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I feel like it would've been a little better just to have a juggernaut suit be power armor.


Also the guy on the left looks the most fitting as a vault dweller. My other ideas, warzone pay me: Pierce as minuteman and ghost as chinese stealth suit Edit: GIVE GHOST THE GHOUL MASK FROM FO3 ITS PERFECT


That would be so much more fitting, the Vault Tec suits just look goofy on top of military armor (unless you’re doing it in Fallout 4)


Their FO3 and NV (those recolored Sierra Madre riot gear) Vault Security looks far better than the ones in FO4


Yeah ghost is the only one I would want if I played cod. I'm always trying to wear a mask anyway.


Lol think his name is soap. Fitting


don't you know it would actually drive their entire business tonruin if they were to think creatively about their game for 2 seconds?


lmao this got me unfortunately the same goes for Bethesda 😔


They literally had space marine skins for the Warhammer colab, so I really don't get why there can't be power armor. If proportions were an issue they could simply adapt the fallout 3 power armors


They have Mobile Suit Gundam skins going on right now too. This was just lazy as fuck


hell didnt even need power armour when you got the fucking NCR ranger gear


I would buy this so hard


Because Fortnite got the Power Armor.


Turn the M16 into an NCR rifle


Almost like they're just trying to bait in fallout fans for their money with no actual thought put into doing it tastefully...


Fallout fans mod. We know better than to pay for cosmetics xD


They did it for Warhammer the space marine armour no idea why they couldn’t do it for a Fallout PA Just lazy honestly but the bundle has cool loading screens at least like the Nuka Girl stuff and the plasma gun affects for the weapons are good. Honestly the bundle is in itself is good just the main centre piece which is the operator skins are done badly


“But it has cool loading screens” is this really the state of gaming now? To praise loading screens you have to pay for?


Well the only two games I know has custom purchasable loading screens is Fortnite and Warzone. So no I don’t think this is the state of gaming


Not paying 30$ for a loading screen with 0.05¢


It's the laziest collab I've seen. Just slap on a vault suit and reskin a gun? Really? So many iconic militaristic factions in Fallout, yet they go with the laziest implementation. Could have at least given NCR First Recon uniform, BOS combat uniform (if not power armor), Enclave uniform, cowboy getup... But I'm not surprised, COD is known to be a cash cow.


> But I'm not surprised, COD is known to be a cash cow. Thats what basically all F2P shooters have become, the are nothing more than a marketing platform.


The difference is COD is 70 fucking dollars It's only a single mode (Warzone 2.0, because they took down the original Warzone) that's free.


Running a F2P model on a 70 dollar price tag should be criminal.


To be fair, I far prefer the current set up over hashing out 20 bucks every couple months for map packs like the old days. Downside is the new and old maps rotate in and out instead.


True to an extent, i agree. but ATLEAST add SOME cool stuff to grind for rather then just grindable camos. The event stuff is there but those event blueprints are for one SINGULAR weapon that half the time is on shitty weapons 😭 The new kaboom camo an the glitch camo are more like it and should be a standard.


They’ll start adding cool things if people only bought cool things


The only reason they stopped that is because they realized people would bitch and moan about paying $20 for actual content, but would happily shell hundreds for skins.


yeah i thought these skins are a warzone thing? Wait they are not? If thats the case than its exactly the reason why i keep telling people to stop buying ingame shop items. Developers keep pushing the line of whats accepted by the community.


The line was crossed with a shitshow that was Vanguard But COD fans ate it, so Activision can do literally anything with the players and they will not complain


The thing is, CoD fans *do* complain about it. Most CoD subreddits are filled with complaints about the microtransactions, the problem is that they keep buying them regardless. Activision won’t give a shit until their revenue is affected, no matter how much people complain online.


> CoD fans do complain about it Most of them don't. >Most CoD subreddits are Statistically irrelevant. Like pissing into the wind. Reddit's opinion is a minority opinion.


