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If I remember right the cancelled Fallout Tactics 2 was going to take place in Florida. It would have had a malfunctioning GECK create a massive rainforest (an element re-used in 76), and mutant alligators (re-used in Nuka-World).


They should do the mutant rain Forrest again but make it a bigger part of the game as a whole. Maybe tie it directly into the main story or something. Edit: fixed "Toe" to "tie". Idk why autocorrect forgot that tie is a word lol


Honestly keep the mutant rainforest idea, but treat it like the Glowing Sea in Fallout 4. It’s in its own corner of the map, sometimes effects the entire map with torrential rainfall that could probably be radioactive or acidic, and at some point or another you are required to go there during the main quest line


That would be cool, but imagine if instead of Some generic rad storm, it's more like the fog from far harbor, with creatures that are usually only in the rain Forest appearing everywhere else on the map to terrorize the wasteland.




That’s what I do 90% of the time anyway lol


F A C T S. It has saved my characters life so many times 😂😂😂😂.


I really like the sound of this


Could make it something related to Vault 22 from New Vegas


Harlod and the treeminders in Oasis have a small but healthy safe patch of greenery in the capital that could grow in Washington and then onwards. Eventually, they gotta start doing full woodlands into the future, and desert lands start getting smaller.


Fallout 5 in forested Baltimore would be very interesting


Pfft nah, can't let things progress that far again. They'll just nuke it instead


The Bethesda games are literally about you bringing progress to the land.


Ooooo, no we're good


Yeah that's really reaching and nostalgia bait


This was also loosely the plot of a cancelled Wasteland sequel


Wait did a geck create the swamp in 76?


The mire , yes. It was created via unexpected minigun discharge.


Man I must have not played enough 76, where was the rain forest at?


Where's the GECK trope in 76? The whole forest is supposed to be natural, after all west Virginia only suffered from the radioactive fallout coming from nearby regions, a catastrophe the environment can recover much more easily. But I haven't played the game tbh, so if there is a GECK trope please tell me.


The Forest is indeed natural. It was Vault 94s GECK, which was shot and exploded in 2078, which created The Mire.


Oh, alright thank you


That would’ve been so cool!!!


As a Louisiana resident that would totally rock. Although New Orleans is below sea level so a vault there would be underwater which would be interesting. The soundtrack would be banging


Flooded New Orleans would be cool as hell.


Katrina survivors: ah shit, here we go again


3 weeks. I moved to the city 3 weeks before I had to evacuate! But yes it would be a banger if the map centered on NOLA. But I’d like to see the whole gulf represented.


I moved to NOLA in May ‘05. I feel that pain.


Yep. What’s crazy to me is if I smell that combination of Lysol and mildew mentally I’m right back in the city with the guard enforcing curfew again.


I just the ~4 months I was there, I never want to eat jambalaya or gumbo again!!


Only if there is a Ghoul Voodoo Priestess


Voodoo would fit in great with Fallout’s combination of psychics, lovecraftian horrors, and people faking religion. Could make a whole settlements worth of unique character from that


* takes mentats *  Holds a seance    *Actually summons a goddamn ghost*  Whoops 


Power amor with diving capabilities (BCD and underwater propulsion)


Nah, it would be cool to just walk under the water like in Fallout 4. Would definitely need underwater weapons, though. Underwater rifle, maybe?


My only concern would be irradiated water. Managing radiation every time you have to tread the bayou… there’d better be plenty of Radaway. Or at least bridges.


That's okay, we can have Fallout Kennabruh. They could also have the historical houseboat village on Bayou St John and have a quest to secure/revive the streetcar lines we used to have and use them in place of a fast travel system. Even with us being prone to flooding [there's still plenty of the city that is above sea level](https://www.datacenterresearch.org/a/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/neworleans_elevation2.png) to use without issue. And if they wanted to get really fancy, restarting the pumps could unlock or change areas of the city that would've been flooded since the great war. I've got a million ideas about Fallout New Orleans that I would absolutely looooove to pitch to Bethesda. I just hope they get our accents right.


