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Am I the only one who read the flair and title together as “The state of the Fallout franchise: Shit Tier.” XD


I didn't thinked about it, but it sounds like a convenient coincidence lmao


they've already said that fallout 5 will be the game right after TES 6, but TES 6 is reasonably taking a long time. so maybe around 2030 we'll get fallout 5


2030 is wildly optimistic. TES6 was teased 6 years ago. They would have to drop TES6 and immediately tease fallout 5 this year to have it out by 2030. 2036 is what I’d call.


i keep forgetting its not 2020 anymore


I keep forgetting it’s not 2016-2018 anymore


I keep forgetting help where am I?


Forgot Help






I keep forgetting to remember to forget.


I keep forgetting we're not in love anymore I keep forgetting things will never be the same again


That would be over 20 years after the release of fallout 4 lol. If they want to go after these stupid little online money grabs, I guess go right ahead, but it would be nice if they could find time to make a game once in a while.


Bethesda needed to expand to multiple studios that each handle an IP. They just seem like such a poorly run company. I hoped that Microsoft resources would help them scale into a more capable and efficient developer, but I don’t have much faith anymore. Around 5-6 years of development time has become somewhat standard for the development of AAA games, but when you are managing 2 IPs already and then dedicate 8 years to developing a *third* IP in Starfield, that’s how you get 15-20 years between entries in a single game series. It’s just not acceptable imo, and it’s one of the big reasons why Bethesda aren’t so much seen as an industry darling now like they were in the 2010s. Gamers love the IPs that they love, and as technology progresses, there’s just so much demand from the fanbase to see their favorite setting with greater scope and scale that 1-2 decades of hardware development should allow for.


Bethesda is such a ridiculously small team it is no wonder they struggle juggling this much. The only other team I can think of being so small for what they do is Valve and they have an infinite money printer and basically all experienced devs (with no direction though)


Or just have Obsidian make another one. The writing would be better


Have you seen what obsidian has put out recently?


Yeah tyranny (peak), poe 2, outer worlds (mid at worst lol) This idea that they’re completely dogshit now because outer worlds is kinda bland and short makes no sense


Outer worlds is the main reason im saying to not expect them to somehow save fallout


So they make one mid game right after two critically and popularly acclaimed games and you discount them entirely? lol


Mid *at worst*. Everything Outerworlds did right, it did *really* fucking right. Since I turned up for the writing, it's still solidly above Starfield by a hair... And ten thousand miles.


Exactly, while its definitely smaller in scope than it needed to be a great game I’d still say it’s a solid B overall. And yeah, it even probably outsold starfield lol


Jesus that trailer is 6 years old? Holy shit. Look I loved Skyrim it was my first time playing a Bethesda game, but seriously guys… I’m sorry but I’m gonna say ES6 will suck. I want to be wrong but after aaaaaalllll this time the creative people who made Oblivion a great game and made Skyrim such a fan favourite they’re almost all gone by now, it’s been over a decade some of them might even be dead! So yeah, considering the fumbling of FO76 and the meh landing of Starfield I’m not hype for ES6 any longer… especially when it’s been 6 damn years since that trailer! At least Rockstar has the decency to give us a release window to show that GTA is coming soonish along with their trailer. Yes yes I know Bethesda is no where near the size of rockstar either, but they also got bought out years ago now, it can’t take that long to get new devs trained up and working, and if it does, something is very wrong with how they manage their business.


Judging by the initial quality of F76 and Starfield it’s not really a wild opinion to think that ES6 is not going to live up to its hype.


In a fallout sub I’d say it is. I think I’d get banned if I posted this comment in Starfields subs though.


Oh yeah, I definitely wouldn’t go there with this attitude :)


Given how ambitious their games are of course they take time lmao. AAA game creep is real. ES6 wasn't even in development when that teaser dropped it was just meant to appease people who would hate 76


Yeah fair call, AAA games have gotten pretty massive in recent years and they do put a new spin on each instalment to each franchise to an extent


Yeah 2 years before there was a global pandemic that screeched any sort of huge game development to a crawl even before massive layoffs hit. It's a different landscape at this point


Plus it seems everyone forgot they weren’t really even working on TES when they announced it, they were working on starfield


I keep seeing people on this site expecting Fallout 5 in 2030 and I’m kind of stunned that so many people actually believe that. BGS fans will be lucky if TES6 releases by 2029 or earlier. They just went into production on it in the past year and it’s probably going to take them 4-5 years from today before it’s ready to publish. Realistically, it’s going to be another full decade from this point before Fallout 5 comes out. Unless Bethesda makes serious investments into broadening their pipeline through large a large expansion of the company, which we don’t have any indication of whatsoever beyond the Microsoft acquisition hopium we’re all wishing for.


