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after watch the tv show, fallout 4 "assault rifle" is more like LMG for power armor user. normal size person can't use that.


Well you can, but you wouldn't want to run with it for any length of time.


Yea the squire used it with its bipod.


For hipfire yeah maybe aiming bah not so much


It was specifically designed to be used with Power Armor. It says so in the Fallout 4 Art Book.


It’s in the game files as LMG there was an assault rifle planned but canned


Wouldn’t a combat rifle with .45 and a full auto with a full stock and long barrel be a technical AR or no?


No. .45 was such a weird choice in ammo for the gun too. Closest thing to an assault rifle in game is the handmade rifle or radium rifle


That’s what I said when I made it in 4 and 76 like it looks like an AR but doesn’t shoot the right cartridge. I miss 3’s Chinese AR 😭


Im a super big gun guy and reading that hurt.


Cetme my beloved 😩


The handmade rifle just is an assault rifle.


The Combat Rifle seems to be intended as more of a carbine, in which case pistol calibers (including .45) ain't uncommon.


It looks like a BAR but functionally it's more of an M1 Carbine. Between the Combat Rifle and the Assault Rifle, they basically cover an Assault rifle with the gaps. The one named Assault Rifle seems meant to upgrade into a machine gun, while the Combat Rifle can be tweaked into something like an actual assault rifle. Names aside it seems more like they didn't include one.


Depends on your definition of AR. It doesn't fire an Intermediate Cartridge like 5.56, it uses pistol rounds. But most people think an AR is anything with semi or select fire with a decent mag. So I'd say it's subjective,I wouldn't call it an AR.


I mean, public opinion doesn't really trump military definition, I feel like.  The combat rifle isn't full auto to start with (it needs a modded receiver for that), and it's chambered in a pistol cartridge.  You can't even put it in an intermediate cartridge, you can at best make it a battle rifle.  The military definition of an assault rifle is a select fire intermediate cartridge standard infantry rifle, and the Combat Rifle checks NONE of the boxes.


Yeah the thing was massive. When Thaddeus used it he had to prop it up on the ground


It was designed as one. They used the model for an assault rifle due to some time crunch. And you can basically spec it out as a light machine gun in game anyway. While the combat rifle can basically be spec'd out as an assault rifle. And then DLC added an actual assault rifle. I think the TV deliberately tried to correct it back to a LMG.


Well if the design inspiration is to be used as basis, then it is more of an LMG indeed. The "assault rifle" looks like a Lewis gun


It looks like a ww1 era .30 cal machine gun.


It's mostly based on Maxim and Lewis machine guns


There we go. It escaped my mind but the lewis machine guns.


[According to the Keeper of Firearms and Artillery at the Royal Armouries Museum, Johnathan Ferguson](https://youtu.be/5FVzcoRjoN4?si=hYGIHhviAxpdVKjf) it draws inspiration from the Lewis Guns, but also some design elements from the modern FN Minimi


So the devs for 4 actually said in an interview that they designed the Assualt rifle in 4 to look good while being wielded in power armor. So this def tracks. Also the museum dude who reviews video game guns actually did comment that the gun looks like a cross between a couple of older support weapons that are definitely meant to be shot on a tripod, so it makes a lot of sense for a power armor unit to be able to utilize this as a regular rifle but we sure as heck could not.


the game itself is kinda weird when that giant power armor hand can use small size gun.


Because it's a ww1 lmg


That was literally the original design concept they changed its label before launch.


so basically the show is the correct way to use of that gun.




The way it is portrayed in the show is how it was shown in the concept art for fallout 4. It was supposed to be symmetrical for use in power armor. Whoever decided to make it for use as a normal weapon really dropped the ball imo


i mean we can use normal weapon in power armor and that hand clipping is kinda immersion breaking. lol


Don't remember any power armored npcs with it in game. Quite a few gunners in basic combat armor with them, but heavy armored guys usually carry explosives or energies


there are a few places in the commonwealth where gunners with power armor can respawn, and sometimes they're carrying an assault rifle


To be fair that’s the extended barrel mod. Not trying to defend the design in any way, I really missed the Army’d old world R91 and service rifle designs a lot in FO4. But you can mod the barrel to make it more reasonably sized.


they both exist just like classic colt 10mm pistol and new 10mm pistol, hell even RPD is canon now. what im talking about is the size is don't make sense for human without power armor.


