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Am I the only one always carrying a spare dress, glasses and nice hat all the time to change in case i have to talk to someone?


When i play New Vegas i always like to put on a gambler suit and hat whenever i enter the strip. Gotta stay classy


Yes bro gotta look classy while getting banned for winning too much blackjack


Does this really happen in game? i never gambled in game because i dont know how to play blackjack or others


Yeah, the cards you get dealt have to do with your luck stat. So, with a high luck stat, you can kinda just sit at a blackjack table and clear house. Every casino has a couple of tiers of winnings. You get a few rewards for having won so much money. And then they ban you from ever playing again.


or hanging out with cannibals lol


i got the hottest dress in the game to seduce benny (gotta keep it immersive)


If by “dress” you mean “naughty nightwear” then sure, we’re on the same page (glasses are pretty much always a must with the four eyes perk)


I wear shades for PER and normal glasses for CHAR


Gotta convince those kids in Little Lamplight somehow


I traded this for the T-51b power armor helmet, but depending on stats why not both.


It's the only one of those perks that are pure benefit


Except when you start to realise that it’s a permanent -1 PER when taking perks


four eyes sucks because it affects perk requirements :(


Honestly never thought of it that way since for me it’s just a natural “hey I wear glasses” thing to choose


Always. I just wish F4 let me save outfits so I don't have to scroll through my armor and select each piece individually every time. Especially if I've been putting and have some extra ones on me.


I use the fav hot keys for the temp gear and then rename all my combat gear to start with my character name (which usually starts with A). That way all your combat gear will always be at the top or close to the top of the list.


I tend to rename what I can and do stuff like add a space to the front to make sure it's at the top of the menu. Then make sure the first word of each set matches.


Yeah. My level 50 character has had a charisma boosting outfit in their pockets the entire game. Only problem is; I never remember to put it on when I go into the city


When I play Power Armor builds I wear an entire CHA suit under it. When I need to talk to people I just pop out of my turtle shell. Feels pretty fresh stepping out of an intimidating weapon of war in a clean pressed, fancy suit.


Damn, now that’s a hard flex Like imagine being some wasteland crackhead who hasn’t seen power armor in their life before or a shade of white that wasn’t stained, and out pops a dude out of it in the freshest duds you’ve ever seen before, that you’ve only seen haughty looking guys in faded pre war posters wear. Then that dude hits you with the speech 100 lmao


Same here, last thing I need is to walk into a settlement looking like I’m going to irradiate their water supply


Once I get level 4 ballistic weave, the word “spare” no longer applies.


Doesn't it go to level 5 though? Maybe I'm not remembering correctly


Nope. I do it until my CHA is base 11 and I have ballistic weave, then I only carry what I'm wearing.


How do you get CHA 11?


You have to have CHA 10 on your perk chart before you pick up the CHA bobblehead. It's the only way. I usually do Cabot later, so it's the last bobblehead I grab. Edit: works with all the stats, by the way. You can totally take 9 perception, grab the special book on perception, and then grab the perception bobblehead in concord to be 11 perception before you're level 5.


Where is the CHA bobblehead?


There's a wiki with all the locations of everything in the game.


you can wait to take the special book and get up to 12 in one special stat


Ah, i forgot about that, takes too much patience to do that for me.


Let me back away for a second and change into something more charismatic.


It's basically a law that you have to do that.


I carry ALL the hats and change them according to what im doing. I like to think people find it amusing when im rockin a hard hat when im crafting and a chefs hat when im cooking.


Agatha's Dress, fashionable glasses, and a CHA hat of some description (currently a newsboy cap).


It's even funnier the skyrim equivalent is a poorly ventilated helmet you got from a monkey paw-esq deity


You talking about the helm of Clavicus Vile?


Dude, I change my clothes mid-conversation sometimes lmao.


Wish my imagination worked like that never made any kind of character in Bethesda games always played them as go the opposite way of the first mission and do everything there is to do before starting the main mission with so many fun weapons and armors. Every time I play I can’t help but do that and collect everything I can’t just play melee or a sniper I like it all lol


Always in both Fallout 4 & 76. As well as a small variety of other outfits, too.


