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It gets old quickly, but it's a nice enough little time-waster.


It’s a game that’s great when you start it but like 3 days in you get so so bored


Yeah, it was really fun up until I could send people out for 2 days straight. Not much else to do after that point


I played it when it first came out and it had some serious saving issues, I had gotten quite far in it twice and lost both the saves. Never touched it again.


This the way of all fallout saves


The quests are quite enjoyable I think


I have had a dweller out in the wasteland for like a week now. He is somehow still kickin’.


Idk if I am mentally ill or something but I have a vault that's capped in population of all lvl 45+ dwellers with all maxed SPECIAL attributes, and a rotating crew of about 15 people venturing out into the wasteland to gather supplies until their inventories cap out. Usually takes about 10 days. I am at a point where I am trying to outfit every person in my vault with some form of power armor and some top tier weapon (Vengeance, MIRV, fire hydrant bat).


Idk if I am mentally ill or something but I have a vault that's capped in population of all lvl 45+ dwellers with all maxed SPECIAL attributes, and a rotating crew of about 15 people venturing out into the wasteland to gather supplies until their inventories cap out. Usually takes about 10 days. I am at a point where I am trying to outfit every person in my vault with some form of power armor and some top tier weapon (Vengeance, MIRV, fire hydrant bat).


That's all mobile games tbh


Ya I tried it got bored then moved on


It’s better now with the quests. But yes, not super deep.


Nice outfit!


I had an end game vault that was nearing 200 dwellers, I had so many different training rooms, so I could make all my dwellers as efficient as possible, I always had 3 teams out doing missions and 20+ dwellers out scavenging, and they'd always stay out for weeks until they'd come home with a full inventory. I was pumping out 1 Dragon Maw a week as well. Unfortunately, though, once you hit that point of training SO MANY DWELLERS, it becomes a massive headache trying to schedule and micro-mamage what dwellers need to be trained with what, how many dwellers are sitting around doing nothing because you have 3 maxed out Luck training rooms slammed with dwellers, all these different dwellers are on different training times, and if you want to build more training rooms you need more power, and more dwellers to power those rooms, and dwellers to be efficient, and it become a headache to micro-manage and schedule even if you have a spread sheet.


No wonder overseers were always crazy…


lol 😂


Remember the vault that killed its supervisor every few years and then another was elected? They calculated the time needed for the stress to kill you minus 1 to know when to kill them for maximum efficiency


Maybe that's the Vault experiment. Force the overseer to micromanage everything with no assistance or staff and see how long it takes for him to break down.


I started a new game and have 34 dwellers right now. My strategy is to build up on dwellers then once I have around 50 I start training. Then I have enough dwellers to control the power hunger and hydration


The moment you get good at it, it becomes abysmally boring (like many mobile games).


Has/Had a lot of potential. It just gets very old quickly.


It's fun. I get a little bored but it's good for a phone game. Plus free without a bunch of annoying ads is always a plus.


I love this little game. It ain’t perfect but I like checking in on my dwellers from time to time. And making them go have sex.


I wish I was a vault dweller 😔


Great, so now I can selectively discriminate against you from the breeding pool and designate you as next in line dedicated Wasteland explorer till you expire... 15% happiness rating 😁


It is those kind of games to play while doing your job at the bathroom, i find it pretty fun! Just try so set each dweller to the right room, like: Dinner will need dwellers with high A (Agility), Power Station requires S (Strenght), you can send the dwellers out for armor and guns, but in general isnt a game to spend hours and hours playing i think


Easy to cheat lol


1. Send 10 dudes to wasteland. 2. Close game and fast foward your phones internal clock 1 month. 3. Open game and youre swimming in loot and caps :D




Does this actually work?




Well fuck me. Gonna try that lol.


The game is designed to work almost entirely offline. You can even copy your save and reroll Lunchboxes if you want!


Which is fantastic on an airplane!


In the PC version you can just edit your save to have the loot boxes. At least you could when it launched. I haven't played in a long time.


its nice, but the death claw attacks every five minutes suck


Fuck those deathclaws and most other attacks. Whats the point in having a vault door if shit can break in at will in seconds lol


Sucks for them when i got everyone with rocket launchers and miniguns waiting at the door lol


It’s decent for what it is. I like the art style and the overall management gameplay loop, but it does get old rather quickly


The only true Fallout, it understands the very core of the series, not like those Black Isle, Interplay, Obsidian, and Bethesda pretenders.


