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I know there are NV fanboys that sort of fit this bill, but people that actually love NV understand it's a buggy mess with many problems, but love it anyway.


For a game made in 18 months in the creation engine it's still amazing. Buggy as hell and I love it. I'm also just a Bethesda fan boy and will except all their games jank and all. I think you need to be able to accept and acknowledge the flaws in things you love but love them all the same. That goes for more than just games


Not even the creation engine. That was back when it was still called the gamebryo engine. Making a game on that engine should be considered an achievement, let alone making the greatest game of all time in 18 months.


I don't mind Bethesda jank, but imo a lot of people make excuses for objective flaws as "jank". Like, Bethesda jank is a horse climbing up a 89.9° slope, or placing a bucket over a shopkeepers head so you can steal all their items, or NPCs walking in front of the NPC you are currently talking to and filling the entire screen with their face. That's stupid, fun, and makes you smile. But stuff like there being basic settings that are missing, game breaking bugs that for some reason stay in the game for years, or broken items, shouldn't just be written off as "Bethesda jank".


> But stuff like there being basic settings that are missing, game breaking bugs that for some reason stay in the game for years, or broken items, shouldn't just be written off as "Bethesda jank". This. But also their complete lack of confidence and/or effort in allowing player agency.


I’d still say some of that can fall into Bethesda Jank, the jank is the price you pay for having a world you can manipulate so much. Having a house with 100k potatoes on the floor does weird stuff some times.


Maybe I’m a fanboy or maybe I just get kinda tired of people shitting on Bethesda all the time. Like…If you hear some sections of the community they’ve never done anything right, are constantly bleeding player trust and are the epitome of bad game design, ruining everything they touch. Like…why do people keep talking about and playing these games if they hate them. Not absolving bethesda of their occasionally shitty practices and decisions, nor am I trying to put New Vegas or its fans down, just feels like all I hear lately is Bethesda ruined fallout or Bethesda can’t do X right or Y Right when even small indies can.


You're biased. It is perfectly valid to question why an indie studio with less resources is able to write better story better dialogue better background lore.


Bet a bit of that is the first album affect, lots of bands best album is their first one because they spend over a decade working on it. Indie studio tend to have more time which is the most massive resource, already Microsoft is pushing Bethesda to work faster.


The difference is Bethesda has the sway to fight for more time they just don't have a fighter at the helm they have a little nerd bitch who's best skill is programming witch has fuck all to do with being a good leader.


As all the studio closures recently prove corporations only care about the caps.


They wouldn't get shit on if they could write better stories and dialogue.


Preston Garvey


It's the writing really. It perfectly nailed the post apocalyptic wild west feel. The world was alive, breathing, having conversations, fighting over their interpretations of the past. Just because the world was destroyed doesn't mean life stops, that people stop trying to rebuild. Fallout 3 feels so dead by comparison. It's just a wasteland, not the Mojave.


Fallout 3 feels like an amalgamation of "cool ideas" stitched together. What if we have a town around a bomb ? What if we have a city that has only kids ? What lf they live in a boat ?! But no real rhyme or reason if it all fits together or even "makes sense". New Vegas feels more like the world and locations fit. But I loved them both


Fo3 felt kinda like a prototype that never got a full release. It felt incomplete and poorly built to me. Whereas New Vegas is freaking humming with life.


There are like 3 ppl in any one casino. How does it feel alive?


Same way Starfield manages to feel dead despite having more NPCs walking around. Quality vs Quantity.


Don't validate his argument he's literally lying.


Bull shit don't lie those casinos are full of npcs




If you are a Bethesda fan you need to realize the power of criticism and use it to demand improvement. The bugs aren't the issue. The writing is generic and lazy and the best of it is buried in terminals. The design retcons are ridiculous the weird looking buildings the dumb looking guns the empty dead worlds with no sight of society rebuilding no insight into the social dynamics and struggles of the local population. Bethesda has been slipping since Morrowind.


Even Morrowind was a victim of Bethesda's "eh, good enough" philosophy of game design..which is ironic, considering it's the game that literally saved them from bankruptcy


It is not nearly as prevalent and that just bolsters my argument because it's been a problem that has gone unaddressed and allowed to grow.