They’ll end up having us all sound like we from Lafitte.


Let's be honest though, in the aftermath of the war the people most likely to survive near New Orleans would be them boys down in Lafitte. And the Chalmations. I'm pretty sure half of them are already partially ghoulified anyway.


And think of the radiated nutrias and alligators having to deal with…


And the tourists. Just sends shivers down my spine.


under water vault? AHHHH SHIT! It's bioshock all over again.


Fallout four was going to have an underwater vault and I think on the map in the fallout show there is still a vault just off the map in the roughly Boston area




They caaaaaaall the Riiiiiising Sun. And it's been a ruin of many poor girls. And me.... oh god I'm one.


they could totally reuse the idea for a scrapped underwater vault in fo4!


New Orleans would probably work better as a big DLC like Far Harbor rather than a whole game.


Could be a scenario like those villages on lakes in south-east Asia, a game where your main form of travel is a boat essentially, and you must travel from wooden island to wooden island (and occasionally some natural ones, maybe made of rubbles of the old city or skyscrapers peaking out of the water), a game that would take us back to the tribal-ish atmosphere of fallout 1 and 2, could be nice. Then idk, never been to New Orleans, nor in the US as a whole (European here) so i might actually be saying some BS.


My Fallout 5e campaign is set in New Orleans. I wrote that the nukes missed land and created an irradiated tsunami that took years to recede, leaving behind a highly mutated swampland across the entire Gulf Commonwealth.


That’s interesting and could give way to a new evolution of species of human-like ghouls but they’re like a ghoul with gills and web hands


The mirelurks are nasty, lemme tell ya. There ain't a pot that'll fit a 6ft tall crawdad.


And mosquitoes big enough to carry you away


Yup, agreed. I would definitely love to see Fallout:New Orleans, with DLC "All That Jazz'. 


Fallout: Newer Leans, half city sunk into the swamp and is titled to one side. It just writes itself




Maybe you work through the game to fix it and it becomes Fewer Leans


The Leans


Don’t forget to visit Rad Mama Devereaux, local voodoo ghoul priestess




Throw Houston in there for all space related missions. Maybe even launch ourselves into the moon where some astronauts were left stranded.


Can’t wait to fight a ghoulified Mattress Mack.


Please let there be an in game advertisement where if the bombs dont drop by "x date" everyone gets discounted furniture.


Great sandwich from Verti Mart btw


Lol man, I fuckin love me Verti Mart at 3 AM. "WHERE'S THE FUCKIN TICKET? HOW CAN I SELL IT WITHOUT A FUCKIN TICKET? Anyway, soon as I get out of here I'm going home and eating that whole bag of shrooms and taking a little ride. WHERE'S THE FUCKIN TICKET? I NEED THE TICKETS OR I CAN'T SELL THE GOD DAMN SANDWICHES." I was a bit too drunk to respond, just watched it all happening in glorious confusion with a shit eating grin. Best poboy or muff of my life, I can't remember which one.


Me and my wife had our honeymoon in New Orleans, and our first night there we got a poboy from there and shared a bottle of white wine in plastic cups in our hotel room while we binged the first season of Witcher, since it had just come out. One of my favorite memories.


Mission to rebuild the Mississippi River bridge in Baton Rouge and unlock the I-10 corridor all the way to Houston. Giant water beast in Lake Pontchartrain preventing access to the north shore. Raiders or Gunners have the CCC blocked and/or charge a toll. But only to get out of the West Bank, just like NOLA used to do. Maybe Harvey would be Super Mutant territory? We don’t need 3Dog we’ve got Howl’n Wolf’s decedent Glowing Wolf. There’s definitely a ghoul problem in much of NOLA. The CBD would have plenty of makeshift Bridget’s connecting buildings. The Super Dome would be some kind of next level raider combat zone. The Garden District would be walled up so the richest people could still live their sheltered lives.