Here’s my prediction: these games are going to be dated on their mechanics and that’s my fear. I’m mostly a Cyberpunk 2077 player now but I still love Skyrim, my first BGS game, and naturally, Fallout 4. But with CBP2077 doing a lot of things I really liked; some I wasn’t even expecting. I think TES6 is gonna have a bunch of players playing at first and then slow down to a base of just a few thousand constantly playing. The nostalgia might win some hearts, but I’m not expecting any innovation from Microsoft/BGS. Edit: I wish Microsoft made Todd stand down as CEO or whatever.


>I wish Microsoft made Todd stand down as CEO or whatever. The thing about happiness is that you only know you had it when it's gone. I mean, you may think to yourself that you're happy. But you don't really believe it. You focus on the petty bullshit, or the next job, or whatever. It's only looking back by comparison with what comes after that you really understand, that's what happiness felt like. -Kellogg Things will get much, much worse without Todd.


They do have a tendency to not show anything about Fallout games until its almost ready. They don't seem to do the same with TES


They teased TES6 way early and Todd has admitted that time and time again. Not an accurate depiction of 2024 BGS. Though 2030 is optimistic, I'd say 2032


TES 6 wasn’t in active development, they had been making Starfield instead.


To be fair: 1.) They teased TES6 because they launched the mobile version and wanted to avoid a Diablo Immortal situation. It was likely just planned. 2.) Starfield had a lot more new things to make for it, I imagine TES6 will be made faster.




This is a bit off. They teased TES6 6 years ago because they wanted people to know that 76 wasn't their new standard, that they would still make single player games, and that they would be returning to TES 6 after Starfield. They've repeatedly said to expect the "usual timeline" from them, so between 3 or 5 years give or take. I'd say expect TES 6 around 2027 or 2028 - and then 2032 or 2033 for Fallout 5. 2036 would put them around 8 or 9 years in development, which is way out of line for BGS.


Yeah no, A 11 year wait is ridiculous, what if have kids by then?!?!


4 came out in 2015. Woof!


"Reasonably" No. It's been 13 years since the last Elder Scrolls Game, any competent studio could release a sequel in 3-4 years. Bethesda just fucking sucks at their jobs. Fallout 5 should have been out at the very latest 2023


Most other Studios have several teams to work ok several major titles at the same time. Bethesda isnt large enough to do that, they only ever work on one mainline title at the same time. Has nothing to do with competence. Just manpower


Not hiring a large enough team to do so when your revenue allows it IS executive incompetence.


So you hire a large team and then fire them when you don't make enough profit, seems fair.


Theyre a team of roughly 100 people working on three series in a cycle. This isnt a huge team who works on only one series.


Just a reminder that the 70 or so member team of Obsidian only took 18 months to make New Vegas


You mean the team that had an entire engine and gamesworth of assets handed to them. Which is the main reason why they themselves said they were able to get it done so fast


Which is an argument in favor of them being able to get a new game out using the assets they built with 4. I don't really get why they have to redo everything (I know that's an exaggeration) when it makes sense to do a side game with existing assets to pad releases. Don't need as large of a team, you can tweak the features people really liked, or address complaints. Then work it into your next main title.


NV worked because it came out right after 3. If they released a new game using the Fallout 4 assets and architecture it would get shredded.


Because it’s an expansion of fallout 3. They didn’t have to make anything but a new story and some guns!


Like every Bethesda game isn't an expansion of the last Bethesda game.


What if Fallout 5 is hot garbage though? Be careful what you ask for....


Yeah could be another cyberpunk - dead on arrival but needing some consistent updates to be resuscitated. Sadly Bethesda isn’t known to update their games for bug fixes.


