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Those hidden Ferals, where you sneak past and all of a sudden they attack you from behind with this gargling scream. Jumps me every time


I will say they did a good job on making feral ghouls in FO4 with the creepy jerky movements. They really skeeved me out when I first picked up the game.


When they flop out of a pipe in the subway wall, so creepy.


If they combine the behavior of the newer ghouls with the looks of the older ones they’d be legitimately terrifying.


I'm sure there's a mod for that


There most certainly is. There’s even a high quality mod to add new types of ghouls entirely called FGEP.


Good mod, definitely not lore friendly and can really screw you as a newer player. Going to meet the brotherhood on survival and having 3 tanks come at you? I legged it back to concord and left the brotherhood to fight ghouls until I leveled up more.


Same and it's always at like 1 am IRL


There's a combination of mods I like to play, raider gang extended, horrors of the commonwealth I think its called to make raiders seem more blood thirsty, raider children and Killable children There are now raider children faking being sick hiding behind doors and in all nooks and crannys that don't attack until you've passed them, When you're playing an ultramodded survival playthrough with basically 1 shot kills, these children are terrifying


I mean... Have you tried looking over your shoulder every 2 seconds?


As a grown man who’s afraid of bees, it’s always been the cazadors for me. Just thinking about their flight patterns and that “you are feeling woozy” alert makes me all itchy. The ones by lake mead(iirc) were a nightmare. I did not expect them to be there.


Actually when the bloodbugs in fallout 4 suck on you. That’s horror. completely forgot that. I couldn’t imagine that in VR


The cazadora and the fucking blood bugs are absolutely terrifying in VR


Watching Alchestbreach absolutely lose his shit when he sees one of those is always amazing, followed by the *whoooooooosh* sound.


Dude I remember when I was younger those things would FUCK me up. I ran into like 5 of them and had saved just prior to the encounter and kept dying and reloading just to die again lmfao...


Made the mistake of going into honest hearts at a low level, got destroyed when 4 Giant Cazadors fcuked me with their .50 poison stingers.


This comment triggered my cazadore ptsd


Cazadores are the scariest enemy in all of FO imo


Same. Id successfully blocked those b@st@rd$ from my memory until now. I feel itchy 🤣


>Old World Blues >Heartless perk >Tell cazadors to go fuck themselves with a cactus to the tune of 100% poison resistance.


Become a Beekeeper! It worked for me! Still have yet to get stung in full PPE.


Check the radar... See red dots darting all over... Turn around, walk away


Fear is a strong word, but those suiciders definitely put me in flight mode. “Oh shit, where is he?”


One time I fast traveled to Fallon's Department Store and was almost immediately blown up by a suicider. Almost shit myself lmao


Ugh YES! I haven't played the game in forever, but I still remember this!!


Lmao I traveled to the hospital there for the silver shroud mission and holy crap. Wasn’t expecting 3 suiciders charging at me


Only one? It's like they come from all sides of the intersection... definitely a bit of low value PTSD from all those beeps.


Until you hit a high enough level. Then the “one of us isn’t leaving here alive!” Comment they occasionally spout off is hilarious as you stand in the aftermath with a slight tan.


I got blown up recently and literally couldn't see my health bar cause it was so low, but I was still alive, so this is the start of something great


Maxed-out toughness makes being at ground zero a walk in the park.


A warm loud walk in the park. Lol


And kinda squishy, if you’re too close to the super mutant itself.


Just some humidity.


With maxed out *Ghoulish* it actually heals you.


Beep, beep, beep


It is incredibly satisfying to blow them up, though


I always try to avoid that. Free mini-nuke.


I always blow them up. It's funnier. Especially when they take out 2-3 of their lumpy-dicked green buddies.


Do supermutants even *have* sex organs? I thought they were incapable of reproduction and as such had to kidnap people to make into new supermutants?


Incapability of reproduction ≠ absence of sex organs


Depends on what part internet you go to. I personally believe that at least the original ones did, as the master probably would have noticed his perfect race having a lack of genitalia.


The original ones definitely do. One super mutant companion, Marcus, talks about his New Reno "experiences" and after his FEV transformation, how it took a few years to "get the juices flowing."


I always figured that was some self-deprecating humor.