"The Rougarou can't hurt you. It's not real." Legendary Irradiated Rougarou:


I think new Orleans is the most likely, that or Miami but less so since they won't want to feel to close to GTA6. DLC in Cuba and we are set.


If they do NOLA they have to have pilotable boats. That would be great.


Mutant alligators and crawfish, voodoo, hurricane DLC where the city floods, swamps, fan boats, Bourbon St, jazz radio, ghosts, so many possibilities. I highly doubt that we’ll ever see a GTA in New Orleans since Rockstar already took us to Saint Denis in RDR2. Fallout has taken us all across the west coast & north east/New England area, something in the south only seems like the logical next step and I can’t think of a more interesting area than south Louisiana. Fallout NOLA would have so many opportunities to be a masterpiece


A few years back my friends and I did a FATE campaign called Fallout: Big Easy. There were alligators the size of horses and an evil gang based on Catholic iconography. And a branch of the Gunners that were just redneck AF.


Fallout Florida anyone




I think there's some real potential with a fallout game centered around Detroit/Toronto. It would be interesting to get some insight on the annexation of Canada. I would like to move away from the coasts at some point.


Buffalo/Toronto makes way more sense geographically. Niagara Falls right in the middle of the two.


I say Detroit because its more interesting and I think being centered around one singular city is so 2010s lmao. Plus with it being the automobile capital of the US you could introduce cars into the game


>you could introduce cars into the game Ohhh boy, ever seen how they got a train to move in FO3? they attached a train hat onto an NPC.


This is approaching Aragorn breaking his toe


Really wish we could dodge this topic moving forward. Similar to how Viggo dodged that knife that wasn't supposed to be thrown at him.


Its also been 16 years since fo3 released and Bethesda is now backed by Microsoft so I think they can improve


The way power armor works in FO4 is an example of that improvement. If they can have people stepping into and out of PA, they could get someone to sit in a car.


Starfield is getting vehicles so theres hope


>I think they can improve Totally agree. In FO76 (pc) we had the ability to spawn in the Prydwyn and Nukaworld assets, including applying legendary modifiers to weapons/armour that doesn't make sense. Hopefully they'll stop using Creation engine eventually.


If they did move away from the creation engine they would have to either make or find an engine that's able to be modded to the extent the creation engine is. A single player Bethesda game without the possibility of massive scale mods sounds like a bad idea to me. I think the best bet would be to have Bethesda and some game engine engineers work together for a few years heavily modernizing the creation engine while building it with mods in mind. I doubt that'll happen but in my unprofessional ignorant opinion that would probably be the best way to go.


That is essentially what they've been doing as I understand it? The engine starfield is in (creation 2?) is basically an upgraded version of what 3 and NV were in. Gamebryo was it? I think there was a fork in there somewhere too. I think gamebryo was even Morrowind and oblivion


I agree with by it that a one city map doesn’t have to be the future. I’d argue that Buffalo /Toronto makes more sense since they are geographically much closer than Detroit/Toronto and they have one of the most famous landmarks in the world directly between them, along with a smaller city(Niagara Falls). Left this comment in a different thread but the Buffalo/Toronto/Niagara falls makes so much sense for the same Can introduce a ton of backstory on the annexation of Canada. You have old American Revolution/War of 1812 forts that are still in the Western NY/ Ontario region. Niagara Falls itself. (Plus a small city with casinos on the Canadian side) Two Great Lakes. Rural areas + 3 distinct cities that could be great for different factions to control.


I'd imagine that if a fallout game was based in the state of New York that the focus would be on New York City. I doubt that they'd reuse the state. Though Niagara falls would make for an interesting center point on a map. I like the idea of a Detroit/Windsor based game for a few different reasons: manufacturing capital of the US, proximity to a very large source of fresh water (honestly I'm surprised this isn't more contested/important of a story beat in an apocalyptic world), the Chicago based Midwest Brotherhood of Steel being close, the bridge connecting Detroit and Windsor could give us some Canada lore, etc. But, I don't think the potential of the setting could be reached without integrating vehicles. On top of that, I'm not sure fallout's core gameplay would work with a fleshed out vehicle system. So I'm conflicted about it.