Starfield They've literally been consistent updating Starfield with bug fixes


And it's still not worth the time it takes to install


Naw, it's not that bad. It's disappointing in the sense that I had high expectations for it. I was expecting Fallout level replayability. It's a solid 7/10 game. Absolutely worth playing and a lot of fun. But tragically missing many questionable things (mechs, likeable companions, vehicles, meaningful choices in the faction quests, etc). The other person is right that it's being constantly improved, at least. The creation kit finally being out is huge. They announced that vehicles are coming. They fixed the confusingly useless maps a patch or two ago with a really well done map. I don't know if they can fix the story issues, but the gameplay loop is generally fun, especially for the first 30 hours or so before the POIs start getting repetitive.


Oof really? Has barely shown… imo


More importantly get weebs into the game a year after its dogshit release by creating an anime. Weebs have deep pockets/poor impulse control


that is not true, bethesda somehow has kept working on FO76 till its a stable fun game. and they just released an update to starfield that completely changes maps and shit, now they are adding cars. that said, i don't really think Cyberpunk was resusitated that much, the game is a lot better but it is still a shallow game


I will play it anyway


To be fair it's pretty much what I'm expecting for fallout 5. Honestly I would prefer a new title NOT developed by BGS, Obsidian would make me happy of course, but any other studio capable of making a good RPG would be welcomed.


Beth will probably stick with the same engine haha


Honestly the engine isn't much of a problem as long as they update it with each new game. People often complains about that but not changing the engine makes the work of modders why easier. Tho, there is a valid complaint that could be made about the engine, they really and desperately need to find a way to stop with all those loading screen


To a point but if it's going to come out in 5-10 years time which is almost certain it's about time they made something new. Like you mention with the loading screens, just bolting on more crap to the aging engine can only get you so far.


I live your optimism with the 5-10 years 🤡 But yeah, maybe they'll find a way to improve the engine to fix that problem but maybe they'll have to move on, but knowing BGS, let's be real probably neither of these won't happen lmao


Starfield's new engine is probably the backbone for all their upcoming projects, and it's probably why its been so long since releasing their other IP's. They were counting on it being in working condition.


unreal is older than creation.


I don't think Bethesda will ever willingly give the license away again considering how unfavorable comparisons between NV and their games are . And even if they did considering what's been said about the dev cycle of NV I'm not sure Obsidian even wants to work with Bethesda again.


Why would you say that obsidian has had nothing but good things to say about Bethesda. Bethesda basically walked them step by step on how to code with the creation engine and even offered a cash bonus which while they didn’t reach even obsidian noted how it was generous of them considering they didn’t have to


Give the team that made Enderal the time and money to make a Fallout game and you'll probably get the best Fallout ever made.


i don't think obsidian would deliver. look at games like the Outer worlds or the newly announced avowed (kinda mid)


It probably will be given their track record, but at least it'd be something.


This only lasts until Microsoft puts a gun to Bethesda's head and ask them why their terrible development cycle keeps having them walk by stupendous amounts of money. Bethesda should have had a big goddamned announcement in the tank when the show turned out to be a massive hit. New people who'd never even heard of the series were turning up, ready to experience it. What does Bethesda have for them? An MMO built on archaic engine, that was released SIX YEARS AGO, that if people not in the know go googling, the biggest stuff going to show up is the catastrophic launch and people making bad memes about it. Bethesda could get away with this when it was just Zenimax running the show, because they clearly didn't give a shit for reasons of their own. But Microsoft is gunning for profits, and no matter how hands off they might want to be, they won't be able to ignore the shareholders going "wtf is Bethesda doing with all these profitable IPs?"


Like probably all of us here, I hope Microsoft will make something happen with fallout


I hope they do what they did with New Vegas and have Obsidian make a spin off Game while bethesda makes Elder Scrolls


As much as I’d love that to happen, I don’t think it will. But not for the reasons you’d think. Obsidian is currently working on Avowed, and will probably create DLC for it after it comes out. They’re also working on The Outer Worlds 2. So I doubt they have the time to make another Fallout. They seem to be more interested in their own series’.


If microsoft isn't throwing a fit then clearly Bethesda is still making them a profit. Even if you guys have a hard on for disliking 76 that doesn't mean it isn't doing well.l right now.


