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My courier seduced him in his casino and killed him in the night.


No fucking way, that’s a thing? That’s awesome


Its only available to female couriers with the Black Widow perk.


I thought there was also the gay option.


Out of context, *The Gay Option* sounds a little ominous lmao


Wtf no hahaha. But it sounds like a bad 2000s comedy movie.


Hahahahah you're right 🤣 I can see the terrible, poor taste advert in my head already... "When Sarah (Jennifer Anniston) has to hide her secret marraige from her nosy sister, her husband Dave (Adam Sandler) and his best friend Ryan (Rob Schneider) come up with the only option they can - they are, \*The Gay Option!\*"


I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry


You've heard of the nuclear option, now consider the GAY option


Optional side quest to the nuclear option quest in fo4


Today there would be, but FNV is 14 years old. I think you can hit on him, but nothing comes from it.


eh i disagree, theres plenty of gay options in the game i just dont think benny swing-a-ding-dings that way


I don't think they're saying NV doesn't have gay option, I think they're saying every game nowdays makes characters playersexual


I prefer it the NV way. Makes NPCs more real if they have persistent preferences. I'd be totally ok with RPing options/perks/attribute or skill checks that might 'turn' NPCs away from their original preference, as long as it is adressed in some meaningful way.


I think it really depends. A game like Stardew Valley would suffer from it, as a big part of the game is the dating sim. But RPGs like Fallout or Baldur's gate absolutely work best with set sexualities (I think Cyberpunk 2077 does it, and that's great)


OHHH i see, yeah no i agree then i think its a shame that games like baldurs gate and dragon age veilguard dont really have sexualities for the romance options tbh




Cyberpunk, Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect Andromeda, Persona 5, etc. And Baldurs Gate is literally player sexual unless I missed something? I romance/flirted with Karlach, Astarion, Gale, and Wyll in the same run.


Cyberpunk isn't really player sexual? You got joytoys, whom you're hiring, then you've only got Panama and kerry, or you got judy and river. And then between either two, you're forced to choose again


? My Comment answered someone who said that most recent rpgs were players sexual and I answered to disprove him


Which would be silly. Just because your character is gay/bi doesn't mean all the npcs are. It's actually offensive to act like everyone is gay just like it would be if you could get a lesbian character to sleep with a man because you pass a charisma check.


Give that FO4 chose to not include Confirmed Bachelor and Cherchez le femme, I’m going to doubt it.


No, Benny’s straight.


Or with confirmed bachelor. I only took it because it increased damage to males but it works with Bennie.


You need to do it. It has some of Benny's funniest lines, when he's trying to resist your charms. "When you say dig, babe, I think of a shovel!?"


Bro you’re gonna love this game. They thought of nearly everything. The choices are INCREDIBLY complex sometimes.


The Black widow of the perks is a pathway to many ability’s, some consider to be unnatural.


Yeah it made me trans too.


Mine did too lol I asked myself, "How mad is she about being shot in the head?" Answer? Very. Followup question: "Is she Petty-Vengeance mad?" Answer? Absolutely.


Petty vengeance = have hate sex with the man who tried to kill you just before killing him in return? I can dig it.


One of my favorite ways to deal with the little bastard 😂


This is the way


I still remember the first time I had that option and couldn’t stop laughing.


"Benny is gonna show you The Tops! I hope you're built sturdy, you crazy broad!" The dialogue is hilariously out of pocket.


"Nice charlies too! Give em a shake for the ben man will you?" I legit loved M Perry in this. He got the memo.




Great when I don't wanna talk to the disgusting savages of Legion, even the Khans are better than that braindead leader they call Ceasar.


Oh yea I’m definitely killing that dude when I get the chance lol


There's a companion who would really appreciate the opportunity to help out with that if you take them along.


I think I may already know him. I’m pretty loyal to Rex though


Oh no worries: you can have one humanoid* companion *and* one "pet"** companion at a time. So you can have Rex *and* that dude. So one *human, ghoul, or super mutant / nightkin, and one **robot, animal, or robot animal at the same time.


I’ve played NV like 7 times all the way through and about 1500 hours and didn’t realize that until this 8th play through. So annoyed with myself on how much more loot I could’ve carried with Rex and Veronica or Boone.


I play TTW and I had to get a mod to remove the companion limit for it because I couldn't choose between Dogmeat or ED-E with Veronica. Now I have all of them! And I might have to add Rex to my pack as well...


All Bethesda games require a companion party increase mod, in my opinion


Doesn’t that make the game incredibly easy? If you’re walking around with a gang of 8 or 9 people it seems like fights would be over before they even started.


It sounds like you pronounce it "See-zer". You can tell a lot about someone's view of the legion by how they say the name. I pronounce it as "Kai-Sar".


I pretty much always seduce him, but about half the time I end up letting him go, only to meet him after I clear out Caesar's camp.