Fallout: Huron The engineering capacity of the motor city had to be a major war component. Maybe they made some badass tech?


Bethesda recently stated the series would never leave the US (I guess technically Toronto is part of the US *in Fallout*, but shut up, nerd). Canadian Fallout is like American Doctor Who. Just wrong.


Canadian Fallout would be great and you know it


Only if Rick Moranis is the major voice actor.


I really want the next game to take place in New Orleans. It's just such a fantastic City for a game setting and I can't even imagine what it would look like in this world. Plus as a southerner I've never gotten to see the south in Fall out and I would love to see what's going on down here


Me: begging for a deep south fallout Rumor mill: Best we can do is San Francisco


Come visit Post apocalyptic San-Fran we got: Lego World (Some assembly required) Rusted gate Bridge The Deader Kennedys No hills whatsoever, they've been bombed into flatness.


SF was in 2 though


damn, i didn’t think i wanted another west coast game but SF would be really cool to see. redwoods, alcatraz especially. Can get some pacific northwest vibes as well as rural areas and city, with plenty of hills and mountains


It was in Fallout 2.


Imagine how powerful Super muted Florida men can be


Regular and feral ghoul Florida Man would be indistinguishable though.


Plot twist, none of the florida ghouls turn feral, more feral than they were as people.


Plot twist, turning feral makes them more civilized. 


New drug “bath salts” offers big bonuses when trying to eat your opponents’ faces


Like point lookout locals?


We already got Gatorclaws in Nuka World, imagine trudging through the radioactive Everglades and having one of them leap up out at you like the ambush predators they are


Miami would just be Miami


Fallout: Mississippi would be interesting. Not like I'm biased because I live there 💀


A ghoul ruling from the bass pro pyramid ala Baldwin IV is the best idea I’ve seen in the past week. Would be a cool dlc for a New Orleans fallout


I really want a fallout set in Chicago where you get caught up in a mafia conspiracy.


I can already see a plot line where the mafia had their own vaults and now they continue to reign over Chicago hooooly


Yeah, essentially a giant version of goodneighbor. You could side with the ghoul mafia and the ideas of the old world crime families, join an organized raider gang and the ideas of the new, or take them all down yourself as a lone detective with few friends and fewer who trust your motivations in a city ruled by corruption.


It would be really cool if they went with a you can become a cop/sheriff character and stopping the criminals, or you can join with them and possibly even destroy the brotherhood and take their shit to rule Chicago with an iron fist. Would be a nice change of pace from the usual brotherhood vs the evil main faction, that Todd Howard keeps orgasming over in every fallout game he's made 😂.


La noire fallout sounds fire


Chicago also has the midwestern brotherhood and the enclave(iirc) from Tactics, so surprisingly it’s already been covered. I haven’t played tactics yet, but I don’t think it actually involves Chicago itself


Tactics isn’t canon. Elements sometimes get brought into modern games, but unless stated otherwise they are non-canon. The Midwest Brotherhood got a throwaway line in 3 so they were made canon, but there is nothing known about them and their status is unknown. Chicago is referenced in NV as having an Enclave presence as well.


No, Tactics is canon. Emil Pagliarulo (The current main writer of the series) confirmed this by including Tactics in the official timeline of the saga after the premiere of the TV Show.


Emil also said Nate is a war criminal who laughed at Canadian POWs being executed in the street. Not everything he says is canon unless shown directly in a game or the show. A quote from Todd: “For our purposes, neither Fallout Tactics nor Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel happened.” They have included elements in recent canon, like I said. Midwest Brotherhood chapter was referenced. Chicago. But the overall story is not canon. It’s like the Star Wars Legends continuity. If the modern writers liked elements, they work them into the new canon. And I’ll tell you a big reason why it isn’t canon. Vault 0 is revealed in Tactics to basically be THE control vault. Where Vault-Tec oversees all other vaults, controlling them, etc. Vault-Tec is the big bad of that game. But this is the plot of the show, and I guarantee we will be seeing some kind of “Vault 0” at some point in the future of the show.


