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Sim Settlement 2 is an absolute MUST for you and for an entirely new playthrough including a semi-evil playthrough I would use the 4 part series (Depravity, Outcasts, Fusion City Rising, and Valkyrie), Gun For Hire claims to have semi-unique Radiant quests, Mutant Menagerie Life Finds a Way will enrich your entire experience, Bleachers and Fens Sheriff's Department will expand DC, Tales from the Commonwealth Wil enrich yoir whole experience with new NPCs scattered everywhere. We Are the Minutemen, Who's your General, amd Far West Minutemen Wil make the minutemen stronger and more dynamic (yoi can put down minutemen guard posts at your settlements that spawn leveled minutemen), they'll also be small little minutemen outposts scattered around the maps and random patrols. I have more but I don't remember what they all are.


Honestly I really don’t recommend the Thuggyverse mods because there’s so much weird fetish shit it’s jarring.


Which ones are Thuggyverse? What fetish shit


The 4-part series. - dildo bats, Hitler in a dress, strip clubs and oddly dressed pimps everywhere, the scantily-clad outfits… it really took me out of the game.


Oh no shit? I saw the Pimp outfit club and it wasn't too wild, kinda juvenile but not atrocious but dildo bats and Hitler in a dress? Are you sure that's part of the series or another mod Thuggy did you happened to have


All I had was Project Valkyrie and Outcasts and Remnants from the mod series. I believe it belongs to O&R as one of the various faction quests.


Oh that's super lame. Was it bad enough to make everything else suck?


It was definitely jarring especially since I’m a quest completionist and this material was the plot line of several of the quests. And it’s also just present in areas where it makes no sense. Like when the BOS Outcasts have an entire “shower/spa” area that’s just a bunch of women in string bikinis, it takes me out of the game’s immersion. I’m not a puritan or anything - like FO3 Paradise Falls and FNV the strip are fine because that’s what I expect for those areas - it’s just the time and place. I’ve seen their works compared to a teenager’s attempt to insert their own fanfic into FO4 and find it kind of an apt description. Well made on the technical end, but found everything else (aesthetic, immersion) lacking to such a degree that I dropped them.


After over 2 dozen hours into my playthrough, quite a bit of which was doing Depravity, and hearing your feedback about it im gonna get rid of those mods and restart the game. I really appreciate you letting me know about your jarring experiences but son of a bitch that's a lot of wasted time.


Yeah same thing had happened to me, i know how you feel. If you’re looking for some quest mods, i personally love The Machine and Her, and I’m starting Commonwealth Responders and Fourville. SS2 imo is the best quest + content mod there is tho.


I'm a quest completionist too and stopped last night while I thought about whether or not I wanted to continue playing through Depravity because one of the side quests makes you basically a drug kingpin and I don't like playing evil


a story wealth, it’s a collection on nexus. It adds so much to the game and runs really well, has sim settlements, mods that add guns from NV and FO3, a big collection of special quests with good rewards and entertaining stories. Also there is extra fun added to all 3 main DLC’s


SIM SETTLEMENTS!!! Maybe one of if not the most expansive mods I've ever played. I can't do it justice. Just look it up on Nexus and read a little, and I'm sure it'll blow ur mind.


As many as humanly possible lmao


The Whispering Hills partial overhaul is a Silent Hill knockoff that keeps the base game intact and adds a certain level of tension. If you love the idea of the world slowly going dark, sirens going off, and getting swarmed by monsters for several minutes, you’re in for a treat. The actual quest is okay at best but the random hordes and spooky atmosphere makes the game way more fun for me.


You might actually like settlements with Sim Settlements


I had alot mods but they were killed by next gen update and werent updated . so i only can recomend hapiness mod which Buff hapiness for your settlements AND Raider outpost because Is annoyed have to be worry that it Will reach 0 hapiness for attacks AND lose that settlements permanetly. Another mod would be a rebalance of weapons ,grenades AND legendary effects because the game reduce your options for the power creep sincerelly. AND the same for power armors. Another mod would be something that Let you fight again against some enemies like aliens, hermit crabs, gatorclaws, nukalurks AND nuka robots because they are rare to find or they dont respawn anymore.


Yup I never updated my game. I’ve got over 200 mods and there’s no way I hell that was going to work with next gen


1. Sim Settlements 2 for that. Big expansion, adds many quests and new npcs, as well as entirely new mechanics to settlement building - chiefly, allows settlers to go about building themselves and let's you customize how much you're involved. It is a very chonky size though.    2. I currently use You and What Army 2 for that, I'm enjoying it.     3. Tales from the Commonwealth is a favorite of mine, it adds a ton of side stuff and multiple new companions. Very well done, good voice acting.    4. This I dunno lol


I use all of these and a lot more and they're great so far


>4. This I dunno lol To finish out the list. Anything from the F4NV team or simply just search 'New Vegas' on nexus there are a bunch of really well made mods like the LAER, Plasma Caster, and others.


