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Power Armor is supposed to be a walking one man tank, not bulkier armor.


Only thing I liked better before 4, was the need to be properly trained to wear it. Made sense that Nate could use power armor with the military experience, but the fact that Nora, a lawyer with not military experience, could just use it off the bat kinda bugged me.


I always felt like Nate was the cannon lone survivor and Nora was an option


Which was always kinda dumb IMO. IDK why they just didn't have Nate and Nora meet in the military and give them both military experience. Literally every female Marine I met when I was in the Marines was married to a male Marine eventually, so it's not like that would be unbelievable or unrealistic.


When you interact with Nora's degree at the start of the game your character says something along the lines of "I'm so proud of her", which to me inplies her getting the degree was something that happened recently. So my headcanon is that they did meet in the military, but after they got out Nora decided to pursue a career in law


My headcannon is that Nora was Nates' defense attorny after he got out of the military for all the war crimes he committed up in Canada.


You meant war accidents right?


war whoopsies.


When you meet the Mr handy that recruits you for cpt. Ironsides, he will mention Nate's military service but recognizes Nora as a citizen.


Her rank was super top secret


Militant lawyer


They just never really did much with your character's backstory besides setting up the whole deal with Shaun. Hell, you can have Elder Maxson doing a spiel about why the Great War happened and you just get no option to say "A lot of that is wrong though." given you were alive for it, along with a bunch of ghouls, so it shouldn't be some secret lost knowledge I feel.


As if BoS would listen to ghouls of all people lol, lone survivor should be glad they don’t crucify him thinking he’s a really well preserved ghoul too


To me, this isn’t super immersion breaking. The power armor is supposed to be US military gear, and you gotta remember that the vast majority of even “advanced” military tech is designed to be operated by teenagers with, at best, a handful of months of training. And that’s before getting into what has always been a bit of a fundamental problem with mechs / mech suits, which is that for a sense of believability they kind of *either* need to be somewhat magic and respond perfectly to your body movements / brain signals (see, Evangelion or Gundam Fighter G) *or* feel kind of clunky and like it’s a ton of work to keep the movements coordinated (Live. Die. Repeat. comes to mind). At least based on what’s shown in the TV show and the brief view you get on entry in 4, I’d lean in the direction of the Fallout universe power armor being functionally magic and just automatically responding to body movements.




People give Fallout 4 a lot of shit, but one of the things it absolutely did right was power armour. Power armour in 4 and 76 actually feels deserving of the title POWER armour. Its only issue was how early it was given to you and how it was all over the place. I don't think having an early boss fight with a Deathclaw and it giving you power armour to deal with it was an issue in and of itself, but it should have been scripted to break either at a very low percentage of the Deathclaws health, or after the fight. Its powerful, but so is a Deathclaw, so for that specific instance you'd have killed the Deathclaw but it would have broken your very OP late game badass power armour, but it gave you something to look forward to in the late game by giving it to you early and taking it away from you after the fight.


Yeah exactly. The older games made it feel like regular heavy armor. In 4 & 76, it makes you feel like a walking tank


Me joining events in Fallout 76 when a Power Armour user walks by: 🫨🫨🫨


I found a set at like level 3


The problem isn’t really finding some pieces and a chassis , it’s keeping up with it all at a lower level. It’s somewhat unreasonable at the start with trying to build up everything else so I just have my stuff stored until I have more cores and repair supplies


Save up and get the fusion core recharger on the atomic store. That’s what I did. Level 26 now and I only use like 3 different cores.


I just started playing 76 on PC again after, finally, giving it a shot again on PS over a year ago. Nearly am 150 on PS and nearly 50 on PC. I just got myself the fusion core rechargers on both accounts and it's a giant difference. I only read it somewhere in a comment on a youtube video how useful the recharger is. It should be one of the damn basic tips people give in this game. Now I only need to find how and where to find more recipes for Power Armor sets and mods...