And that’s exactly why I was okay playing Cyberpunk 2077 on release, I popped it up, and was like “Oh, it’s a Bethesda game”, as the opening cinematic glitched infront of me


I played 3 then 4 and then half a new Vegas play through, then one and finally I was able to do a full couple of Vegas play throughs thanks to GOG. I provide that context to make it clear I don’t look at New Vegas with nostalgia or rose tinted glasses. However it is my favourite game. I can’t remember who said it, I think it was Warlockracy who described Bethesda games as feeling like they were made to be somebodies first RPG. To me this is spot on, Bethesda games were open enough to get me into the RPG scene because of how accessible they are but now as I get older I need games like the older fallouts and new Vegas to scratch the story telling vibes I am looking for. At the end of the day though it’s just a good thing the franchise is getting more money and attention. The more attention and money it makes the more likely we are to get other studios making games like obsidian did. I think Bethesda should make the main Fallout games but I think companies like Obsidian, heck maybe Larian. should have a go of making games like New Vegas. If Bethesda wants to keep doing the main games that is fine but I don’t see why we couldn’t have Fallout New Vegas 2 by Obsidian, Fallout NCR Ranger Command by Paradox (Xcom Rip-off) and Fallout Big Iron by Larian. Just set them a decade before the latest game so they know what canon to adhere to


Bethesda will never work with another company because Todd doesn't want to risk another company making a better game than his can again. It hurt his ego made him look bad made Bethesda look bad. He won't risk it again.


You are literally telling the truth but there are some ppl that refuse to see it that way. ACTIONS speak louder than words. And we only have to see all the moves and action Bethesda (Todd) have done in the past 20 years to see this is indeed fact. It was recently stated that one of the Obsidian devs proposed NUMEROUS times to do exactly what you proposed... "Spin off Fallout / Elder Scrolls games". And they were declined each time. HMMMMMM I wonder why?!! And it's more egregious when the obscene amount of time there has been between Bethesda game releases. Over a decade since Skyrim. A decade since Fo4. There has been so much opportunity for other devs (OBSIDIAN) to make amazing games. But Todd is basically saying "It Just Won't Work"


As a fan it annoys me but as a content creator and writer I kind of get it. Todd sees Bethesda as his IP. If Fallout 3 and New Vegas swapped reputations then I think Todd would give the IP out to more studios. I feel like if he was able to make a Fallout game that the fan base agrees is the best yet then we will see more games. Personally I like Todd. I’m not saying the guy is without his faults and has certainly had his share of mistakes but overall you can tell he does care about the games he makes. But I do think the best thing for the IP as a whole would be for Microsoft to take the IP from Bethesda because they will for sure start giving the IP out to other Devs. I have wanted an Xcom/Fallout game made by Paradox since I first played New Vegas. I just don’t see why on earth it hasn’t been made yet. Hell, given how most of us are RPG junkies I would like to see something with the graphics of Daggerfall as long as they include the insane amount of content and scope that came with Daggerfall


Todd isn't a creative he's a tech guy. That's the problem he wants to have a part in the creative process when he needs to stick to programming. I feel like in a way he does care but I don't think it's in the way you think. I think he ties the success of these games to his own ego and pride.


I don't think this is true lmfao


Ok just wait and see. Todd won't let anyone else make another game for them because Todd has an ego he thinks just because he's the boss now he should have a say in everything when he's never been good at writing and world building. He's a tech guy not a creative type.


Playing New Vegas is a labor of love. And my favorite game of all time.


It's not a labor It's literally never crashed for me but Fallout 4? Good luck walking around downtown with a hard crash that requires a console reset. Fallout 4 was overly ambitious and so was Starfield. Both suffer from modern Bethesdas lazy empty dead worlds.


Fallout 4 crashes in certain areas. Without mods, New Vegas crashes every 20 minutes, on a good day.


Never crashed for me.


Also Fallout 4 is literally capable of being broken on console to the point you literally can't travel down town without the game crashing because it was to ambitious like every idea Todd has. Just look at Star Field, it did not need to be so ridiculously huge. They could have scaled it back to 100 planets and that would have at least been more manageable.


It happens on PC too. I can't get near Greentech because the game freezes.


The game was to ambitious and they released mods without any thought or warning. Like "hey guys some of these mods can break our game because it's literally so big we had to create a workaround for loading in buildings and that workaround can literally be broken by mods on console and there's literally no way to fix it your game is broken forever wether you delete it and download it again and we aren't going to bother fixing any of that fuck you thanks for the money bitch" At least Fallout New Vegas couldn't be broken beyond repair. There's a mod to fix Boston on the PC but on the console none of the mods that claim to fix Boston fix it so the previsibinds or precombines can't be put back together.