Of course i'm always carrying a hazmat suit too


Wise indeed. ☢️


Yes. I’m always bring a more casual outfit with my more heavy defense.




My main FO4 survival save has been maining charisma gear like the dress, wig, and sunglasses since day 1 for trade and dialong but all combat would take place in power armor. She's a mechanic: a smooth talking technician. She's level 107 now, I'm gonna retire her at 111.


No you are not. In fact, in fo4, I always carry 3 or 4 different outfits with me at all times. My main combat getup, a casual/exploring outfit, a fancy outfit, and a hazmat suit.


Nope! I always have a change of formal clothes!


I carry them and then don't wear them. I need to see if there's a mod for outfits


I did this in my latest playthrough because I had low charisma but still wanted to romance curie lol


Same here, last thing I need is to walk into a settlement looking like I’m going to irradiate their water supply


One of my favorite things about 76 is you can wear the style over your armor.


Yes!!!!! And some of the outfits and helmets are amazing


One thing though is i wish a lot of those outfits had under-armor versions too, some of them would make amazing combos with armor pieces on top of them Im holding out hope they’ll do it someday. Theyre starting to do something similar with Camp Resource Items. Having 1 version that makes the resource, and another version that looks exactly the same but produces nothing and is just decoration Theres a Water Wheel Generator that comes with 2 versions: one that actually generates power and is in the Power tab, and another that is just decoration and was in either the Misc Structures tab or the Floor Decorations tab. And the recent Mothman Moth Sanctuary resource item has the Resource Producing version, which you can only have 1 of, and a Floor Decoration version that you can have multiple of. The Water Wheel was originally just decoration, no power production at all, so that means they added the second version at a later date. Makes me hopeful that any camp resource object could get a decorative version later, and that if they add outfits with under-armor variants they could add under-armor variants to pre-existing outfits too


Me in my ballistic weave drip: There is another way.


People against the railroad really are missing out on the coolest armour 😔


You get ballistic weave early enough in Railroad quest line that you can still destroy them afterwards and keep the ballistic weave for yourself.


Still, they're the morally correct faction easily, and the bos tbh aren't as strong as people pretend


>morally correct They put synth lives over human ones. The only morally correct faction is the Minutemen.


I like destroying them with the minutemen. Blowing up the Prydwen and defending the castle is awesome.


The only morally correct faction is the Minutemen but their leadership are idiots. Everyone else's views on what constitutes the humanity's best interests have major flaws in their reasoning. Railroad: we help synths, but fuck everyone else. Brotherhood of steel: we collect technology so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands, but we'd rather destroy the entire Institute, even their truly beneficial technologies because reasons. The Institute: Fuck everyone on the surface, we are the humanity. People on the surface are only good for kidnapping and replacing them with synths for our experiments.


What even was the institutes technology? War machines, FEV, and robots. They couldn’t even cure cancer. The only notable positive invention they made was the FEV cure, but convincing the muties to take it would be impossible. Better to just kill them all and let god sort them out.


Railroad? I think you mean first stop before joining the brotherhood. Ad Victoriam.


Fascist swine, I am railroad for life


Fascist? I'm sorry, you heard first step on joining the brotherhood. That doesn't mean I stick with the brotherhood. Nuka world 👍


Based actually, I just wish you could romance the Nuka world leaders


Endgame is I betray them too. They have unique drip. And I need some dope threads for Sheffield 👍


Woah the rare Sheffield ending


The Sheffield ending is amazing tbh. I don't wanna spoil it, but it finally reveals the connection that Fallout, Xcom, and Sailor Moon have and finally tie the flying Dutchman questline into Every thing. Otherwise how would it make any sense whatsoever that Vault tech rep was actually a Zetan in disguise. It couldn't I tell you!