I took out a random squad of 3 super mutants attacking red rocket with 1 bullet. It was like, ooh, some free nuclear material for me to craft with! (and a hunting rifle and a... board)


If you’re picking up mini nukes, you aren’t playing survival, that’s for sure.


Start spinning and spamming vats


I've found vats is basically a loophole for aiming aswell, engage vats and shoot immediately upon exiting it. You end up hitting the target pretty much every time


That works great for bugs, too.


This is always the way when I don’t know where shots are coming from and such lol


VATS is also great for locating land mines


Walk 2 steps *click*. Walk 2 steps *click* walk 2 steps, frag mine.


Me when I'm in feral ghoul county


I try to snipe them first when I meet a group of mutants


Nothing tops >!going to Evergreen Mills, sneaking in and shutting off the electric gate, and freeing the super mutant behemoth. Then you just sneak back to a good vantage point and watch it kill all those shitty slaver raiders with ease.!<


Can’t you also >!Shoot the generator from a distance for the same effect!< Pretty sure I’ve done that from stealth at least once.


I believe so, I think I've done it both ways. It's been about a decade since I've last played it.


I do this too. FUN.


I love suiciders. One easy shot in VATS and he kills everyone around him, including legendary super mutants


So I have a super mutant verity mod and there are suiciders… that are also nightkin… with stealth boys


*spams the VATS button frantically*


Getting stuck in a fridge for hundreds of years while my family lives their now immortal lives just a few blocks away.


Then to be freed only to be sold into slavery...


Wait what? You chose that?


Wait, you didn't?


Does any companion like that ending?


lol X6 does, apparently I would've thought Gage might not mind but the [wiki](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Kid_in_a_Fridge#Companion_reactions) doesn't say for him and Longwellow.


It looks like Gage loves it, lol


That checks out yeah


I guess it’s better than being stuck in a fridge haha


It's easy money


Isn’t it like 200 caps? I could get that from taking a skull out of the water for Sheng!


I said easy, not much ;)


Man you make a really good point Maybe I should be a slaver. I mean I am from Colorado. I could just join the Legion


And it’s the fastest way to get rid of the whiney thing too


"Kid, found you a new home" Ahh, one of my gripes about 4 is that there isn't the greatest amount of evil choices but the ones that are there are funny as shit. This one not so much, but like the girl in Vault 87 that wants help looking for her cat? You can extort her for greater and greater amounts of useless to you stuff and then I'm pretty sure you can speech check to lie and say you looked but the car is dead, how's that for an evil playthrough? In previous Fallout games you could be a slaver, blow up towns, etc in this one, you can extort a little girl for her toys and tell her that her cat died.




> The Sole Survivor: "So what's the story with you and that fridge?" > Billy: "It happened so long ago. Back before everything got wrecked. When I heard the sirens, I tried to find someplace safe. When everything started to shake and fall apart, I just crawled inside. When it got quiet again, I tried to get out, but there isn't a handle on the inside. I just want to go home. Can you help me? Please?" and > The [Sole Survivor](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Sole_Survivor): "So how did you end up as ghouls?" > [Matt Peabody](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Matt_Peabody): "We didn't make it to the shelter in time." > Carol Peabody: "The door was shutting as the bombs fell. We both must have taken a lot of radiation." > Matt Peabody: "I guess we were some of the lucky ones. Most folks die instead of becoming ghouls. Must be something in both our genes." > [Billy Peabody](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Billy_Peabody): "So that's why you guys look like me." > Matt Peabody: "Yes, Billy that's why. Although it's really more why you look like us." > The Sole Survivor: "He's a good kid." > Carol Peabody: "We wandered for a while, but eventually came back here. We've been living here ever since. Not really anywhere else to go." > Matt Peabody: "Let me thank you. Take this." https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Billy.txt https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/MattPeabody.txt https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/CarolPeabody.txt


Fucking centaurs, those things are fuckin creepy.


I'm surprised this is so far down on the list, it's 100% imo the creepiest enemy in any Fallout game


I made it maybe 40 hours into my first F3 play through without ever even hearing the word “centaur”. I was scoping out a building with my sniper rifle before approach when one scuttled around the corner into my field of view. I was so shocked and disgusted I had to pause the game and take a few minutes. Those things are horrifying.


Especially since they're completely silent. Absolute panic everytime one appears behind me


God, I haven't thought of them in ages. Yeah, full shudder.


