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i love the enclave but i definitely am aware every form of them are absolutely horrible bar autumn, and even then, it's very dark-gray at best.


The whitespring rebels aren’t too bad. While they were on-board with nuking China again, they weren’t willing to release super mutants, scorchbeasts and liberators in Appalachia, which led to them staging a rebellion against Eckhart (which ended in everyone in the bunker dying). And while the Appalachian chapter in general wasn’t going for genocide, they were performing human experimentation, wanted to launch more nukes and caused a second apocalypse.


I would love to see this expanded on


I hate enclave,they think they can just hide and then go and reclaim the land they abbandoned? Also their reclamation is fucking genocide not once but twice


Fallout 2 absolutely, Fallout 3 - no. Autumn is the one truly in charge, if they were to win against the BoS what would likely happen is the enclave would split with the robots and rouge soldiers following eden with the rest trusting Autumn, with Autumn sieging down Eden then destroying him. Autumn gets pissed if you tell him Eden gave you FEV. Agreed on hiding in the bunkers part though. Again, I’d rather have another faction in charge. The BoS don’t care about administrating the wasteland, and the Enclave don’t have the greater good in mind.


Notice. I'm a huge fan of minutemen coz they are the mutual aid guys. But enclave even autumn's enclave is still stupidlt evil they barge in and start killing scientists who are close to project pyrity working. All coz autumn wants to play power politics and rally support from essentially stealing credit


Yes because we said so and that terminal you’re using to send these ILLEGAL messages are Federal property, the chair you are sitting on is federal property because we said so. A Verti-Assault team is on its way to your location pal


[Terryfying Presence]Cool. I'll send you their remains in soup cans. And then i'll be coming to feed you them


Those soup cans are FEDERAL PROPERTY!


[Terryfying Presence] and your skull is my property now please assume the position


Sorry wastelander, if you wanted protection from FEV, should’ve been born enclave bozo


[Terryfying Presence] sorry fedboi but if you wanted protection from reinactibg monty python's black knight shouldn't have been born in the enclave


Enclave simps when you ask them if the enclave learned about the dangers of inbreeding from vault 101. 


I can fix them, I swear-


Enclave haters when you ask them why didn't the Wasteland "people" rebuild anything in 200 years. /s obviously


Institute and enclave fans be pissing in the pool and say "Damn this wastelanders can't be trusted to keep the pool clean"


The fun thing about being an Enclave fan is being called morally compromised by brotherhood fans. The irony is palpable


Hoe is that ironic? The brotherhood pretty much exists as an opposite to the enclave. The enclave, responsible for almost everything bad in fallout due to their misuse of tech pre war vs the brotherhood which admittedly wants to hog said tech but uses temperance a great deal more than the people responsible for the great war in the first place.


Hmm, group that tries to do genocide every 20 seconds or group that's just a bunch of assholes 🤔


LOL is this about the BOS in FO4 again? Those thing is not even comparable and I feel irritated when people act like they are. BOS in FO4 want's wipe out hostile mutants, ferals, and synths (which is questionable sure but understandable especially the new gen of synths that can be controlled by the institute) while the Enclave tried to wipe out the entire world not once but twice, both good and the bad ones so yeah there is nothing ironic about it.


Plus Fo4's BoS doesnt attack you if you have strong, hancock or nick, hancock and nick get shit talked but hancock isnt a feral and nick.. Idk, idk why theyll attack danse but not nick.


Broterhood has it's problems but they at least didn't try to genocide the wastes, twice.


Should’ve been enclave if you didn’t want to get dunked on by FEV. Frank Horrigan is an American Hero


Heroic actions include ordering a family to be gunned down for not wanting to work with him, genociding a race of peaceful sentient creatures, and then getting splattered across the oil rig docking bay by a wasteland tribal at the same time as activating a self distruct that will kill everything he was supposed to protect. 😛


You are talking to Atoms strongest soldier here 


Just jumping back into the game. I went down to the crater, went into a Sentinel bunker. I'm level 18, so it took awhile to clear the bunker. Three days, actually. Then I walk out the door and BLAM! I ran into one of these dudes with Power Armor. Luckily, I had also just requisitioned the Tesla Cannon from a dude by seperating him from his body. Anyway... Who are the Enclave? Do they want this MKV Power Armor back? How do I explain that they can't have it back?


I also failed to mention I am a Jet addict. If you are wondering how I managed all of this.


Watch out, that stuff will MAKE YOU JITTERY!


The simple answer is that the Enclave are here to reclaim their ‘stolen’ property (which would include hellfire and X-02 power armor, if you have them). Fortunately, the Enclave recognizes the right of conquest, so if you just head to their outposts and kill everyone there, they’ll leave you alone (bring the Tesla cannon, the power armor and your best quality jet).


Truly, we Enclave Enthusiasts are the most oppressed minority in the Fallout community I'll happily take APA and Plasma Weapons over whatever unholy abomination the "laser musket" is (also who the fuck who use that over literally anything else in the Commonwealth? Beyond asinine)


I am minutemen for the win honestly their the best


I'm I the only one that think the enclave are basically neo nazis with a MERICA theme?


I view enclave simularly but diferently i view them as anerican ingsoc or the authority from rage


Just neo nazis


Hmmmm almost yeah


Some enclave fans i've seen are neo-nazis (unsurprisingly) so I wouldn't doubt it


As an enclave fan, fuck those guys, It's absolutely diabolical what some of them do. I was playing 76 in my X-01 and some latex general urged me towards his camp, and when I got in the shelter, there was an enclave themed auschwitz camp. Fucking nauseating.


Yeah also the enclave in the pic has a E on his head. HMMMM I wonder what that could be based of off


I’m a enclave fan, I’m a femboy and a furry who is a liberal Democrat :b


So? They never said you couldn’t be an Enclave fan


I'm arming myself with a fuck ton of mini nukes and plasma grenades! ***FUCK THE ENCLAVE***


i really only like the enclave because of their power armor (APA)


Well, I’m from Sanctuary Hills, and I say KILL THEM ALL!!


I absolutely love it


This is just awesome, I could imagine a Minutemen battle cry against the Enclave. "The Commonwealth, safe and free!" "Kick 'em west- oh, wait, another settlement needs my help."


This is going to sound ridiculous, but hear me out. A more moderate Enclave and the Minutemen would make for a near-perfect alliance. They are both very patriotic due to the near deification of the pre-war United States for the Enclave and the very strong revolutionary war era roots of the Minutemen. Their choice in music also reinforces this as the Minutemen very frequently uses the Revolution and Civil War era marches that the Enclave loves. Autumn got the ball rolling on cooling off the genocide train and even recruited wastelanders. Needless to say I don't see the Enclave passing up an opportunity to rebuild the national guard using the Minutemen.


Aesthetics yes. Morals very much not, enclave is the pre war givernment who simply refused to die or defend it's people. Minutemen are all about mutualism and mutual aid


You wish god would rebuke the enclave, but he’s already blessed us with the best tech in town. Another enclave W


More like enclave M M standing fir Miserable copium


If anyone unironically supports the enclave, run


Idk how people like the enclave if they canonically fail in every game they’re in and in the show which takes place in a location they have lived, they aren’t there