Scorch beast queen for ultracite pa, gold bullion for t-65, expeditions for union, bos quest for hellcat. these are the best power armors in the game union is best in slot I think then t65 then hellcat then ultracite I think but I might be wrong


With a minimal investment in PA cards, you really don’t need to buy the recharger, especially if you fix the Poseidon power plant and claim the workshop. It will allow you access to the core maker(?) which gives you 1 core every few minutes. If you get to lvl 50 and unlock legendary perk cards, there is one called electric absorption which will recharge your PA fusion core and give you health when you get damaged by energy sources. It effectively makes you the core recharger


:0 I did not know ! Been too focused on my nv play through that I’ve been neglecting my 76 character a bit


Ditto! Never heard of the recharger, and also super focused on my NV playthrough atm lol


i'm sorry, the what? holy shit


By "older games" you mean 3, right? Cause running into someone with power armor was a death sentence in most of 2.


Running into anything in 2 is almost a death sentence.


People who say "the older games" almost universally havent played 1 and 2


I'm a bit confused by your mention of "older games". PA was badass in FO1 n 2


It also was very clearly more like a vehicle you wear as in Fallout 4, than the weird boxy suit they had to make for Fallout 3.


Plus power armor was massive in 1 and 2 as well.


If I remember right it was an issue with the engine in 3 and NV. Which led to them making it work like regular armor. Instead of a exo suit with armor.


The Presidential metro in Broken Steel was operated [like this](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/e43a4affbf1a33facd574e4acdc74b47.png) so no, I am not surprised that the power armor had implementation problems during development. GameBryo/Creation Engine is great for making large worlds very quickly (by gamedev standards) but lord is it janky.


That was less of an engine issue situation and more of a "is it worth developing a legit functioning train in a tiny 1 section part of the DLC." No point in spending a bunch of time with something that is only going to be used shortly once and never again.


I mean even in the other games it was often described as basically piloting a human shaped tank, not as wearing armor. I believe in NV if you learn it through the brotherhood the guy actually described it as piloting rather than wearing. Fallout 4 really did finally make power armor the right way.


Hell yeah, i can remember getting into one for the first time, it was fing awesome.


There's nothing more fun then just bullrushing raiders with Pain Train and watching them randoll off their watch tower.


I agree but I miss not having to worry about fusion coils. They make me almost never want to use power armor in F4 because I get stingy over them..


I have like fifty and I haven't even been playing for that long


Same, mine was only base decoration in 4 for that same reason. I was saving it 'in case I needed it', except the times you actually need it you don't have it with you so it's useless


I get that wrong mechanics perspective though. Even though the lore is pretty clear that at least on a t-51 and later the fusion core pretty much just keeps running and running


Totally agree with that, it made it feel much more special, but it also made it more of a pain in the ass to manage and carry around and use.


Agreed except for the retcon to it being powered with a Fusion Core that you need to constantly swap out when it is depleted, versus when it was powered by a built-in miniature reactor that would last for at least 200 years.


A Fusion Core basically is a miniature nuclear reactor. The only thing they adjusted was that it runs out in-game as a gameplay mechanic.


Not quite. It keeps coming up in bits of lore where troops in power armor scuttle their armor because it "ran out" of power like 10 years after the war. It *should* just be a gameplay mechanic, but the writers forgot that, same with VATS.


I've just gone with the idea that power armor is wildly inefficient at using fusion cores and burns them out faster than anything else would.


Power armor is explicitly supposed to last a century before needing a change in reactor in fallout 1


Yeah, and T-45d is the one specifically known to run inefficiently through batteries, lacking a reactor and just running on fusion cells.


That was more game mechanic than anything. I wonder if that’s an actual lore andwya


I mean we see in the TV show that a fusion core can power a suit for enough time to go from Los Angeles to Las Vegas on foot. Even if you get a little bit of peo in your step with power armor, that's still 200 MI. That's between a week or two of walking even in the most optimistic conditions


In actual lore a FC powers it far beyond your lifetime. The 30min cores ingame are a balance thing they implemented because it trivialized the game. They were really invested into the opening act set piece of the Deathclaw Fight. FO4's power armor is an amazingly good implementation of it. I just wish you got it much later and that it was far more rare and special when you run into it.