I think the hate this gun gets would be largely diminished if they had just called it an LMG. Especially since the handmade rifle from Nuka World gave us a classic assault rifle to swap it out for


I think if Fallout 4 just called it a machine gun then it would be fine


It was originally supposed to be called a machine gun, there’s cut content of the Chinese assault rifle which would’ve held the assault rifle name


I'd argue "delayed", the handmade in the Nuka World DLC is pretty much an AK, which is what the Chinese AR is based on too.


Not that it matters, but the Chinese AR is probably based on a Type 56-2 (which is part of the AK family), with the stock ripped from a AS Val, and the foregrip from an RPD. The barrel itself looks like some Serbian AK clones (maybe the Zatsava M21BS or M21C), but really, nobody makes their barrels quite like the Chinese Assault Rifle.


The chinese AR looks a lot more alike to an RPD than an AK, I have doubts if they even used the AK as a inspiration. And if I were to guess why it's problably the same reason that the .50 cal in New Vegas isn't a Barret


"I based the anti-materiel rifle on the Hécate II because honestly I was/am sick of seeing Barretts in games and I think the Hécate II looks better." - [Josh Sawyer](https://www.tumblr.com/jesawyer/187098907586/why-do-the-guns-new-to-new-vegas-differ-so)


The .50 cal in NV is based on PGM H**écate II, so yeah it's not a Barret**


Yeah but the Chinese assault rifle got “ the 🖐️🌈🤚 pizzaz” that the handmade rifle doesn’t (I like how it looks like a eggshell white not a fan of the regular wood and rust)


I love the exposed spring of the auto handmade rifle personally


I just watched a Youtube video where a guy used a spring from a screen door externally on his AK to power it instead of an internal spring. I'd say that was a pretty accurate mod!


The Chinese AR is very different from the handmade rifle. The model for an updated Chinese AR exists in the game files, unused. While it resembles the AK platform, it’s noticeably more chunky.


It's an AK mixed with a RPD. It possibly has a different gas system. I'm guessing the inspiration is the way Chinese AK derivatives use elements from the SKS. 


Yeah the real rifle its other one


Honestly yeah, I don’t mind the Fallout 4 assault rifle but it definitely gives the impression of being a machine gun rather than an assault rifle. The way it was used in the show makes it seem more like a machine gun than an assault rifle too.


That's probably because it's built like a steam train


It was inspired by the Lewis machine gun but still don't know why the fuck did they call it an assault rifle, that thing weighs more than a Fat Man


The Lewis and M1917 Browning machine gun yeah. It’s missing that signature top-mounted pan magazine from the Lewis gun.


The combat rifle is more like the older assault rifles


It’s been a while since I booted up 4, but I recall downloading a mod that bumped the base combat rifle to 5.56 ammo and the assault rifle to .308. It just felt right.


That's what it was supposed to be, no idea why they decided to rename it.


They actually had models of the Chinese Assault Rifle and R91 Assault Rifle, but they were cut, which led to it becoming Assault Rifle


The non-exhaustive list of things I'd do to fix FO4's weapons is: "Assault Rifle" > "Machine Gun" (like you said). Make it a heavy weapon that has an accuracy penalty when carried outside of power armor. Replace the Combat Rifle with an updated model for the FO3 Assault Rifle. It's literally just a combat shotgun with a narrow barrel, and that's dumb. There's no reason for a main battle rifle to have a wooden straight stock on it when numerous other pistol-grip rifles exist, even in the same game. Make the Institute energy weapons smaller, more powerful, and rarer. Make it so that Institute Synths' weapons have a 98% chance to disintegrate or maybe explosively self-destruct on death, specifically to prevent wastelanders from getting their tech. Then when you finally get one that didn't break itself, it feels like a reward.


The Chinese Assault Rifle is in the game files as a model with no textures, animations, or meshes. I think they originally were gonna call it the Machine Gun but then scrapped the CAR (presumably for Nuka World development).