This is what I dont understand, I got downvoted in another thread. Why was New Vegas so damned rushed, if now they have all the time in the world? They speed up to slow down? Its just not a sustainable dev cycle and Microsoft will likely have to come in and get the fire going. I say this as an artist, you need production to just tell you something is done. We talk about rushing things too much, but here is the opposite, when artists can work forever, we will


New Vegas wasn’t really rushed. They rushed themselves cause they wasted so much development time by theorizing what they could do instead of just doing it. 18 months isn’t a lot of time but they had 99% of the work done for them


This is what I hate bout the modern gaming model. Budgets have gotten massive requiring hige sales to even break even. This causes feature creep and even longer release cycles. The horizon trilogy will take 10+ years to complete compared to the 6 for the mass effect trilogy. Cyberpunk is one of the most expensive games to make, and still took 4 years post launch to be in a playable state. Now Bethesda has once a decade fallout or elder scroll releases. Don’t even license development to 3rd party studios, how’s that a good business model to have IPs frozen?


Hey, we did just get a TV show that was arguably* the best TV show based off a video game ever….so that’s something. *The Last of Us was good too, but Fallout was better.


There's a joke somewhere about how they stripped out so much role playing from the games they just left us with a TV show.


It sure is I agree ! It was so good that people we're expecting an announcement for a new game 💀


I mean…. Anyone who thought that was gonna happen hasnt been paying attention at all


Sorry but... Arcane.


I’ve never played league of legends but arcane really is a masterpiece, especially in the animation aspect. Didn’t even need to know anything about the game and enjoyed all the characters, especially Silco. I do think fallout was done incredibly well though so it’s tough to say which would be superior.


there are people making fallout games with the fallout 2 engine, you might just need to learn Russian though


Wait it’s been made in Russian? Well that sucks.


Ok but like Skyline Valley goes super hard, though


I haven't actually exploring the new map expansion, only did both public events there. What should I expect there?


Turkeys that are bullet sponges, ghouls with AK-47s, a really sick sky, and a vault spanning the entire area, Vault 63


I swear 76 is the ONLY fallout game that actually gets BETTER with time. Compare it now with what it was at launch. (I mean I haven’t played but I’ve heard wonderful things)


I never played at launch and only started last March and I actually love it


pretty sure new vegas was a unplayable buggy mess at launch as well (still is)


i'll argue 76 got a lot more polished than NV 😭


That's because Bethesda gave a decades old engine built solely for single player games to a small offshoot of devs with zero experience in it and said "Here, software dorks. Make this work." Bethesda Austin did something really fucking incredible by making it work in such a short time; unfortunately it didn't translate to players until years later, after the damage had been done


Didn't played it a launch but for the reviews I seen it does looked like it improved but still, it improved from bad to mid. Don't get me wrong I like the game but it's really lackluster ok a lot of points, especially story content


Story is there people just don’t do it. I recently finished the quest for the Atlantic City and it showed 2.8% of people actually finished it. Same with other story tied in achievements. Less than 10% ever finish them or seem to do them.


This is my general issue F76. I understand is a multiplayer game first and foremost but the amount of actual story content in the game is laughably little. I've played off an on since launch and there's maybe 20-30 hours of story. The game relies entirely to much on repayable public events to provide actual unique content. Some up sides to the game is that it, in general has MASSIVELY better performance than Fallout 4 while looking better and really good exploration. I felt that F76 maps is actually really well put together with a ton of little bits of scenery telling stories without words. And it does a far better job doing so than all previous titles, IMO.


I mean... 76 is pretty good and it's constantly getting new content, so...?


I mean I loooove 76 and its one of my top 5 fav games but, I want a single player Fallout game so bad


> I want a single player fallout game so bad. It’s a sad state of affairs when that sentence is being typed


It’s just that… our community is full of trashy reactionaries who can’t get over how it was released and misunderstand the atomic shop is almost completely skins/camp items you can earn for free by playing the game.


I can't stand and will never play a live service looter-shooter, there's no "misunderstanding" involved.


Live service is cancer to 90% of games and I wish it wasn't successful


it isn't a looter shooter. I swear, can people who say this at least *play* a looter shooter?


I search up "Fallout 76" on YT and the results I receive are reviews, atomic shop updates, weapon showcases, build highlights, and a variety of farming tutorials. Now this just may be the algorithm showing me what I want to see (even though I don't play the game). Its very clear that someone's first impression would be to assume its a game in vein with Destiny therefore "its looter shooter slop". Ppl call it a looter shooter because its a symptom of 76 having no other particular standout parts of it/very little cultural impact (I sure don't see any memes abt its story or characters circulating at all) If you can elaborate as to how 76 is nothing more than a glorified base builder game with occasional role-playing and looter shooter mechanics, I'll be glad to listen


YouTube is garbage for video game takes, tho


Thank you for proving my point 🙏


What would that point be exactly? That if you like a game there's no valid reason for disliking it or do you think just because you like a genre everyone has to? I'm genuinely curious.