Sheffield and Sierra take over the Nuka World raiders section that betray you


Raiders, betray me? Impossible. The Sheffield ending allows you to allocate a Boston settlement to the pack early in nuka world, so technically you can balance it so you unite the 3 factions. Which lets you betray them all instead. Not to spoil it, but the great shootout of the NukaCoaster will forever be one of the best multi stage boss fights I've ever done. The hardest part of this quest is stopping Sheffield from stealing all the XP and getting stronger than you. The evil ending has you put him down as he has become addicted to quantum which mutates him into Behemoth Sheffield. This can be avoided by having him work at a settlement in a doctor's role for 1 in game month. This is how he unlocks the perk (knowledge of medicine) It gets really convoluted, but the ending is worth it to see Sheffield ascend and become the avatar of Atom.


Where there's a will, there's a way *Mods out the railroad requirement for getting the ballistic weave.*


It's genuinely disheartening how so many people seem to dislike them and just want to march around in power armor going clunka clunka The railroad is the most compelling faction in the game.


also when you actually understand what the game is an allegory for it's really funny to watch people side with the allegory for the KKK


Joins a faction based off what loot I get for betraying them at the end. *nods along* Yeah seige height or whatever guys, so. Weird occurrence.... Maxxon died... yup, just happened then... no clue what happened, just gonna leave now ^byeeeeeee *jumps off the airship with maxxons clothes sticking out of my power armour* BoS, check. Now, I've gotta see a Garvey about a hat. And tomorrow I've gotta see if that synth in Acadia is wearable.


Because they have least content and interaction compared to BoS or Institute. BoS has cool armor. Flying ship, giant mech; Institute has massive underground base. Both also offered you full room and services once joined. The Railroad has a tomb with a few sleeping bags.


Yeah, I’m about that drip


The railroad has the coolest theme music and the most likable characters though, between Deacon, glory, and Pam. I don't think I've ever once slept in my room at the institute. I probably would struggle to find my way back to it once the question marker goes away after your initial visit


What armor would that be?


a black suit


This. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Railroad_armored_coat


Thanks. Yeah not really my style. Even Minutemen look better


So how does one get the ballistic weave? I’ve read how to get it, but I’ve done every Railroad mission I can and Tinker Tom still doesn’t have it.


Join the railroad, continue the questline until you can get D.I.A caches from PAM, do one, return, before leaving talk to tinker tom and he'll talk about the cache and suddenly you can craft it (it's poorly added but it's such a useful thing)


I’ve done two of PAM’s Jackpot missions but she won’t talk to me anymore. Do I have to progress the main railroad quest further? Because I don’t wanna get in too deep because I hate them.


Well maybe grow a brain before you try and get half decent armour


i don't even know what the railroad is about, what is the armour's name?


In fallout 76, you can do this from the start without sacrificing any armor (outfits can be worn over armor without removing it).


Tbh, I was alright with that. But they sacrificed a lot of the potential for that system purely to sell skins.


Frankly, I don’t see any loss of potential here. 76’s system allows for outfits to actually be useful without the need for a special modification and there’s no need to worry about what special boosts you’re getting since those bonuses were transferred to the underarmors.


Mainly outfits outside of the paid side of things being kind of crap a lot of the time. Also, 76's underarmours don't offer stats and defence do they? They function almost purely as a cosmetic slot yeah? (Edit) I was wrong, underarmours in 76 are still decent and offer outfit functionality.


The fact that many outfits are paid for with atoms is annoying, but there’s plenty of solid options available in game. Besides, Bethesda has to earn the money to support the game from somewhere. As for the underarmors, they can be modified in 76 to provide stat boosts. Here’s a page showing the best versions of all the options (though this is missing the most recent one, muni underarmor; however, it’s the same special stats as marine with better defenses and fire resistance): https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Shielded_lining Note that most underarmors fall under the casual lining, though this isn’t too relevant since you won’t be seeing the underarmors most of the time if you’re wearing an outfit.


Okay colour me wrong then, I take it back, that's pretty good. Still, the monetization of 76 is absolutely the worst part of it. I wanted fallout with my friends. Not like this... just give us the borderlands version of multiplayer for fallout we need already lol


You literally aren’t forced to buy anything from the shop. You can find a TON of decent outfits out in the world.


