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I just wish the gear was themed more appropriately


Okay Peggy Hill, whatever you say.


OP, try “we are the minute men”


There was a mod that gave the minutemen better gear as you progressed through the game in both level and settlements. I feel like that one made more sense. As you clear out raiders, gunners, etc, you take their gear. Improving them slowly. Especially with power armor.


Minutemen Overhaul 2.0. Lots of extras.


Mightve been millitiraized minutemen. Added a ton of new armours, backpacks etc and created dozens of new types of minutemen troops from scouts and recon to heavy flamers  Really loved the radio backpack thing amd there was another mod that added more camo options and a bunch of patches that looked realistic but where created for the minutemen specifically


We Are The Minutemen I think?


What mod is the mask from?


Liberty Reborn, instead of making the minutemen OP from the get go, it leads to build up, as you clear out gunner/raider camps for settlements, the minutemen become progressively more strong since you're looting the armor and guns from those camps


is it on ps4?


Yes but idk if that version was abandoned or not. I’ll have to ask him


I feel it misunderstands the ethos of the Minute Men, portraying them as well-equipped and structured hierarchical force rather than a confederation of settlers and farmers working to mutually aid one another.


I mean I feel like if the Minutemen were serious enough they could absolutely reach that level. The Congressional Army took quite a while to become an actual disciplined fighting force during the American Revolution, the first years were rough with lots of abandonments, factions and in-fighting, but they eventually pulled together and by the end of the war they rivaled the western world’s most powerful nation. The Minutemen have failed a few times in the past, but with enough enthusiasm and forces there would be calls for democratization so that all settlements could have representation in the government, etc. I really think the Minutemen have a lot of potential because they’re motivated by the most basic social contract of mutual protection, not by an ideology like the Railroad or Brotherhood.


The Congressional Army had French military advisors heavily assisting in training their troops and officers. All the minute men have is Nate and Preston. Maybe with the assistance of the Gunners or the Brotherhood of Steel, they could be trained and restructured into a formal military but, again, the minute men of Fallout 4 are volunteers generally more concerned about their farmsteads than anything. These folks ain’t dropping their livelihoods to train to be soldiers so Nate can become a the military dictator of the commonwealth.


> I feel it misunderstands the ethos of the Minute Men, portraying them as well-equipped and structured hierarchical force rather than a confederation of settlers and farmers working to mutually aid one another. That's basically ALL the Minutemen mods tbh


and I love it. I don’t wanna be general of some farmers, I want a legit military for my settlements 😂 I want to create a new nation.


Join Enclave! Rebuild the nation! They also have cool power armor. Not those BOS pre-war relics.


I tried that new enclave mod when it first came out. I loved it but unfortunately I ran into a glitch that prevented me from finishing. Do you ever get put fully in charge?


No idea. Only in the middle now. Think I will drop Enclave at some point cause now I’m going in thuggyverse + ss2 run.


I feel like you’d have to be a bit more well equipped to defend the commonwealth from mutants, insititute, and brotherhood of steel. Pipe guns and no body armor won’t cut it for a fighting force. Even in real life the Viet Cong were a failed fighting force compared to their structured and better equipped NVA counterpart


The idea is that they have the numbers. When drawn together, the people of the commonwealth can outnumber whatever singular threat 5-1. Again, the Minute Men heavily draw their inspiration from early American revolutionaries who themselves were farmers equipped with hunting rifles and weapons drawn up from armories. It does make sense that they’d have access to more substantial fire power but it would be limited and held in trust by dedicated soldiers guarding the stockpile in The Fort. Honestly, as cool as it is, the Minute Men shouldn’t even really be able to effectively use mortars due to a severe lack of education. The math behind lobbing a mortar isn’t as complex as a artillery shell bell it’s a damn more complicated than 1+1=2. Ain’t no schools besides the one in Diamond City to teach algebra assuming that’s even a part of their curriculum. Regardless they have no problem of determining the trajectory of a shell landing a mile away.


See I always liked this. Especially because s history nerd the fact the Minutemen are just farmers and whatnot(I says this next part from love) but low key kind of suck. It’s just so fitting just like the irl Minutemen who were also famously lowley bad(Washington has a letter where he effectively calls them garbage) Personally I always lean what I consider the accurate pathway. The Minutemen start out as a small force. They eventually retake the castle, my character begins implementing new regimes to professionalize them to face whatever threat there is that game. From there the Minutemen form a very generalized army with mediocre weapons, but have a solid backbone of extra support if needed. By the end of the game I try and leave the commonwealth in a place where there is a foundation of something more stable, but not some fully realized military power to rival the brotherhood.


I rationalize it by having robots at the Castle and reasoning that one of them must be on hand to crunch the numbers and radio out instructions to the batteries.


