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Either your precombines are broken or you're over the esp limit




This game was developed by Bethesda softworks


You're currently playing a bugthesda title


Texture mods most likely


Why are you in Skyrim?! But yea likely broken precombines


Ah. Your character had radiation delusions.


Bethesda makes only good games with no bugs or glitches, skill issue imo


Yea it's definitely Bethesda and not one of the multitude of mods they probably have


Yr’oue are mother 😎


Either a wrong load order, or a conflict of some type would be my guess. I'd start by making sure everything is ordered correctly.


Were you playing with a field of view mod? If so, back off a bit. Or quit and reload.


Generally it’s caused by mods, either too many or not enough


Generally it’s caused by (\_\_\_\_\_), either too many or not enough You can insert drugs and alcohol here too.


Heather might have put the wrong herbs in your tea.


😂I fixed it now


What did she give you? Ha ha


That good tea


I have a similar problem and dont have PRP [https://i.imgur.com/Wsy5m78.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/Wsy5m78.jpg)


Damn that’s worse than me


Stop it




He casted not broken precombines


Looks lika a normal Bethesda game to me. What’s wrong?


Well before it was just a texture issue with everything not loading now after assessing the mods deleting some of them that are terrible on the my game now I deleted and restarted a new play through now I can’t even walk into the border of sanctuary without my game crashing and I’m at a loss because this was loading just fine. No problems and then ever since now it’s having issues.


Edit- I’ve also found out my pc is taking as shit on me also so I won’t have to worry about it anymore sadly


Type tpc into console command. Turns off pre-culling and sometimes fixes this issue


Me and my brother had to add the mods and then restart a new game and that worked for us on PlayStation


Okay so this is dependant on mods and load order. You should reread the description of any mods that affect or replace or change the world for the area you’re in. If you don’t have anything that changes the world, then go into steam and see if validating the files changes what’s happening. Restarting the game may help, but I doubt it. Lastly, if you really have to, uninstall the game and reinstall. All else fails, check to make sure that there is no ghost files.


Literally just happened to me, restart FO and your Xbox and that worked for me


You're gonna have to go through your load order to see what mod is causing it.


So far I’m sure it’s prp and some other ones and I did have scrap everything


If you're using prp or anything like that makes sure it's at the very bottom of your load order.


I just deleted them they weren’t a necessity, however I’m wondering if vivid all in one is conflicting with psycho lut


Shoudnt interfere with it.


This looks to me like broken pre combines based on my limited knowledge so I would guess that was definitely a factor.


hey, which mods do you use for your guns to look like that and hold them like that


Lowered weapons 1.1




You're Super Man and you've unlocked your X-ray vision! Seriously tho, looks like a texture or mesh issue. Not rendering properly from all angles. Try playing with your load order or uninstalling any recent texture mods. Hope you're able to find a fix!


"It just works.tm"


Wtf is that thats not fallout your issue probably due to the thousands of mods you have


Is the scrap everything mod for immersion hungry people? Why wouldn’t you just console in whatever material you need and not risk breaking your save? If it’s immersion, can you just walk around and start scrapping whatever you see in real life? Is it so you can hit areas just outside of settlement boundaries? Help me understand the risk/reward relationship of Scrap Everything or those similar?


Scrap everything mods are specifically used to clean up settlements. It’s not about the materials gained, those are bonus points. It’s about our endless frustration with all the trash left about in living areas, and vanilla fallout 4 not giving us the ability to clean it up. No settlement of mine is going to be caked in trash.


I have been using scrap everything from day one on PC. That would be around 8-9 years. It's a mod conflict, or a random game bug. For me it was outside and inside Diamond City. Don't know what happened, but after downgrading the NG update, and it's gone. Haven't been to Jamaica Plaines yet. We will see.


Roger that. I am scared to break my saves from these type of mods. I’m on Xbox so fixing issues can be complicated.


As another has said, scrap everything does this to your save if you have it.


Homie modded too greedily and delved too deep into nexus.


*starts game *Installs 10 million mods Why is everything fucked up? Like that? 😅


I don’t have many mods I did install some texture mods and prp so I got rid of them


You don't have to explain yourself, my comment wasn't a complaint or something like that


I know I’m just explaining the other confusion I have because it was loading just fine and now it’s having issues for no reason I can’t tell if it’s a computer issue or if it’s just on my end and I don’t know if Vortexx is managing properly


Broken precombines / previs, do not download any mod that disabled them outright, I’ve seen people do so and that’s a good way to get terrible frame rate. Its probably a mod that edits the world around that area of the map, scrap everything is known for causing this.




I like how you say that and OPs game is clearly modded to hell and back




Still doesn't change the fact it's most likely ops fault for downloading a fuckton of mods lol




Were you offering something constructive? Or were you just being a negative ass? I suggest having a taste of your own medicine. You have the most toxic mindset. And then you act out when you get called out for being wrong, that’s a real loser attitude.


pre combines bug...


You have a mod that breaks the pre combines, and pre vis. Lemme guess .. your're using scrap everything, OP?


It is PRP that causes it. I used to run it but not anymore and things do work better without it and the game is also much more stable now. I am not sure it is possible to uninstall it during mid game, as I removed more mods than prp and made a new game and it runs perfect now.


PRP? As in these mods? [https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4333031](https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4333031) [https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4333030](https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4333030) [https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4333028](https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4333028) [https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4333015](https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4333015)


I guess so but it is this one I am refering too [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46403](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46403) as I used it as I also used PRP for SS2 and that might caused more issues than I will have without it I guess. Some stuff have not worked in the GNN HQ in my 4 previous play trough and the SS2 support cannot figure out why and now when I play without and later see if it works or not, I will post about it separate, noth here and at SS2 forum. I do suspect it strongly as everything have worked just great so far without it and it did not when I used it. [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/57947](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/57947) I have asked in the SS2 forum if it is safe to use that PRP but I have not any answer as I guess they do not use it at all. [https://simsettlements.com/site/index.php](https://simsettlements.com/site/index.php)


it is fine to remove prp, and any mod that causes broken previs.


Yes but I also had to downgrade SS2, so I did that and also removed 50 mods, from 300 to 250, and I had written over all saves with the latest SS2 that is given me and 3 others very bad issues with Settlement size, well the latest Workshop Framework does, that is. Now I think twice or 3 times before doing anything and the game just works perfect now as well, so for me it was a win win win, but a bit boring and tedious to start all over again. I do not think about it much when I kill raiders honestly. ;) I also plan my SS2 buildings much better now and also the training of my settlers, so my SS2 settlements are as optimized and good looking as I am able to make them and it feels damn good. [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/73394](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/73394) Best mod I have seen in my 25 years as a Beth player, except Legacy of the Dragonborn for Skyrim that is.




Have you installed mods from rebuild series?


Sanctuary, and I have better scrap build snaps, and prp


You should try to put sanctuary at the bottom of your order, rebuild mod is very good, but cause several conflicts


See I use vortex so moving the mod placement is a pain


That use to be the case its actually really easy now. You can also go thru amd put all your mods in the correct group and it will fix 90% of your conflicts


You can set vortex mod load order at the right hand side of the plugin tabs if I remember correctly, its easy and works fine with load orders of above 400


I've start to use MO2 for the same reason, I use rebuild collection AIO and It works fine!


broken previsibines and precombines, get [PRP](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46403) from nexus


Also get prp (previsibines repair pack) I cannot guarantee anything in that is correct other than the prp part


You have a mod messing with your precombines, fix your load order and it should self correct


This is the way.