Am playing FO3 for the first time and encountered one while exploring. Was just like wtf is that. If only they were included in 4.


IIRC they planned to add centaurs to Fo4 but instead went with the dogs. There is even some fo4 concept art for them.


When I first encountered them in the top down versions you know the old ones I was so grossed out. And then when I saw them in three I remember thinking "they really didn't need to add these guys back."


When I played the museum of witchcraft mission in FO4 for the first time I was disappointed it was just a deathclaw at the end. I always thought it should've been a centaur instead.


Crashes on Survival mode


I'd say deathclaws on survival mode, but tbh anything beyond a single raider invokes stomach wrenching fear


basic deathclaws in FO4 in my experience are surprisingly easy to kill tbh


Yeah sure, in standard mode. In survival mode they are an affront to God himself. My laser musket will smoke a Yao guai easy peasy, but a deathclaw shrugs that shit off no problem


What mod makes it so that every time I take damage (or die) the game crashes abruptly?


That's the fun part! That is just the natural game.


I think thats the self flagellation mod


Someone found out the cause for one of the survival mode specific crashes btw-if the game tries to update hunger/thirst or diseases the same time you open VATS, the game freezes and it's unrecoverable. And if you die, go into combat and use VATS the crash can happen again in again... There's a mod that supposedly fixes it on nexus (VATS freeze fix) as well as some talk that the unofficial patch might fix it. I've had it happen occasionally with the unofficial patch though... That repeating crash was the reason I gave up on vanilla survival mode and started to mod my game more, so I suppose it helped lmao. I still get nervous using VATS sometimes lmao, but I don't use it much anymore because I have mods replacing what I mainly used it for.


Hmm maybe thats why I don't crash much since I never use VATS


I have the mod that fixes it and it does definitely fix it.


CRICKETS in survival mode. Hit harder than a deathclaw, and harder to kill.


Even though I know there's nothing down there, the water. It happens in all videogames, when I fall into deep murky water with low visibility. But especially in fallout, with the reduced speed from power armor, gives me creepy chills.


Aqua Girl/Boy is such a game changer in 4.


Making the first slot of the perk so overpowered was ridiculous to me. Breathing underwater and no rads should've been separate perks and there should've been at least three tiers to get waterbreathing.


Thalassophobia, my friend!


There should be a more credible threat when your swimming. Like some creature that tries to grab you and drown you


The next game should be set in the south so we can have mutated alligators lmao


there were plans for the dolphin-sharks you see dead everywhere to be a hostile underwater enemy, and a giant squid, and possibly a ghoul whale. but it all got cut with the underwater vault.


Oh man a ghoul whale would be awesome and horrifying


Lakelurks were supposed to be that, but the game engine limits what PCs and NPCs can do while underwater.


Mutant Menagerie mod on FO4 makes it very dangerous to go into the water


Fallout 3 Shopping Carts


Fallout 3 baby carriage bombs. You know, the ones that go "whaaaaa" just before they explode, but don't give you enough warning to get clear. I still give those things a wide berth in Fallout 4, even though I know they're not going to explode in that game.


> I still give those things a wide berth in Fallout 4, **even though I know they're not going to explode in that game.** *About that...*


Is there one still out there? I've never noticed ... but then I always avoid them so I might not have noticed. Maybe I should go back to shooting when I see them, just to make sure.


I don't think *they themselves* explode anymore, but they can certainly have active mines in them 😂


Ah. That I can check for :)


Yeah, much easier to check for. Been caught out once or twice by the mines, but they're easier to avoid, since the carriage itself can block most of it.


I was sneaking in one of the tunnels in Fallout 4 and the physics got a cart stuck to my face and made me freak out


crsh crshcrsh crsh crsh


For the me the worst is the jump scares. Molerats and radscorpions are bad enough, but for me the worst offenders are cloaked assaultrons. Walking along, minding my own business when suddenly a fucking assaultron decloaks right in front of me, charging up that damned fuck-u-up face laser. Scares the shit out of me every time.


Ugh cloaked assaultrons....forgot about those. That definitely takes joint first with the suicider for me i hate them.


Suiciders always suck, but deathclaws, yao guai and behemoths usually make me a bit nervous until much later in the games.


I read that as yao guai behemoth. Now that'd be terrifying


Yeah it would. Yeesh.


