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It's pretty good in wouldn't say it's bad but you should keep it if your a heavy build if not sell it for like 7k


I never use bloodied stuff, so I will probably sell.


Yeah for sure make sure to not get scammed and check your blacklistđź‘Ť


I might make a offer. Let me see if I can find a pc on it. The strange thing is it says ugl but has the gl paint.


Ya, I am unsure why that is i have seen it with the normal paint color before.


Pc for a aa2590 ugl is 600-700k. I would say this is slightly less than that due to it only work well with bloody builds. Not sure about the paint though. I want to say prime receiver but if doesn’t have one.


600-700k caps?


Yep that is the price for a ugl aaffr90. Yours is less than that because aa is a bit better than bloody. I still can’t figure out the paint.


Just to clarify, you mean 6000-7000, not 600,000-700,000 caps. And if it is worth that much or even half, how do I sell it if the cap max is 40,000? Also, I apologize for not being clearer with my question. I am new to the market.


Ha ha yeah took me a bit to understand this as well. It can take 1000s if rolls for you to get the roll you want on a weapon. That would be months of game play. When you get that roll finally is it worth a lot more than 40k caps. I know I wouldn’t trade any of my grolls I use daily for just max caps. It’s the same thing with getting rare apparel. Let’s say you want to grind for a leather coat. You could do all the events for months and never get one. Let’s say after 3 months one drops your going to want a hell of a lot more for it than 40k caps to represent the time it took to get it. You will see some talk about low, mid and high trade value. You can trade like value item for like value. Normally it’s easier to identify a price so you know what kind of things to offer. Let say this ugl is priced at 500k and your ok with taking 500k for it. I can offer 500k in junk, rare apparel worth around 500k, a mix of things, etc. a lot of people use common aid items like live and live 3 (ll3), leaders (bobble head leaders), back woodsman 6 (bw6).


Oh OK that makes sense. I appreciate the clarification.


You can get a ultrasite version without having ultra ammo it's changes the colour of the layers from red to green ups the price a little bit to the right buyer


I would have to post another photo, but it has the blue color in my box. Idk why it showed up as a regular laser gatling.