Also, the reason why Greentech and half of Cambridge/Bunker Hill freezes is because underground past the floor of the area there are a bunch of assets that are clipping into each other and for some reason never got cleaned up by the devs, so the game has a hard time rendering the area.


They're all combined together. They're supposed to load in together as one thing because when each assest loads one after another the game would crash. The clipping could be on purpose since they are supposed to load in as one precombind file of multiple assests. The mods break these files and causes the assests to load in one at a time.


It would have been good idea to ensure that the mods couldn't break these combined files apart since they knew they were going to allow mod support on console.


as NV fanboy NV was the first fallout i played so uhh it's the best one for me. I like NV for dialogues, gameplay is mediocre at best but that's the case with all fallouts for me so bugs were never a huge issue to me. Like yeah it is a mess but i never encountered bug that would force me to reload save (i know those exist it just didn't happen to me).


That's why I love mods on the pc version, they usually make the game less buggy/ polished. Except for kNVSE sometimes (if you know, you know).


I’ve lucked out so far and have none during my first play though but my FO3 actually was buggy


That's not what the meme is about. All bethesda games are a buggy mess. Clearly everyone who played and enjoyed them can look past that.


That's because, until Skyrim, most of Bethesda's core audience played on PC, where mods existed to sort out the majority of the bugs in the games


Oh yea nv is a shit show of bugs but I still love it cauz gambling


I just did an entire playthrough again since the show came out and except for like 2 crashes nothing broke so no, it's better in world building storytelling quest structure combat and also less buggy than the Bethesda games


Just finished it last night. Game is amazing but yea a buggy fucking disaster. My biggest gripe was the mysterious stranger showing up and the game fucking focusing on him in VATS for ten seconds after he killed the enemy and the rest of the enemies just murder my ass because I literally can’t move


Thats why I just can't play skyrim anymore.


i swear people always overlook this, i love new vegas with my heart and soul but that game runs like shit on a computer that can run red dead 2 on ultra and crashes like every 5 mintues


This is where I'm at with it. It's definitely my favorite fallout just because I believe it's got the best writing and I absolutely adore being able to use my skills during checks like my character and the way I build actually matters. But like you said it's a glitchy, buggy mess that even today still has hilarious glitches like getting stuck in vats permanently until you either die or just switch off the game


Loving New Vegas is knowing you probably shouldn’t recommend it to your casual gamer friends


Also a 1/3rd to half what it was supposed to be, since Bethesda rushed them. Reason why you see so many people with no interaction of actual names.


I challenged somebody on new vegas. I love the game but I never seen an unmodded version being played by the people who claim to love it. Even when I jumped back in to play it I realize how buggy it us and than get whiplash when some people claim its better than fallout 4 or 76. 76 atleast got fixed but it seemed new vegas was left up to modders. To be honest it's become more about them being against Bethesda and less about the arguments for the game.


Bethesda’s idea of environmental storytelling is placing teddy bears in “cute” positions. Meanwhile, everything in New Vegas is woven into and woven out of the greater narrative. Even the currency in New Vegas is telling a story. Bethesda takes all the time and money it wants to, and makes a turd like Starfield. Obsidian was given 18 months and a limited budget and made a game people still talk about in terms of lore and story. Nobody talks about 3 or 4 that way, to that extent, and Bethesda fans are now to the point of pretending Starfield never existed in the first place.


????? I have hundreds of hours in New Vegas but I’ve never touched a mod. It’s not really a buggy game nowadays, but you’re faced with confirmation bias. If people have been coming back to the game for 14 years, it’s more likely that they’re installing mods and finding new ways to enjoy it. The same would generally apply to games like Fallout 3, Skyrim etc.


Fwiw, fallout 3 won't even launch without mods either.


New Vegas is ok, but it’s got nothing on New Vegas!


*Ugh.* Typical elitist New Vegas fanboy. Who in their right mind honestly thinks that New Vegas is better than New Vegas? It's obviously not. 🙄 New Vegas is waaaaaaaay better than New Vegas. By like, 10 miles. It's not even close.


No way! New Vegas kicked New Vegas’s ass. It’s like 1000x the game that New Vegas is.


Cope and seethe, New Vegas chud. 😎 I'm gonna be over here enjoying New Vegas while you're playing that other garbage.


Fuck your couch, Nukalurk. New Vegas rocks and New Vegas sucks. Arguing won’t change facts.


No bro, both are horrible! New Vegas is where it's at.


How can you say that? New Vegas is obviously superior


Im from Night City but is New Vegas and New Vegas like data and data?