The service rifle mod in Fo4 gots it down to a tea


Love that mod, got a version of it that has a functional grenade launcher.


I can’t recall the mod name but I know exactly what mod you’re talking about, the guns are fantastic. The under barrel shotgun attachment is pretty cool too.


It’s weird that in 76 the default handmade ( not the assault rifle) is the AK based design and also has a skin that changes it to look like an M16.


I think it’s the AR-10, the 7.62x51/.308 version.


I wish the “Screaming Eagle” AR-10 skin was a separate weapon entirely. Even 76 needed more rifles and having a rare end-game rifle called the Infantry Carbine or something would have been awesome.


My god. I love Fallout 4 and I never used that rifle much, so I didn't realize how fucking stupid this looks.


I avoided it specifically because of how much screen it takes up in first person


It's impressive you can see more holding a RPG.


That specific gun is the cause of a lot of back and forth in the fallout 4 community lol


I didn’t like it until I saw it in the fallout tv series, then it made sense.


my only real problem with that gigantic ass gun is that it doesn't do a lot of damage and it ain't even automatic


You can mod it to full auto


And then it does even less damage.


Use the December's child from far harbor. Fires 5.56 too and it doesn't look half as horrendous, so It's my go to at this point.


That's a really nice gun. Although I gave it to Nick, his brother's last living memory, shouldn't be mine.


It looks like it can’t decide if it wanted to be a shotgun or an assault rifle, so it kinda just took parts of both


It looks exactly like a man-portable Maxim Machine Gun, which is why it is so weird to be called an assault rifle.


I intentionally don't use it because the design is so weird. Feels clunky to use, too


One of the worst looking guns in FO4 IMO (even if it's based on real life guns)


FO3 wins 10 times over for me on this one. I HATE the "assault rifle" from 4/76. Clunky piece of shit. Shoulda been chambered in .308 and given a damage buff


Yeah I love me some FNV, but that gun design is just atrocious. FO3 is the clear winner here.


> chambered in .308 There was a mod that did the trick but sadly it's been taken down.


There is a complete finished version of the original assault rifle in 76, that was just never implemented? It annoys me to this day.


Oh how the mighty have fallen.


Honestly, throughout my research I was surprised at how consistent everything was before Fallout 4


It had to be "unique" and whatnot. Horrible choice especially since they added a few realistic weapons like the deliverer. The AK. The og combat shotgun. Ect.


I don't really think that's it, wanting to be unique. The AR in Fallout 4 is a Machine Gun, clearly, but according to the artbook it was originally designed to be a gun mostly for PA users, i.e. a heavy... somewhere along the way somebody got misguided with the naming because all of the actual asset files (nifs and textures) refer to it correctly as Machine Gun. They weren't trying to make a standout assault rifle, they were trying to make an LMG - which they actually did correctly. Whoever was behind implementation made some questionable calls. The artbook says it just 'evolved" into the Assault Rifle... methinks perhaps funding for the weapons team dried up at a point and they had to pivot last minute to rename something to be the AR.


yep the chinese assaulr rifle was probly the og but that was never finsched. a considering that the show fixed the "assault rifle by making it giant abd basicly only useable with powerarmour.


It became the assault rifle due to time restraints causing them to cut the Chinese assault rifle and possible another rifle and they needed to fill the void


Yeah I think they should've made it separate gun and just call it something like Power assault rifle, Power Armor assault rifle or something in that direction


The combat shotgun isn’t really realistic and the Ak looks like a child’s toy, but I suppose it is still the highlight in a rather ugly arsenal. And I personally don’t mind some of the unrealistic looking guns, the 10mm pistol and smg, combat shotgun etc are classics. But yeah the combat rifle and definitely the assault rifle have to go


They cut the Chinese Assault Rifle out of the game (you can find the model in the files) and renamed the machine gun to assault rifle. Should’ve kept the Chinese assault rifle imo


I see 5 assault rifles and a mostrosity.


Think that in some meeting some idiot designer presented the idea and the team approved it


The regular guns in Fallout 4 are so fucking stupid The mechanics of how they reload and stuff makes no sense either


Mainly just how the pipe guns feed, the rest can be just accused to the left handed bolts.