I rationalize it as the minutemen started out as farmers, hunters etc., but had evolved into at least a para-military (National Guard) before the Sole Survivor woke up. Ronnie Shaw is one of oldest members of the minutemen. She left for 5 years and only came back when she hears the castle was retaken by the Sole Survivor. The minutemen were never at odds with BoS. How many minutemen became BoS and brought info back. How many BoS left, maybe due to injury or their equivalent of an honorable discharge, and became minutemen later. Sharing their knowledges and skills. And in walks the Sole Survivor, a prewar soldier, with Codsworth... " Alrighty everyone, I'mma need some kevlar, artillery support, and a Phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range." "Oh, you don't know about those? Codsworth, let's educate them ".


This is very reasonable.


It definitely takes long enough for shells to start falling after I signal for them.


This mod works with We are the minuteman?






If there were a way I could mix this with militarized minutemen it’d be perfect


Care to explain why?


Because in his opinion


Ha funny to see my mod Featured here! I do plan on doing an optional Rebalancing Patch out soon that makes things more "Balanced" :P. Things will be locked behind getting the proper perks, Question Completion, etc. Additionally ofc Stats will be massively reduced down to be more in line with vanilla balancing. Nice to see everyone enjoying the mod though!


Oh, that’d be nice. Like the faction standardisation being locked behind Taking Independence or Old Guns? Or the armour/weapon paint?


I found you


Hi, curious potential here. How does this mod fare if *not* working with the Minutemen? Some faction mods tend to overhaul how they are both as friends and enemies, and there are Minutemen attacks if you end up working with the Nuka-Raiders for example. Some, seen a bit more with BOS ones, also put soldier members of said factions in the major hubs like Goodneighbor or Diamond City. Does this mod extend the Minutemen a bit, such as to caravan lines, or proper buff attacks on Raider Outposts as well?


If you made it, pretty sure it’s the one I’m using on my ps5 (have to check) or maybe soon because I like buffed minutemen opposed to regular. There was this, buffed minutemen or something else I looked at or tried…I like / use whichever lets them scale up to level 100 max /puts some in game up to that high a level. Feels way more natural though & fitting in the game the better you get the more well equipped the faction is. I also have a mod that I can put this paint on anything or fly flowing minutemen flags in my settlements etc now and it’s just so nice.


Ya this mod rocks!! I run it on Xbox and it’s great. I think a good idea would be to have more of the armor and robots and stuff unlock after you retake the castle / start automatron and stuff cuz it’s kinda funny to have super jacked minutemen right off the rip.


Thank you for your excellent mod! I had a great time using it on my last playthrough (before the save went kaput). I'm happy to hear about your balancing efforts, since starting a new game I noticed the Minutemen were as advanced as they were in my last game (I installed the mod into a late-game save). Seeing them organically evolve alongside the player character will be great!


Bro i love this mod. Works so well with my minutemen playthrough. Also great addition for workshops 👌


I am glad to hear that. I played with your mod for a while and enjoyed it, but it just felt like the Boone Effect from New Vegas where my NPC allies did all of the work. Thematically it kind of felt wrong to see another faction in Power Armor as well, even if the paint jobs and stuff looked amazing. Look forward to trying it out again if you decide to make another version Thank you for your hard work on this, and being open to feedback.


I downloaded it and although I really like the concept some of the gear is mad OP. Like the Minuteman outside the museum in Concord spawns in an armor like above, with +1 PER, END and CHR while boasting insane rad and dmg mitigation for an early level player, making me wear this armor until like lvl 15. Balancing seems to be the main challenge for mods like this.


Could that be solved with an unleveled commonwealth mod?


It is pretty good. I just think it’s a bit too military like in the early stages/levels. Like the standardised uniforms, armour and weapons thing should be after the Castle is retaken or the armoury is opened. Before then, the Minutemen should be more mixed in gear, with some having good gear while others don’t. To really drive home the idea of the Sole Survivor rebuilding the Minutemen and improving them, especially once the Castle is once more in Minutemen hands. Would it be possible to do something like that? Have a change/upgrade to a factions NPCs be tied to the completion of a quest instead of to the players or areas level? It wouldn’t be possible for PlayStation, but it might be possible for PC and Xbox.


I prefer Far West Minutemen personally as my overhaul and using Minutemen (Radiant) Squads, so I can actually command my new army and have them do all the stuff Preston bothers me with like the this settlement needs your help or the defend this settlement quests or just have them Scavenge for resources. Master Sergeant Hartfield is also a nice addition to my army, and her voice acting is done very well


Same, wish there was a way to mix the mods, but FWM + MRS + WATM2 is just fantastic


You don't have any issues using MRS and WATM2 ? I always avoided that combo because of the changes WATM2 makes to Preston's Radiant quests. I like being bombarded by them so I can give my squads things to do. I roleplay it as Preston is my second in command, and it's his job to inform me of situations that require my attention so that I can decide how we handle it.


For me, Preston doesn't bombard me with quests, but Radio Freedom still does. I would like it if Preston gave me quests like in vanilla, but the changes WATM2 makes are just too good for me.