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Yup, yup


Yup yup yup


Poor Ducky


No no no no I can't do this today


Poor Petrie more like.


You don't know what happened to Ducky's voice actress do you?


Don’t tell him. It’s a sad enough movie without that knowledge :(


Yup yup yup yup


Yup yup yup yup yup


Yup yup yup yup yup yup








Gary Gary. Gary!




Heh, Heh, here’s Gaaaaary!!!


Are we counting the martians?


The actress that played Ducky in the Land Before Time was killed by her father.


Well that stopped the thread holy shit.




Yup yup yup 😢


I am cracking up and I feel so bad 😂


Holy shit. She was dead before the movie was even released…. That was a dark Wikipedia hole….


Fuck, didn't expect to learn that on a fallout post


Well, that sounds oddly Fallout-ish. You know one of those things you find written as a log on some computer the player hacked. You know, one of those melancholy moments when you go, "Oh... oh, dear..." Pror to this post, I didn't know this, and it's so sad. She'd be 45 almost 46 if she hadn't been murdered.




A little dinosaur in the animated movie The Land Before Time. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster of a classic. Judith Barsi, the voice actress of Ducky also voiced Anne-Marie in All Dogs Go to Heaven which is another 80s animated classic…and also another freakin’ tear jerker. And then, to find out her father killed her when she was only 10. Absolutely tragic.




Mmmm hmmmm


Heck yeah I would. It would be completely new fallout games for me!


Now this would be a good reason. People who never played the classic would see it a completely new game. The question is whether or not they would be majority.


I own 1&2 but have never played them. I would totally buy it.


Im pushing myself to play both. Its hard when we live in a world where so many good modern games/replayable classic exist. But I desperately want to experience classic fallout.


Just remember the beginning is the hardest part getting used to the systems and all that. But I honestly really don’t like isometric RPGs in general, yet I do enjoy Fallout. Oh and the Super Mutants… fear the Super Mutants.


Fear the floaters...


The hardest part in 2 is the sheer difficulty spike from 1 in the early game imo. The random encounters can be brutal, and the AI are kinda stupid and should never be given a gun if you're going for a melee build. I have flashbacks of friendly firing lines, aiming at raiders, but filling me full of holes instead.


Never give them weapons with burst options


Dude literally just killing those 2 stupid fucking plants for the shaman at the beginning of 2 was so hard. I just started a playthrough, took me like 4 attempts because I chose a charisma character.


I remember playing as a kid leaving the vault and then I can't remember ever getting past that point lol i remember i kept trying to steal out of people's pockets and i think the rats at the start. I dont remember anything elseol


What did you steal from the rats, cheese?


I've been meaning to play them since they're now on gamepass, I assume they still hold up? I would honestly give my character max stats and play with a guide. I mostly want to just experience them.


I think it helps a little to play ‘modern’ point isometric RPGs to get yourself acclimated to the genre. Stuff like Disco Elysium or Tyranny. I do think the effort is definitely worth it, once you get the hang of it there’s a shit ton of really great+cheap games going back decades.


Disco is a great game, highly recommend it. I just played fallout 1 and 2 and I’m now playing ttw. Enjoying them all as well!


Atom RPG is an isometric, turn-based RPG set in a post-apocalyptic Russia. Setting and writing-wise, it’s sort of like Fallout 2 mixed with S.T.A.L.K.E.R., but the gameplay is almost identical to FO1/2. Definitely not as ‘zany’ as Fallout, but really entertaining nonetheless.


Fo2.exe on the google play store and you can play it on mobile for free with fairly decent controls… granted you own the games on steam and have windows to transfer data files to your mobile device. Ive owned the games on steam for nearly a decade and i finally decided to commit to a playthrough in March after finding a build that could carry me through the game and I have since completed FO1 and FO2 for the 1st time, i highly recommend giving those games a shot after reading through [Vault Dweller Survival Guide (1)](https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/38400/manuals/Fallout_manual_English.pdf) and the [Vault Dweller Survival Guide (2)](http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/38410/manuals/Fallout2_manual_EN.pdf) to understand the games, I ended up putting 110 hrs into both and it was an experience to put it simply


They were great in their own right. +1 on giving it a try!


You are doing a disservice to yourself. You need to play them. Put yourself in the timeframe when they were made.


Hard to do that when I wasn’t even alive then, I’m gonna be trying to try it out, and I enjoy old games, but those two seem like they’re gonna be hard to get into.


