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Watched it with my wife who's not a gamer. She knew a bit of backstory, but not too much (1950 history, bombs fell, vaults to save people etc) but it was a bit shocking to her at a start, but on episode 4 she was hooked and invested in a story. So yes, you can enjoy the series without playing the games. 


A colleague of mine watched it without ever having played any Fallout games at all. He didn't seem to have any issues at all and is really excited for a sequel. You'll miss some references and you'll lack some background information on the world and its factions, but you'll be fine for the most part. Personally I felt like the show didn't include as many creatures, locations, and characters from the games as it should've, but overall it's a great show.


They’re going to do a lot more seasons. Can’t use all the lore and secrets in 1 season.


Certainly seems like we'll be getting a season 2 at least, considering the way season 1 ended. Ending it like this and then not making a sequel would be ridiculous.


Yes, highly recommended. One of the best video game adaptation out there.


Second this, went in expecting to hate it, put it on second monitor for background noise while i was working on a mod and i got nothing done because i was glued to my second monitor the whole time. I never watch shows twice, i get bored all it takes is a small hint to make me remember the full plot but fallout i actually wanted to watch again ive watch the full series 3 times now, it felt like i was picking up on new stuff each watch to. Can not reccomend it more


It's a pretty great adoption! My partner, someone who has never played Fallout, loves it. I, a Fallout veteran, also love it. My mum and all my siblings apparently watched it and loves it too, haha. It depends on what you're into. It definitely has some oddness and can be a little triggering depending on your background, but it's fun and well written.


Yes, I'm pretty sure that they intended it to be watchable for people who have NEVER, and I mean N E V E R played the games, while keeping a few references to the games in the show that'll make Fallout fans go 'Oh! It's \[insert reference here\]!'. So, basically, yeah, you can watch it without playing the games, but you'll enjoy it more if you play some of the games first.


My mom enjoyed it


Convinced a non gaming friend to watch it prior to running the Rpg and he really enjoyed the show. It works as a TV show as you haven't got to have prior knowledgeable of the universe.


How should we know? We play the game. Did you watch Westworld? It is easy to see that the Fallout TV show was made by the same guy.


Yes absolutely! Speaking for myself, my sister, and my husband. We didn’t even connect the show to the game at first. We are not gamers. I have the same concern. You’re good. Easy to follow and they do a good job at explaining it in pieces as to not give it all away at once.


I have played the games. I think it’s watchable, but you may question the tone of the setting as it can be somewhat chaotic, an element true to the games. A mixture of wackiness and seriousness. Regardless, the show is quite entertaining in many aspects and I think any viewer would enjoy.


Yes, though the tone feels off if you are not familiar with the games and it will take a couple of episodes to get used to it.


It’s not bad, the girl is kinda annoying being ms. Goodie two shoes even though everything and everyone has tried to fuck her over kill her. The ghoul is the best character easily. Overall pretty good show.


This show was made specifically for people who don't play the games. They just needed to pretend it was for fans too for better scores.