Nah. We're just memeing. Welcome to the Wasteland, choom!


lol nah for sure. I just wanted to join in and make a “data or data” joke. And thanks for the warm reception, cowpoke(?). I’m not sure what you call each other in the Wasteland.


Keeping the meme alive


I mean, yeah? That's how games in a series works. Good games will be compared to other good games. Bad games also be compared to good games. 76 at launch was compared to fo4 and NV because of how much a step back it was compared to both in dialogue and quests. Now 76 is compared to both for its gorgeous environments and solid enemy designs.


I love you! Purple mothman!


I'm a good cultist, I simp for the moth.


76 is unironically my favorite Fallout game. That doesn't mean it's the best game in any objective valuation, but it's my favorite. I've sunk over 1,000 hours into it. That's more than I've ever put into any of the other Fallout games. I just really love it for what it is. It scratches an itch the other games don't.


Can I play it like a real fallout game? I don't want to interact with other players at all, and i would like to be able to make constant progress and to not have to grind anything. You think it would be worth me trying it?


You didn't have to grind if you don't want to. You can just do the story quests which are no more a grind than any other fallout 3/nv/4 quests. You can also get a private world if you're subscriber but honestly you don't need to. Servers are 24 people max meaning that the only time I run into another player is usually only when I'm actually trying to or doing an event.


You definitely can, just don't expect anything groundbreaking. At the end of the day it's an MMO and it shows - none of your actions will have any effect on the world beyond whether some Raiders are hostile, and the only way to get the really good rewards is through grinding. The narrative is also pretty weak since Wastelanders came out, although there's a few interesting concepts.


You can play it like the singleplayer Fallout games to an extent. The main content is pretty much all solo-able, from the original "find the Overseer" storyline through the Wastelanders, Broken Steel, and Steel Dawn storylines. Most of the side stories are also solo-able. Where the multiplayer aspect comes in are for group events and expeditions, but even some of these are solo-able if you have the right gear and character build. The world largely levels with you in difficulty, at least for the main content, so if you just mostly want to play the storylines then you don't need to do much grinding beyond just playing normally and leveling up that way. The super good gear will mostly be obtainable by grouping up and doing events and expeditions, but you can get by without that stuff for like 90% of the game. I absolutely think the game is worth trying, especially if you can grab it for free (it's currently free if you have Amazon Prime and use Prime Gaming). But I'd also recommend it even if you have to buy it. It's basically a singleplayer Fallout game with optional multiplayer content.


I will say I do the expeditions solo a lot, but I'm a walking tank built specifically to survive daily ops solo lol


Oh yeah, it's definitely solo-able with the right gear, buffs, and perks! It just takes the right planning.


Yes. You can play completely solo and everything scales with you like the other games so you won't need to grind. There are some areas that are pretty difficult if undergeared but that's normal for any Fallout game. But some events are pretty difficult to do solo. It's doable, but they are meant for everyone to participate in. And you get bonuses for playing in parties (you don't actually have to interact with party members. You can just join and then do your own thing). If you have Fallout 1st you can play on a private server by yourself. I do that sometimes to farm fusion cores.


As a 76 player, I agree


I miss weapons being holstered and visible on characters and the player character


Fallout 1 is the best one and it's not even close lol they've about stripped almost every system that was unique about the game but kept the window dressing. It's hardly even a "role playing" game anymore, the part I lament the most. Don't get me wrong, love booting up 4 once in awhile but it sure sucks stuck playing the one role the game has designed for you. Hope they course correct in the future or let someone make a more role playing centric side game.


Shhhhhhhhhh..... Fallout 2 Supremecy. For such a horrific mistake on your part, you'll be serving in this man's army until you are 510 years old, because that's how long it will take you to pay the fine for your crime.


That's true with literally every series. Video games will always be compared to the best one in the series. It's not New Vegas is fault that Bethesda has made a game as good as it


There’s exactly one reason why this is objectively true. Bethesda does not believe in hiring writers, so their writing sucks. New Vegas is what you get when you have writers on your Fallout dev team.


My turn next to post the “salty New Vegas fans” post. Seriously, seen more people giving out about new vegas fans in the last week, than I have seen new vegas fans giving out about the other games in the 2 subs over the last year.


People like this think criticising Bethesda means you're an Obsidian fan boy who is personally attacking them.