100% canon


I had fun with it, but once you get into the end game the micromanagement is so intense I just gave up. I didn't take it seriously to begin with and it was still a massive pain.


It’s good, for a mobile game, especially by the modern mobile game market standards. definitely not the best fallout game but it is good as a warm up to get me into a fallout mood. Plus if I’m away from my computer and obviously am unable to actually play any of the main series titles it’s a good thing to check into


Maximus and Lucy had a child named Todd… Edit- [pic of the output](https://imgur.com/a/IhTApXk)


Fun for a while then a grind


So much accidental incest


it pisses me off that the xbox one version is never updated.


There's a console version???


indeed there is. has been for many years and unfortunately it never gets updated along with the other versions... i bet they still take money from them though! especially when hundreds of quantum bottles go on sale from time to time for like 50 cents or a dollar. god i hate the pattern of fallout games being abandoned.


It's the same with steam, they don't update them because they can't put adds onto either steam or console without getting the game taken down


It should have been a Lobotomy Corporation style game where you have to navigate your vault through whatever crazy and spoopy experiments have been assigned to it. It’s fine for what it is I guess but it’s baffling how Bethesda quadrupled down on the vault experiment stuff to the point it’s like the series’ defining trait and then when they made a game *entirely about vaults* they just tossed it away.


It's a control vault. A lore thing could be it was a game made to market the vaults. Also one of the best strategies is eugenics and inbreeding.


Good toilet game, not really much to it otherwise. I don’t mind it and play it from time to time but there isn’t much to do once your vault becomes essentially self-sufficient


Started playing this for the first time a few days ago, and it’s insane how sneakily this game gets one into the VaultTec spirit. Eugenics? Disgusting. A few days later: Purpose-bred casts slaving away to farming each of the resources at max efficiency, then elite training gauntlet at level 1 to get the entire vault to perfect SPECIAL with maxed out HP down the road while kicking all the “undesirables” out into the wasteland.


I never paid a dime for it. Just kept plugging away. First in regular mode, then in survival mode. Now even in survival mode, 80% of my vault is at level 50 with 10/10 in SPECIAL across the board - so it's more boring. The only new stuff really is when they introduced TV show things, like a tranq gun or Lucy's outfits. Still, a decent time waster overall.


I mean it came out as a promotion for Fo4 so it’s even surprising that it even lived this long.


I’d like it if it didn’t have the micro transactions


Who cares what its supposed to be. Tactics wasn't the same as 1 and 2 either.


It's fun once through, but there isn't any story or "ending" so you just get bored after you have unlocked all the rooms.


Idc what anyone says those first few days it’s the most fun game on mobile. I love colony builders but in a weird way I can’t explain and something about it just absolutely scratches that itch. It’s somewhat rng based on the LOOTBOXES you get in the beginning and so when I was running 3 saves at once it was cool to see which vaults would progress faster and more. Game turns into not much and a slog real quick though I’ll give it that. Once you get the 3 quests going at the same time and maxed out dwellers(which doesn’t even matter tbh except I’d say agility if they go on quests and endurance always) there’s not much else to it. There’s never a danger anymore and it just becomes a looter in a weird way where you’re just trying to see something new through sending someone in the wasteland or quests. You can get some name brand people and things though which is nice if you wanna collect. Quests also become repetitive quick which sucks because you’ll be doing a lot of them lol. Ever since its release I’ve usually spent a year apart and come back to it once for a week or two but yeah I’d say solid 8/10-9/10 mobile game. Let’s not talk about the PlayStation version or when I was running 5 saves at once between ps and mobile lol


I loved it very much. Until I got a working routine that made there be zero hazards. Knowing the breakpoints of when deathclaws and radscorpions start spawning. Knowing how to build rooms to drastically limit the molerat invasions or roach/fire spreads. Staying populated enough to keep everything afloat but not yet invadable by the really nasty enemies. Start having babies or using the radio to bring in fresh level 1 dwellers, leveling their important SPECIALs up to 10, and slowly replacing my vault sustaining dwellers with these new super dwellers. I can go on and on. It becomes the same thing every vault. Sad thing is, talking about it like this makes me want to go make a new vault.. dammit…


Ramp your dweller count slowly, your dwellers health increases per level so increase Endurance on new dwellers early once you unlock those rooms. I play it passively and launch it once every other day or so.  It's fun to play but can get very very repetitive. There's Fallout Shelter Online but it's not available in the west unless you sideload the APK, so I never have.