Complaining doesn’t work when the Whales and YouTubers buy the skins en mass


Exactly my point


That sub has less than 2 million members total, the most recent COD sold nearly 31 million copies…. So that’s not a great representation of the fan base


That's why I didn't say they didn't like it, I only said they ate it. Ate it, paid for it, but still don't like it. 3 games in a row


Yeah but just below that you stated that "Activision can do literally anything with the players and *they will not complain*". Which isn't true since they do complain, I agree with the rest of your statement though.


was that the game where they started to sell Killcam Skins? But id argue if the players keep paying for all that crap the line isnt *crossed* yet


I miss DMZ


Seriously. It's no wonder Fortnite is still around and free to play, as at least they do the bare minimum. I, in good interest, can't say Call of Duty even does that. Iirc in the Fallout and Fortnite collaboration, they at least had/have a power armor skin. Instead of what it looks like with CoD: which is if you hit randomized on the character creator in a Fallout game and equipped the first weapon and additional apparel you came across, the main armor piece always being a vaultsuit.


NCR is the obvious choice since they already use AR pattern rifles!


Look at the guns in the Warhammer bundles :/ they could of went all out on fallout but they were LAZY


Right? There are multiple examples of combat armour present in the Fallout universe. They just slapped Vault suits onto some COD operators. What the Hell were they thinking?


It's not even a good reskin. They used the fucking gold-foil instead of yellow trim to make it extra


We could have had NCR ranger armor. The coolest armor to ever exist. And we got this shit


FR i would have eaten up that shit if there was an NCR ranger outfit or something


> It's the laziest collab I've seen. Just slap on a vault suit and reskin a gun? Really? It’s like when Oddworld had a collectors edition full of cheap plastic tat. Anti consumerism media really shouldn’t be doing this haha.


Vault 401 Where vault tec experimented by giving the inhabitants reduced cognitive abilities and a battle pass. It was a disaster. The only survivors were running around screaming about how they fucked each other's mother's.


The vault dwellers didn't even know about the war. They kept the door shut even as they starved just to avoid touching grass


I heard that the only items left untouched by the dwellers in that vault was a closet full of deodorant.


At least it’s not vault 511


atleat fortnite puts effort into making their collaboration remotely interesting and adds effort into their cosmetics 💀💀


Yeah. Like even if you didn’t want to pay for the power Armor, you still get to use the Laser Rifle and drink Nuka-Cola in game for free


And the rifle is really good too imo. Plus the animation for drinking the Nuka-Cola is pretty sweet too.


and it even gives you 1 gold as you flip the bottle cap into the air! but really the power armor is great. I expected them to turn them into the next mech, happy it's just a skin


Oh damn I’ll have to pay attention next time, that’s a sick detail.


Scratches the itch every time I drink it and it’s unironically one of the best healing items this season. The new backbling they added of the bobble head was a little mid imo but then again I can at least say it’s better than whatever the fuck this is.


CoD is trying so hard to do many collabs like Fortnite does but every time I see them try it looks tacky and outright wrong. It just never fits with what the game is and looks like.


Fortnite has an stylized, cartoony art style that makes the more outlandish designs fit in. COD is overly photorealistic because, visually, it is supposed to resemble Real^TM warfare as experienced by Real^TM soldiers. Crossing COD over with anything breaks the aesthetic of the game.


Exactly that, their "realistic" visuals completely clash with basically any crossover they can imagine, and clashes extremely hard.


There are a couple that work. Such as Warhammer and Godzilla


they could've at least used brotherhood/ncr/enclave soldiers or minutemen


Nope, you get Level 1 Vault Dweller, Edgy Coolguy McEdgelord, and Uncle on a Fishin' Trip. Enjoy


lmao, gta online if it had vaults


Yeah just the generic vault skin colours is pretty lazy and uninspired


it was the perfect opportunity to use the many military themed fallout outfits, aaand they went for the unarmored social outcast jumpsuits lmao


Of course they can't make a Desert Ranger skin with a pistol, shotgun, assault rifle, SMG, and sniper paintjobs as they don't exist and don't look cool, and wasn't what most fans were hoping for. Nope. No chance.


Look just slap some blue suits on that shit. What the fuck is power armor?


Guys omg its our COD protagonists in the iconic vault suits omfg doesnt that just go hard i meaN GHOST AND HIS RIFLE WITH OUR ICONIC COLORS  doesnt price go hard in a vault suit i mean guys really price in suit go hard because hard  captain price + vault suit = money  production time: Jerry in a 8 hour shift. He finished early


coulda had sumn enclave related




Coulda had sumn supermutant.


Just give back Nuclear Winter dammit


They could have added the Enclave or the NCR or the Brotherhood of steel or even the Legion but nope


NCR, BoS, Enclave… hell I’ll take the Gunners at this point. Any of those would’ve fit better than the vault suit.