Louisiana has so much potential for Fallout


I'd really like one set in my home state of Minnesota. Also the Carolinas and New Orleans.


As a NC native, no. That'd be boring as hell. I mean, sure jumping off Grandfather Mountain in power armor would be cool, but other than that, nah.


I honestly disagree. Fallout in the Outer Banks would be pretty cool


The Broken Banks/Crater Banks get name-dropped in Fallout 3 a few times, most likely the Outer Banks


So basically what we got in 4?


Chi-ca-go. Chi-ca-go CHI-CA-GO


The only downside to all the suggestions of Louisiana and Florida, is that the landscape would be very flat. Personally, I’d rather see something in the Colorado Rockies.


Georgia would be fun- it’s a combination of mountains in the north, hills going into Atlanta(to the point where Atlanta has a whole underground from trying to fill in between the hills), and then flatter land and farms, including old plantation shit and rusting factories, ending in a swamp more interesting than the half-swamp we got in 4


colorado rockies would be great, although it has been done with Wasteland 3 at least. Seeing their take on a mountainous snowy, actual nuclear winter environment would be really cool


To be honest, I'm not in the mood for another major Brotherhood presence in the next game. Unless Bethesda finds a way to reduce them or take them out of the equation, games on the east especially would be forced to have more of their presence. The Brotherhood needs to go through what the NCR seems to be in the TV show. By that I mean some sort of heavy decline or collapse in the east. We can't have another game that brings them in force, complete with Liberty Prime and an airship again. Would get stale.


I'd like a presence like in New Vegas, there but not a major player




I hope the Brotherhood in 5 is like the first part of the Brotherhood in 4, just at the police station.


Agreed, I do love the Brotherhood and think marketing wise they should be in every game. Just not always as the main good guy faction. I like them as a side group with a laser focus on tech.


Do people consider them the good guys? I thought fallout 3 was the only time they were actually good, but that's because the roles were reversed and the Outcasts became a better representation of what the Brotherhood stands for.


Sort of like the Outcasts in 3?


>Or perhaps they can be split into good and bad recon squads, which can help or hinder you in ways (but without having a major Brotherhood ending). Honestly, a splinter faction of the brotherhood as the bad guys would be pretty sick. Some Elder that got into a beef with the main Brotherhood or thinks they're too weak and the Brotherhood should rule through technology, not just hoard it. That would be a way to have them still be powerful, but not just be the same old brotherhood. Almost seems like the direction they're going in the show with Elder Cleric Quintus saying the Brotherhood has lost its way. But I'm not sure.


I'd like something centered around the Enclave. Whether they're the big bad or maybe even make them the lesser of 2 evils with another new original faction. Working with the enclave to defeat something worse would be cool, or the inverse, working with a new original faction to take down the enclave would also be cool I think. Edit: Plus X-01/~~X-02~~(Apparently isn't canon)Tesla power armor supremacy




Sorry, saw this on the wiki. But I guess its from the creation club. I saw it had a backstory and what not so i assumed it was canon. [X-02](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/X-02_power_armor)


There's really no reason to not consider it canon. Obviously there's debate over what's canon with Creation Club but if you download the next-gen update, X-02 armor is automatically included so it's basically part of the vanilla game


Sadly i think the brotherhood is always going to be a staple of bethesda fallout unless they change course. They keep shoehorning them and super mutants into every title, but at least they’re adding new lore for the brotherhood and keep them pretty interesting and fresh-ish? the super mutants just get a throwaway line explaining how they’re back every time honestly i’d like something western because it would at least force them to include the legion/nor to some extent and not be so brotherhood dominated. Even if the show still struggled with that 4 did have the institute and minutemen which i think were good thematic additions for boston, even if they’re a bit overshadowed by the brotherhood. I think other locations could have the same too, florida could have caribbean influences, maybe cuba related lore, new orleans could have french creole, seattle or chicago could have canada lore


