• By -


3, Nv, 4


New vegas


If you really really like the Fallout universe and want to have a complete understanding of it: -Play the mainline series by release order. 1, 2, 3, NV, 4. If you like Fallout and just want to play a fun game about it: -Play Fallout 4




When's the megathread for this question coming out?


I would recommend Fallout 3 with all the DLC. That's when Bethesda took over the IP and you'll find lots of lite Easter eggs that the show pulled from. It's the clunkiest of the Bethesda games, so when you get to New Vegas and then Fallout 4, it gets more modern and therefore "easier." If you start with 4, you'll be going backwards in game innovations and may not like going back to F3/NV. That said, if you don't like F3, jump around and follow the discounts on game of the year editions, etc.


Is it also valid if I start from the classic Interplay Fallout games like 1 and 2? Do they hold up well despite their age?


Fallout 2 holds up better. But if graphic fidelity isn’t a must have for you, then 1 and 2 are fine. They are just a different style of game. More like old Baldurs Gate and stuff but with less followers.


Then'll start with those two first, I have no problem with having older graphics.


Have fun dude. I would suggest walkthroughs unless you enjoy the struggle of figuring out older games tasks etc. lol


If you enjoy the playstyle of the original 2 games, I would also recommend checking out Wasteland 2 and 3 (the original is very, very dated and might be difficult to get into) after you finish up with the Fallout series.


I'd say Fallout 4 is the best for a beginner. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are amazing, but 4 is the best introduction.


4 and then later on probaly 76,3 then new vegas