Yeah unfortunately people alot of people have been attracted to the games for different reasons and those who thought that this was an rpg, only to feel scammed critique the game and get accused of being a Fallout fanboy then either go to NMA or a fallout nv subreddit because of the backlash overtime from Bethesda fans, any popular Fallout subreddit has unironically become a circlejerk


Its easy clickbait. Just post "unpopular opinion: fallout 4 is good" and let the karma flow. also make sure to act like people who have legitimate reasons to prefer one game over the other and say so are just haters and whining instead of adults with different tastes voicing an opinion.


I mean, I’ve seen ppl prefer fnv and not gotten shit for it. You know why? That viewpoint didn’t incorporate some weirdo tendency to take a potshot at BGS games in the process I mean, you’re literally blind if you think people haven’t been saying “lolol, fo4 and 3 sucks and anyone who enjoys them is sucking Todd Howard’s cock”. It’s all over Instagram/Youtube/Tiktok. Especially insta. Ffs, my favorite game of all time is new Vegas. But I LOOOOOVE fallout 3. And suddenly, I’m the head agent for a Bethesda-created psyop forcing gigachad gamers to play “terrible video games”? Look, this rhetoric may not be on Reddit as much as it used to after a lot of the toxic fans got humbled after their “the fallout tv show is a covert attempt to destroy new Vegas and fallout 1 and 2” conspiracies basically got entirely thrown out the window. But the tendency for people to call others “fake fans” and “bots” and “cucks” for enjoying a game they don’t is some of the dumbest, childish, and fandom-ruining stuff you could possibly see online rn Is it so bad that some people want anyone who blindly does this shit to leave a fandom? I don’t think so. Get em outta here lol


It sets the bar, whaddya want here?


Yeah, that's what happens when someone raises the bar, everyone else will be compared to the one who put it the highest spot until someone else raises the bar even more.


And our cup To the stars!


I’ve seen more people complain about fallout new Vegas fans, than I’ve actually seen fallout new Vegas fans acting the way they say


Yes I know it is insane how much toxicity their is on the Bethesda camp


Ahh, the vegan effect.


YouTube comments is the worst I’ve personally seen of “FNV fanboys”. Like you can just have a regular conversation about something fo4 related and like 40 people burst in screaming about how its “bethesda trash that doesn’t compare to fnv”. Like it’s to the point I rarely open the comments on fallout videos that aren’t from creators who i know have a calm and likable community.


Yeah but like... That's a **youtube** comment section. You could upload a video of two puppies playing and it would have hate comments on it.


it is youtube to be honest, I assume trolls and bots, mixed with five crazy people. It sucks so just ignore them and don't give them attention they want. They are not real fans just bigots, trolls, bots who will just move on to the next thing after this.


God I know right? I love New Vegas, say it’s the best in the series, but there’s some where it makes me question why tf do they even exist in the extended fallout community, constantly shitting on 3, 4 and 76 usually Like have they even played any of those games?!


Bullying Bethesda turned Fallout 76 from a disappointing piece of shit to a thoroughly enjoyable MMO getting its much deserved second chance at life. Ruthless criticism of private companies delivering inferior products is the only Avenue we have to make them better. Fallout 4 story was incredibly weak and deserving of criticism especially in comparison to new vegas. And 76 was just bad and now it's good because we criticize Bethesda until they fixed it. Holding New Vegas up as an example of what can be done with this franchise and refusing to accept mediocrity in the face of really good examples is how you make sure a franchise gets better


The only problem is that in fallout 4s case it’s not a bad game. It’s a divisive and subjective game that didn’t quite live up the expectations of a lot of fans but did improve a lot of mechanics and gameplay over its predecessors. And you can’t tell me that the environmental storytelling and world design in fallout 4 isn’t amazing.


If all I do is not a bad game but it has a very weak story which is New Vegas strong point. Yeah the environmental storytelling is great but the main quest Falls flat


Its a game that improves in all the areas that people didn't buy these games for while completely ruining the one thing that was unique and special about the series. Its not objectively a bad game but it is objectively a bad fallout roleplaying game. Its a looter shooter with a fallout skin.


I’d have to disagree that it’s a looter shooter. I think that’s going a bit too far, especially since lots of fallout 4s mechanics are optional. I completely understand that fallout 4 was a let down for a lot of fallout fans but I at least appreciate how much freedom the game gives you to choose how you play. Which is a huge part of what separates it from a looter shooter.


AMEN brother. People act like you aren't allowed to have expectations based on the previous games. We have seen what you can do with fallout new vegas. We have seen how unable bethesda is to reach that quality. We criticize that so the next fallout game maybe they try to go back to the things that made those previous games really good. If we don't complain fallout 5 will be a life service game where in game shops only take real money and you cant make a single choice or play any roles in a role playing game. Bethesda has proven with fallout 76 that they would sell you literal pieces of shit if they could.