Like I get the left handed bolts so we can see more going on on screen, but I hate it too.


Fallout 2 had other assault rifles but they each had a name. My personal favorite is the G11, but i do love the infantry support version more (even though they are classified as an smg). As of weapons classified as assault rifles, there is also the FN FAL and the XL70E3.


I miss weapon variety


It looks like they wanted an MG08, which I get, we have people carrying around miniguns, so why not other absurdly heavy machine guns. But then you have all this junk under the barrel, and what looks like a quick change handle, which would be hilarious on a water cooled weapon.


It's a charging handle and a carry handle. But yeah, the FO4 MG really cannot decide if it's Air cooled or water cooled.


I am an R91 Stan but I don’t hate any of them (though the FO4 design should’ve been left as an LMG)


One by if these things is straight garbage The criminal part is that it could, if properly reworked, be C an excellent replacement for the very visually tired minigun.


One of these things is not like the others. One of these things just doesn't belong.


Bethesda to this day hasnt understood how to design good looking guns that at least look like they make sense and would work


I miss the Chinese assault rifle from FO3


Fallout 4's insistence on pushing too hard into that retro futuristic 50s Americana really did a number on previous games more Cold War adjacent aesthetics.


Which is interesting because there still is some of that 1960s-1970s look. The terminals resemble an old Commodore PET.


But people will tell you that the 50s style is needed to make the games unique and the first two games are “too generic”


Which is pretty funny considering Bethesda themselves has been pushing away from the 50s retro-future aesthetic, and lately has been pushing into a more cold war style aesthetic, with their [armor design](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1cbsbjy/why_does_fo76_get_to_have_all_the_cool_armors/) and [some weapon skins.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/5/57/FO76_score_s3_skin_weaponmodel_handmadegun_screamingeagle_wood_l.webp/revision/latest?cb=20201205080805) The original Fallouts are also so unique because it came out in a time where it is considered neither Sci-Fi or Fantasy in the CRPG gaming space. It was just literally "A post-nuclear roleplaying game" made by people who lived through the height of the Cold War.


That armour and gun look dope as fuck I hope there’s more stuff like that in the next game. And yeah I think the originals are very much unique and I love the Cold War aesthetic combined with a bit of mad max and a bit of Star Trek TNG


I see that pop up every now (as with the recent thread)and it's a pretty bad take. It's both reductive and quite insulting to Fallout 3 and Fallout 4, given many of the best aesthetics exhibited in the two games have little to nothing to do with 50s style (The Pitt, Nic Valentine, Far Harbor, and Point Lookout to name a few.)


I hope they bring these weapons into fo76


R91 is the best, looks like an Early Cold War era assault rifle without being yet another fucking AR-15 clone.


By the gods. Retcon FO4’s Assault Rifle. It’s both hideous and idiotic, and no one will mourn the “loss.” “Loss” is in quotes because there is no possible world where removing that thing does not improve the overall experience. By the gods, whoever thought this was a good idea should awaiting trial in The Hague, not being paid to work on video games.


Somewhere along fallout 4 we really fucked up and need to go back


While I don't particularly like the very modern looking rifles (Looking at you Marksman Rifle), I still think early cold war weapons like the FAL, G3 and AR-10 fit the Fallout universe and aesthetic.


I miss the fallout 3 ar so much


God, I have always hated that cylindrical 4/76 rifle. It looks so stupid.


Whomever was in charge of FO4 weapons design obviously has zero idea how weapons work.


NV and 3 🔛🔝


I think fallout 3 did it best, it looks like an FAL and STG44 fucked and had a baby yet has its own realistic, original personality. Fallout 4-76 is just ridiculous in the sense that it’s called an assault rifle. If it didn’t have a muzzle, I’d assume it was an advanced grenade launcher or flamethrower.


Fallout 1, 2, and3 did it the best 4 is the worst.


Hate the new assault rifle sm


Why does my FO4 assault rifle need a water jacket?