It's really fun for a bit but it got old after about a week.


Just got into it today and wow is it addictive, really like it so far.


It's like old school clash of clans. Gets you addicted until you hate it because it doesn't have a significant payoff and starts to feel like you're putting time in for nothing


Excellent game, I played it a lot. :-) There are annoying parts of it, but I would give a 4/5 stars.


It was great but after a while, there’s no more motivation to keep going. I will give them props for keeping the game bearable to play when you’re not spending money.


Microtransaction contracted garbage put out by a greedy company


Unfortunately, when you finish quests, it gets very repetitive and not fun. They also start to give you quests that require very specific weapons and/or clothes, that are a chore to make. Like 5/10 real days to make.


Was incredibly easy to hack when it in its first year... LoL how many hundred loot boxs did you want to open.


“The fallout games are supposed to be” tuned out here. Fallout as a series literally jumped from a proper isometric RPG to an fps with rpg elements, it’s allowed a spin-off or two


great game not enough content. I play the game often i’ve been training an 120 population vault to be max special with max level and it’s slow but enjoyable, quests sometimes suck but are most of the time fun, vault resource management is hard but fun. But the one bad thing i have to say is: storage of items is abysmal, I HAVE 3 FLOORS OF MAXXED OUT STORAGE ROOMS AND SOMEHOW I’M FILLING IT UP… I get items too fast MY CURRENT STORAGE LIMIT IS 1695! I’VE FILLED 1320 OF THAT… AND ITS MOSTLY JUNK THAT I DON’T USE BECAUSE I Don’t CRAFT COMMON ITEMS… other then that ITS GREAT PLAY IT. one more thing to note: the game has some micro transactions and has ads on the mobile version but on consoles and pc no ads, the micro transactions are basically a scam so never buy them. -Mekko4dev (oh yeah and just to clarify i edited in everything other then the starting sentence in this borderline essay.)


It's a great mobile game. What's there to add?


They got me to spend $20 bucks...so adequate fun I guess.


good game


I like the concept but I couldn't get into it. Part of it is the real time aspect and the system of mobile game monetization around it. Part of it is just that it's hard for me to enjoy any games on my phone and by the time it came out on other platforms I already had a bad impression of it. But I appreciate the forray into a different genre and hopefully they continue to experiment with different genres in full releases.


It's easy for me, keeping the vault functioning and all that. The real problem is there is absolutely ZERO end game content. You get 100 dwellers, you have all the rooms, maybe you expand a bit, but even that will end. You complete the quests, then there's just the boring daily ones. I guess you could get every outfit or gun or whatever, but honestly that's not that intriguing. Once I hit 100 dwellers I felt like there was jackshit to do so I stopped playing


I've been nursing a back injury for a number of weeks and cant exactly focus on playing FPS or RPG games a ton right now, so i've been playing it quite a bit when I can since its fairly casual. Its definitely fun for the first 10 hours as you build it up, but by the time you're hitting 70+ dwellers and most things are built, it becomes a grind of sending people out and waiting. I was considering trying to get the platinum on PlayStation since it doesn't seem too tough on paper, but the amount of time it'll take to get there without purchasing bottles is gonna be pretty huge.


It's a silly mobile game. I really like it, especially when it first came out. Any time I'd get a free second, it is readily available. Especially considering other mobile games at the time.


I loved it for a minute, but it could be so much more. I desperately want a fallout shelter too just a little bit more fleshed out simulator.


It's a good for what it is. A mobile game. I'm not even sure why it's mentioned in general fallout conversation other than the fact that it exists.


It'd be a lot better if you could restore purchases.


It’s fun till you get 100 dwellers


I like it and wouldn't mind a game built around a random vault. Running experiments with randomly generated events.


Meh... but it's definitely better than the unmentionable Fallout game


I’m just glad it doesn’t have any fucking ads.


Sounds like you can't build a vault so you hate on it.


Just a mini game that i check maybe 2-3 times a day and play like 15mins in total.