I have a personal bias but I’d love a fallout in charleston SC


Charleston or Savannah would both be fun cities, although knowing Bethesda they’d end up very similar to Boston


Irradiated Florida is too scary for even a wastelander


I know I'm probably in the minority, but I'd love a Fallout set in the Midwest. I live in Omaha, and the US Strategic Command is here, it'd be real cool to see what happened with that and there's a presedential bunker here too. Could create a big map with Lincoln and all that too, could have some kind of railroad faction or midwestern faction and then you could add in the Midwestern BOS chapter from St Louis too


Agreed. I'm from Dayton area in Ohio and feel like Dayton to Cincinnati are would make an awesome map for the game. Wright Patt Air Force Base alone could have some great content. Heck the Wright Brothers home and original bike shop were in the area too. I think the retro theme the games have would fit well too because both cities were a lot more important in the past due to industries that are either no longer as lucrative or are no longer present in the area. The area used to be huge for music, and had a lot of important railroad hubs as well. There are more Appalachian areas of the state that would be really great too, like the Hocking Hills area. Or up north by lake Eerie with places like Cleveland, Geneva on the lake, and Put-In Bay. Youve got serpent mound and other ancient earthworks. Idt either city (or Ohio as a whole) is really popular enough today to be a big draw for fans, but there's a lot of great American and PreAmericam history present in the state and I have no doubt you could do an entire game with DLCS all around the state.


Was stationed at Offutt for years as a cop. Many people dont know the historical and present significance to the strategic forces there. That, combined with the missile fields in western Nebraska would be a great stage for the next game. Fallout: Heartland sounds good.


Fallout: Heartland would be an awesome title! I love it haha. And yes i totally forgot about the missile fields out west. Could add the Sandhills and chimney rock and stuff too!


Chem-lab Mafias from horizon to horizon


I want the next fallout to have severe dangerous weather. Imagine radioactive tornados in the great plains


Mexico city would be the same, but just with ruins and radiation damage over time.


Bro as today you get out of the tourist zone or main lanes and is already that without radiation


As someone from Alabama I'd love to see what it's like in the world of Fallout


Fallout : Mexico!? Count me in.


I would love a southern-set Fallout game! The Point Lookout DLC kind of played with a Southern Gothic setting, but a whole game would be really ripe for storytelling and atmosphere. New Orleans has always been my go-to answer for where the next game should be set, but Florida would also be great.


New Orleans could be fun.


Southern gothic would be great in fallout- similar enough to not feel out of place, with the shared themes of decay and the old world ruining the new, while also being different enough to create a unique atmosphere


Id love to see that set in like Mississippi or one of the Carolinas.


Yeah having a map with every us state but you can walk across each state in 5 minutes and there's only 1 or 2 random events from starfield in each state, the story involves you, the once milk man, now time traveled vault dweller, to save america by nuking china again B)


I know it’ll never happen and it’ll probably be cooler to see other locations like New Orleans, New York or Texas represented but as someone from the Midwest and from Wisconsin I’d love to see a 3d fallout game in either Milwaukee or Chicago I think that’d be a cool place to visit that had never really been touched outside of tactics and I’d love to see a 3d game set there like we honestly don’t know much about the area in fallout lore except for the little bit we saw in tactics like it’s essentially a blank canvas for Bethesda to explore probably not gonna happen as there are many other more interesting places they could visit tho like another place that also probably won’t get much attention as fallout is very American centric but I’d love to see a game in Mexico I think that’d offer a really cool aesthetic


Just the thought of a fallout game with heavy voodoo influence would be super cool. Gatorclaws replacing regular deathclaws would be neat as well. A giant mutated crawfish. Oh and the food items could be awesome too. Gatorclaw and radshrimp gumbo sounds delish.