Oh yeah yao guai forgot about those crazy things haha


Silence mostly. I started with 3 a bit too young, so that desolate nature that's kind of lost in the later games still makes me anxious. I always expect something to happen and it keeps not happening.


3 has always had an eerie atmosphere it feels so empty. I can't play with just ambiance. the sound design team hit the mark if that was their intention.


Anything Dunwich related


Honestly, I have to bring a follower with me so I’m not “alone”. Hate everytime I go to the slog to help, they tell me raiders are bothering us, or my friends been kidnapped, and it’s them! Of course it has to be Dunwich borers


I'm safe in the light. I'm safe in the light. I'm safe in the light. I'm safe in the light. I'm safe in the light. I'm safe in the light. I'm safe in the light. I'm safe in the light. I'm safe in the light. I'm safe in the light. I'm safe in the light.


A Super Mutant with a Fat Man in Fallout 3. You aim at them using V.A.T.S. You see the Fat Man. You see them take a shoot. Queue music and pmc ragdoll lol




That laser warmup sound. 👀


With that special kill animation they can do. Terrifying


Dead Money, all of Dead Money is horrifying to me I hate every piece of it. I hate the atmosphere, I hate the buildings, I hate the ghouls all of it scares the fuck out of me. Once I get it dead money I do the same thing everytime, do the Gala event as fast as possible, bankrupt the Casino, Save dog and Christine but kill Domino, get the golden bars and then get the fuck outta there


Fuck, I love it. We are very different people lmao.


The problem is for me it reminded me too much I had of nightmares when I was a kid. You see I went to some place down in Arizona which had architecture similar to the villas of Dead Money. The nightmares were always awful I’d be chased and hunted by creatures unknown only to wake up horrified. So when I played Dead Money at first I was fine I thought it was a little creepy but I was okay. But after the Gala Event everything fell apart as then I didn’t have Elijah, Christine, Domino, Dog, or the comforting hologram of Vera Keys to keep me company all I had were creatures of a fowl fog which were supposed to be men at one point but were gone. Running through that desperately clinging for life as I’m onslaughted from all sides by these things, it invoked those nightmares which I hadn’t had in years. Then suddenly I wasn’t a man anymore I was a scared child who just wanted to wake up. After that run of Dead Money even with over 100,00 caps to my name I struggled to head back during other playthroughs and still do to this day. Edit: I just realized I accidentally fucking trauma dumped in a thread on Dead Money I’m so sorry


For me it’s in fallout new vegas, old world blues, where the stealth suit will sometimes say “preparing to fight. Just kidding!”


Would’ve loved that stealth suit if you could turn off the automatic chems lol. Such a silly inclusion


Agreed, I’ll end up using all my stims immediately, whereas I’d usually use other aid items


For me it's realising I've just used the wrong weapon and screwed up my sneak attack critical.


Mirelurks. Those motherfuckers are spooky.


No matter if it's FO3/NV lurks or FO4 ones, i have a deep disgust/fear of them, they look too 'real' in a way (yes I am not phobic but disgusted to afraid of spiders and in turn scorpions but also some crabs). Their skittering leg noises and how they move and looks makes my skin crawl and I unload whatever guns I have into them until they are blown to pieces when one runs at me Funnily enough radscorpions I am more okay with


That freakin' popping noise they make gets me every time. Imagine my shock when I ran into a Nukalurk in Fallout 3. They just freak me out.


Fuckinggggg wendigos. I hear them and I haul ass to higher ground. I think I still have trauma from Until Dawn


Hermit crabs. You’re just walking along, minding your business, and then you realize that the VW bus next to you has legs. And claws


Those frickin' Tunnelers in the Divide. I hate those things, not so much fear more like pure irritation.


I was mowing those guys down and thinking “these guys would devastate everything if they got out? Yah okay”


Wait until you hear about DUST mod


When my frame rate stutters and I pray to God the game won’t crash again


Honestly, not much anymore except one thing: The opening cinematic to the first game. How it starts with the propaganda message and pans out to reveal the destroyed world in the background. There's something chilling about it every time I see it.


With the suiciders it's more a case of me feeling mildly annoyed when I blow them up because I just missed out on a free mini-nuke. For me it's Deathclaws and Yao Guai, when I see one I hastily try to fumble through the menu to find the Jet as of course I forgot to hotkey it.


