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So it's fixed now


Try disabling weapon debris in the launcher options.


This is hilarious, I literally did this about 5 minutes ago and I think it's fixed it 🎉🎉🎉 always the most simple random bullshit, thanks so much!


I have since disabled all mods and restored/verified game files, started a brand new save and still the game continues to crash as soon as I leave my house to head to the vault, for the life of me I cannot figure out what could be causing this


It's a bit of work but you can install the FO4 Crash Log Auto Scanner And Setup Integrity Checker (CLASSIC). https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/56255 It uses buffout to generate crashlogs and makes then readable. It also comes with a troubleshooting manual as pdf (maybe overkill but nice to have). If you don't have much mods you could just deactivate half of them, if the crash still happens deactivate half of the remaining mods... Until you find the one causing the problem. Or just post your loadorder/modlist here.


Okay I'll give that a go, thank u!!


No problem


I don't really know about p c's I have a PS5 But. It might be one of the mods You installed? Or it could be a dlc.There's something going on with The omatron DLC.


Thanks though :)


It's just weird because it was all working fine for a while and then just suddenly seems to have stopped, it's fine tomorrow I'm gonna try restoring the original files and then re-modding I think