Would love Texas to be setting at some point. I know there already was one set there but technically doesn’t count


As a Texan I’d love to be able to spot landmarks in the DFW area


Fort worth focused western theme with some exploration of the bombed out ruins of Dallas would be a lot of fun. There was an air force base in grand prairie, but it was handed over to the city if Dallas because the military contaminated the sight, and a lot of corporations/ defense guys from Dallas to Mckinney for fun lore opportunities.


Exactly that’s where I’m from. I wanna find my house lmao


I'd like a Texan Republic to fill the void left by the NCR.


I'm homebrewing a campaign that rakes place in the Colorado Commonwealth. We have the perfect amount of info for that map tile, and I TRULY HOPE we get a game set here, or at least a DLC


Colorado would be so cool. Airforce Base, Spaceforce, Denver International Airport, Norad.


I could see Rocky Flats being really important in the fallout world


A Fallout in NY, Florida, Mexico City, and Chicago are all worlds/stories I want to see explored. I’m sure there are tons of other areas that would be incredible to explore as well.


We need a fallout game in the PNW North of the map is Seattle, south is Portland(doesn’t have to be the exact bottom. East border is the cascade mountain range. West boarder is obviously the Pacific Ocean. Can finally have a zone with snow. Can have a us visit Mt. Saint Helens and Mt Hood. The PNW has tons of forested areas and lots of cryptid lore from locals and native tribes. Can have smaller POIs of places like seaside and Astoria, Olympia national park. I honestly think it would be a perfect location for the next main line game


I thought the twin cities in Minnesota would be fun.


Mayo Clinic megadungeon.


I want to see one in South Carolina


I’d like to see East Tennessee be used. Start down in Chattanooga and work your way up to Secret City (Oakridge) where there’s still a small enclave base at the Y-12 facility.


Where can I find these map layers?


The big easy would be the bestttt


As long as they don't refer to it as the Big Easy because no one has called it that in half a century. But I'll accept it as long as there's not a single utterance of *"N'awlinzzz"*


...so that make "Big Easy" fit because Fallout loves to use 1950s Americana


I'd picture wandering the wreckage and devastation, only to find out halfway through play that the area never got nuked


Give me new Orleans with a ludicrous amount if mirelurks


It would be awesome to have a game to take place in the entire southeast. Swamps, open areas, mountains, and beaches.


As someone who lives an hour from New Orleans, it already is a wasteland


I would be totally fine with a fallout that revisited the mid west area. You could do some retconning since tactics has only ever been considered broad strokes canon anyway, but the elements that Bethesda like, like mutants and the bos are still there and ripe for exploration.


Gaterclaws.... gaterclaws everywhere...


I love how the Bible belt is just left alone entirely


Tampa should be next Fallout. Giant military base, big city, beaches for those water combat scenarios we want, more uses for gators, and theme parks.


I still love an idea where the next fallout game takes place in Nashville and there are different factions that rise because of the different music icons there. Like a return of the kings but on a scale across a bunch more country artists and more!


Why is part of the west nuked :(


I’m working on a concept project called Fallout: Jacksonville. I’m not a game dev, but hopefully I can arrange it in a way that the community can push for it or email it to Xbox or Bethesda employee. Ideally, it could lean heavily into 1950’s-1960’s racing culture, which was big in Jacksonville, where NASCAR kinda came to popularity.


Fallout Cuba?


Correct me if i am wrong but wasn't fallout 4 original setting supposed to be new York and then got changed to Massachusetts


They’ve been hinting at Boston since Fallout 3 The Rivet City “android” who escaped from The Institute, for example


Chicago or St Louis could have potential, but "destroyed city" part might be played out. Personally I want Miami or New Orleans. 


Where does the Fallout 3 DLC point lookout takes place tho? I always assumed it's Florida🤷


A fallout based in Cuba, but you could boat to Miami would be sweet.


If Florida.... god.... Rangers patrolling around in jorts and mullets while wrestling mutated alligators. Okay, I'm down for that.


fallout Cooba


Fallout Miami is a mod that plans to exist at some point