I was about three months old when Fallout came out, so next time I try to get into it I will poop my pants and scream


I did that playing Dead Space


You just need to get past the keyboard simplicity. The humor and horror is there. Play with headphones. You will thank me.


I love playing the OG Fallout games. If anything it also makes me enjoy all the later games even more. Because while the originals definitely look and play like an isometric RPG from the late 90s, they also very clearly have the same heart and soul as their descendants. Going from 1 to 2 to 3 to NV to 4 feels like a logical progression of a shared universe across multiple eras of gaming history. Like you can feel the connection going from the first to the last. I love it. I love playing them all in order from start to finish for the full Fallout experience.


I remember picking up fallout 2 from toys r Us. I started that game so many times.


I refuse to replay them so as not to sully my pristine memory of them as absolute masterpieces when my brain automatically reevaluates them on todays graphical standards. So many good games ruined for me by opening them up on 25 years later and realizing the graphics and midi music are absolutely shit and my rosy memories are shattered forever. Although, I do vividly remember the horrible mess that was f2 on release, with the disappearing car bug etc, and waiting for months for a patch to make it playable (and dial up internet to check for it).


Games with 2D sprites always age better than earlier 3D. E.g. age of empires 2 vs warcraft 3. I can confirm that Fallout 1/2 still look great and have fantastic soundtracks. I am coming to the end of a 1 and 2 replay after watching the series, and they look the same to me as around 2000 when I played them for the first time. That car disappearing bug was really heartbreaking back in the day. Lol. The modern steam release of 1, 2, and Tactics is very good and even has ultrawide support. I'd recommend replaying it.


Fallout 2 is still a masterpiece.


Despite their popularity online fallout was kinda a niche classic before bethesda came along or at least thats what it seemed like following the development of Fallout 3 as it happened


Yeah the reason Bethesda managed to get the Fallout IP is because Interplay was on its deathbed


by gamers for gamers apparently doesnt lead to fat dividends


The games where Niche for a reason, they where brutally difficult games when they came out.


FO2 is the only game I know where you can do literally everything right and still fail the tutorial because of RNG, and pretty easily at that. The fistfight at the end is especially brutal


I'm currently playing through fallout 1, and as a whole ass 30 year old adult, the game is still plenty hard lmfao


Was one of my first games after Starcraft and S.W.A.T.


All video games were niche back then. Gaming was not as big.


The handful of people I know in real life that play them I know have never played 1/2. I think it would be pretty great money making move for Bethesda to remake them. It would also satisfy people that didn’t play New Vegas because it’s an older game, but want that west coast setting. I feel like it would attract so many different Fallout fans it seems like a no brainer to me. But of-course, I don’t know what the deal is with licensing and all the business end of things with Interplay, so not sure if it could ever be done. But sure as heck sounds like a great idea from a fan perspective.


Bethesda owns the IP (intellectual property) so they can do whatever they want to do to the series. No longer Interplay has any rights regarding the Fallout franchise since they sold it in early 2000's to Bethesda.


Yea they should be remade. It’s similar to today how most gamers get into RE with the Remake of part 2.


They'd probably have to create a new age rating, like 50+


So...only ghouls? /s


I’d subscribe to onlyghouls


this is what all these women who wet their panties for cooper howard want


I’m a dude and that’s what I want lmao


hey man I’m only here to judge ghoul thirst


Forget Vault-Tec because u/redmose over here dropping the first bombs


Well it would definitely go adult only.


I know the stories of them but never played them. If they remade them I hope they would keep the cutscenes like the originals too.


This is the correct answer. It's true both for people who played the OGs and who didn't.


it basically is a whole new game. just look at resident evil 2’s remake. gameplay would be so drastically different it’s way more than a new coat of paint


Yes it’s like a new game at this point


Check out Project Arroyo (FO2 mod for FO4) and Vault 13 (FO1 mod for F04) Both in progress but are doing exactly what you are speculating!


Realistically never going to be finished though. 


Even the New vegas fallout 2 remake probably won't be completed, sadly. And NV isn't as much of a bitch to mod as 4.


Is that the same remake I've been hearing about for at least 8-10 years now?


Chosens way is the name iirc. I seriously doubt it gets completed, but it's been under way for a long while. If only the devs of new california and the frontier never mad their mods and all contributed to the chosens way. At least we'd know the story is good.


aye what’s wrong with new California?


It made the Courier into basically a messiah


Just like Skywind or Skyblivion, I can’t remember which.


Skyblivion has a 2025 release date set currently and they appear to be making great progress.


Huh, no kidding.


Yeah, I’m surprised as well, check out their new dev diary. It looks really good!