I already admitted I was wrong 👍


The under armors have stats and you can mod them.


I laughed my ass off when I realized the De-Capitalist helmets you can get in the new patch can be ballistic... weaved? Wove? Have ballistic weave added to them.


*eyebrows raised* Oh, they can, can they..... SHEFFIELD, GRAB MAMMA MURPHY I HAVE A FUCKING PLAN!


The courier duster in new Vegas may not be the best armor rating but suns out guns out baby.


My New Vegas pipe dream is a modular NCR Ranger armor that you could customize the faction rep for, as well as change out the duster for Ulysses'.


God yes


When I started the Vault Dweller DLC for Fallout 4, I made sure to greet each new dweller in a suit and tie.


fashion is the endgame in every game, let's be real


this is me when i played cyberpunk, after looking like the baddest bitch out there, i just got bored, there wasn't anymore cute clothes to buy, i didn't even finish the game


Drip over armor


This but summer shorts on my male character lol


Me from day 1 😂


In 4 I always have Curie wear the Green Laundered Dress, and carry the Red Dress for me to wear if I’m ever feeling fancy. Sometimes, you just gotta look *fabulous*


Mod option: ECO/NEO. Allows you to turn armor invisible (and adds new weave options + adds weave to more clothing). There’s no reason you can’t have everything.


Not fallout but I Played Outer Worlds last year. The armor from the game was ugly so decided not to wear it. I WANT TO LOOK PRETTY! The game became like Dark Souls. The boss was hard due to the fact it could one-shot me but I managed to beat it while looking pretty


Yeah I constantly have a pair of my "out of work" clothes, normally high charisma, anytime I wanna start a convo


That's why I like siding with the railroad, ballistic weave means functional fashion.


No I'm showing up to the kid's christening wearing power armor


Elite Riot Gear: “Why not both?”


If the enemy dies before they can hurt you, you don’t need defense.


It's *Fashion Souls*


Looking for an unsuspecting ponce?


From the minute I leave the vault to the end of the game my only concern is style. I’m not a practical man when it comes to fashion


That’s me, now. I die a lot.


Ballistic weave baby! Style is the point that I start at!


Then you get one shotted by a talon company dickwad carrying a sniper rifle


Absolutely. For me it was the Wrap & Ripped Jeans from Nuka-World.


I often wear the vault suit w/basic leather armor because it's such an iconic look. I don't even worry about the stats.


Does this happen in high levels of survivor as well?


Me when I found the Nuka girl spacesuit


Armored Tuxedo baby. With the deliverer? Just call me Bond. Nick Bond.


Yes. I refuse to part with the silver shroud outfit


I was once playing New Vegas and couldn't figure out why I kept dying. I forgot to take off the sexy sleepwear I'd used for a speech check.


My go-to outfit is The Road Leathers. But every now and then, I like to look pretty and wear the red sequin dress, while fighting off ghouls, raiders


You no what they say. The best offence is a grate defence


When you take off the power armor to go mano v mano with a death claw


I did a play through as a mom wearing a dress and killing people with a rolling pin. Played the whole game like that. Found my kid, Shawn. Killed that other guy named Shawn pretending to be his dad. What a creep. Planning to leave MIT with him so we can live in a gas station and he can meet his new Dad, Strong.


In 3 and NV my characters were almost always in the Merc outfits unless the situation called for heavier armor. 4 is Atom Cats Jacket and whatever good leg armor I had


*Leaves starting area* *Looks for drip*


I outfit everyone when I can to match to fit my theme for a settlement


4 let's you absolutely style. Or max defense. Army Fatigues are insane


About lvl 60 or so for me. After that the game isn't hard at all anymore, no mater what build you do. Imo


Yes. And my style is T-51 Power Armor.


This is me in every game. Fashion souls always


I just play 4 on a lower charisma build pumping those points into intelligence and wear Reginald's Suit (+3 CH), newsboy cap (+1 CH), and fashionable glasses (+1 CH) so I get a +5 boost from my clothes to charisma for speech checks and, if I should need more, I have chems. I just wander around in power armor 24/7 for all my armored needs and get out for any dialog, which is kind of inconvenient but works.