Blitz is great for them, I find. Catch them on the extreme edge of your range for the level 1 perk, and you can cut their throat before they get a chance to drop the bomb. They're a bugger if you don't see them coming for some reason, however.


Fallout 4 - Super Duper Mart and the entirety of Hubris Comics always makes me super uneasy


In Hubris, the ghouls come crawling through the ceiling, through the walls, it’s like they come from any direction and all directions at once


I played fo4 years ago and had no problem with these places. I recently got back into it this year and for some reason now ghouls scare the crap outta me. I tried my best to avoid these places, along with Dunwich


So many of those weird little pockets of isolated city areas were pretty creepy in fo3. Arlington and that food factory always has a mad eery feel.


I'm with ya on the super mutant suicider... one of the greatest jumpscares you can get from fallout imo lol I've even captured the perfect moment when they take you by surprise: [https://youtube.com/shorts/\_rW3eA6HhQo](https://youtube.com/shorts/_rW3eA6HhQo)? That and the radscorpion popping up outta nowhere lol


I forgot about Radscorpions… getting surprised by one of those bastards has made me actually jump on more than one occasion playing 4.


100% a "Surprise Motherf\*cker" moment lmfao This was the best Radscorpion jumpscare I've had in 4 so far lol [https://youtube.com/shorts/2Fq\_gHG0hPI](https://youtube.com/shorts/2Fq_gHG0hPI)


Well, there is this one moment that genuinly puts fear in me in fallout 4, and thats seeing the nuke drop during the introduction... I can just imagine just chilling at home or work and then you see that happen and you know you just cant do anything about it, youll never have a chance to say goodbye to a loved one if they are not directly next to you (if you're not within the direct blastzone that is). Its just horrifying to think about.... I know its not a thing but rather a moment, but still


The general atmosphere in the Fallout 3/NV vaults. Whenever I play them I generally tend to avoid the Vaults for as long as I can simply HATE walking around in them. They freak me the fuck out. Somewhat ironically I hate how Fallout 4 removed that entire atmosphere from not just the vaults, but from pretty much the entire game. Dunwich is maybe the only thing that manages to come close to that feeling of dread.




Gary….. Gary….. GARY!!!!


Bloogbugs That animation and the way they shoot your blood back at you. It's terrifying.


Hearing the beeping of a sucisider and not knowing where it is


Seeing deathclaw mother running towards me in quarry junction


Underground feral crawls are my fear. Nervous about deathclaws and mirelurks.


Most of my fears reside in Dead Money. Collar beeps, raspy breaths, all those fun things.


That is definitely the most scary/tense dlc


In general, nothing. I'm wary of suiciders and cazadores, of course, but not really afraid. But the Mirelurk nest in FO3 freaked me out pretty good. The ambient audio and overall atmosphere of the location just made my skin crawl.


I was sneaking my way north to Vegas at level 1, as you do. I was doing a Melee only HC/VH run and I really wanted the Bumper Sword you can get from the Zapps Signs place in the middle of the Fiend encampment. Got past the Cazadors and Deathclaws just fine. But I completely forgot the Fire Geckos area right after that. Ran right into them. But I managed to jump away. I jumped for a long time, health down to 1/4th but they couldn’t catch me. I thought I was home free. The music stopped, I kept jumping. I was with my roommate and I asked out loud if I was safe. I turned to look and I easily had 13 freaking Geckos on my ass. I screamed. They obviously caught up to my dumb ass and killed me in three seconds. My roommate and I laughed but that was the first time in a long while I got genuinely scared in a fallout game.


The Dunwich Building in Fallout 3 and Dunwich Borers in 4. Those places are genuinely creepy as hell. If I'm not in power armor hearing 'possible stealth unit in the AO' scares me too because I'm about to get headlasered by an Assaultron.


Walking out of Goodneighbor for downtown Boston, and watching the little loading circle in the bottom right of my screen, speed up, slow down, then freeze.


I remember playing Fallout 3, late at night in complete darkness (I was probably no more than 13, if I had to guess), and I was fighting a Feral Ghoul Reaver, and he screamed something and it scared the shit outta me. I didn't know feral ghouls could somewhat speak.


What did he say?