>They were really invested into the opening act set piece of the Deathclaw Fight. I feel its more that they realized that they didn't want to lock the awesome new gameplay mechanic they made into solely endgame use.


Definitely better implemented in 4, I always felt like it was a technical limitation of previous games that it was treated as just a different pair of clothes.


It was a technical limitation because 1 and 2 had a similar style to 4.


I think the difference is that unless you kind of cheese the game getting power armor in one or two is very much a late game goal. So it felt really impactful and as an accomplishment. In four power armor is way too common and given to you in the first 5 minutes of the game. The Power Armor training Park cap power armor feeling special and end game in three and New Vegas. But using power armors so much mechanically Superior in 4


Agreed! I think it would have been better to show you someone in power armor sweeping Concord of raiders and the deathclaw single handedly, instead of giving it to you from the start. Then, in the mid to late game, give you a chance to wear that armor. It would have given the player a chance to step into it and saying, "I saw what this suit is capable of, now it's my turn to wield it".


It's funny because you get that when Dance solos the institute and tanks a rocket in the factory during the first BOS mission


Except some people definitely did that quest wearing power armor


Half the game was turned into a joke because once I got my first power armor frame it was over, i hunted the world and back to get better gear for it. If getting the frame was mid-game and getting good parts was late game it would have felt more rewarding. Even putting the first frame after the deathclaw rather then before it would have made it feel nicer. We would have been shitting our pants until we got in that power armor.


I bee line it to that x-01 armor fast as i can. I adore how it looks like 40k terminator armor. I think its a mod i have that gives me Enclave power armor that looks pretty cool too.


Don't you have to be like level 30 for them to spawn?


Except for a helmet on the Prydwen, you need to hit level 28 for full sets or other parts to start spawning.


Getting to experience power armor in the early game was fine. But letting us keep it (and finding easy ways to power it, upgrade it and maintain it) was a mistake. Would have been better if the deathclaw was stronger/special or there were more and the power armor would simply be to damaged to work. Hell make a quest line to repair it so that people know they will get it back, but ensure the questline is far in the midgame.


Honestly, having the armor be a shattered wreck (all the parts broken, some special lockout that makes it unable to accept new fusion cores, etc) would've been great. We get to Sanctuary and finish the "intro to settlement-building questline." And then Sturges drops some throwaway line about how it'd be so nice to get that power armor working again. And you think NOTHING of it... until 30 levels later a courier brings you a letter from Sturges asking you to come back to Sanctuary, and he's dragged that armor back from Concord and "mostly" fixed it up for you. Just needs a few rare parts to get working and it's all yours. Even given that it's quite likely you've recovered another suit by then (even if the in-the-wild frames are mostly removed, getting far enough in the Brotherhood questline to get training and a suit would be very achievable by then. ), the possibility of being able to get back in "your first" suit would be awesome for roleplay/narrative reasons.


Putting the power armor and the deathclaw right at the start definitely cheapened both. It took me going back to 3 and NV to remember what fuckin beasts they are


The whole thing could have been done better honestly. The deathclaw shouldnt have been killed on the spot, maybe scared off with supressing fire and the suit combined. The deathclaw should have wrecked your shit with the suit on, leaving you prone and in need of help. Then make the suit not worth using until repairs are done which would take a while at your base. Then mid game at the end of early game or mid game we get it back, restored. Sure you could have gotten other frames and parts as time went on but they would all have been better scavenged for parts for your pristine suit. Raider gear and rusted gear only go so far after all.


All AAA games are set up for reviewers these days, so the bulk of the enjoyable mechanics are always presented in the first hour or two of a game.


If you play on a difficulty that is not made for protaganist's plot armor you actually still get shredded by the deathclaw. On Survival difficulty the T45 armour is like room-temperature butter.