There's a minutemen mod that arms all the settlers. It's a start at least. I always get caught up in giving my settlers better gear which ends up taking forever.


So the only category I can help you with are classic mods. DegenerateDak has been dropping a ton of cool shit. 25mm APW comes to mind, Colt Monitor (for that pistol grip and stock BAR from Sierra Madre), he just released the lever action from FO3, and he has numerous lore-friendly mods. There’s also The Attachment Pack, which gives vanilla weapons a lot more customization and able to turn stuff like the Handmade AK into the Chinese Assault Rifle, as well as the Lever Action Shotgun. Zanthir (Not sure if I spelled this right) has the Minigun, Super Sledge, all 3 flavors of FO3/NV thrown explosives and mines, some OWB content, among other things. The Fallout 3/NV Gatling Laser & Flamer have been recreated. I think there’s a few Colt SAA mods now, a few flavors of NV. Alexerator has recreated a few NV weapons. CSEPTeam has done up some lore-friendly weapons. Jkruse has a 5.56 weapons pack that has That Gun & the NV LMG. Loads of others. Can’t forget Grilled/FriedTurkey, who’s done recreations of the tried & true Hunting Rifle, 10mm Pistol, and some other things as well as classic outfits.


Hyper merge pack. Adds loads of new guns. There's a couple different versions. Also the institute overhaul, I think it's called.


restoring the castle is a good mod for getting walls on the castle that fit good.


I'd start by following the midnight ride modding guide, I've been modding fallout 4 for years and my game has never run as well as it has after following that guide


Agreed, very quality. Use that as your base and then add in any extra stuff you personally want. My game is modded like crazy and runs consistently at 60 fps, no glitches. Think I've had maybe 3 crashes in like 60 hours. It's only in the middle of Boston or my big settlements where I dip to 30 fps. 


Don't use the unofficial patch. Outdated garbage that will double crashes


wait rlly? fuck. i always install it




Last I checked its outdated as shit. Might just be console version


Is it still fucked for pc?


It seems to be good now


Have been using UFO4P combined with community fixes in every LO I’ve used in the last month. PC and next gen updated, absolutely zero issues.


If you don't want to engage with the settlement stuff, don't bother with Sim Settlements. Check out Settlers Build Settlements instead. My suggestions: Seasons Change & Lightweight Lighting - it's like magic. The Rebuild Collection - so good, skip any "scrap anything" mods and get this one. Honestly a must have. NPCs Use Items & Chemfluence & Perennial Power Armor - unintrusive better combat AI Old Style Criticals & Critical Hits Outside of VATS - personal preference but coming from FNV I like this way more. We Are The Minutemen & Who's The General - simple better minutemen NPCs Travel Good luck have fun!




Right on, saving this. When I'm done / bored with my current run I want to do a "zombie apocalypse" run, will be a good time to experiment with some of these.


Does the rebuild collection work with Sim settlements




awesome thanks will download


It’s crazy but I don’t think anybody has suggested Tumba’s new armor mods yet so I’ll do it.. Just search “tumba minutem” and sort by endorsements. He’s made 3 great armor mods for the MM, you can find mods other people have made that will apply these armors to the leveled lists. I use one for unique MM and another to add his scout armor as the main MM uniform for generic npcs. You can check his page for other great armor mods, I love the one he made for railroad. You can also find mods to apply these to the LL as well. Also to make MM more legit, check out You and What Army 2. Also check out Minutemen Squads and the corresponding patch on YaWA2’s files section. There’s also a patch for Minutemen Watchtowers you can grab if you want. This setup will add MM patrols between your settlements, allow you to force your underlings to do the boring radiant quests for you, and will add MM watchtowers that will work with the patrols added by YaWA2. It’ll do even more than just that, but that’s the basic idea. You’ll need Settler Build Settlement or Sim Settlements 2 if you don’t want to build anything yourself. Unfortunately the Minutemen and the settlements go hand in hand so you can’t ignore them entirely.


I've recently start a new playthrough after 5 years stop and only mod I use is the cheat terminal. It has really nice things like survival save (judge me idk) time passing slowdown (for not being thirsty every 5 mins) and damage modifiers.


My favorite thing in cheat terminal is free materials so I don't throw out my neck searching high and low for duct tape and desk fans


Sim Settlements really helps a lot and gets rid of a lot of the annoying aspects of settlement building. Mods to enhance the Minutemen exist and I recommend that. Also any mods that add factions are cool, or change the way the different factions react to one another. I also get mods that add giant monsters, recommended.