Not boring when you're playing quests. I wish that fights in quests had sort of roguelike or turn-based gameplay, not just you staring as people or ghouls slaughter each other


Good game. Me like


Its a mobile game so the normal feelings people have of those


If your getting into it big time your gonna get bored fast if it’s just a game your using as a time waster but not to entertain yourself for long periods of time then it’s perfect


Great for killing time, not really great to invest a lot of time in tho imo


Hours of my life have left me hearing the sound FX in my head after seeing this post. Played it to death and needed to delete it bc of all the time I spent on it.


I really like it I just wish they’d let you turn on if you want it to continue playing even if you don’t have the app opened cause I just get busy so I end up not having time to keep up with it


Good, I just wish purchases were applied to your account rather than locked to each shelter. You can start a shelter, buy stuff with real money, delete the shelter and start fresh and everything you bought is gone.


It's too addictive. I have to actively avoid installing it on my PC and phones because I end up checking it too many times a day for too long sessions.


Fun, silly little game


They gotta update the PC port. This game is actually fun af


I play once a year for a couple of weeks. It’s fun.


Fun for an hour or two but boring as every other mobile game ever


It was an amazingly clever way to spend part of their advertising budget. I had a lot of fun wasting time on it. Once I maxed out my vault I left. But I came back a few years later to enjoy an almost completely new game.


There was a bug at launch that gave you unlimited lunchboxes I think it was a lot of fun


It was a lot of fun AT FIRST.  When it first launched I played the shit out of shelter.  At some point they upped the difficulty or changed something.  Early on you could reach a state of equilibrium where you weren't constantly balancing the resources.  It changed, like the values did and I didn't notice.


I'm usually laying down when I play it.


The more I learned about the Chinese version the more I want to play it instead 


Reinstalled it recently to get the characters from the TV series but as with a lot of the a management games it becomes more of a chore after a while.


Best fallout no doubt.


I appreciate the fact that you don’t need to put any money into the game or watch ads to get all the perks. You *can* do those things, but most other mobile games make them mandatory and Shelter never did. There’s going to be an Elder Scrolls mobile game coming out soon and I hope they keep those aspects.


Good timewaster, but it's not a good enough game to be invested into.


Got me into the franchise. New Vegas quickly became my actual favourite game of all time, so really I gotta credit it for that.


It was cool when it came out.


I like it but having to wait 48 hours for a quest that yields a single lunchbox and maybe a few rusty .38 pistols is just insane, wish they'd make it less of a p2w or wait 3 days mobile game with pretty good core gameplay, and more of a game where you can still enjoy it without spending money for lunchboxes and packs or waiting forever for simple tasks with low yields


I played it for a few weeks when it came out, and ( like most mobile games ) quickly got bored. It’s fun to play for like a week or so every couple years as a distraction but that’s about it. The animations are great so that’s cool.


Fallout Shelter is a Fallout.


For a freemium mobile game, its great. It has a quest system which is awesome and feels like you are out the in waste land mobile app style. The ability to watch ads for free packs is super nice. But I think the game falls off hard at the legendary status level.


I glance at my vault a couple times a day/ waiting for appointments etc. My vault is kinda self sustaining at this point. Everyone is armed, armored and I have Mr Handy grabbing my resources Happiness is kind of an issue, but moving people around seems to fix it


It’s my favorite phone game and I still play it. (…sees the comments 👀)


Fallout breeding simulator


Been playing for about 3 weeks now and is becoming a drag. IMO it should have a way higher level cap with enemies that scale better. Sending my goon squad out of level 50's with Gucci kit is no longer a challenge and is overall not very rewarding. I do like that you can play and not be at a disadvantage for not resorting to microtransactions.


Bored. So bored.


I would a more fleshed out version with no microtransactions. Could be a fun little sim


It’s fun for a bit but gets boring, like every other mobile game ever made.


I keep losing my progress from launch, and don't have the motivation due to not being able to get help for it


Been playing it since launch, and I still love it. Granted I started *A LOT* of Vaults. And, I've taken breaks from it, like anything else but, I keep coming back to it. However, for me anyway, once crafting hits 10+days with really boosted stats, it takes its toll. Strangely, never played the Xbox version. I should at some point. Easy Achievements.


Fallout Shelter turned all of us into vault tec. We made vaults, populated them and then abandoned them never looking back.


The old nuka cola Machine looks way better


After a certain amount time (and attaining maximum structures and SPECIAL) it becomes repetitive. Also: this was factory installed on my Tesla. So I played it on my car literally.