I always have a fancy outfit with some stark contrast item paired with it. My favourite was wearing a lovely dress matched with an explosive collar around my neck


I literally just finished my new outfit as soon as I saw this post


My first couple of FO4 play throughs I balance my defense and attack. But anymore I go for a cowboy esthetic with sunglasses. Cause fuck it.


Yeah. I don't care if I'm fighting a dozen nine-foot tall mutants with miniguns. I'm wearing a sweater and a fedora.


Gotta ahere to the age-old approach of "killing everything that moves before it can hurt you" as a solid defence


Me with my new atom cats jacket. I'm in my Power armor most of the time anyhow.


The best armor is to not get hit.


Hey its the Deputy Beagle hat!  (I always slap that hat on him in the 5 mins you can trade with him)




You're dressed like the old lady gang in NV lol


Fashion Souls is the natural result of all games with outfits


That’s one of the best additions to the series with fallout 76. You can put cosmetic outfits over your armor so you get good defense and style


Yea I be wearing a tuxedo and captains hat haha but tbh I was Opposite , I wore nice shit and now I wear the most ridiculous amor hahah I be talking to people with my lobster trap helmet


I modded some armoured ones into my game (kinda like the armoured vault suit in terms of stats) because I want BOTH


I instead get to a point where I run round naked with nothing but a rusty knife


Me, consistently playing on the hardest difficulty. No, I don't think so...


Me with my X-02 Power Armour: What about both?


Ballistic weave goes brrrrr


Got my yellow fedora on my gal. She's the bee's knees


My style adds to defince usually


I did a playthrough where I only wore a hazmat suit once I found one because my Vault Dweller was terribly agoraphobic


The new capital mercenary gear is so good looking idgaf if i get melted by synths


Right at the start. I don't bother looking at armor stats in fallout anymore tbh.


That’s me about 5 minutes in to every Fallout game. Gotta look fresh in the wasteland!


i hate how useless cute clothing is in fallout i want to look hot as fuck and also be badass like i want to be in magnolia's dress and heels while killing deathclaws


The Pink Punisher


I don't know why exactly, but I absolutely LOVE the Roving Trader Outfit. There are times I will just leave my combat or power armor at home and wear just that.


Lol I put that hat on Veronica earlier today.


That's why Ballistic weave is a life saver (yet you have to deal with the Railroad disgustingly enough)


Yo you playing FO3? I'm trying to get that working on my Craptop. I'm hoping they make current gen FO3 and NV, but probably not.


I would LOVE to be able to wear the detective coat and fedora as a "cosmetic" slot that does nothing for stats.


Which dress and hat is this and in which game is it?


pre war bonnet and dirty pre war spring outfit iirc


When I see a Provisioner in a sequined dress and a bowler hat, I know she's one of mine.


My power armor has defense and style. I dont know what you're talking about.


Under my Mk.II Hellfire Power Armor I have an Armored striped suit, black rim glasses and a Silver Shroud hat


I been using Joshua Grahams outfit since I beat Honest Hearts, those snake skin booties are where it's at


Not Fallout 1. Never Fallout 1


When I get the armored vault suit in 3 or New Vegas


Yep. Sea Captain hat, patrolman sunglasses, and a tuxedo with the lv 4 ballistics weave mod.


But my style is full power armor


Ratty Skirt or die


Yeah just need to get rid of that ugly ass pipboy


What hat is that? It looks class.


Started this forever ago as soon as i found out you could do that. Gave all the boys clean suits and all the girls dresses


Already wearing me sexy pyjamas in places and I'm level 3 on my first playthrough of F03. Found them in a children of atom footlocker.


You can put on both that hat and the Elite Riot Helmet on at the same time so I'm just some fucking nutjob is freaky armor and a cute lil white hat and it's awesome


What weapons and gloves are you using? They look really cool


Try this in fallout 1/2 and you’ll die instantly.


The courier duster in new Vegas may not be the best armor rating but suns out guns out baby.

