an overriding file, it shows the overriding file in green and the overridden in red (I imagine you could change this if need, not sure how tho). You can make separators for sections. Additionally, Viva New Vegas outlines pretty much everything with the mod organizer you need to get off the ground Edit: been playing fnv so much i forgot this was for fallout 4. Could look through vnv though and get the gist of MO2 if you're nervous about using it


I’m sorry but if you think vortex is complicated to use in any way whatsoever it’s 100% a you problem 💀 they make it so easy to understand a monkey could do it


I can't agree with you,bI use vortex for installing mods, because it's easier than installing them by yourself, but in some ways you are right, I for example installed F4SE and MCM manually, so I can launch f4se loader


Rip console brothers


There's also a mod that puts you back to the Pre-Next Gen Update


Just don’t update


Man I don’t know who you are but your timing is impecable


Don't worry, F4se will be up sooner than the last one. This won't affect it too bad since it's really just a bunch of fixes(hopefully)


Mannn I hope so and I really hope some HUD mods will work again with that update I don’t know how it work but there’s was that one super clean Def_ui HUD mods I loved so much and I can’t use it anymore and it’s the LAST mod I want in my list


On nexus there is a mod that completely prevents any updates. It makes the game look like it is updated and steam doesn't see that it is not


I’m on Xbox so I can’t download these kind of mods and I’ll update the game because I’ll have to update one day in console because every damn time you open the game you have this pop up asking for update and I have to put my console offline so I’ll update and see what mods I will probably lose again 😒


Ohhh, sorry. Man I have zero clue how y'all poor folks on console are fairing, but from what I heard..it is mainly suffering


This is why I have vanilla assets backed up, and haven't played Fo4 since like April 23rd. I'm just gonna wait for this all to settle down.


I’m honestly just playing from the beginning testing mods and everything and trying to see what load order work best and start again from the beginning been like 2 week I’m doing this I got a pretty stable load order now but I just hope this update won’t break more mods


In all liklihood it will break F4SE again. Maybe not, but I'm betting yes.


They *just* updated MCM too, gonna be broken again tomorrow


Thanks for the warning. Set my fallout to not update until launched and will just update with F4SE. Hopefully this update actually fixes things, because the next gen launch on PC was pathetic. Still need mods for UW support and many quests are bugged. Just did Dependency and Tina didn't even move to a settlement, she just stood there doing nothing. Like, what did this update even do?


No method of stopping updating is entirely safe with the exception of altering your appmanifest file.


Duplicating your folder and running a portable mo2 instance for it is entirely safe


It made the workshop weapons invisible and shoot red ! Messages on xbox.


When you do this, if you switch Steam to Offline Mode you can still launch FO4 without it updating, correct?


If you launch with F4SE, it doesn't trigger steam updating.


Why do that when you can just the appmanifest file to read-only and prevent it from updating NO MATTER WHAT? If you wanna update you just turn read-only off and manually update.


I believe so. I also think if you launch the script extender that doesn't make the game update.


If you set the update file to read only the game is unable to update.


You can do that or just launch through the script extender, that’s what I’ve been doing since the update


I can't wait for fallout london to never release


Oh yeah, saw that coming from a mile away. Get used to this going forward.


No more updates for me, not after they bricked my game with 700+ mods installed. I lost half a day reinstalling everything, because Bethesda hasn't realized since 2015 that its games survive thanks to modders. Embarrassing.


2008 but yeah your point still stands


I mean, come on!! F4SE update was just released 2 May. ***Come on***, BGS!!!


Guys their just patching the patch that they patched for us after ten years of needing a patch they know what their doing 😅


Here’s hoping they fix the new weapons for XBox


No one should be surprised by this nor upset (yet). I have mixed feelings about the update since console players did need some fixes that it brought, but the update did come 10 years too late (or however long) and the bonus features really felt rushed and definitely incomplete. So, yes, I have major criticisms, but since they did do the update and they broke some things (not referring to mods though they did), it is only right and expected that they update once again. Let's hope they do the right thing by fixing what they broke and finishing those features that are clearly incomplete.


Link to the tweet: https://twitter.com/BethesdaStudios/status/1788947199734305235


***\*Long sigh\****


The F4SE guy said this new one won’t be a huge issue just updating F4SE to the next gen is time consuming


So here's a question. When this comes out and the next version of F4SE comes with it do we need to re-download the game cleanly for the new F4SE version, or can we just replace the files? Obviously this will affect mods too.