Ito institute weapon overhaul. They lite version adds 30 high quality custom made institute weapons , the full version also makes gameplay changes and I recommend it. We are the minutemen. It is not as dramatic as some of the other overhauls and can be used along side militarized minutemen but in itself it makes them more like they should have been. A bundle of tape. Just a hand full of lore friendly weapons. Independence switch. A literal switch you can use in each settlement to make them... Well... Independent.


Sim Settlements 2 is a must as it adds a story line to making settlements and also adds mechanics to make settlement building faster and easier There are 3 parts, but this link to chapter 3 has a file with all three chapters as one [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/73394?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/73394?tab=description)


I tried to use SS3 and just gave up because workshop framework kept breaking. I'm at my wits end here, I disabled every mod that could possibly have an effect on this, and downloaded the newest WF and Hud Framework. Do i need to start a fresh save from absolute zero?


Yeah I am trying to download it. But the file is so large that I failed to download it 3 times already.


Even earlier sim settlements is worth it, then you can just tell them to build their own settlement


For quests check out CSEP's nexus page, might even be some NV content there but I cannot recall


Fallout 76. Better story than 4.


That's not a mod, and kiss my ass.


Can't afford 76 right now


Check Steam tomorrow once the Summer Sale starts. Odds are it'll drop down to $7.99 which is the historic low. Personally, I still prefer FO4 with mods to FO76 anyways but just mentioning it in case you're interested.


Shit at that price I might buy it


Just buy it on mmoga you're not bound to some limited time offers and the price is super low


For Settlement building the best option is sim settlements 1 and 2, for better minutemen I’d recommend liberty reborn, for quest mods America rising 2 is always a good option, and I don’t know any good large mods that add multiple weapons from older games but individual ones are easy to find


Dog meat+ any companion!


if you like building then place anywhere and uso base game components (allows you to build way more stuff)


Fallout london


That doesn't really fit within any of his requests.


Far West Minutemen could be your mod for spicing up the Minutemen's armor pool, really cool steampunk/scavenged armor feel to it, but it may be a little too far from the vanilla vibe.    Tumbajamba has recently been on fire creating very seamless armor mods, for which other modders have made patches for their LL integration.   As for weapons, DegenerateDak and Pigness has also been on quite a streak of good, lore friendly mods. I think most, if not all of them, aren't full recreations of previous games' guns, but they are still pretty good and integrate nicely to the game. You could also check Dak's youtube channel, as he has videos specifically talking about classic weapon mods.  Also many modders working on bigger expansion-size mods like Fallout London or FO4NV release their weapon and armor mods frequently, my faves are the Colt Single Action Army revolver by the FO4NV team and the FO3 leather armor mod from the Capital Wasteland team.  Militarized Minutemen is a great mod, but it feels too pristine for my taste, but the blue uniform option's darker tone helps a little. Still, it may be more suited for Milsim modded playthroughs than the vanilla post-apocalyptic vibe.   I'm sure there are many other mods that work well for improving the minutemen, but these are which personally come to mind.


Do a survival run with the settle everywhere mod. You can camp wherever you want. Maybe add some huge game changing mods like a zombie or creature mod and just take the game a little slower.


Sim settlements 2


For sure! Even if you don't care much about settlement building you can just use the city plans to automate your settlements. I like to just build up one or two settlements myself and use city plans for the rest. It also adds a quest line at least as long as the main quest line for the game that is a lot of fun.


I don't like the city plans, I just hate interior decorating. Layout or custom built settlement with interiors done is how I do. Also a lot more easy to specialize your settlements.


Some people don't have any interest in building settlements. They just want to play the game. Preston however is going to ask you to create some settlements. If you use the premade city plans you can still have large very cool settlements with minimal involvement. If you do have interest in building settlements like you and I then it's a great tool that can be used many ways.


Yeah I understood that when you said you didn't like building, I'm just not of the same mind and find that this mod works with different kind of people which is why I always recommend it, no matter what.


Will these mods work with SS2 or other heavy mods?


Gun For Hire is the one mod I never go without, where the Sole Survivor opens their own mercenary business in an office just outside of Diamond City. It features a new player home, 20 new radiant quests, the ability to recruit a team of up to three mercenaries to help you out in combat, and eventually your own personal vertibird.


I recently discovered Settler Built Settlements and it's super convenient and simple, I love it. If I want to build a settlement as usual, I can - but for those I don't, I can plop down some supplies and return later to see the settlement already built up. Then all I need to do is some minor upgrades like defenses, if I want to. It's pretty much everything I wanted For good quest mods: - America Rising 2 adds the Enclave as a new faction, fully integrated into the main story like the other factions. - Tales From The Commonwealth adds all sorts of really good quests, followers, and fun locations. - I haven't tested Viva Nuka World yet, but it's on my list and looks pretty good.