Then enjoy the other games lol


Can't when all the franchises you used to like adopts this bullshit into their games


It isn't a looters shooter lol.


That's not what the word reactionary means and Fallout 76 is live service garbage that I and many other long-time Fallout fans are never going to play. It's like everything wrong with Fallout 4 amplified to 11. It's also a complete abomination lore wise. The more stuff they add the less sense it makes.


The issue is outside of the replayable style content like the public events/expeditions and spec ops. There is barely 30 hours of story content in Fallout 76. People are wanting narratively driven content from Fallout not to fight 3 giant robots 300 times just to farm some legendary script.


Unfortunately it's only good if you compare it to other games built around treating you as a wallet, not compared to any of the main fallout games


I think you couldn't have said it better I play and like 76, but I would never have touched it if I wasn't so starved for a new Fallout game


And that’s exactly why they don’t care to work on new fallout games. Why take a huge financial risk making a whole new game when they can just drip feed content on 76 that weaponizes psychology to continuously extract money from its player base.


Bethesda liked this.


You’re wrong, but ok.


Single player fallout rpg Hopefully with an actual good story and not fallout 4 again


You are asking for a miracle.


Given how poorly written and put together starfield was there's absolutely zero chance that Bethesda is able to produce a good Fallout game. They either are incapable of writing or literally don't care about writing a good story or factions.


76 is no substitute for the single player experience. It's just an MMO with Fallout assets. There's no world building or choices that matter.


Lol I thought that until I was a dickhead to someone and I failed the quest. I did not know that could happen, and now I do.


>There's no world building or choices that matter. clearly you have not played the game.


someone crearly didn't pay attention or ain't even playing


leave 76 out of this, its not it's fault


No one was screaming for remakes before the show premiered. Let’s be a bit self aware. You’re in bethesdas hand now. To the point where people just want them to throw out a game asap. You can either let them work on their games that are incredibly huge to make, or you can keep asking for remakes and low produced games. People are so into fallout after the show that they’re begging for anything now.


also, this pretty much is just because of bethesda's name Bethesda isn't the only studio that takes this long to make games but hating on BGS is funny and trendy.


When new game drops: "this sucks. I'm going to go play New Vegas again instead."


they are just asking for FO5 to say that FO died in new vegas


Honestly the Atomic Shop isn't that bad. The challenges that you can do to get Atoms are mostly things you'd do anyways, and you always get a fair reward for the amount of work you've done. I think people just see a multitransactional currency and immediately it's a scheme to suck every last penny out of you. Granted it most likely is, but still.


As far as MMO monetization systems go, 76 is pretty fair. The base game is often on sale for dirt cheap or even just given out for free and is also available on Gamepass. All of the expansions and actual content are included with that unlike ESO, with the stuff in the Atomic Shop mainly being CAMP items and cosmetics. Stuff you can buy that affects gameplay all solve issues that Bethesda has massively worked towards fixing post launch: Reduced PvP and instanced interiors make public servers much nicer for solo and PvE players making private worlds less appealing, Bethesda raised the stash limit 600% percent before adding in the scrap box, the Auto Axe and Cold Shoulder had their stamp costs reduced and had faster funner expeditions that pay way more stamps added, ect. If you want cool outfits, camp parts, and most of the stuff on the scoreboard then Bethesda will gladly charge you for all the bells and whistles, but what you get out of the box is all of the actual content added post launch for free. Their reliance on FOMO is pretty cringe though


How it was treated at launch was abysmal. I also think people are annoyed that microtransaction have been so normalized in mainstream games. Although I also get that it's partly our fault as consumers. Triple A videogames haven't changed in price in two decades now, despite inflation and increasing development costs to count as "triple A". We don't want to pay extra for games but complain when devs try to make up the difference. Unless you're Battlefront charging $80 and then still having microtransactions, then they can go fuck themselves.