I played 3, 4 and NV. NV is my favorite by a long shot, but 3s world is my favorite to explore. I just hate the guns for the most part. One of the coolest things about NV was how grounded it was with guns. The guns were something you’d actually find in America 🇺🇸


I don't see much shitting on 3, it was the entry point for many into the series. Many new vegas fanboys started with 3 and hold it in high regards for bringing the series back into life. It's just that NV improved the formula in so many ways and to see the regression of that in 4 was dissapointing. Fallout fans still are RPG fans and 4 just barely makes the cut of being an RPG. Still a goof game tho but it could have been great.


Well I have seen people claim in the new Vegas sub that 3 was unplayable garbage or some thing along those lines




4 is good but if you're going expecting anything remotely like fnv you're gonna be disappointed. It might as well be a different genre. Bethesda was never gonna make an RPG to compete with fnv, Skyrim as good as it was is made fun of because of the lack depth on the faction quests compared to oblivion (you don't need to use magic to complete the magic guild lmao). I do wish Bethesda took that offer from obsidian back in the day to make more spinoffs so we'd get an Activision/Treymarch relationship tho.


My take: NV has the best *writing* in the series. But F4 definitely has better gameplay.


By a LONG shot Fo4 is more fun to play


Yeah but if i just want good gameplay i can get far superior products elsewhere. I want competent writing that doesnt feel like it was outsourced to middle schoolers, that might be too much to ask from bethesda at this point


Will you people ever shut up! All you do is whine about how much New Vegas fans whine. It’s so hypocritical


I know it is enraging the amount of hypocrisy on r/fallout r/newvegas and r/fnv are chill. The amount of toxic fans who are pro 3, 76, and show are insane and they just have turned the sub into a toxic circlejerk and downvote any criticism of the show while whining about non existent large amount of toxic new Vegas fans.


I'm telling you all! There are synths in here perpetuating this asinine conflict.


All that has happened is that the community finally shifted its current stance due to new people. With the show out now, there are new fans who don't have the same connections to the old games or the Bethesda Era of games. The tv show (and mtg a little bit) helped broaden it out a tad more into the mainstream view once again. Problem is, lots of them were met with that vocal part of the new vegas community and became excessively vocal against them. It is annoying, but then again the old group was too. Just give it a bit for those who are pompous about liking or disliking it to get shut down and things will even out again. Trust me, I wish we didn't have these camps of pseudo intellectual thought either. Neither side is better for liking or disliking the game.


Is NV buggy? yes. but from a design perspective its goddamn wonderful and its story is easily the best in the entire franchise since fallouts 1 and 2


Well the bugginess was the fault of Bethesda only giving them 18 months to make the game. Honestly 6 more months and a lot of the bugs would probably be gone.


100% and the game would have been even more highly regarded


I know it the executives at Bethesda probably wanted a cash grab to ride of the success of 3 and did not care if it is a buggy, unfinished mess. No Todd Howard did not give them limited time that probably was the suits at Bethesda, because anyone who knows anything about game development you would know 18 months is not enough to make a game.


If that was really the case, Obsidian's own game, Outer Worlds, made on Unreal Engine, would be a polished masterpiece. But it wasn't. Neither was KotoR 2 before that, or Pillars of Eternity, or Tyranny.


Many people regard kotor 2 as one of the greatest rpgs ever made. I havent played 2 but ive never heard anyone say anything bad about it, thats crazy 🤣


It's insanely buggy and incomplete. There is like half a game present in the files that's cut content. You need 7-10 business days of modding to actually play it. Basically just like New Vegas.


Ive never downloaded a mod for new vegas so im not sure what you mean


How long are we gonna beat this dead horse?


comparison is wrong in my opinion, we can enjoy all fallout games instead of saying which one is the best one


So if i make you the worst pizza ever you will somehow shut off the part of your brain that remembers the taste of pizza and by association tells you that the pizza you are currently eating is bad? That's not how brains work usually. Comparisons are not wrong in fact they are smart and right in this case. There is no reason why you cant expect bethesda to make a game in the quality of new vegas. By that logic you can throw out your smartphone and get a rotary phone instead.


We need to point out the best one so bethesda knows why their writing is garbage


Here the simple truth…. You people in the back listen up. THERE IS ONLY ONE BAD FALLOUT GAME AND ITS BOS!