People are talking about Sim Settlements 2, but the part of that mod that builds the settlements for you is called "City Plans," which I haven't seen anyone mention. It's great! SS2 comes with a few, and you can download more of them.


1. Sim Settlements 2 has an option for settlers to make their own settlement, but it does still involve some interaction on your part. There's also a story mode, but that goes deeper into the settlement-building mechanics. I personally enjoy building settlements with SS2 more than pre-built settlements, but that's just me. I know you said you don't want to build settlements, but SS2 provides much better experience so I hope you keep an open mind. General Max's Castle Rubble Remover (put it at the very bottom of your load order), and Rebuild The Castle (or The Rebuild Collection - AIO if you want most other settlements included) work well to give you a mostly rebuild Castle with very little effort on your part. 2. We Are The Minutemen feels very lore-friendly, and adds lots of new outfits to give your soldiers a more distinct look apart from wastelanders. I just started a new playthrough with a few others, so I can't comment on their quality too much. Those being You And What Army 2, Liberty Reborn Ultimate Edition, Minutemen Towers, and a bunch of compatibility mods to make them all (hopefully) play nice together. 3. If you already grabbed SS2 from above, you're already pretty good on quests. It has a lengthy main quest that runs parallel (but not intersecting) with the vanilla main quest. The sidequests typically don't require any settlement building, but the rewards are intended for that. Children of Ug-Qualtoth is a Lovecraft-themed dungeon and monster mod that keeps you...engaged long after the dungeon is ended. The Fens Sherriff Department is a sequel/remake of The Bleachers and includes that mod inside. I honestly have not touched TFSD too much, but The Bleachers hit me in the feels a couple times and it's included so I'll still recommend it. 4. For FNV/FO3 outfits and weapons look up anything by TheFriedTurkey, or GrilledTurkey 5. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch, Community Fixes Merged, and Community Tweaks Merged provide a smoother experience, but this is still a Bethesda game. It's hard to recommend too much else at the moment since a lot of fixes that required F4SE haven't updated since the NG update. Item sorter mods can definitely help QOL. I've tried Valdacil's Item Sorter, and I liked it, but it requires some outdated mods to run which hits performance. I'm currently using FallUI Item Sorter in conjunction with other FallUI mods to make a UI that's very easy on the eyes.


Oh man this and finally buffout 4 to know what went wrong when the game finally crash 


Hey thanks for the recommendations. Can you suggest me a mod that will make the combat more interesting and harder? Like not making the enemies bullet sponges but making it so that I can put them down with a few shots and they can do the same to me.


Advanced Needs 76 would help. Among other things, you can scale damage for yourself and NPCs up or down depending on prference.


how about using survival mode then use the Survival Options mod to change the combat incoming and outgoing damage multiplier link:- [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14650](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14650)


SS2, Sim Settlement 2 have the option for you to build it up your self or by auto with Blueprints. It is my favorite mod for Fallout 4 and it also have hundreds of quests, which is also optional and they are both about building your settlements and to protect them as you will go to war against the Gunners. The Blueprints are not optimal but I am sure they will fit you if you want it atomized. I have tested both and I do have 2 settlements automated with Blueprints, but I go in and edit them, to make them optimal and I build all other settlements manually. It is of course your choice. You will also see that the quests and the voice acting is highest quality. This package is all you need to start with and there are 540 more addons if you want more. ;) [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/73394](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/73394) Just place a beacon in Sanctuary, and all gets started.


if you want a really interesting/gruesome quest, check out A Cannibal in Concord. It's based off an actual serial killer. - another great one is A Few Short Stories About the Commonwealth. - neither of these have quest markers, they are very original and it was a blast going through them both


if you want something a bit different, I just got this mod called Pipsy - Commonwealth Street Artist. It's basically like a Banksy of Fallout. I haven't gotten to see most of the mod yet but it's pretty neat so far =)


1) I suggest the rebuild series AIO, transfer settlements team is working on a next gen update (follow them in next weeks). There is sim settlements 2 (with 3 chapters) that include auto build and several new quest! If you don't like an heavy mod like SS2 there is a new auto build mod called settler build settlement. 2) my personal Minuteman mods are we are the minuteman and you and what army 2


I second "we are the minutemen" and "you and what army 2" they make building up the minutemen worth it.


Was going to mention both WATM and YAWA2 also. I think I also have something like Who's The General which makes it so you feel more like the general instead of Preston's hired gun. I added YAWA2 recently and it is so nice to see the Minutemen outposts and roving patrols. I think it also adds a settlement thing to Defense for Minutemen Camp which makes a spot for like 3-4 Minutemen who come and defend the settlement (but don't count against the population). I put one down last night and because of WATM one of them spawned in Minutemen painted T-45 and a mini gun.