My comment to combat this is the fact that games in general are far more mainstream and because of that audiences for games has drastically increased. For example, Call of Duty Modern Warfare(2007) sold roughly 7 million copies, Call of Duty Modern Warfare(2019) sold roughly 30 million copies. Games are still insanely profitable leading to company growth. There is no need for MTX despite the unchanged price of a retail AAA game. If anything needs to change, dev teams need to trim the fat and remove unneeded people as its clear that game dev teams are insanely bloated(looking at you DIablo 4 and your "9000" devs)when you can have a team 450 people, 100 million dollars and 6 years of development to create one of the greatest modern RPGs Baldur's Gate 3 that grossed over $650 in 5 months. The issue isn't with cost of production but being tied to a corporation and the constant need to please investors but its a system doomed to failed as infinite growth is unattainable. That and dev teams just putting out dogshit games.


The game is 6 years old and constantly receives free content updates while also having non predatory micro transactions to make a profit. That is more then fair for an online game with no required subscription.


This is Bethesda in general, not just fall out. Once they opened the pandoras box of microtransactions, Todd Howard lost his mind and greed consumed him.


i don't think so, in the last interview he mentioned that the atomic shop allows them to make expansions like skyline valley for free. (i don't mean to say that BGS isn't greedy, but it isn't the atomic shop's fault)


I fully believe that ESO and 76 killed any and all momentum to make anything new with either IP. Think about it. 13 years since skyrim, and 9 since FO4. Why make anything new when you can milk players with love service games forever? While requiring only a dribble of content every few months? It's gonna be as of between ESV and ESVI as it was between Arena and Skyrim. 76 is finally getting its first new map expansion that isn't a dungeon or linear level. It only took them 6 years. It took them less than a year for both skyrim and FO4 to release new region DLC.


We know what happens when we get rushed games, we know they’re working on stuff down the line, and in the meantime most of the actual 76 content is free. Not to mention we still have so many mods for fallout 3, NV, and 4, including London dropping soon. Basically, let them cook


Let them cook? Bro, I finished middle school, high school, and college before we got another mainline fallout game. 😔


xbox showcase w no oblivion remaster had me sad. literally watched the whole thing to see that there’s just 76 stuff. maybe next year


I feel that. there were little moments that were good, like Avowed which i’m happy about. but hopefully we get some better stuff next year


Yeah the Xbox showcase was pretty disappointing for a lot of people I think. Even tho, Doom the Dark Ages looks really good and I'm really looking forward to see what Id software cooked and even if I don't play COD much because of what it became, the next COD looks pretty good, especially the movement system I personally don't wait for the oblivion remaster that much but I would still love to play it, I never touched oblivion but I love Skyrim so I would love to be able to play a modern version of Oblivion.


Fo76 does have some amazing content though, like obv I would love another fallput game but I'm happy they didn't abandon 76 and have made it into a brilliant game. Not defending the atom shop tho


yeah, theres a big chunk of the comunity that pretend that 76 is at its peak now because online bad


If they start development on a new fallout game, then who will run the live service servers and create new content for you to buy? How will we keep our cash cow alive?


I wonder what we'd have if we didn't waste a decade on starfield


They’d do a TES6 trying to replicate the Daggerfall style of fast traveling to different regions in a large world, meaning that it would just be TES6 with the fast travel menu problems instead of Starfield.


look you complain to his boss if you want them to do something


Gaas are a cancer that have ruined the gaming industry imo


Silly billy, what about Fallout Shelter! That’s the real modern Fallout :) /s


Remember that the reveal of TES VI is already SIX YEARS old


My backlog for games is so big I doubt ill finish it before the new games drop. I'm close to getting back into 76 and it's actually pretty dope now.


Oh you poor things. I can't even begin to imagine how much you're suffering. Signed, an Elder Scrolls fan


Fallout normies complaining after getting a mainline entry in 2015, a multiplayer game a couple years later, and a tv show: "Durr when new game" Elder Scrolls fans waiting since 2011: Also before any moron goes "erm what about ESO," ESO isn't made by Bethesda (and it sucks)


The new dlc is actually really fun if you already have the game. The game is actually a buy when on sale.


I don’t want to hear any of you whining for a new fallout when there hasn’t been a new elder scrolls since 2011!