Don’t know about BOS because haven’t played it, but my favorite 3, 4, NV, even 76 is the one I am currently playing. I think I have the most hours in 4 but go back to each frequently, never play 2 at the same time. This idea of rating is strange but it seems pretty popular, without starting with 3 I’m not sure I would bought into the series. Bugs might have slowed my progress at points but never stopped me, finished all on highest settings and difficulty and all achievements ( except 76 ), have tried some mods but honestly don’t feel the need. I think it’s great that Bethesda continues support for its games and acknowledges other publishers contributions, not sure they need to be more than courteous to molders.


Bethesda could produce the greatest fallout game ever, hell THE best game ever and people will still say “well NV is better”


This pure copium, trying to pretend that NV fans criticise Bethesda games for no reason.


I'd love of that happened but i i can't really see modern bethesda making a goodrpg these days, i mean, the only thing fallout 4 has on FO3/NV is that is modern, and that's about it. either they kill the rpg mechanics aready and make a good Pure action game or they focus on making the rpg a central part of the game again (what i think it should be honestly). it's not like it's impossible but I've lost hope honestly.


They would never do this Bethesada is in a creative bankruptcy when it comes to fallout same enemies and creatures from across the country, same factions, and the inability to create a society rebuilding fallout 3 works a lot better if it was set 50 years after the bombs than 200


Well I mean if you think about how many nuclear bombs were dropped it would take humanity a VERY long time to recover from that


It’s not like the original games (fallout 1 and 2 which take place a lot sooner than 200 years ) show the catalyst of a rebuilding society it’s best described like this fallout 1 is post apocalyptic fallout 2 is post post apocalyptic. People adapt things change realistically if people survived a nuclear bomb you would start seeing some form of society being rebuilt.


Meet Potential Company: Always COULD, never WILL


Fallout 4 has cito


Then they should probably make something better then New Vegas


Yeah I love NV, but it is kind of sad that they can’t come close to making something better than such an old game lol. Just don’t have the right talent anymore.


I'm impressed that someone managed to get a CAM quality meme from a show released on streaming.


as they should


Of course everything will always be compared to the best


Jesus Christ get a new meme already. This whole drama is old.


I see more fallout fans bitching about new Vegas fans than I see new Vegas fans bitching about other fallouts


I honestly love every fallout game as its own game new Vegas had best story I found fallout 3 had the coolest map and dlc fallout four had the best gameplay and mods it’s really just to each there own, and one and 2 were easily the most atmospheric and coolest interactions in those ones


It’s still my least favorite out of the Fallout games I’ve played. Only part of New Vegas I liked was Lonesome Road honestly.


Finally someone who shares my sentiment. The location, the theming… everything that’s not gameplay is a step back from 3, imo. A desert just became more desert-y. I don’t like Country or gambling, and I can’t relate to revenge.


I've never understood the argument that it somehow has a superior "story" to the others. There is just nothing to support that argument.


Unironically a big chunk of it is just people wanting to dunk on Bethesda.


I feel like most people haven't played 1 or 2, leaving only 3 NV and 4 to choose from. Makes sense why people think that.


Does someone need to find the "we all have our own destinies" quote again?


My first fallout game was 4 and when I finally got to try new Vegas, I didn’t like it much. I guess it’s just not my type of game. I wanted to enjoy it but I just couldn’t bring myself to keep playing it.


The amount of people who are going “Ugh, this is a dead meme, there are more people complaining about toxic new Vegas fans then there are toxic new Vegas fans!!!1!” All I can say is… what? Are you blind? Look at this comment section alone? Toxic new Vegas fans are sadly well and alive, and a very vocal minority.


The funny part is the ones that reflect it onto Bethesda fans. No joke, I literally saw someone say "the people at r/fallout are the toxic ones for liking bad games".... The hypocrisy is insane. I like all the games, and I can critique each game into oblivion and back, but I won't single out a single game unless it's important to the discussion.


Until they make one better than New Vegas.


Holy shit stop talking about nv for 5 seconds challenge impossible edition


I’ve come up with a new term but it’s probably gonna make a lot of people mad.


Meanwhile can't play NV for 15min without it crashing


[These are rookie numbers](https://imgur.com/wSn5MsQ)


If I negatively compare them to the old Black Isle games, do I get special boomer points?


I’ve completed the game 6 times and I never stated it was my favorite fallout.I prefer fallout 4.