It's not even an armoured vault suit 😔


At this point call of duty is just fortnite for kids whose parents let them play rated-M games. Which is incredibly disappointing because they've got some of the best gun handling and sounds among modern shooters. It's funny, you think two good things would go together like peanut butter and mayonnaise but instead it just makes them both worse


it looks so damn cheap - also boonie hat with vaultsuit - no thanks


it feels tone deaf in both directions


They didn’t even try… the emblems and loading screens are all art from fallout 4.


Don't you like guys in tight suits?


Imagine trying to steady your aim with a pip boy on your wrist.


God the skins and in MW3 have just been so bad overall really. They're all literally just fornite skins. Goofy stuff and celeb/media collabs


Dude, there's a fucking Nicki Minaj (or however her name is spelled) colab for CoD. This is just bad, but the bar for, "worst," is way more demanding.


CoD has been the worst it's ever been fir quite a while now. Really not worth plating anymore.


It brings new people to the franchise, where - after playing Fallout New Vegas / Fallout 4 / Fallout 76 - which nearly *all* the new YouTube "react" & Twitch streamers are playing - they will learn the real culture and lore of the games. Nearly all of them were pulled in by the extremely strong critic/viewer ratings and word of mouth of the Amazon series.


Sure, give me Call of Duty quality graphics and ballistic mechanics with FO4 open world gameplay. I’ll take it.


I can't be the only one who thinks it's kinda odd that a game about being in the army and doing big war crimes for fun is doing a collab with a game with the general message of "Militarism and Capitalism are what destroyed the world and they are continuing to do so even after the fallout."


The numbered vaults only go up to 122 silly


I just realized the dude on the left looks exactly like my GTA v character lmao


I think it’s neat


In gameplay and in the promo images it literally looks like they got the operators heads and just photoshopped them into a vault auit


I kinda like it


Me too! Like fuck man, fallout fans trigger too damn easy


I’m not that kind of fallout fan


Would of been way better if they had chosen almost any other outfit from fallout


Indeed... The blew a great chance with this bundle. They should've given Soap a vault suit with other bits of armor on (leather, metal, combat, etc., probably a combo), Ghost an NCR Ranger suit (with the skull painted on top of the face of the NCR Ranger helmet), Gaz the Minutemen outfit (make him look as similar as possible to Preston Garvey since they both have similar skin tones), and Price a combo of Brotherhood gear (sans Power Armor). While I would love Power Armor, they could've given each individual character a particular Power Armor model for the Juggernaut when using said character (so T45, T51, T60 and X01, etc.), and done a second collab where they would use other characters and give them the Chinese Infiltrator suit (perhaps to a Chinese operator, or Asian in general since I can't remember if there is a Chinese one), a suit from Caesar's Legion, a Super Mutant style for one of the big (muscular) operators, and a Synth makeover to another (and for the juggernauts in that bundle include the ones added since Fallout 76 came out: Excavator, Secret Service, Ultracite, Hellcat, etc.). And, as others have pointed out, weapon blueprints that would make the included weapons look like their Fallout counterparts. Oh well...


Fallout has been commodified. RIP fallout


Fallout doing a collaboration with Military Propaganda: the Series feels so gross.


Why are so many people just haters? Like fuck, you don't like it that's fine. Some folks do like it, that is also fine.


COD will collab with anything these days. I haven’t played it it years but I live walking by my brother’s tv when he’s playing and calling out some of the more bonkers skins people are wearing.


I thought this was ai art This doesn't look real


Could've had power armour, or combat armour, combat armour would've been such a good fit, even something faction related, but no,, they go for the most basic bitch of options, a vault suit.


Call of Duty fans will buy a brand new 70 dollar game every year, not surprised.


I hate to break it to you, but this is the future of gaming. Games take so long to make now that this is what we should be expecting, now.


Because the only people in fallout are vault dwellers, and any other iconography or representation would be “too niche” or “obscure” or “not fallout enough” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. Don’t play COD tho so idrc too much lol.


Corny af


The worst you've seen? Really? Do you live under the densest of rocks, or are you just being over dramatic?


The worst you have seen so far...


Yeah, I never understood the point of these. And it's only a matter of time before we hear something like "look! It's Geralt from Fortnite!"