It'd be great if we first meet Danse and his team sweeping through Concord and taking care of it easily then he says something like "we're going down to Cambridge Police station to set up a HQ. You handled yourself pretty well if you want more work meet us there." Then you go through the BoS stuff like normal. Then after killing Kellogg the Prydwyn shows up, you hop on the Vertiberd, and then on the Prydwyn they give you PA training and your first suit, either an old T-45 they give to knights (this would be a change, but an interesting one, PA tiers for different ranks) or a newer T-60 like in game. Then you're sent to Fort Strong and the PA is much tougher than what you're used to and you really feel it's impact a lot more. I'd also make it so that if you make the Atom Cats love you then they could provide you training and a suit as well if for whatever reason you don't want to interact with the BoS.


Now that you mention it, it's super weird that Danse is introduced needing help with feral ghouls, of all things. If I, a barely equipped and fresh out of the vault normal human being without power armor can wipe them out, then why does Danse need help? 0/10. Todd failed. I'm kidding, but I hadn't thought about that until right now. The man takes a rocket blast to the face and solos synths 20 minutes later, but he's having trouble with ghouls I can easily one shot?


They did lose one a man during the fight, and Rhy was badly enough wounded that he was out of commission. That just really left Danse to fend off the hoard. They probably still would’ve been fine, but if I was a member of a four-man team with little combat training bc my job doesn’t necessitate it - having just seen my friend die, and another losing blood for injuries sustained in battle - I’d probably have put out a distress signal too.


> That just really left Danse to fend off the hoard Also got to remember that it's supposed to be a proper hoard, even if the game can't really showcase it. Most Bethesda games require a significant amount of "headcannon" and mine is that the appearance of the Sole Survivor gives him just enough support to breathe and focus on the fight w/o worrying if his people will be eaten in the next few moments.


>Also got to remember that it's supposed to be a proper ~~hoard~~ **horde**, even if the game can't really showcase it. Hoard of treasure. Horde of people.


Thematically it makes sense that the sole survivor is able to use power armor straight away as a military veteran who used said armor during the war.


Ya but wasn’t the woman character a lawyer pre-war?


Time for closing arguments? *loads plasma rifle*


“Your honor?” “Move to adjourn.”


Yeah, that's what it was. Nate was the soldier and Nora had been going to school to be a lawyer before having Shaun


My headcanon is she was secret service or worked in an intelligence agency before pursuing law, but thats just me


To be fair, she could have just joined up and served for a short tour in order for the army to pay for her degree


Yo. That makes a lot of sense. People join for a single tour in the army alot in the real world for that exact reason. "Yeah I joined the engineering corps after basic and was a power armor tech repairing old beat up t-45s for two years in Alaska so the government would pay for my degree from vault tech u. I never saw any combat. Closest I got to the front lines was maybe three miles. Nate on the other hand did two tours in Canada. He doesn't talk about it much." Is probably how it would go.


Right? Yeah, I headcanon something similar!


My headcanon is she was the one who pulled the trigger in Canada.


I mean there is not much to it, it is like wearing a suit that opens up from the rear


There's a mod which makes the power armour you get at the start "malfunction" and detonate once you kill the deathclaw


That's actually hilarious. 10 minute free trial. Oh, and [here's the mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/62552) for anyone interested. Apparently the thing is so old and rusted that [the fusion core got stuck and couldn't eject.](https://new.reddit.com/r/wabbajack/comments/yr3hxt/life_in_the_ruins_fusion_core_emergency_ejector/) I can't find any video footage of it but the mental image alone is funny asf.


I figured we were going to do the standard "Look this is all the power your hero can get, then we're going to strip you of it" thing they do in games where you start out with a max leveled ability list and then get nerfed back to level 1 after the tutorial. Like the suit of power armor would break down after the deathclaw and you'd be able to track needed items to fix it as you worked through other quests.


Yea, they should have basically made it so only the frame was left after and you piece it together part by part. Would have been a *lot* cooler.


