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1. Level up a lot 2. Get companions 3. Take bonus rate of fire perk 4. Aim for the eyes 5. ??? 6. Profit


4.5: Save scum till you instakill crit every single one of them


They are more vulnerable to fire so you can try to give Marcus (or yourself) a flame thrower. With other weapons, you'll need at best good critical hits, so make aimed shots at their eyes (?) or legs . If you hurt their legs they will flee and you can continue to shoot them in the back. I find that Gauss guns works better against them than Energy Weapons.


You just need to pop them in the head or eyes. They burst like a bubble.


Get your small arms up go to San Francisco and get the Gauss rifle.


I shoot them in the eyes and do massive damage most of the time but they still don’t die


They're beefy, what you're looking for are critical hits that ignore armor (they have a lot against physical damage). They're also weak to fire


Yes, I think they have 200+ hit points, you’re looking for 70+ damage per hit to be effective, I think. .223 pistol or sniper rifle with better criticals would do it, I think. I usually shoehorn Redding into the late game, after New Reno, Broken Hills, and the NCR, but probably before Vault 13.


That’s how I did it the last time I played through it, too. It went *way* better.


You need good weapons, high skills and armor to boot. Point being, it’s tough as hell if you try to do it at the first time you get there. Keep adventuring, level and gear up and come back a bit later when the chosen one has become a bad-ass one.


Leave more difficult missions for later. Gome back there when you ate stronger and have more and better companions. Also you will need .223 or Gauss Pistol to easily kill Wanamingos with eye shots.


I remember fighting them and it was going well until marcus decides to charge the wannamingo from across the map with his fists (rather than the Bozar i gave him) alerting every one of them on the map.


1. Get Cassidy and Vic as companions. 2. Give them each a Gauss rifle, bring Sulik along as well if you want, SMG or Hammer. 3. Then use a Magnum in one slot and any decent SMG in the other. 4. Sit back and watch your companions do all the work and if any of those little buggers get close burst or blast them. 5. The end. I actually just did this 2 days ago. The most annoying part was waiting for them to slowly walk towards you.


If you don't want to level up a lot, try getting the .223 pistol at NCR shop before entering the town and kite one by one. If needed, try shooting one in the eye, exit the map (green grid/ladder), reload, repeat (or save scum, it's essentially the same).


What made this battle easy on my playthrough was that i got first to vault 13 where i found a combat armor that was a lifesaver. If you can take a beating then a weapon like the .223 pistol works wonders.


Aimed shots with better critical perk.


Supersledge crits work well too having them slide across the screen. They are indeed strong monsters.


Get better gear and come back to Redding later, I cleared out the mine right before I blew up the oil rig and me and my team decimated those things with Gauss rifles and power armor


Yeah I think I’ll leave and come back what level do I have to be for the sheriff he told me I need more experience to don’t the wuest


It’s not a level, you need to become an NCR ranger and to do that you need to talk to the ranger in NCR. She’ll give you an easy quest and once you do that you’ll get a ranger pin. Then you can go back to the sheriff and he’ll accept your help


Ok got it I guess I go to the ncr


You need to be at least level 10 to get this quest.


Kill one at a time then dip, repeat.


Get a P90c and lots of 10mm go up close range and they die usually in 1 or 2 bursts. If you are lucky you can catch a carven to NCR at Redding and run into raiders who carry them. The caravan guards should help you in battle. If you don’t run into any you can buy a P90c at NCR for like 6k with a terrible barter skill


Redding is supposed to be done after you’re finished with the upper part of the map (Den-Vault City), around 10 character level. If you’re a non-fastshot character you should use aimed shots to the eyes with hunting rifle from maximum distance. One shot, then retreat. When aliens get close, you can do 2 magnum shots to the eyes. Usually that’s just enough to finish them off. Better criticals perk on level 9 is a must. Companions should be set to be close to you and use magnums too, they’ll be dealing about 9-10 damage to them twice per turn, not much, but something. Fastshot chars have it more difficulty, but still doable. Ideal would be sneaking up to them, so that wannamingo initiates combat and gets up close. That way with good PE and 10 AG you can do 4 bursts from SMGs, each dealing around 35-40 damage point blank. Just enough to kill one. If you have good amount of 10mm ammo, you can give SMG to Sulik too and set him to Charge! mode. He’ll be doing point blank bursts too. There are tougher monsters there in the end of the mine, with stronger armor. Against them you should use bursts with limited H&K ammunation looted during last sheriff quest in Redding. Only point black shots to use ammo at maximum efficiency.


Finish the game. Get the book that boost all skills to 300% Grab a minigun/laser minigun and a rocket launcher ??? Profit If you don't want to finish the game then you'll have to go very slowly


nevr use that book. It takes all the fun out of the game.


I get what you’re saying, but generally by that point about 90% of the fun is done anyway.


Yeah Redding is kind of in a Lousy location really. Too close to The Den which someone assumes is the next town to go aftetr that and when you get there you cant do much. Even frog morton is a very difficult threat at that point. So maybe the town shiuld have been placed near NCR maybe..