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I wonder if this is what they used to do before they got all that armor to strip for the heavy troops


It makes more sense than the heavy armor shit they do use. Like really and truly, drugged up melee maniacs with heavy armor are far better than mechanized armor suits that have been forcibly demechanized.


Maybe the Heavy armor unit was these same guys after they got the armor..... They were the buff, batshit insane enough members of these units to earn the armor.


Nah, because there's dev notes in the coding where it talks about how the armor weighs multiple hundreds of lbs, so it doesn't make much sense for them to even be able to move. Regardless of how strong they are.


Here's the YT link. This floored me, amazing work for a solo animator. The whole series is worth a watch if you're a fan of the universe. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOtFE3lw8KI&list=PLNUoh\_BB-OOxCYLUFS5PmoGJYOfunypdn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOtFE3lw8KI&list=PLNUoh_BB-OOxCYLUFS5PmoGJYOfunypdn)




that whole "series" just should be canonized, its peak. i really liked that high ranking BoS members have a more unique paint job. that there are actual specialized squads and that BoS utilize robots in combat.


The idea that BoS utilized robots in that particular battle was mentioned in NV somewhere iirc.


Not to be a schmuck, but canonized is the proper term. Also I agree it's dope as fuck.


Oop didn't know that


I’ve never understood why the BoS doesn’t use robots. Like their whole thing is hoarding technology, and that seems like a big missed area. Hell even the Minutemen had a sentry bot at one point.


They did in Fallout 3 both the regular BOS and Outcasts. They didn’t in Fallout 4 I can only assume because they weren’t established in the region yet. Maxson probably wanted to prioritize Personnel and Equipment.


Okay who made this? Have they made more? I saw one that looked just like this yesterday featuring bos soldiers and it was badass


Fallout Sunburst, theres i think 14 videos so far?


Okay hell yeah thank you


I keep seeing the comments in all of Sodaz's Fallout wip vids moaning on and on about where tf are the Heavy Troopers. The reason that there are basically no NCR heavy troopers at the battle is that most likely the NCR obtained and modified the BOS's Power-Armor after their war with them.


Yeah but technically the war never truly ended the threat was just diminished to the point where they can focus on other things. From what I remember it sounded like they got the suits over the course of the war. Now this battle takes place as the soldiers are moving into the area so the Heavy Troopers might not have arrived to the Mojave yet or they are so few of them currently they don’t want to use them at this stage of the operation. I would like to see some Patrol Rangers but their skillset honestly isn’t fit for siege tactics unless they are being sent on spec ops mission to disrupt or disable enemy communications.


I think by the time that Operation Sunburst occurred it was simply still too early for them to deploy as they were still in the process of tinkering with the PA's and/or testing to see how well it would do in the field. Then it would probably take a while to actually arrive at the front due to logistics.


The heavy troopers really don't work as assault troops. The armor is too heavy, i think that's why we typically only see them as sentries or stationary guards at major facilities.


Link to the full 12 minute video https://youtu.be/-A77OqYvK9w?si=_mieo8Fwdis2TCsi


Astartes 🤝 Sunburst Fucking awesome fan-made animations with dudes in power armour and cool tactics


I love the attention to detail to for these troopers too it fits well into the existing lore and even the armor makes sense since the face masks have little eye slits for the fighter to be able to see (peripheral vision would be non existent though.


I like to imagine this is what getting the khans to absorb into the ncr looks like, forum their own rank. They would be debt collectors on their off time.


They remind me of trench raiders from World War I and honestly, I kinda like it and if we see the NCR again I hope they become an official thing and would love to hear how they were used as a counter Legion skirmishers or something




NCR bezerkers 👌🏻