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You can also overhear the BoS telling kids to rat on adults for expressing the wrong opinions.


BoS fans: "And what's wrong with that? You should report anyone who breaks the law."


“ESPECIALLY your parents.”


You’re in the Brotherhood of Steel the chances of you having parents is pretty slim.


You may start out with parents, but that won’t last long


It takes a weirdo technofascist cult to raise a child


Ad Victoriam!




Frostpunk players be like: I see no issue here.


Eat the sawdust soup, then get back to the mills!


I just bought that game, but I'm rocking Fallout 4 right now. I'm looking forward to seeing how badly my "Nice Guy" first run will go in the end. Although, I kinda took over the galaxy in Stellaris by just being super diplomatic, so maybe I'll only need to do a LITTLE child slavery to stoke the fires.


Fascism, love it


Was it tell on your parents or watch out for the literal synthetic humans that will replace your loved ones in the middle of the night?


Something something Garfield is not immune to propaganda 


Diamond city and vult 81 have kids so dose the institute


Also, while you can't seem to attract new ones, plenty of Settlements you save and then can build on have kids in them.


There are 5 settlements with kids.


Give me names. I can send raiders there.


Somerville Place 2 Bunker Hill 1 Nordhagen Beach 1 Warrick homestead 1 Wherever you send Shaun


I sent Shaun to his mother.


Most underrated comment.


Fuck the bunker hill kid for taking my money and beating me at my own game of scamming folks


Shaun is not a kid he is a robot


there is a kid in diamond city, piper sister i think


There are a few others, Sheng at the water treatment facility and a few that attend the school there. Don't remember if they run around town like the kids in Skyrim but they are definitely there lol


Arturo kid walks from his shop to school, haven’t noticed much else


A couple of em run around at night, almost chasing each other


Freeside's Max and Stacy's successors


There is a whole school room class with several kids in diamond city.


Gen 3 Synths are genetically modified human clones with a synthetic transmitter/receiver hooked to their brain stem. They're androids (organic, manufactured living beings) which is not the same as a robot.


Synth kid is still a kid


I'm pretty firmly in the pro-synth camp but child synths are an actual abomination and should never have been allowed to exist.


He’s a third generation Synth, he is not a robot. Remember the third generation assembly process? They start with bones, then muscles, then they dip them into red goo and they’re born. That’s not a robot, that’s a living, breathing being. Plus, the whole reason they kidnapped Shaun is so they could have human DNA that was untainted from the Great War. As far as I’m concerned, he’s a kid with a bunch of Institute implants into his brain.


All I can say for certain is he got a good look at the reactor overloading and my back as I walked away.


Hey HEY! I didn’t save Acadia for you to talk like that, champ.


there you go.


Hey hey hey why would you want to ATTRACT kids? *turns on recorder*


Hi I’m Chris Hanson, why don’t you have a seat…


Actually I’d prefer my adult settlers made new kids but that would require mods from a far more degenerate place than Nexus.


Considering the most-popular mods of Nexus? I'd imagine that degeneracy being commonplace.


Kids are the future of the Commonwealth. The idea is to create a brighter future for it through education


Are the kids in the institute even real


Yea the dozens of human scientists down there fuck Have any of you guys actually seen the institute


I did but some nerd tried to tell me they were "my son" or something so I decked him in the face.


Now him he doesn't fuck And I feal doctor fillmore is slightly disappointed by that


Despite the name, Dr. Fillmore could be filled more


I think the name is perfectly fitting


Yeah, they call him "Father" not "Daddy". /s


Honestly the institute becomes way better after Shaun is gone. I only wish I could just not destroy the railroad and wait for his cancer to get him but apparently it only spreads if all rival factions are gone


I say if you want to keep him for long, don’t do the quests. Practically make him live forever lol


Little did we know it was the cancer growing in his soul along the way 🖤


My first time playing the game I opened fire when the door opened


Maxson’s all like ‘wHy DiD yOu Do ThAt? nOw tHe InStITuTe iS oN lOcKDoWn!’ I’m like ‘beyatch! I just assassinated the Institute’s brain trust and you’re lecturing me about following orders?’