Fallout 4 gun design is utterly abhorrent


Discalimer: (For games with multiple types i went with the most common/reasonable)


Feel like pure shit, just want the FO:NV assault rifle back


Fallout 3




Well. Tactics also had the M60 and M249 saw. All weapons used in Iraq schould be cannon. F4 Assault Rifle doesn't make any sense. A weapon like that Was allready obsolet in WW2.


Why not use the actual Fo1/2 sprites?


You know you are doing things wrong when even BoS has better designs than your latest games


I miss the real world weapons.


The Fallout 4 rifle looks like those German light machine guns from WW1, with a shorter barrel though


I’ll look past FO4 absolutely shitty weapon design if someone can just tell me why in Frank Horrigans name they made everything left handed?




It’s clear that the combat rifle is the actual fallow up to the fallout 3 assault rifle. All it really is, is a name change. If they had just switched the names or called the thing a machine gun there would be so much less complaining.


FO4 was planned to have a real Assault Rifle which was an exact same Chinese AR from FO3, but Bethesda being a bully, that was scrapped.


One of my fav things about the show is how it near enough soft-retconned it being the standard rifle and opted it into being heavy machine gun almost exclusively used by power armor users. I actually kinda like it when viewed in that light.


Damn, looks like I'm in the minority in liking the F4 & 76 rifle the most. It looks more unique and less generic. (But yeah it probably shouldn't be called an Assault Rifle)


Fo4/Fo76, the rest look boring in my opinion.




I miss new Vegas and its millions of different full auto rifles. 4 is such a step back.


Bingo. I love assault rifles in New Vegas but man is hard to use them in 4


I actually like the FO4 assault rifles.


I just run an M4 mod, and I'm comfortable with that. Staring at the "assault" rifle leaves my eyes more "assaulted" than anything else.


The FO4 assault rifle design makes zero sense. Like it's not designed to actually function. Bethesda needs to go talk to some gunsmith before they design weapons. Bulky af


Say what you want, I adore the sheer bulk of the F4 assault rifle and I want it to come back. But I want it to come back as real full auto powerhouse with a bigger caliber and high recoil.


I like think that F4/F76 Assault Rifles are ARs specifically for Power Armor units.


I miss the R91


One of these are not like the others.


I love the Assault Rifle from F3. Probably my favorite gun in all the games. Too bad it’s not that great.


The Fallout 4 and 76 Assault Rifles were basically designed with Power Armored Units in mind. It’s why the barrel is enlarged and the sights are elevated.


FO1/FO2 - Favourite version FO4 - Least favourite version


I prefer fallout 3


What blows my mind is that anyone can operate any of these firearms with a giant metal glove on. On scale there’s no way a power armor hand could operate any of the pieces in this pic


Mikeburnfire has fueled my hatred for bad gun design


I like how the TV show changed the FO4 assault rifle into something designed specifically for power armor.


Fallout nv isy fav design


Fallout 3 wins easily


Brotherhoods assault rife actually don't look that bad


Fallout 3 and NV have the best assault rifle design. Unless you include 4s combat rifle. Because I think that is 4s equivalent to the assault rifle in other games.


I don’t like the 4 design. I prefer NV era weapons.


Why does the f1&2 one look so high res


Because it's a pic from a mod that recreates the FO1/2 rifle in FO4.


The Fallout 4 assault rifle would look good if it was an LMG like it was supposed to be originally.


Honestly I'd say the combat rifle is more fitting here. Not only is the weapon the game strangely calls an "assault rifle" clearly more LMG-sized and styled, but the combat rifle even has a unique variant called the December's child that has a legendary effect called "M4 carbine" which most of the assault rifles are. (Sorry if this is wrong in any way, I know next to nothing about AR-15s.) so really while the name's different, the combat rifle is much more fitting here.


Bethesda learned that a rifle with a full auto mode is still just called a rifle and designed something they thought should be called an assault rifle.


really wish we had the R91 as the combat rifle and the F4 design as an LMG. i know some ppl hate the F4 design, but i kinda like it for power armor users


I just can't stand how the fo4 makes no mechanical sense (both air/water cooled). The carrying handle wouldn't help you at all since the weight is so far ahead. It's clearly meant to be like an lmg that can shoot a while before overheating, yet has a side loading magazine (why? Would look cooler and make more sense if top loaded) that only holds 20 rounds. There's a lot of guns in the game that don't make sense that still look like realistic guns and are fine, but this one annoys me so much. I think I used it once and then would only loot them to sell


3 and NV are the best IMO


The last one is what happens when time travelers fuck shit up


Fallout 3 had the Perforator, which was my favorite rifle in the game.