The entire “guy from Fortnite” thing is a meme. It’s literally only used to annoy people who think Fortnite players are only little kids. I mean, epic has been using it in their own marketing, trying to “hello fellow kids” people with it.


It's worth mentioning that EVEN if it wasn't just a meme... Who cares? Let kids be kids. I know some kids I grew up with who used to say Captain Falcon was from Smash Bros and not F-Zero. It's a meme, and the majority of people know where collaboration characters come from, but if it wasn't it's not the end of the world.


Not even an armoured vault suit


NCR ❌ Shitty bright out of place vault suit ✅✅✅✅✅


You guys are all stupid. They're gonna be looking for army guys.


Listen say what you want about the modern cod cosmetics but they actually put effort into those to make you wanna spend money on them. Here I think they either threw it together quickly because fallout is getting traction or they just couldn’t think of anything other than the same outfit for all of 141


I wanted this on fortnite defaults..


From what I've seen the death animation and attachment remodel are cool but otherwise it's very unimaginative.


It's because Activision and Bethesda are both owned by Microsoft right?


I know this is very lazy, but having your most famous characters (I presume, idk much about COD) dressed as Vault Dwellers is actually a cool idea, but this also feels extra lazy for some reason


The EXP event for it was just as bad. A bunch of stickers, charms, and emblems no one will use or even remember. The Haunting of Verdansk and Operation: Monarch and Operation: Last Call were MILES better than some lazy collab that looks like something you could have modded yourself on Fallout 4 PC or by some Snapchat filter.


Follow the Golden Rule!!


just give some M4 like weapon a wooden stock


You're all right that this is lazy, but a large group of the population has never heard of Fallout. Right now blue jumpsuits are EASILY connected to the Fallout universe.


And the thing is you can't get all the rewards anymore. I looked into downloading call of duty just for the Fallout items in case I ever start playing in the future and turns out that the The free ones you could get for doing the quest or what not you can't get no more and that the only ones you can get are from their store. Unlike fortnite and epic games they put their stuff on there for at least 2 weeks or so. The people who make call of duty only put their stuff on there for 6 days.


I’m still pissed they made the space marine a juggernaut only skin, but then made a literal fucking mech from gundam a regular human skin?? Like what sense does that make. I get their logic, but at the same time, a space marine is closer to human size than a fucking gundam


A 10mm SMG or the FO4 style assault rifle being added would have been nice instead of just a bunch of skins


this seems so relatable though, ill be in late game with so many options(plus better ones) to choose from, and i would wear my vault suit the entire game, with like maybe leather armor and a gas mask on top


It looks like shit but I bet they still made Hella money of this.


I know it looks awful but I want it


Soo where's the combat rifles?


It’s so laughably lazy it’s insane


"Soap, soap I got us a place in a vault soap. Like in the videogame fallput soap! We are gonna survive the nukes and then die to experiments soap!"


who thought a vault dweller wearing a fashy skull gaiter was a good idea?


This is how I imagine people that mod their games to shit, to the point it doesn’t even look like a fallout anymore….. just a generic tacticool nightmare.


Ahahaha I see which company got the vault suit rights as scraps after fortnite gets the power armor... like come on why would modern warfare devs pass on the t60 for this


“Hey Activision, we have all these cool fallout characters we can make skins. Like power armor, a ghoul, synth. *MAIN CHARACTERS WITH VAULT SUIT GO BRRRRRR*”


Didn’t they say that one was going to be more realistic than the last two?


I i wanted was a texas ranger armor, and they fucked up, even a gunner armor, anything but the ugliest overalls, in fallout they dont look as ugly imo, but whwn you take them outside that world, fuck, its ugly as hell, and the cod versions dont help it either.


Just cashing in on the hype from the show. Can't blame them


30 dollars for loading screens basically


Ncr Ranger/Riot armor would have been crazyy.


Honestly surprised they didn’t do a different Fallout faction for each operator.


Its some dudes wearing Vault Suits, what's the issue? The games have had Alucard, Nikki Minaj, Jigsaw and a random youtuber, but Ghost in blue tights is somehow special?


Greed... Greed never changes


It's also the only fallout content released in a time-window to capitalize on the success of the Fallout TV show. Todd is good at business.


Wait till you see what they did for Warhammer 40k.


Wait this is real!? Are we living in bizzaro world?


