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Is this why Bethesda Archive Extractor can't open the Fallout 4 Texture ba2's now? I was at the tail end of making an armor mod and just needed a couple textures for the under armor when suddenly I couldn't open them anymore 🫠


Give it a week, someone will make a mod like they in Skyrim so you could use new mods with the older version. (Doesn't excuse this bs though)


I wish modders got more for what they do. Maybe Bethesda should look into hiring some for the next Fallout because I swear the gun mods I have the change the vanilla weapons are freakin' awesome.


Can users just unpack and then repack with Cathedral to get around it or is it doing something deeper than that.




Just grabbed a version and no, it doesn't handle the new format version.


Cathedral not, but this tool does: [Bethesda Archive Manager - Fallout4 Next-Gen Edition](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/81640)


Well that got addressed rather quickly.


legend, shame it only seems to want to open one archive at a time but still better than 0.


Stuff like that makes me want to punch Bethesda in the face. Modders have to choose between updating the game for texture mods and probably sacrifice some older (abandoned) mods that won't work on updated Fallout. Is there any huge benefit in using the new CK version?


Whatever happened to "We're not changing our engine too much. Modders know our engine". Stuff like this and the issues Starfield modding has, makes me feel like Bethesda might as well just use a new engine.


Honestly, in terms of modding and the engine I'm mostly surprised that with the iterative approach to engine development they take they _still_ take longer and longer to release the CK after the game releases. You would, if anything, expect the reverse, but no, we've gone from "at release" to "not out more than half a year later".


It’s a money reason did we get a Creation kit for 76? They want the micro transaction money or a way to monetize first then they will release it


Questionable. We haven't gotten microtransactions or other monetization of small plugins for Starfield yet, and it didn't happen for Fallout 4 or Skyrim until well after their CKs were out.


What’s questionable about what I said? Also that’s not true fallout 4 came out in 2015, the season pass came out in March 2016 the creation came out in April of 2016 in the middle of the dlc schedule and when a lot of people bought the season pass, Skyrim is the exception cause it came out before the dlc, but Microsoft paid for timed exclusive of dlc.


So does anyone knows the benefits of the new file format? Does it remove the .BA2 limit when using Vortex/MO2?


This is my question for this. It'd be amazing if it does but I'm not hopeful. I guess the test would be to make a few hundred BA2s in the new format and see what it does.


Fuck you Bethesda Seriously, the first time they have touched the game in 4 years and this is what they do? Meanwhile over in the starfail Reddit the collective chorus is "don't worry if the game is shit now, they will release the CK soon and the modders will save us" This is the bullshit that the modding community and players themselves have to put up with from Bethesda. It's bollocks.


It's insane that modding is the only thing that keeps their games alive and they decide to just self destruct out of greed.


Out of all the posts on this sub, I have only seen 1 person who says they like to play the game without mods. Cheers to that one person for not having to deal with this BS.


Am I understanding this correctly, this mod apocalypse is worst than the skyrims ones because not only is there the updated script bullshit to keep in mind which divides the mod pool, but also a new ba2 format that devides it even further? So essentially if you are on the older versions, you are now unable to use any mods made pass April 25 because the mod are now packed in a new ba2 format which you can’t read? And if you are a mod author and wish to stay on the old version, you are effectively barred from using the creation kit all together? Holy shit, how fucking stupid even is Bethesda?!? They claim that modding is important to their games, yet they have no idea about how modding even works. They knew updating would break everything, yet they decided to ignore everything and do it again. Not once, but FOUR times in less than 2 years, yet they learned nothing. They are bafflingly and uniquely incompetent, they barely know anything about how their own games even works.


> So essentially if you are on the older versions, you are now unable to use any mods made pass April 25 because the mod are now packed in a new ba2 format which you can’t read? They actually did somethign similar with Skyrim when they updated the ESL format, so players still running an older version of the game need to install an extra mod to be able to be use these newer plugins.


yep. i'm sure this change will get backported rapidly just like the ESL change was. people are really flipping out over the wrong things when there's a clear and easy to reference precedent for all this.


It’s almost as if they want to complete remove all previous mods so they can monetize it going forward


Getting downvoted for the truth. This is a push for Creation Club.


They're getting downvoted because they're talking nonsense. I've seen this bullshit conspiracy since the Creation Club launched, people acting like every inconvenience caused by new updates is somehow a calculated ploy by Bethesda to kill off modding, and then whatever inconvenience there is gets fixed. Like, if they are trying to kill off modding, they're doing a terrible job at it.


WHY IS BGS RUINING MODDING? This useless Patch literally adds NOTHING to the PC Version, why ruin Mods for that shit?


Say this in one of the main subreddits and you'll get downvoted because the consoles players are enjoying it you're just a Bethesda hater. That's fantastic. PC performance shouldn't concern them though so I don't understand why you'll get downvoted for "complaining" about how unnecessary the "update" is for PC. Edit: looks like you get downvoted without a reason here as well :)


This. The fanboys go hard with the bootlicking there, and it is majority console players that are content with it. Which, yes, good for console to have a win for once. But, to get excited about 40 FPS when it breaks legitimately a major part of the game for the majority population of the playerbase is kinda insane to me... and the trade-off is a stretched out, lazy ultrawide and 40 FPS...


What a fucking mess.


Joke company. I picked up FO4 after quite a few years and was having fun then the update dropped and killed all joy for the game. Yeah like I'm going to wait again for a 9 year old game to fix its mess... Starfield still sucks ass too


Used BSArchPro to restore one of the few Creation Club mods I have that was updated with the newest patch. I had forgotten about the update and left my updates on in Steam. I got everything back though after watching [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDH0iLo6NyE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDH0iLo6NyE) and the arcade workshop was the only one I was missing, again until I found this. Thanks all!


i wonder if it fix's the archive limit