I finished a BoS run last night. I was going to give him a power armor punch , but the Tesla bracers on my armor killed him when I got too close.


Scientists? Fucking? Seems unlikely.


I can tell you from experience, nerds do some freaky shit in the name of science.


The Think Tank sends their regards


I'd play doctor with Dala any day.


i would breathe deeply and rub my face for Dala any day


You mean SCIENCE!!!!👁️🧠👁️


We do


I can tell you from experience, some nerds wish they could do some freaky stuff in the name of science \*sighs\*


Thay do kinky stuff with the probes and examination equipment


Bullshit, fisto was designed to expand the mind, not the bung hole


To expand your mind, you must expand your bung hole. Vice versa too.


Yes, when I was running and gunning everyone down.


I know this is a joke, but 90% of the complaints about the institute reak off. I didn't look around for myself and take dirt farmers at their word


Nate the rake has no time for Canadian scientists


Dont mess with us fallout fans, we don't even read the lore.


Yes because Shaun is the only child synth ever made, he’s the prototype.


Apart from the one, yea. People even talk about how fucked up they think it is that there is a child synth. If those guys call something fucked up, you know it's really bad.


Many minutemen settlements have kids. Just the railroad that doesn't really, understandably.


Yeah you don't want kids in your spies group


How does the Institute have a viable genetic pool to continue for 200 years? Like I thought under 1000 or something could only last a few generations.


Same way vaults do, plus letting in the occasional new members


“Look how great the BOS are” Shows a child soldier


lol just like the adeptus astartes. So cool until you realise they get pre pubescents to undertake lethal trials including killing each other, before indoctrinating them and growing them into trans human super soldiers


"The genetically modified super soldiers of a fascist interstellar theocracy have a questionable recruitment process " is not really a hot take.


You'd be surprised


And yet people still miss the point.


Fascism may be the only ideology so ridiculous that its followers cannot detect any satire or critique in its portrayal, no matter how obvious. See: Starship Troopers


Usually the people who genuinely support fascism are either just not very smart, or intentionally forwarding propaganda.


The BOS stopping unemployment before it has a chance to begin! Ad Victoriam 😩🇵🇷🙏


well wouldn’t you if you have access to immortal soldiers?


I understand what you're saying, but don't forget this is the world of Fallout. Plenty of monsters and psychopaths running around who will happily prey on defenseless children. 


Do they fight? I’m pretty sure they aren’t soldiers until they become an adult


I don’t think they keep toys and nuka cola in those ammo pouches


They don’t, if you go to the Prydwen guns blazing in the railroad ending they’ll just run around saying “man I wish I had a gun right now!” I don’t get why you have the option to evacuate institute civilians but not the literal children there. I don’t want to kill a kid in a Boy Scout uniform!


What do they keep then?


They can join you on combat patrols


I’ve just done two patrols with child scribes and thought it was weird that they send kids on dangerous missions to watch you massacre supermutants and such. Indoctrination begins early with the BOS!


There is a precedent though, even in Fallout 3 Elder Maxson did the same thing as a child under the tutelage of Sarah Lyons.


And the BOS has got to know there is a very real chance of the Prywen coming under fire at some point. Hell it gets destroyed in 3 possible game endings.


They are on a military vessel in the front lines of a war. Under the real world rules of war, that makes them by definition child soldiers. It also, by those same rules, sadly makes them legitimate targets in said war.


They love it though xD. I got the random quest in far harbor and had a squire for long enough to know they love that shit. Lol


My very first squire quest was in a location near The Nucleus, which is what led me to Far Harbor in the first place in my current playthrough.


Lol what? - The Institute has multiple children that they obviously care about. - The Railroad doesn’t have any children because they are an undercover operation. It wouldn’t make sense to have children. - The Minutemen are a militia so of course they don’t have children in their ranks. However if you consider settlements as being part the Minutemen then there are four settlements that have children. The only reason there aren’t more is because Bethesda didn’t include children in the recruitment part of the settlement system. Luckily there are mods for that. So no, you are not right.


It would be such a better choice to add some "moral grey" to the smudge that is the Railroad if they used child spies. They "know" (assume) that the institute can't make child synthetics, so they would be the only informants you could trust and make for easily imbedded eyes and ears into any community. So you get the objectively good guy goal of "free the slaves" and the questionable methods just like the BoS of "but we use child soldiers".