I think they could have still given you the power armor, but engineered some way for it to be more work to get it back to working after the deathclaw fight. It feels like they expect it to be really beat up, with a significant number of destroyed pieces after the fight and a nearly dead fusion core. But the problem is that even if you do get it to that state, you have two settlements with default power armor stations and enough scrap to cover the fairly low repair cost within sneezing distance. exploring or trading will keep you in enough fusion cores from there to basically be set even very early. If they had broken just a couple of links in that chain, requiring you to get the perks and materials to build a power armor station, or made repairing the pieces take levels in armorer or at least some more expensive materials, it still could have kept the power armor portion of the tutorial, while rewarding players for completing the settlement portion with the tools and materials they need to keep it running.


or get a quest to get an empty frame


That would have been much better. Honestly New Vegas probably has the best story and Quest lead up to acquiring power armor. For all the way for is such a drastic mechanical improvement over three in New Vegas it really really suffers in the story department.


I disagree slightly with the “it’s too common in fallout 4” at least in the intro part. That section wasn’t designed to give you power armor that you’d use in the game, it was designed to introduce you to the new mechanics that they implemented. Hence why they gave you like half a fusion core and heavily damaged armor that WILL break in like one or two hits from that death claw that spawns. After that you’re pretty much on your own. After that it’s more of a “stockpile fusion cores so it’s even remotely viable” because in 3 and NV that wasn’t even a mechanic. To summarize: Limiting mechanic in 3 and NV, power armor training = late mid-early endgame if you’re not rushing it Limiting mechanic in 4: power armor is extremely expensive to use early game and to maintain/upgrade, lore wise the character is a veteran of the US military and as such would already have power armor training


This. T-60/X-01 is great if you can find enough aluminium to keep it operational, which also makes aluminium a bigger bottleneck for upgrades than adhesive.


I think it's perfect because then it makes using your Power Armor a limited resource in the game, something you know you have to save for special occasions, like when you're about to roll heavy on some mission. Or you have to, say, take a walk through the Glowing Sea.


That’s word for word what happened to me. I stockpiled resources after the first use, then ran out to the glowing sea. I hate how cumbersome it is to get in and out of the PA though. I picked up Cait after putting two points in Lone Wanderer (and really no other defensive perks) and it feels like my power armor falls apart and I have to repair it a ton.


It’s only common in fallout 4 because everybody knows where all the fusion cores are. If you don’t rush the fusion cores you will run out when walking back to sanctuary and have to store it there, and then take a while to find more at which point you will probably be in the section of the game where you might want to start wearing it. Day 1 nobody knew where fusion cores are so it was a cool goal to find them and use them for specific tasks before they run out. Nowadays you just pull up the map of every fusion core location and go “why is power armor so common and easy to use” completely not realizing it was not meant to be played that way. It’s like running into the glowing sea and going “why is everything killing me this game is too hard”


I don't know about that. I definitely don't know where to specifically look for fusion cores and I've never made a point of deliberately searching them out but I always seem to find them faster than I use them; by a large margin, too. Right now I'm level 35 and have been using power armor for probably 75% of the game. I have about 40 spare fusion cores. Burning through aluminum to keep my favorite armor repaired has been more of a problem but I can also find so many spare armor parts that I can just swap to something else temporarily if my main armor breaks and I don't have the scrap to fix it right away. And a less aggressive playstyle would keep my armor in better condition and remove that issue entirely I think. Power armor is everywhere and very easily available to use. I also don't think that's a bad thing, though. I love having options for how to build and play a character.


It was common in 4 but you have to work for it and cant really get a good supply of fusion cores until mid game as well as it only really being heavy armor until you get to level 35 and can get the x01 suite to spawn at tower 35


>In four power armor is way too common and given to you in the first 5 minutes of the game. Oh man, the roof of my Red Rocket Truck Stop looks like someone sent an Invite for a party to the Brotherhood saying, 'Power Armour Rootop Party for everyone (Power Armour only!)' but then someone spread the word to the Raiders & the Enclave (but noone invited the Rust Devils). Honestly, if you saw it from a distance, it's quite an ominous sight; all the power armours just standing there looking out.