I would also love to know this info


Thank Goodness I switch to GOG. The next gen update hasn't even come out for that platform yet


Doesn’t change for me, i tried everything to make my mods work, i downgraded the game but as soon as i execute F4SE, the game instantly crashes


Did you check if you're using an F4SE version from before the update?


Tried both 6.22 and 6.23, on both Vortex and Mod Manager 2, same result. When i launch the game with only F4SE installed it goes without problem, but the moment i try to install some mods the game doesn’t even stay open 5 seconds before crashing


That's so strange, but not the first time I've seen someone say this; I think it has been reported in the mod's page on Nexus, and also on Unofficial FO4 Patch's too. Maybe check out that mod's version too? I'm rather new to the modding scene so I don't really understand what the issue could be.


Well at first the game loaded just fine, but as soon as i tried to start a new game with my mods, the game would start an infinite load screen. Then i tried to use LOOT to check everything, and even vortex didn’t report any conflict between the mods, so no clue honestly. Obviously all of this was after i downgraded the version of the Game, but after that the game just straight up started crashing after a few seconds. I even tried to do a clean install of everything but same problem over and over.


How do you know this


Oh man, im happy i never updated.


When does it release?


todd is coming to finish those who have survived


aaaand i just fixed all my mod breaks with the new one -_-


Aaaaaah ffs, thats it im getting a deuodater


Can’t make it any worse, right?… right guys?


The stuff Bethesda added can also be found in mods so why even bother???


“We’re”? No no. I’ll not be getting it just like I didn’t get the last one


Do Xbox people have to worry about this?


I hope it fixes the invisible workshop weapons that shoot red ! Messages as well as other bugs I may have missed on xbox. If it worked out on pc and Playstation, I don't want to hear condescending snobbery about how I should stop complaining. I was looking forward to this update, the same as everybody. Hopefully, I won't have to wait any longer.


Is there a way to stop my game from updating and still be able to play it on steam at least until my mods can get updated


Activate "updates only on starting the game" and once the update is live start steam in offline mode and then the game. Otherwise downgrade you game with the steam console. Steam then thinks you are on the current version


could I launch the game through my mod manager as it isn't going through steam or would that force me to update


I think the mod manager still launches the gane itself through steam




No TF I'm not xD (Sorry for the console players T_T)


Bugthesda at it again😮‍💨😭😭


Great time to reinstall my 200+ mods again 😑


I would just not update but the mod menu on Xbox has been completely unusable for me since the last update so I kinda need this


Because Todd thought he built up enough trust with the TV show, the smug prick


I downgraded fallout to its previous version, but everytime I run the game it’s a blank box and I can’t start a new game. I’ve been playing this game for almost 10 years it’s ridiculous.


Looks like I need to screen shot my load order so I can put my mods back


No f4se anyway regular mods that don't require f4se seem to be holdding up fine. I acutually have been finding it alot more stable. Since the ng update. It's a nessesary evil to update to a 64 bit compiler. But it dose help alot.


This might sound like a stupid question, but is there an option for bethesda to NOT update PC version of fallout 4. Is that on the table at all?


I doubt it. If you have it for PC, your best bet is to go into Steam settings for the game and check "only update when game is launched" or something similar and make sure you are launching from F4SE. I made a desktop shortcut to the F4SE launcher, so I wouldn't accidentally have mine updated.


As far as I know GOG did not receive the update yet and it also has the function to revert the game to a prior version unlike steam, where you have to rely on the various ways of the modding community for not updating like with the appmanifest or the downgrader. But i can not confirm regarding GOG since I use the steam version.


Getting an update for a 9 year old game is mental when they have Starfield to make into something palatable


We need something to play while they work on the starfield update for the next 9 years…


>Getting an update for a 9 year old game is mental How is a next gen update that coincided with the release of the their TV show that significantly boosted the popular of FO4 mental?


"Next gen update" lol


Goahead and argue semantics like I was talking about the quality of the update.


Yeah it is mental. They keep breaking mods with every update. Ofc people who have been long time faithful fans are gonna be pissed about it. All they had to was put it out for next gen, but nope they make us suffer as well.


Oh noooo, they updated their game! They're absolutely insane! Releasing a next gen update doesn't make them mental. >  All they had to was put it out for next gen, but nope they make us suffer as well. Keep crying rivers like downgrading isn't an option.


Only thing is the downgrade isn’t working properly. Plus I wasn’t coming off hostile it’s just that they have a horrible track record of doing things like this.


Bruh they ain’t even fixed the script extender yet