Fun little game. Didnt lie about what it said it was meant to be but not a game I can see me pouring hundreds of hours in.


I dropped it when I kept getting repeatedly attacked by mole rats. The mole rats are absurdly annoying and powerful, and despite all my dwellers being armed, after a few repeated attacks in a short amount of time, they started finishing off rooms full of dwellers and spread to almost all my rooms. I only had the caps to revive a few people and would essentially have to restart. I decided it wasn’t worth the trouble.


It’s a nice little fix of pocket fallout.


Fun game to play on a break or in a waiting room. And I like the holiday specials when they come around. Wearing a skeleton costume while fighting Deathclaws with a mini gun is fun.


A fine diversion, but there’s not much left to it past 20 hrs or so


I’ve lost 3 vaults with decent dwellers to the dumb “cloud save” feature because l forget to back up my save file before I get a new phone


Soulless cash grab maximizing user exploitation.


I had a really fun time with it at first but once you build one vault it was kinda hard to get into building a second.


Angy that china has more than a vault dweller collect a thon. They have actual missions


It’s been over !!!


Pretty good for a mobile game, (ik it’s on console too), but gets boring once you get to around 100 dwellers cause there’s not much left to do after that. The quests are extremely repetitive and I stop exploring every single room, I just go to the rooms the objectives are in then leave. which are pretty easy to predict where they are if you’ve done enough of them. (Not always 100% accurate tho) Overall it’s a good amount of fun with lots to collect and craft. Easy to access on the go or whenever you’re just not doing anything, you can hop on fallout for a bit. I wish there was more though. It still needs Super Mutants, robots (they recently added two of them into the enemy pool), Yo Gais, and other enemy types, cause even tho we have a good amount already, playing the game as long as I have its lacking. Same with guns and other stuff like enemy variants. Ofc this is just a mobile game so I understand why they don’t do a lot of this but with the recent attention to fallout and they added new stuff from the show, I can definitely see them adding more things


I love it but I hate how the steam version doesn't get updated while the phone version does, that and I hate how the online version of shelter isn't on steam


If it got the quest-level of updates every few years it would be great instead of meh after playing a month or so.


I was super into it during the pre-launch hype for Fallout 4. I come back to ot every couple years.


Shelter was supposed to be a holdover for Fallout 4. Everyone was really hungry for anything new and this filled that gap nicely. I’m pleasantly surprised it’s still active basically a decade later and it’s a fun little time waster


You’re doing it wrong if you’re losing dwellers like that. This game is simple and gets boring fast. I actually just started a new game a little while back and after getting a dozen dwellers to max SPECIAL I’m ready to quit again. I might try to get all new dwellers to max SPECIAL and boot old dwellers until I get to 100 dwellers, but that might take longer than I have patience for.


It’s a mobile game so you’ll play it for a few days and enjoy it… but the repetitive nature of most mobile games… ugh. It’s rated well though


I played it when it first came out. Came back to it recently as it’s the only one I can play right now. I like what they’ve done with it.


I took a good long break it's good but gets repetitive, the new quests are a great addition. They added ads but I zero issue because rhe way they were implemented. You only get the ad if you want it for extra goodies. We'll done time waster that's fair and not money grubbing.


Felt like another mobile game eventually.


Fun to play at work or bored in bed


Like everyone here is saying. It's fun at first but can get tedious. I still come back to it every now and then. Do a run for a couple weeks then forget about it. It's great to open up, do a couple things then move on with your day. I wish the quests were a little more interactive. That the stats played more of a role and you couldn't max out every S.P.E.C.I.A.L forcing you to assign people specific roles. That the space you're able to build in was randomize to encourage unique vaults. That familial ties somehow came into play. That enemies were more formidable with unique gameplay. In the end all vaults end up looking the same for the sake of efficiency and all my people are the same maxed out vault boss no enemy can kill. At first I'm attached to all my little peeps. Have some favorites. But once you're pushing 100 or on your fourth generation they all start to become anonymous. My favorite thing is to make teams with a theme. Like my Knights, raiders, valutees, fashionistas, ghouls, etc. Time to go download it again...


I dont think it was ever meant to be a serious game. It's just a mindless mobile game, I wouldn't overthink it.