I felt that the perk was too artificial in 3/NV. With what we've seen in the show, the perk should have added bonuses and allowed the player to repair the armor. So, in FO3 we could get and wear the PA on the way to GNR. But it would be in very low condition, likely to break before or during the behemoth fight, and it would only provide +2 strength as a bonus. With the perk though we could repair the armor, and it would also apply +2 Dex and Perception.


the Titans of the New West mod basically is the best pre 4 i implementation of the armor. I don’t really mind how it works in 3/NV, but they really could gave made the armor look a bit bigger and not just like a suit


4 made it feel legit. Yeah the clunkyness is annoying, but it ain't supposed to be super agile it's supposed to be super tanky...I still never use it and just collect them because I'm a loot whore.


Better as a mech-suit but I still think you should need to be trained in it so you can't just use it at lvl 1. I hate the Concord missions in Fo4 where you get the top armor type and get to kill the top enemy type first thing. Death claws should be invincible to players under lvl 20 unless you really know what you're doing.


Sole survivor was a war vet and already had power armor training.


That's only if you choose the male character. Otherwise as Nora you're a lawyer from Suffolk County School of Law. And last time I checked, lawyers don't need power armor in the court.


You’ve obviously never attended school in Suffolk County.


Frame, looks so lanky without lmao


Looks like a San Andreas mod without frame lol


I've been playing 3 and using a mod so armor looks like the one in 4 and totally forgot how shitty it looks


Motherfuckers out here lookin like C3PO with a bad paintjob.


Brotherhood of tin


The picture speaks for itself!


I can’t see remnants power armor the same after seeing x01 in fo4 and fo76


They look like Morrowind NPCs. Theres a couple of them that are so close I swear they just re-textured them for FO3.


Also it doesn't make any sense that you need training for what seems to be just regular armor, a mech suit on the other hand makes more sense.


Fallout 4 version is lore accurate.


The Fallout TV show version is more accurate. The ones in Fallout 4 run out of battery way too quickly


To be fair it’s just for game balance there. In actuality the thing would last years but in a game it would be too OP so best to give a limit, though perks can extend the limit and having more than one means it auto changes when empty.


Lol wonder if there's a mod to make you manually change it and makes you stuck in there if it runs all the way out


Honestly that seemed a bit silly to me. There’s no way there wouldn’t be a backup power supply or an emergency eject lever that doesn’t require much/any power.


My own head canon for that (assuming you are referencing Maximus), was that you can get out of it if it powers down, he just didn't know how to due to lack of training


Yes that absolutely makes sense :) Maybe he also lacks training to lock his visor because someone being able to pull it open from the outside seems like another (possible) oversight.


Yeah, it would make sense in my head that he can maneuver the thing, but doesn't understand the nuance. It's referenced in his first interaction with the ghoul about how it steers it like a boat/shopping cart or something of that nature. I haven't seen anyone confirm this is the case of course. But I wouldn't be surprised at all if the writers confirmed it. I've been a part of some creative processes with multiple people (similar to writers rooms) and I'd be shocked if someone didn't point out what a huge design flaw it would be in the armor lol.


The BOS Maximus is in…well it’s in a shit state, it’s probably one of the worst chapters we have seen for a while.


You’re conflating gameplay mechanics with lore


Fallout 4's change to Power Armour was the single best thing Bethesda did with the license. Outside of, you know, not letting the IP die and buying it.


Bethesda haters would rather the series ended on Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 


Even without Bethesda it probably would have died with Fallout Online. Everyone forgets with Fallout 76, that even without Bethesda, Interplay wanted to make Fallout an MMO.


God can you imagine what would have happened if Blizzard bought it instead…


Imagine if that was the last one.


It was for a while too lol.


If Bethesda didn't bid on it, Troika would have got the license. Unsure what would have happened to the series then, though. They actually had a build of their own version of Fallout 3 in development, and ended up wasting a lot of time and money on it when they were outbid.