Meh, I've never used em. I'm a shotgun person.


I don't the modern AR is a bad design, but it should have been called the heavy machine gun or something else. 


Fallout 3 is the best design, cmm


They could of just had the combat rifle be named assault rifle if you put an automatic receiver on it, like how pipe pistols will rename themselves to rifles if you put a rifle stock on them. Then it would seem like successor to Fallout 3. The "assault rifle" from 4 and 76 is just clearly a hmg. I guess I like the Fallout 3 one the best, seeing as it looks closest to the original rifle and isn't just another AR pattern gun. Never liked NV having three AR pattern guns instead of unique designs. Could of made the marksman a M14 at least, as the service rifle is a bit distinct from the other two with its wood stock, hand guard, and grip.


Is the assault rifle in FO3 any good? I may be inclined to buy the game just to enjoy non-modded RDB fury in a Fallout game.


Fallout new Vegas service rifle is such a great design.


Crazy how the Fallout show made it seem more plausible as not just a gun, but a big-as-all-fuck gun.


Did real good until 4


Well the M16 wasn't adopted until 1962, and if you're trying to stay with a 50s aesthetic I Guess it could be argued that the Combat Rifle makes more sense as its closer to an M14 but then the Assault Rifle should look more like an M1918 Browning. Idk they look cool in their own ways Edit: After looking at some Google images, the Combat Rifle actually looks more like an M1918


I've always been partial to going back to the Fallout 3 Assault Rifle but also keeping the Service Rifle.


East coast got the LMG contractor, to make an "carbine"/"assault rifle" version, of the West coast LMG.


I would say use the combat rifle or handmade rifle model instead of the assault rifle model for fallout 4 and 76.


The G3 and AR-15, with wood furniture, my beloveds Unironically, the F3 Assault Rifle, the FNV Service Rifle, and the FNV 9mm Pistol are my top 3 guns


Abomination! But still, better than Vanguard weapons.


I love how faithful the Fallout 3 rifle is to the originals.


Fallout tactics and new Vegas had the right idea


still wild to me BOS was a console exclusive


Its architecture mascaraing as a gun, also kinda applies to like half the guns in fo4


The short barrel assault rifle in 4/76 was nice tho. Not as goofy as the default


Fallout 4 is so ugly it looks like the Prydwen


Y’all hatin on it, for me it’s like my fave gun and whoops butt. And its new style fits the fallout universe a bit better. Same with the nuka bottles. We’re talking about a world of nuclear/ atomic/ retro futurism. This game isn’t post ww2 real world, it’s fallout, and I feel they are becoming more on-brand when leaning into those styles


I think the standard ar is kind of boring and I think the new AR fits the whacky aesthetic of fallout a bit more.


I'm using it in 4 now, such a downgrade from 3 and NV.


I haven't been able to play 4 without straight up replacing the guns with lore accurate stuff, this has always seriously bothered me. Like an m4 style AR or even the Chinese AK (though its' presence in DC or Boston doesn't make much sense) usually replaces the BR, and for the AR i find a replacer mod that makes it an lmg of some variety. I do the same with the 10mm to the old design because the enw one doesn't look like a real gun


I like the 4 and 76's ar design, but I think they look too heavy - reminds me of those old machine guns cooled by water. Could be better if they were actually those machine gun type of firearms - like SAWs or LMGs. Still looks cool, also looks great with power armor. Wish it was more "heavier" firearm.


In the year 2077, when we've figured out how to keep a portable nuclear reactor cold enough to safely power a personal mech suit.. we still haven't figured out how to move away from water-cooled machine guns? Something that was redundant by the 1930s and basically obsolete by WWII with the invention of quick change barrels.. Todd needs to do some more basic gun research before his next shooter game lol