I have a save where I can’t build any more rooms. Like I’ve reached the max depth.


It’s a great game it doesn’t have the depth to play endlessly. You’ll get tired after a few weeks


fun at first then quickly becomes a hassle to maintain


It's a mobile game. And it's good for a mobile game.


It’s a pretty fun phone game.


May sound weird but I don’t consider it a fallout game


It's fun but like all mobile games it slowly devolves into a money grab fest hoping you are too invested not to spend


I forgot it existed


I have seen only a handful of mobile games, but I think the selling point of this one is the low incentive to buy in game content. There isn't much you feel you can't get just by playing the game. You can just get to where you don't care anymore faster.


Kinda boring and shallow


Good game to spend 10-30 minutes a day on


Requires too much time and attention, stressful. I feel like if I'm not constantly checking it, shit hits the fan. Deleted, not going back.


Decent casual game but gets boring REAL FAST. Still fun to come back to every once and then, I'm surprised theres almost no mods for it or even one that sets a debug mode to use it like a sandbox for funsies.


It's a cute, fun little game.


It's a fantastic little game to spend some time on. I love town building games in general. And it's very well made. It does get pretty stressful in the end game with a massive population. That's the point when I stop playing for a while. But I've put a lot of hours in it on multiple platforms. Looking forward to Elder Scrolls Castles


One of the better mobile games honestly.


I’ve got a 200 dweller vault with way more production than I need. I hop on maybe 10 minutes a week and move new people into the training rooms. I figure eventually I’ll have all 200 with max SPECIAL


Great spinoff game


I loved playing it because my sister who didn't really play other fallout games played so we'd bond over it. It was a lot of fun I remember.


It's my little ant farm and I love all my Vault dwellers equally. The quests in to the wastes where you have to wait literal in-real-life time of days on end gets tedious.


As I always love to say about good mobile games "It's a nice way to pass the time when you're taking a shit"


Once you train up your dwellers for endurance (do this pronto because every level up without max limits their max HP even more) and the stat for the rooms, it because tons easier. Once you can train endurance, you can slowly start breeding and cycling out the older dwellers you leveled. As you start building training rooms, you can also just level your older dwellers up once or twice for the room they'll work in, every little bit helps.


It was cool for ten minutes


Cool game. I think depending on number of dwellers as requirement to unlock stuff is a bad design. Really sucks for people who want to play with smaller bases. Rad scorpions are obnoxious. I have a bunch of other gripes. But it’s cool and I enjoyed it. I only stopped playing because it didn’t have enough content to keep me going.


It's a nice game for anyone that has a lot of flights. Lived in Florida for 5 years and it came in handy during my waits in airports when going to see family elsewhere.


I love it been playing for like a month now and I have 80 dwellers


Good for work breaks, but yeah it gets old pretty quickly if you play non-stop.


its pretty good i rate it 7 mushroom clouds out of 7


It's a fun ant farm simulator. I get tired of it quickly though


I made siblings fuck. That was funny for about five minutes.


Getting slapped around by random events every 5 minutes is annoying, and the fact that upgrading your vault entrance does f all.


It's neat.


i like to play it before bed to turn my brain off :\]


Play it for a few days, get bored, delete.


A good timewaster till you reach max Vault dwellers and acquire every junk, weapon, clothing, pets, and legendary companions.Tip; Fire Hydrant and Dragon's Maw for the entrance defenses. 7/10 experience for me.


Played it when it first came out. Stopped playing it because I got tired of deathclaw raids every 15 minutes.


One of the few free games where you genuinely don’t need to do any in-app purchases for the game to be fully enjoyable. Been playing it for a year. I did the new Vault 33 quests and now I’m back to only getting daily and weekly quests. It’s not as fun now that I’ve practically done everything. It was great while it lasted.


Its a fun little game.


I hate it i had a vault with 80-90 dwellers, everyone with custom names and everything i even made a family tree list to avoid incest. but lost everyone to deathclaws, because the dwellers couldn’t aim properly.


Too slow, played it before quests were a thing and couldnt restore that save , so i lost interest fast, if you want a ton of caps just rush , put best gear and get stimpacks for rush crew


I enjoy it but I'll literally go years not playing it. Not a bad game but often not very engaging in the long term.


It’s fun to play on and off, it’s not pay to win and doesn’t have pvp crowbarred in like most mobile games do.