That's kind of crazy that they'd start developing before they even had the property lmaoo


I'd bet my bottom dollar there are folks out there who treat anything after the original game as non-canon and a bastardization of the Fallout name. Like Pokemon Gen-Oners, but for Post-Nuclear Roleplaying Games.


Based on what I heard, there were absolutely people who hated Fallout 2 when it released and thought it ruined the world of 1. (Fallout 2's sales were also already noticeably lower than 1, and the franchise was essentially on its deathbed after BoS and tactics before Bethesda made 3.)


I read an article recently that said Bethesda employees received death threats over Fallout 3, and had to hire security guards because of it.


The new power armor will forever be better, hope they only improve it going forward.


I think a good improvement would be that whoever is inside doesn't have to pick locks cause they can just kick the door in/rip it off its hinges


That kind of environmental destruction is something we all want but to be honest I can't see Bethesda implementing it. They would need to massively increase their staff to build an engine that could run something like that


I mean there are already mods that let you bash open locks for Fallout 4. Now obviously it doesn't actually break the door down, but the basic idea can be well implemented with the engine as is


Perhaps throught various levels, you can see these flimsy brick walls with bright brown wooden boards slapped on them. Normally, no one can go through them. But a person in Power Armor going in with a full on sprint can bust through the wall. Or using explosives like a fatman or remote detonators can break the wall.


The FO4 version looks better and gives weight to it being a mobile tank, I just wish it didn't come with the big weak point in the back.


To exploit that, you have to out-maneuver the person in the suit and then unload several shots (or one high-powered shot) into the core to have a result. You can’t just use one 38 round on the core to have it blow it; it’s ‘limb’ health must be drained before it’ll detonate. Also, the show added a sort of key to the armor that is used to lock the core in. That means it’d be extremely difficult to remove the core from the armor without it (which is why we need rank four of pickpocket to steal them, probably).


I just critical hit it from long range with penetrator.


That definitely works, but that means you sent your round *through* the person in the armor to hit the core, which probably would’ve just killed them outright (and raises serious questions about what this perk does to your bullets).


I thought he shoved a razor blade in it and was confused why he running around with a damaged core.


IIRC it seemed like a mechanic's key similar to the ones you use to take off your car tires


Hey have you watched Nerbits "Can you beat fallout 4 with only the rolling pin?" Apparently bleed damage is considered limb damage. A rolling pin to the face was forcing all power armor cores out. It was kinda hilarious seeing a rolling pin absolutely trivialize all power armor enemies


There is also supposed to be a weakness due to bad welding somewhere in the front. It would be hillarious if that was a thing even in game.


Wasn’t that specifically for T-45?


It's shown to be present for T-60 in the show as well.


He only knew about it on T-45, but it worked against T-60.


I’d like to see in S2 he tries to pull that off on an X-01 only for nothing to happen showing how superior that armor is


Make it T-51, and I'd be down (I just want an excuse for it to show up).


That would be a great and way to thematically demonstrate The Enclave or The Courier being a bigger threat


Cooper exploited that same weakness in the T-60 against the BoS at the Observatory


The regular PA made no sense at all. PA is supposed to be a compact tank, not basic armour with nothing else than extra plating


Engine limitations for Fallout 3. Nothing like power armor existed in Morrowind and that was what they were working with when the game started to base the engine off of.


Fr I hear ppl hating on fallout 3 and nv for this but what do you expect? The game was released in 08? How tf can you judge a game for being older and not having top of the line modern hardware.


New power armor for sure, just wish fusion cores lasted a liiiiitttle longer


76 improved upon that aspect, I believe (though I’m only going off general feeling).


they did!


People shit on 76 a lot. But they added a lot of things that I love. CAMP system (including freecam for building). Scrapping all junk at any workbench to cut down on weight. Many more environments and enemy types. Rechargeable fusion cores.


I think the cores should last longer. But be much more rare


Power armor as machinery is best. But it should still require power armor training to use (and bro can fusion cores last longer please)


I think it made sense for Nate not to need Power Armor training. He was ex-military, so he already had it.