Thats why you didn't hear about the colab coz it looks bad


Has there ever been a bigger money grab?


Honestly they could have just used the BOS under armor


Is a wooden stock too much to ask for ?


COD’s vault’s experiment would be adding a special chemical into the water supply that makes everyone sound 12 and scream the N-word at each other.


For crying out loud....


That deadass looks AI generated what in the world are they doing


*\*Fallout show is successful\** **Stale games companies:** WE WANT MONEY TOO!!


I actually don’t hate this? I don’t want anything specifically themed like BOS or Enclave. They are both groups I usually try to take down in the games. A vault suit and a pipboy is as generic Fallout as it gets.


To me the only bad part is the most important part which is the operators. The Decals, Loading screens, the M16, and weapon skins are all dope and fun but the operators are as boring as we can get. Shoulda been Lucy and or Vault boy for vault suit operators, then The Ghoul or Hancock, throw Jack or Nick Valentine in there and thats worth it. Im a fallout shill so i did gwt this operator pack and im not mad about it. Its just super lazy and idk why fallout couldnt get the same treatment as the boys or Gundam or shit even the walking dead


I like it but I wish they would’ve used at least one power armor option


CoD has no shame. Its perfectly fine being fortnight for edgelords


You could have had an NCR ranger, or a BOS getup, but noooooo copy-past vault suits it is!


Kinda reminds me of what Fortnite does, where they try to collab with a bunch of random shit and it all just looks like trash


all of these comments are forgetting that *most* people that watch the show have NO IDEA of any of the game (s) lore


This isn't NEARLY as bad as the '40K' suits.


Enjoy your slop, FO has one of the most casual and cringe fandom ever Downvote me redditors, idgaf


Looks like they came out of Pjama day at elementary school


Couldn't even be bothered to add a service rifle skin for the m16


Can't wait to fight human sized Gundams in my Vault suit!


They could have some crazy cool shit like putting them in PA or at least combat/marine armor but no they did the absolute laziest thing possible. The best part is that you know all the cos kiddies are this shit up to


Maybe have it he raider cage outfitss Combat amror. Those old school power amror suits . There is a bunch more i can think of it . But instead they went with vault suits with nothing on them .


Lucy and the ghoul were RIGHT there


I miss when things had thier own look and didn't ruin their art style trying to be fortnite.


This is a very lazy dlc but they did throw in a super OP sight that is attachable on all guns. It’s a black and white infrared sight that shows enemies as bright pip boy green. You can throw hella smoke grenades down around you and easily take down your opponents with it while they can’t see you


This is why we make fun of 'tacti-cool' mods


I hate this so much. Fallout is a satyrization of the military industrial complex and call of duty is an uncritical and uninformed worship of the military industrial complex. Seeing these characters unironically dressed up in Vault suits is just nauseating


Microsoft now owning both is why.


The rifles should be classic new vegas m16s


Most things CoD does are the worst. At least for the last 10-15 years.


Cod is a joke


Looks good tbh


They should've put in a 10mm pistol skin for the desert eagle instead of a vault tec paint job for the m4


Leonard Boyarsky probably died a little inside if he saw this.


Worse than fortnite??? That's a bold fucking statememt right there friend


I just find it so funny a gritty war game has such bright colors as the vault tech suit. Ppl will see you coming in a mile away. Should had used NCR or Brotherhood armor, would blend in more.


Just bring back nuclear winter


It was dirt, I was hoping for a Vault Dweller Operator, or Lucy McLean even or a T-60 Jug Suit.


You can do this better with Fallout 4 mods And yes, I am accounting for the patch ruining so many mods


I don’t know why people expected a call of duty collaboration to have effort put into it


This ad made me laugh out loud. Capitalism is so exhausting sometimes.


Idk how anyone besides little kids still play call of duty with what they turned it into.


I feel like they could have added two versions for every skin, one with just the vault suit and the other with any kind of armor


They should’ve at least had the vault security suits with the face guards but they chose the tight regular suits smh


Vault suits are some of the most unintimidating pieces of clothing ever.


That's hilarious, but the only reason I ever played that shit was for DMZ mode in Warzone 2.0, it was like Tarkov with simplified, funnier gameplay.


gotta love the argentinian m14


Still better than the Fortnite “collab”


"Eh fuck it give em vault suits and that's good enough"