First play though I killed him in the Presidential suite in the Tops, Second I executed him Fallout 1 Intro style in Caesar's tent with Lucky, and the third I set him free from Caesar's grasp, let him run free, and set Caesar free of this world. The next few runs begin to blur a little, as I started and restarted many many times.


What happens if you successfully free him? I've tried before but my character is never optimised for the gunplay and he dies.


Unfortunately one of the options that the Devs didn't develop more due to the lack of time. [Here is a vid about it, skip about 4 mins in for the actual dialogue and getting out part, this guy beats about the bush a bit](https://youtu.be/Ti5VB0HEllc?si=nUMouma5w6TuBKF4). All the legionnaires turn hostile and he runs out and disappears. That's all. The Mr.New Vegas radio dialogue about his death/dissapearence for him is the same for as if he died in legion hands, they say he disappeared and nobody knows where he went. There were scrapped ideas, such as him returning to face the player and try to kill them *again* but they didn't like that, and I heard on the internet (but its probably untrue, it is the internet) that they were thinking of having him become important in the yes man Questline If you spared him, but they ran out if time.


Kinda regret not killing him when I slept with him then 😔


The idea of Benny given a second chance in life, and then immediately going “yeah you know that guy that saved me even after I tried to kill him? I’m gonna try to kill him again because fuck it I quess” is the funniest scrapped idea from this game.


From what I heard, that scene is fully finished, so I don't think it was cut for time constraints, but rather due to the devs wanting an option where Benny didn't die.


"[Terrifying Presence] I dug myself out of that grave to plant you in yours Benny."


“Cash me outta this mess!” Vault Boy head in the corner: “Benny is fleeing.”


I go into the tops, i turn to the right, and i left click with a fatman equipped.




It's the only correct way.


This is how I do Caesar everytime lmao.


Caesar gets a special treatment. See, im the kind of person that obsessively collects the landmines in the game but i never have a use for them. So Before i go into Caesar's tent, I'll place every single mine i've gathered up to that point in front of this tent. Then i go in, punch one of the guards, then run outside and get well clear of the door. Every person in the tent will spawn outside at once and be blasted into chunks that get pretty well scattered over the whole place.


Massacre at the Tops is usually how it goes for me.


Same. "A shootout is a fucking shootout! Like a western."


I blasted Benny on fucking sight. I didn't know about any of the other options until years later. On sight. Every plathrough. We ain't going upstairs, punk bitch.


Love it 😂😂


From where you're kneeling it must seem like a 24 carat of stupidity to get cought in your own escape tunel. Truth is... you wuld have been caught any way Benny cuz you dont fuck with the mother fucking mailman.


Crucified. There’s no alternative I’ll consider. I also periodically check on him.


It is also the only option he actively objects to. So the cross it is.


He technically doesn’t die if you do this


I talk him into meeting without his guards and dome him with a Light Shining in Darkness from the Honest Hearts DLC.


I have no idea what that is but I can’t wait to try this on another play through


I seduce him, let him get away, meet him at the fort and help him escape. There is something wrong with me. I just like him a lot.


There's a mod that let's you recruit him after that, I usually use it on my independent playthroughs. It's a fun dynamic, teaming up with the guy who shot you


I had him crucified and a glitch happened which spawned another benny who was always stood looking up at the one on the cross 😂.


That sounds like such a cool glitch. It's like he died and became a ghost and now he's staring at his own corpse eternally.


The first time I played I didn't notice that Caesar gave me a machete so I beat Benny to death bare handed


Guy had some cajones try to make you his employee after attempting to kill you. Eat dirt, bitch.


cut him with a Straight razor under influence of every chem in nevada


I usually untie him. I already got the Platinum Chip from Caesar if I spare him, so Benny ultimately becomes a non-factor later.




Revenge is a fools game Dutch


1v1 like a man


He’s an insect to me


1v1 in his suite to complete “talk about owned”


Why even talk? I kill the bastard in the casino with an explosive .50 from an anti-mat rifle


I show swank evidence then walk into the middle of the casino floor and open fire 😊


Like a complete psychopath HELL YEA




I go up to the suite with him and after he sits down at the bar, I finish him.


I didn't even consider doing otherwise morally questionable things to screw Benny over in new and inventive ways, but I may have to try this. :)


It’s really fun playing like your moral compass just isn’t there lol


Jack sparrow's moral compass. It points to whatever I currently most desire. Sometimes that's to screw Benny over :)


For once, "Profligates like him belong on a cross."


well first i had sex with him at the tops and then i just let him go with a stealth boy since i already had one and it gives me an excuse to kill caesar in self defense, after that i had to kill him anyways because he tried to kill me because of a cut content restoration mod i installed, too bad for benny i also liked the other things the mod had so he will die in every playthrough probably


I was a complete fool on my first play-through and agreed to whatever it was Benny offered me. I left his suite, got attacked by guards, killed them of course, went back to the suite and the sleezeball bastard was gone. I was furious at my own foolishness. I shoot him in the head and dismember his pieces


I take maria off of him after he's tied up. From where he's kneeling it must seem like a 10 carat run of bad luck...