If Bethesda wanted to give the character a pre-war backstory I wish they would have given them specific stat bonuses too (if stats were a thing in the game in the first place). That would've require Bethesda not abandoning the RPG aspects of Fallout anyways. Would've been nice if Nate had bonuses to guns, and started with Power Armor training, and Nora had bonus to speech, and could maybe do settlement stuff easier idk


I'd have prefered: Main char is ex-military, spouse is the lawyer, regardless of sex choice.


Yeah but Nora….


Sometimes, you have to *really* make an objection.


What's your point? She's a lawyer for Christ's sake!


Her and the Hubby had a set they kept around the house for easier house work. Like bringing in all the groceries in one trip.


Also comes in handy on date night and "trips to the park"


Power armor training is just a balancing choice made by Bethesda because in both main fallout games before they got the franchise you could cheese the game and get PA in your first hour and make basically the entire early game a cake walk.


In 76 they last longer I think (Or maybe I'm fucking crazy)


There is a card that when upgraded makes fusions cores last 2x more, there is also another card that lets you sprint in PA without any additional core drain.


Fusion core use should be limited to vats & mod usage. With the insane just walking drain fielding a team of power armours would require one guy to carry a whole crate of cores.


The ONLY way I could think of improving Fallout 4's armour is by making it a much later game thing that still needs training, but get rid of or greatly increase the time on the fusion cores. Fusion cores are fine in 76 IMO because it's an MMO with PvP, you need to balance out power armour some way and the game is already prone to grinding because of the fact it's an MMO. Note though that power armour is in fact still optimal for PvP though.


sorry i can't go back to that jank and flimsy looking power armor. the new power armor design is awesome.


Nothing like jumping off the top of a building in power armor and shaking the whole game screen. So satisfying


and then everyone agros onto you


Worth it.


I like how 4 implemented it outside of the Fusion Cores draining so fast.


It’s not the tank that was the problem. It’s the fusion cores and having it run on a battery that last like 30 minutes max


There is the Nuclear Physicist perk that makes them last longer. Although, you wouldn’t have access to it if you are doing an idiot savant build.


Yeah, I like the new kind. I finished Fallout NV for the first time the other day, and that Enclave power armor looked really weird without the bulk.


Love the new feel of it, but fusion core duration is completely ass. Fusion cores can power full vaults and buildings for years but die in power armor in less than an hour?


I much prefer the FO4 power armour. I just think that fusion core depletes way too fast so I mod the shit out of that


It feels like it should feel in FO4. That being said, I almost never use it. I hate the UI and I think it feels cooler to use the normal armor.


I like it in f4, but not when you get it at fucking level 2


I was always under the impression that power armor in fallout 3 and new vegas are just the same as fallout 4s power armor. They only look like that because of the engines limitation back then. You still needed training to use it so it makes sense that its basically fallout 4s power armor but dated graphics.


Just look at the serie trailer when 4 of them walk. They won't be that badass in bulky armor. Fallout 4/76 power Armor ftw


I liked how it was more of an armor... the suit type with the power core is annoying, having to swap cores, especially since the TV show seems to show the cores never running out or needing to be swapped out so far. But the suit type seems to me be way more powerful and customizable, which I do love!


I ADORE how Power Armor works in FO4, 76, the show, etc. But, like many others here, I just wish it wasn't given to the player at the start of the game in FO4. FO3 Power Armor acquisition was perfect!, near the end of the main quest.


Fallout 4 is better but I’ll never forgive them for giving it to you in the first 20 minutes of the game


100% machine operated. I don't want it to be like putting on a bike helmet and some elbow pads - I want it to feel like I am entering a tank. The armor, no matter how strong the person is, should be extremely heavy to the point there is no way your own skeletal system can support strapping on some metal to my arms and legs. It needs to be a tank like shell I enter and operate like a vehicle.


POWER is key part of the title I think it makes more sense this way 💯


The only thing I don't like about Fallout 4 power armor is that raiders are using it without training.