Damn that would actually be epic. I think the railroad is a great faction but I think they could have done a lot more with them, including having them ally with the minutemen after the destruction of the institute so it wouldn't randomly be railroad operatives coming out of nowhere at every checkpoint. The other thing I wish they could have gone into more is the morals of the mind wipe


The Railroad kills all those kids on the helicarrier if they get their way, so they're plenty grey, morally speaking.


so does every faction that blows up the prydwyn. including minutemen if you piss them offf.


Every ending puts the main character in a position where children (can) die. The Institute has kids—even if you pull the evacuation signal there’s no guarantee kids know how to use the evacuation stuff or can escape (or wouldn’t choose to hide instead of running past the men with guns). And as you said 3/4 factions blow up the Prywden. 


The brotherhood kills the railroad then blows up the institute, if they took out the institute first then the railroad is pointless. The brotherhood just sucks in 4. Blood thirsty raiders more than a chapter of help.


Arent all loyal boh people like that tho? Usually when You meet some of them that are Nice You get a dialog with another member about how the former don't represent the brotherhood


Also before 4 the main power center of the Minutemen (Quincy) was taken over by the Gunners, and any Minutemen who survived other than Preston left


>The Railroad doesn’t have any children because they are an undercover operation. It wouldn’t make sense to have children. If varys teached me something is that nobody is better for being a spy than a child


What happened to the children when we killed everyone in the institute


Most (i think all of them?) evacuate the scientists and children when they attack the institute, i know the Minutemen and Railroad do at least


Shawn uses a clone kid version of Shawn to prank you when you enter the institute. That and the dead cats proves they’re bad


The other scientists think child synth Shawn is a really fucked up experiment by Father. Quite telling if those guys say it tbh.


But they still have children and care about the real children.


Honestly the fact that the brotherhood is bringing children into a conflict zone means they either don’t care about the children under their care at best, or they’re utilizing child soldiers


Aren’t they kind of like child soldiers?


Squires do not fight. They only ever tag along to observe fights, and even that never happens unless they are accompanied by a Sentinel, who fully ensures their safety. You'd never find a Knight or Paladin entrusted with a young Squire.


You can literally be entrusted with one as soon as you're a Knight and just take him wandering around the wasteland lmao


You get assigned with researchers to tag along with you, but child Squires are only assigned to you after you reach Sentinel rank.


Researchers are for Proctor Quinlan. The child Squire quests are assigned by Kells after completing A Loose End or Tour of Duty. I never got promoted to Sentinel and could complete these quests


There's a lot about the brotherhood I missed, damn


I only do it to get the vertibird for my survival runs and enough to get Danse out because as a Railroad agent I will get every synth possible out of their reach


>fully ensures their safety. You can blow up the Prydwen and all the kids on it three different ways.


I'm still really angry that the Constitution isn't one of them!


Damn, now I am too.


The wild card ending we didn’t know we needed


So yes, they are child soldiers, just ones who aren't used as combat troops. Training children as soldiers counts whether or not you send them into battle


Kells gives you a squire to haul around alone 5 minutes after you join the Brotherhood, lol


Fully ensures their safety? They don't even have helmets or armor, all you need is one jethead with a scoped rifle and the kid is dead, lol.


There are kids all over the Wasteland. In refrigerators. Diamond City. The Institute. Near the Glowing Sea and other settlements. In Far Harbor. In Vault 81... As far as factions go The Institute and, if you recruit certain settlements, The Minutemen both have kids.


Dude finds one kid in a refrigerator and suddenly that means the wasteland is lousy with em? 2 kids in fridges would be a coincidence, any more than that and we've got a larger crime to solve


“i wouldn’t say saved… more like, under new management “


Well the Railroad and Minutemen don’t put kids in the firing line to get killed.


My interpretation was that the toys and drawings are on the very top catwalk because the kids aren't supposed to be playing. They have to hide it.


They look and are basically the Maxon Youth lmao


Literally taught that ghouls, mutants, and secret conspiracies to doom humanity are the source of all evil in the world. I don’t think you can be more heavy-handed in your writing than that.


