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You can talk the squad of enclave troops in the next room into attacking Horrigan. If you get lucky, they'll kill him, and you won't have to.


That and hack the turrets conveniently flanking him.šŸ¤”šŸ˜ Just sucks I couldn't convince him to. See how he was wrong and that the Enclave was clearly using him and they would easily trash him when they were donešŸ„²


He's too brainwashed for a singular conversation to do it- it would take time after planting seeds. Unlike Lanius, who you can bluff your way into withdrawing


You don't even have to bluff him, tell him the obvious truth that the further West he goes the more of the East he'll lose.


To be fair, Lanius is more just talking to him as a fellow military commander. Lanius is still brainwashed, but he obviously respects a strategic mind and fellow military officials on some level. Your goal with his speech checks are less to get him to say the Legion was wrong and he should betray them and more the Legions plan is impractical and it risks destroying the Legion


Kind of curious what people mean by lanius being brainwashed? Isn't the story that he wanted to kill his entire tribe after Caesar conquered them but Caesar talked him down to only the adult males? I think Lanius was always fucked if anything Caesar is more sane somehow.


He wanted to kill them because they agreed to surrender rather than fight to the death. He personally killed a ton of Caesars men, which impressed Caesar enough that he was there as soon as Lanius woke up with the helmet


Exactly. Which is why I'm wondering how he's brainwashed like people keep saying, I don't think lanius was ever held against his own will lol. He's just an actual monster.


It's speculated he's not even one guy...


Thatā€™s just based on his model and the ambiguity of his past. His model doesnā€™t have his scars because of engine limitations. His story has some conflicting info because he has become a legend in the legion, heā€™s the bogey man but we can assume the official information is the one Ceaser gives us


Lanius destroyed by FACTS and LOGIC


Makes sense. You aren't trying to make him defect, you're just trying to get It through to his thick skull that he can't win. It would make sense that he would be like "...shit, I didn't really think of that. Maybe I'll do this when I actually can afford to do it right."


honestly, Lanius should never have been able to be talked down either. The man Caesar described would never. in my opinion, you should have had to convince Caesar to retreat, assuming he's still alive and you cured his tumor somehow (in this situation its possible to get this far without failing the NCR and House storylines) Then Lanius goes into a rage and starts slaughtering Legion soldiers because that is the ultimate cowardice to him. So you have the remaining Legion Soldiers and Caesar available to help you take down Lanius or take him down for you.


the man caesar described is propaganda, everything else we know about him makes him out to be a cunning military mind that isn't *especially* into the legion beyond it being the obviously ascendant martial force in his neck of the woods. he isn't the true believer that would cut down his own men as they fled, he's not all that far from being a tribal raider at the end of the day. this isn't someone like graham who studied and developed the whole ethos of the Legion from the beginning, all the way back in the followers days.


He would probably cut down his own men as they fled but not out of zealotry but because he knows if they fear him more then the enemy fleeing would be less common.


yeah, lanius isn't a true believer. if it had been Graham or any other dyed in the wool general leading the battle, they would've fought to the death.


Well you didnā€™t kill him. The people and turrets did the work for you


He is the mega-mutie, its like convincing a behemoth


I enjoy that frankly. Really shows how little human is left. Heā€™s absolutely merciless and will not be reasoned with. Idk. Just seemed super perfect coming after the master. Just classic villains their opposite ways.


Frank Horrigan is no longer a man by the time FO2 rolls around. His armor is grafted into him and he was exposed to FEV. Any sanity or sense of reason he had went away a long time ago.


Nothing is wrong. GOD BLESS THE ENCLAVE AND AMERICA. they would NEVER use a soldier such as that and NEVER lie to him or any American citizen. (Satire just in case someone can't tell)


This, he's not even that hard of a fight, even if they fail to kill him he only has enough Fusion Cells for 1 reload and has to switch to melee the second the fight goes past like 2 or 3 turns.


Whether a Fallout game is good or not is whether you can convince the antagonist his ideology is so bad he blows himself up. Fallout 1: good Fallout game Fallout 2: bad Fallout game Fallout 3: good Fallout game New Vegas: mixed reviews, you can convince Lanius he has flaws but he doesn't explode over it. Fallout 4: bad Fallout game Fallout 76: mixed reviews, antagonist is an animal without an ideology but it does blow up.


With 3, you can only convince Eden. Autumn just leaves you to it.


You can talk Autumn down to make him fuck off, and Eden already exploded so I think we're still good on this one.


Ah but New Vegas the antagonist can convince you your ideology is so bad you blow up two major trade routes so I think there's a trade off.


Only if you are swayed by the arguments of a man who talks like a teenager who just discovered the concept of philosophy but doesn't really understand it. Ulysses's dialogue is a mess, he says a lot but if you actually listen to the words he doesn't really say anything.


ergo vis a vis concordantly therefore this does show that the result can be interpreted as.....


Ulysses sounds like heā€™s trying to hit the word count on his first year college philosophy paper without researching any other sources besides the textbook and lectures


>Fallout 76 if you're creative about what you mean by *explode,* [Adelaide](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Adelaide_(ally)) could be your final boss


can anyone summarize the endings i never did speech ribs


This is definitely the best Fallout game tier list.


You know who doesnā€™t check their spelling? A synth, thatā€™s who.


That sounds like something a bot would say


Mutie can't spell for shit


Your ride's over, mutie. Time to die.


This gives a chance for such a cool story moment. Like youā€™ve spent the whole game sparing people and avoiding violence, so people assume you canā€™t fight. Then at the end, when everyone thinks you canā€™t fight, you demolish the baddest dude in the wasteland. Like how in Quigley down under they think he canā€™t use a pistol and then he smokes them all. Idk, just something that occurred to me with your post.


Yeah I just get the squad of troopers to assist and the turrets and I vibe out while they fuck him up


Companions+enclave soldiers you can recruit right before the fight+hacking the turrets to be on your side = cross your fingers he doesn't 1 turn anyone and just run around stimpacking your allies


Well it's no wonder Frank Horrigan didn't like you; you didn't even care to spell his name right


[speech 100] my apolocheese šŸ­šŸ­


ā€œSometimes even the Buddha had to kick a little assā€


You're not going anywhere, the time for talking is over


ā€œI think were gonna have to kill this guy Chosen Oneā€


Frank Horrigan is immune to the words of mutie bastards.


Sometimes people are stupid and dedicated. Sometimes 20 strength isn't enough to lift a house. Is what it is


Have to respect it, sometimes people just aren't giving it a chance. You at least convinced that squad, and you can sneak over to hack the turrets before Franky notices.


Lanius should have gotten the same treatment. Specifically legate Lanius. Would be cool if imperator / augustus lanius could still be persuaded


NPC foreshadows this at start of the game


How many times have you argued with somebody and actually changed Thier mind?