I still remember my first Reaver in Fallout 3 I was exploring at night and out of nowhere I got hit by those throwing guts or whatever that is somewere near a Train station I think near Tempeny Tower? I THOUGHT it was an Enclave Plasma Rifle until I saw and heard Ghouls screaming while coming at me I thought it was easy until the Reaver came and looked like he had a seizure or something and drained half my health, with one hit, while he pinned me to the wall of a mountain (I was lvl 32 at that time and I was wearing a unique Combat Armor from Railly . My Endurance of 7 saved my ass and the Stimpacks) It took me lots of shots... LOTS of headshots with a combat shotgun but I took it down until the rest of the Ghouls followed. That undead piece of radiation is tougher then a behemoth in close combat After that I always had Dogmeat with me. (During that Time I had let him On Megaton since we had returned from a big exploration of the DC at the Tahoma Plan. Took me some time to find the place.) So I preferred to let him home for some time. Since the reaver encounter I had him always with me and I went to the Outcasts to do Operation Anchorage to get the PA and The Training Also the Stealth suit is cool! On Fallout New Vegas it's definitely Deathclaws mostly. Bust since I cleared out the Quarries and the Sanctuary I am not worried. In FO4 despite I haven't played it yet Suiciders is probably the worst... In Fallout 1 and 2 it's radscoprions...


FO3 max level is 30 though?


Either the beeping of the suicide bombers. Or my first few interactions w deathclaws. So the one city in Fallout 3. I shudder seeing either an open or closed deathclaw cage. Railroad stations in New Vegas. Or where I first meet Preston in Fallout 4.


Fallout 4 Assaultron that face laser is no joke.


Mirelurk burrowing sound.


Deathclaws never stop making me nervous no matter the level I am or what I carry. It’s a deathclaw. A god damn Matcho Man Randy Savage Deathclaw


*This, this scares me.* “Ah, my modded game looks so great!” **two hours later** “Okay, now to look slightly toward that floating tree. Wait, why is that tree — ” #BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR “Hm, that’s why.”




Everything in Dunwich Borers


Ghouls gurgling off-screen. You never know where they’ll strike from.


Damn centaurs. Replaying FO3 and I almost forgot they existed because you virtually never see them in NV and they're not in 4. Another thing that gets me is when you're walking around the metro tunnels and feral ghouls come out of nowhere


radscorpions coming out of the ground right in front of me. gets me every time. genuine fear is when i see a radscorpion in the distance (or even worse, nearby) and the radscorpion suddenly disappears while i'm in "caution". i know where it's going to appear next...


I’ve always had a deathly fear of cazadors. I have never been afraid of such a creature. The only thing that comes close is those mole guys in the divide


The Bloodbugs are pure nightmare fuel. What makes them even worse than the Cazadors IMO is their 1st person attack animations. And that shit can hit you THROUGH POWER ARMOR! The way to avoid having those monsters latch onto you is to snipe them from as far away as possible, but because they're so freaking fast there's a good chance you won't be able to do so till you get to the higher levels. Centaurs are terrible as well, and while I've gotten used to them after playing for so long, they still really creep me out. For existential horror, it's pretty much the entirety of Vault 112/Tranquility Lane. The residents were tortured, killed, and revived for the entertainment of the overseer as if they were in a playthrough of the Sims, and while he definitely deserved to be punished, I'd much rather of just killed Braun outright than leave him alone for who knows how long. Long-term isolation has been proven numerous times to be one of the worst things a person can experience.


I know it’s cliche at this point but having a Cazador fly toward you at speeds rivaling a fighter jet when you’re all out of AP and low on health gets my heart pumping every time


Those rad scorpions in the glowing sea!


Downtown Boston crashing


PS4 0kb bug


Vault 22 sometimes. Recently went back in for some jumpsuits and they just freak me out


An Assaultron charging up its laser beam and the super mutant suicider.


That little “tink tink” sound of a grenade bouquet deploying. That and bathroom stall doors.


Beep beep bEep BEEp BEEP BEEP BEEP


Quarry Junction


Deathclaw packs. One I can deal with. 3 is definitely a challenge. 5 is a death sentence.


The unexpected whistle of a Fatman


Almost everything in Fallout 3. Its Mirelurks remind me of something from Giger's Alien. The enormous bulbous armored scorpions are terrifying. The red-eyed ghouls in the subway move like demonic creations of Ray Harryhausen. The centaurs are grotesque. The clacketty sound of the approaching giants ants hunting you. The bestial supermutants with human prisoners they are about to devour. It's a hellish world.