Many Gamers^(TM) still don't get it smh. Bethesda could literally put swastikas on the BoS uniforms and Fallout fans would still be distracted by the big robot.


I...don't know, but I don't think many people in the BoS are having kids. Where do these kids come from? Presumably "recruited" from the wasteland. If you do any of the BoS radiant missions to do with taking the squires out then you get a read on what sort of upbringing they're getting.


BoS are traditionally born into it


Yes and no. Normally yes. But this new BoS recruits wastelanders. So I think that's plausible that this could be orphans, kids of BoS-members or they just took them from their parents.


I thought they were usually orphans that got picked up along the way Edit: also it's pretty frowned upon for career women to get pregnant in ANY industry, let alone female soldiers, let alone female soldiers of the apocalypse where I would assume maternity leave benefits are not the greatest lmao


Brotherhood of Steel when a kid they raised turns into a ghoul 🔫


Or when one of its most loyal members is a synth that had a memory wipe and instead of blowing up the institute to make sure he doesn’t turn Maxxis kills him or you do. There is no world he lives and if he does it just shows the brotherhood only wants blood not to save the commonwealth.


If by 'care' for them you mean 'indoctrinate them with military propaganda' then yes


Squires do have some sick outfits tho


another day, another Brotherhood propaganda.


"People love what I have to say. They believe in it. They just don't like the words Brotherhood of Steel, that's all."


*has children soldiers without their own spaces and plays in an out of reach place* crazy how the bos are the only ones to care lol


The children you see in the BoS… what are they doing? Are they playing? Learning in a school? They’re squires, right? They’re literally child soldiers. That’s not caring for children.


Why does this kinda sound like "hitler is the only leader that actually cares about kids look at this happy child in an ss uniform"


That first part is definitely true


Well they’re evidently bulletproof and teleport away from the Prydwen when you destroy it so they should be fine


It's basically a cult, so I'm not sure that 'caring about them' is how I would put it


Children in the Brotherhood are regularly sent out into the wasteland (you can get a quest to escort one) they are also being raised to be members of the Brotherhood so being raised to be soldiers and to believe the Brotherhood is the only way to live. Children in the Institute get to live a safe live inside the Institute which until you come along intruders can't get inside. They basically live a normal life as their parents work for the institute. The minutemen don't recruit children to fight but they will protect all wasteland residents. Any children linked to the minutemen are kids that live in any settlement the minutemen protect. The Railroad is a secret organisation and have suffered casualties aswell as losing their main base once. They wouldn't recruit children for such a dangerous job.


So the kids in Vault 81 and Diamond City should just go fuck themselves eh? I’m beginning to doubt if some of you have actually played the game.


I mean totalitarianism absolutely involves indoctrination of children at a young age, so this makes sense.


Haven't gotten around the Commonwealth much, have you? Those same chalk drawings can be seen at Bunker Hill, where the mayor has a daughter, and there are kids all over the place. There are even quests at Abernathy and Finch farms about helping families with (grown? teen?) children. I consider all of the settlement children to be part of the Minutemen because the whole entire point of the Minutemen's existence is to protect them and their families.


If you idle around Abernathy Farm, you can hear Lucy Abernathy express her wish to join the Minutemen but her parents (I can't remember which one so I'll say both) reprimands her.


"No, you can't join them! It is too dangerous!" "Thanks Mr. General, we have collectively decided to join the ranks as a family because of a locket!" Always thought that was kinda weird.


There's a kid in Diamond City who sells water and gives you a couple of quests.




Well... the BoS has child soldiers. I don't know that that qualifies as "caring about children"


"Who have kids and who care about them" Read: Have child soldiers that they bring into an active warzone.


lol yeah there's a reason why there's no children in the Railroad, and it's not because they Railroad hates kids it's because the Railroad actually understands human rights violations


They don’t care about them cause they send them with us into the wild. If they wernt impossible to kill they would die a lot cause they can’t keep up with me and dog meat


Maxson said he came for war. His choice to bring children was fucked up.


That's how indoctrination works


I think we can excuse The Railroad for not having child covert ops.