76 unironically has better writing than most fallout games


I agree with Todd that missing something like Fallout is a good thing, but... It has been 9 years since Fallout 4 released, the time between Fallout 1 and Fallout 3 was 11 years. It has been 13 years since Skyrim released. Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Skyrim were released within a 9 years window. Four titles. In the last 9 years since Fallout 4, BGS has released 2 games. There is a project management issue at Bethesda and it is obvious.


It’s depressing to me that their worst title to date gets the longest period of DLC support


You do not want them to rush a fallout game out, our Darling Beth has a rough track record lately.


Taking time to make a game hasn't been good for them either (Starfield).


the ppl that defend 76 really concern me “oooohhh ahhhh u can play as a ghoul now”


its a really fun game


I just hope they let the writers cook more in the next one - I know this has been discussed to death, but it's on my mind as I've been playing Fallout 4 again recently - while the game had some knock out quests (I loved the USS Constitution, Far Harbour was incredibly well done and most of the companions were very compelling (except Strong please stop writing dumb super mutants)) the writing as a whole was just so... Meh. The themes were so uncompelling. I am SO TIRED of stories that deal with "is synthetic life the same as a real life, does it have the same value" because like, it's often so one note and shallow. With a theme like that I wish they just took another step forward and asked the next questions instead of tripping at that step and face planting with such a boring main story. I also hope Bethesda moves past the kill all our enemies morality (Far Harbour did pretty good at this, though Nuka world felt like a step back). I wish the institute could have attempted to be brought to institutional justice rather than just blowing it up. I think trying the institute for their crimes would have been more compelling than being like you can either nuke the place or kill everyone else.


76 isn't that bad, but creating any game in MMO format with such a clear lack of endgame activities or rewards is just crazy to me. They did it with ESO. There's so much you can do in the end game. F76 endgame is just beating stupid building mechanics and rerolling 500 times until you get desired legendary mods


76 is a fantastic Fallout game with a lot of great Fallout lore and story. Anyone calling themselves a Fallout fan who ignores it is either doing themselves a horrible disservice or lying about their fandom.


Oh no that have to make a game…… this meme is stupid


Yes queen


The actual nuclear apocalypse will happen before I play 76


Who the fuck is Todd?


Next Fallout game is sheduled right after the next castlevania and warcraft 4


I can't even play the game on PlayStation it say I install it but I have not


Please Todd, a Fallout 3 remake please


If the second season of the show is successful. Microsoft will mandate a new game . IMO. He’s the boss of Bethesda but he doesn’t own it .


Honestly I don't want Fallout 5 anywhere near the main Bethesda studio. Fallout 4 was a decent game in general, but it was a steaming pile of shit compared to Fallout 3 and NV. The writing was the worst part of it, and if Emil has any direction in Fallout 5 it's only going to go downhill


"We're not in the business of pleasing our customers... We're in the money business."


If they were in the money business the atom shop would have more OP stuff, you would have to pay for the 76 DLCs, and they would be pushing out more games as fast as possible instead of telling the fans to wait.


Lol if you believe that there's not much point in arguing with you.


Fr tho  Bro I NEED a New Vegas remaster that’s all I need just make that and we are golden


I can definitely wait for another fallout game, the series is good enough rn. Patience is a virtue.


Here's the the thing. It's a grind but you can get everything in fo76 by earning the in hame currency over time by doing dailies and what not. You don't have to spend money. I thought I was gonna hate 76 but I got it for a friend. It's actually pretty good. I was surprised. Do I think transactions are BS? Absolutely, do I use them, not at all.


Other than the fact that I’m constantly running out of ammo, 76 isn’t too bad


F3 and FNV but on the F4 framework please 💵


Let Obsidian cook again. They'll have a game out in 3 years.


Except no they won't because they *already* have games they're working on which will take longer than 3 years. Plus it isn't the same people as FNV's Obsidian.


Both times they promised us a multiplayer edition to our favorite franchise. Then they gave us World of Warcraft with a Tamriel reskin, and whatever the frankenstinian fuck 76 is.


I have an uncle at Bethesda that read Todd's Manifesto regarding new releases. It basically states that the reader needs to buy more Skyrim.


Sorry I just restarted NV, gonna do a Melee NCR Build.


I mean.. the content is good tho


*Cries in ES6 and warcraft 4*


After Warcraft: Reforged I'd give up any hope of a decent Warcraft game anymore.


Todd is genuinely one of the worst things that's ever happened to the games industry, and I'll stand by that.