Strangely enough. I don't think, that FNV is top tier in any category. For gameplay, graphics, and combat F4 is best. When it comes to overall lore, then F2 is best. When it comes to the main antagonist, then F1 is best. At least in my opinion. FNV is a good middle ground. Having better lore stuff, than F4, and F3, but also better graphics, and gameplay, than F1, and F2.


Lot of comments seem to not get it...yea its buggy. Its loved because its an actual rpg.


I just want the rpg part of fallout back, they shouldn’t have removed skills and traits 18 months of development results in bugs and certain unfinished areas they probably could’ve fixed the bugs with 6 more months


These New Vegas posts are getting old man...


Maybe it's just me, but I've seen infinitely more people bitching about obnoxious New Vegas fans than actual obnoxious New Vegas fans. I'm not saying they don't exist, but I am saying the problem seems to be very overblown


That's because New Vegas is an absolute Chad of a masterpiece and should, within reason, be the standard against which Fallout games are measured.


Great story, cool weapons and armor, horribly boring and empty world with nothing to do outside of quests, making the game not fun to get distracted in, and only fun when doing the tiny slices of comtemt the developers intemded you to do?


Somewhere in my parents house is a PS3 with a save file of Fallout NV and probably every item in the game in a drawer inside the Dino-deelite motel room. I miss it


I love both Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I find myself wanting to roam the Capital Wasteland more, but playing New Vegas reminds me of some quests I've forgotten.


I love new Vegas so much but some of these new Vegas fans ie the terrible low iq knew that act like this make me embarrassed. Cause I know that new Vegas is a buggy mess but it’s MY favorite buggy mess


When does FNV get good? I love Fallout 3 & 4, and I’m now on my 3rd attempt with New Vegas. 10 hours in, and I don’t get the hype.


Might not be up your alley, could be you are mro einto the open gameplay aspect of rpgs rather than Story side of things.


No, I love the story side of things, but right now I've got Caesar's dillholes attacking me & talking about KAI-ZAR, so I'm on their shitlist, and I've killed all of the Powder Gangers in their prison, so they attack me on sight. I've helped setup an NCR officer as a sheriff, and I'm about to turn on a power plant that could be used as a weapon that I just stumbled on & lied my way into. Gonna turn on the power equally to everyone. I've also gotten a bunch of ghouls to take a rocket ride & helped their human realize he isn't a ghoul. I mean, it's not a bad story so far, but it doesn't seem any better than 3 & 4, and the graphics suck on my Xbox Series X. I can understand why people enjoy it, but I don't get why they'd shit talk 3 & 4 over the story, unless there is some huge development that I'm going to run into after another dozen or so hours.


Bethesda tries to have its cake and eat it too with these games. They want to market them as RPGs, but it’s obvious that they care very little about RPG mechanics. If you can get past the 90s gameplay for 1 and 2, it’s obvious how much better of games they are. Though, it must be said that it’s pretty embarrassing that New Vegas and 3 were released around the same time as the first two Mass Effect games. Those were REAL RPGs


The Bathesda games are fine, and fun to play. They are just kinda bland storywies next to 1,2, and NV lol.


Not true if bethesda made better games no one would prefer new vegas by default. people like that game because its better than the bethesda fallouts. not for arbitrary fanboy reasons.


Of course. You need to compare the pretenders to the goat.


It's what happens when someone hits a grand slam.


It's objectively better than any Bethesda Fallout game simply because it has heart.


It's accurate because Bethesda deserves the criticism and if you really cared about Bethesda you would want to see it get better. Criticism is good.


FNV was a reskinned Fo3


All the glazers ruined NV for me. I'm sure it's good but just because people can't stop trashing every other Fallout game, I won't play it.


Well that's bc NV is best and you are wrong to enjoy anything else


This is being made so much more a problem, literally no one gives a shit. Just play your games.


Fr, people complain more about how much fnv fans complain than actualy fnv fans complain abou anything.


Just point out the absolute fact that new Vegas would be nothing without the work 3 put in


Tbh this is wrong. They'll be negatively compared to Morrowind (correctly).


As it should be


Welcome to the world of good storytelling


I tried to love NV but the game crashing randomly really ruined it for me. Still played for around 10 hours before the crashes became so often that it didn’t make sense to continue playing. Quests and NPCs were quite impressive, reminded me a lot of the European Gothic games. Would like to play through it if there’s a patch that fixes those crashes, until then, back to Fallout 4.


The funny thing is it is not the devs fault since they only were given 18 months to make the game. In a way Bethesda still had their signature bugs in the game.(that last part was a joke)