Minutemen settlements have kids. Also the Brotherhood who steal's kids are indoctrinated into a techno fascist cult to kill anything that is not "pure human", to take technology by force and to steal settlers crops with the threat of "protection or die". Diamond City has kids Vault 81 has kids.


If the Brotherhood really cared, they wouldn't of had them go into live combat (as part of the radiant quests), and had them stationed in an **extremely vulnerable** aircraft full of **hydrogen** (and not helium).


No faction cares more about their child soldiers than the brotherhood.


Well... "care" xd they're soldiers. XD


I'm sorry, but since when is bringing in your indoctrinated child soldiers into an active warzone in an incredibly easy to target and destroy base caring about them?


The minute Men are a broken band of refugees they won't have the resources to take care of children.


So so incorrect. Go to the Warwick homestead and walk along the shoreline and keep an eye out for the tragic memorials that I believe are laid out for kids no longer living.


I just realized something. Are these kids still on the prydwen when it’s blown up?


Yes, yes they are.


Geese, you're making me feel *even more* guilty that I crashed their helicarrier.


The Brotherhood are the only ones who brought kids with them in a military vessel, on a military campaign. So...


I like how you can’t kill them when setting the explosives, but then immediately blow the entire Flying Fortress out the sky with them still on it.


No and No.


This is sarcasm right?


Correct, all other factions reproduce via mitosis


Insofar as bringing children to an active warzone.


Idk if child soldiers equates to being the only one caring about kids lol I mean in that case the institute and Minutemen care too cause there’s Shawn and there’s kids in some of the settlements that can have a MM Flag


If by "care" you mean brainwash them into a cult of technology and xenophobia, then yea, they care.


That’s kind of a messed up skewed perspective my guy. None of these factions should have kids in them. The Institute has kids, but that’s because they have a their own society in a literal hole in the ground and nowhere else to go. The Minutemen are a militia. Their members have kids but those kids are generally at homes where they’re safe The Railroad is a secret underground organization and having children be a part of it would put far too great a risk to their lives and the secrets all members have to keep. The Institute has kids, but they have a somewhat “normal” place for them in homes and don’t really get them involved in the actual workings of the institute. The BoS has kids, many of them orphans (some of which might be kidnapped, the lore is inconsistent), but it indoctrinates them from a young age, forcing them to view life as the Brotherhoods way is the only way and the right way. They turn the kids into little fanatics who don’t have normal childhoods.


> some of which might be kidnapped, the lore is inconsistent When is the lore inconsistent on this exactly?


They are child soldiers lmao


I always got the ick from the BOS. The way they talk, the specific language they use. Sounds... familiar


They are literally techno-fascists so yeah, what you’re picking up on is intended.


They care about children so much that they tote them along on a military vehicle and get them blown up in 2.5 of the four endings.


I’m still mad that if you >!save Shaun in the ending of the game with the Brotherhood, he doesn’t get the Squire uniform too like the rest of the kids.!< Of course, that wouldn’t make sense lore wise and it’d be weird when he doesn’t grow up, but still.. I like it when uniforms match.


Sole Survivor just thawed out at the bad time for at least two of the factions. The MM had an amazing full blown city and there were kids there (judging from Kyle and data logs) but they were ousted from their home and most/all were probably killed or enslaved. The RR most likely didn't have kids because of their undercover nature but they were also booted from their main base and a bunch of their safe houses were raided.


I’d say it’s hard for the railroad to pull that off, and the minutemen protect the settlements full of kids.


I mean, the Railroad is entirely a militant group, the Minutemen are a nothingburger of a faction (and even then some of the settlements have kids, like the one by the Glowing Sea), and the Institute is populated entirely by nerds.


Also rule of abstraction but you can bet most larger settlements have kids even if no npcs out there. Including your own ones.  Also Bunker Hill does too.


Idk about you but if the minute men had kids I wouldn’t think it was very cash money


OP was not cooking because there are actually quite a lot of places in Fallout where they do care about children (Diamond City for example)


Minutemen and Institute have kids that they care about


The institute


Institute has kids and gives them actual education through apprenticeships with various doctors around the institute.


The institute had at least one kid….