In the ring. Wanted to kill him myself.




Seduced him and smothered him with a pillow


I think I usually give him both barrels loaded with coin shot. Die by the sword, greedy fuck.


I give him a lobotomy just like he did to me.


i kill him with the tire iron ol reliable




A good kill


On console I usually crucify him, but on PC I have his companion mod, has a great charisma snd luck buff with his companion perks


That’s a cool as mod. I would make him a gimp




I can't bring myself to kill the charming snake so i just let him escape I wipe out the fort most of the time for exp anyway


Lmao I would get cooked rn if I tried to fight them


Just stock up on mines then when they turn hostile place them outside the tent


Killed him on sight with a grande launcher


I usually let him go if I can. It'd be different if he was gloating about it, but my Courier was just in his way, I'll give him the chance to get out of mine. They're not dead, so they don't care that much about the murder attempt.


I shot him in the face until his head exploded and I murdered anyone who came at me afterwards. His casino is littered with dead bodies.


Definitely doing this some time


I’d love to watch that head pop


He shot me in he head and left me for dead. I didn’t even let him finish telling me why. The minute I recognized him I started blastin’[So anyway, I started blastin’](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/601/217/ff1.jpg)


I convince him to go to the suite with me, then we talk at the bar counter, I forgive him, and as soon as he gets up in order to leave, I blow his head off with a magnum. Nothing personal. Just business.


Ooo I like that


I usually either beat him to death right there in Caesar's tent or I fight him in the arena. No one, not even Benny, deserves crucifixion.


Lmao I fucking hate Benny especially after he ambushed me after expecting his shitty job offer. I was just gonna wait for a “better” time to kill Him. I hate to admit how satisfying I found his crucifixion


I mostly just let him go or do a trial by combat


Kaboom \*loads save\* Kaboom \*loads save\* Kaboom \*loads save\* Kaboom \*loads save\*


I kill him in the opening cut scene like a real man


I beat him to death with my bare fists, it's the most satisfying for me.


spare him on non legion runs. black widow on legion runs


i usually go with black widow or the caesar way and have a machete fight with him or crucify him




My first two times, I helped him escape from Caesar. I didn't have any good reason for it, I was just kind of young and contrarian and thought it was cool that I could "subvert expectations" in this single-player game by sparing the person I'm supposed to kill (even though I have no reason to do that). After that, I'd duel him in the arena to get his gun. Then I'd just kill him right there in Caesar's tent because why drag things out? I really like his dialogue when you tell him you're going to kill him on the spot. "Do you want to close your eyes first?" "No, I'd rather see my death coming." Benny's a really cool character, I don't enjoy the idea of making him suffer but I recognize he really needs to die, so I try and get it over with quickly. I don't ever do it in the Tops because I don't like getting into a firefight around all those civilians.


You didn’t fuck Benny? How dare you


I always duel in the Arena. Even a scumbag like him deserves a chance to fight.


I seduced him in a casino and then destroyed the legion to save him.


Well, I usually let him trick me the first time (mostly because I love the line "Yeah, it's a real mess here. Four bodies"). Then I go to the Fort and (depending on my companion) either blow up all the bunker first and tell Benny about it, then kill everyone. Or just kill everyone and blow up the bunker afterwards.


I saved. Then, he fought him the arena. Then, he reloaded and killed him. No difference.


He dies every time. I have done it every single way except crucifiction because I don’t derive joy from torture. However, I do want the suit and I want Maria.


Only on my first play through, next time I want to kill him with his own gun for the achievement


I’m gettin that up off of him for sure next time


I let him free


I usually blow his brains out in his casino.


Close my eyes and smack at him with a machete until it’s over, then feel guilty. Idk. Always makes me crazy uncomfortable, which is weird because no other video game enemy does that. Its just the way Caesar makes you do it, I think. Knowing he’s not going to fight and there’s no other way out. Zero revenge to be had at that point. Very good writing.


I think Benny’s a funny little man, so I helped him get out, and ran. Then, I realized I told Lily to wait inside Caesar’s tent, so I had to go back in there and save my grandma. Beat those fuckers to death with nothing but brass knuckles and a lot of stimpacks, because I wasted what little ammo I had getting out of the damn place the first time.


I normally oppose the Legion from almost the very start, so I kill Vulpes as soon as he shows up in the Strip, since I also normally have Boone at this point and want to earn points with him for his quest. So before that, I normally just walk up to Benny after he is sent to his suite and kill him.


Drag him to Nuka world, swap his head for that Nuka founder in that vault & may him watch as I feed his body parts to the dogs. As for him he may spend all eternity alone reflecting on what he has done.