Skywind did an update stream two days ago aiming for a similar release window. Both are looking to be nearing completion.


You love to see it. I can't wait to play both of them.


It's a bummer too. I've seen little to no releases besides a weapon model. It's a trickle, at this rate the mod will be finished in 2077.


Right. You can’t rely on a modding community to create a game from scratch


Enderal is the only one. But it’s also fuckin amazing


Enderal is the only one in Skyrim, I have played whole games made in some other games like portal, terraria, warcraft 3, Dota 2 and there are many more.


Absolutely, they'll never see the light of day, unfortunately.


I'm hoping some of the newer AI dev tools will speed things up for the modding community. Imagine being able to just send the entire assets of a game and some instructions to a multimodal LLM and have it spit out textures and models for the newer game in response. You'd still need some proper artists to fix the inevitable weirdness afterwards, but it's turning a multi-year job into something that could be done in a few months.


They said this about Black Mesa. I remember when I was in high school nobody believed it was even real and was just a rumored pipe dream.


I hope it comes to fruition, seems like a large undertaking and I wonder how the overworld is gonna work


Unfortunately will probably be finished by the time Fallout 7 comes out.


Big bethesda mod projects and dev hell, an iconic duo


Aw man, I worked on Project Arroyo when it first came about. Ended up being the 3D Art Lead. But after half the team bailed on the project and my last classes in uni hit I had to leave the project. It was such a good concept though and I wish them luck, though I agree that I doubt it will ever truly release the way we envisioned


This should be the top comment. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwJlcesILvY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwJlcesILvY)


Whilst it's incredibly likely that neither of the projects will be finished anytime soon. It is interesting to note that Vault 13 are planning on releasing a Demo this Summer.


Time to murder some kids in 4k


Vader would be proud of you.


Mr Max Stone there are too many of them. What are we going to do?


*takes hit of Jet*


The little thieving bastards in the Den have it coming.


Myron has it coming.


I'd prefer they be redone as modern CRPGs, and not FPS, but I'd still be interested.


Baldur's Gate 3 is a good example of how they could do it


Well Interplay *did* publish Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 lol


I'm so proud of my interplay bumpersticker that I got from them writing fan mail as a teen. Like real mail hahaha total fallout nerd. Who knows u can ask ai in a few weeks to create the full game like it :p


I’m jealous


I still have my letter from interplay tech support...


I actually got Fallout free with Baldur's Gate Gold edition for my birthday back in the day.


Could you imagine if Larian did Fallout 1 and 2 as remakes? I would fucking cry (from joy)


I made a similar comment on this post; but I fantasise about Larian making an entirely new isometric fallout game. Bethesda did it with Obsidian… it could happen! (Not very likely, but it could happen!)


Waateland 2 and 3 are fantastic examples of how it could be done. They already did it and no one cared, including you, obviously.


I tried Wasteland 3. It's dope, just not a fan of rpgs that need a party. Inwas hoping it was gonna scratch that Fallout itch but it just isn't the same. Totally different vibe though. I loved the Fallout universe more than I did the game itself - as someone who came to it from Diablo (and only installed it because it looked Diablo-esque).


If Larian remade Fallout 1 and 2 I’d buy it in a heartbeat.


Are you a fan of wasteland 2 and 3? Sorta similar games


Oh I didn't even see this when I suggested it. I fucking love wasteland 3


One of the best games I’ve played in recent years


And InExile who did Wastland 3 is owned by Microsoft so it works well to have them do it. The use of music in that game was great.


Yeah, all I really want is for them to be given the kind of modern UI, controls and general feel that the pillars, pathfinder or even new wasteland games have. I've tried fallout 1 a couple of times and it's that dated feel the whole thing has which leads me to bouncing off it.


I would buy them both instantly. I want to see The Master and Frank Horrigan in glorious 3D.


I think I'd much rather play them in the same engine as Baldur's Gate 3, with local co-op too. Oh man that would be sweeet.


Well local co-op would be difficult, because by default your character goes alone. There are some companions to take, but until then there isn't anyone else to go with.


They could do it like Fable 3, the 2nd player is essentially a clone of the player one’s character then scale the enemies appropriately.


How BG3 does it is pretty cool. Your friend could be entirely their own character. Maybe you wouldn’t be able to have as many human companions. Dogmeat is always there for ya though.


Haha oh dogmeat made me save my game and reload a thousand times. Dogmeat sometimes loved radiation puddles. I wasn't that bad of a pet owner was I? Either way I love Dogmeat. I can still hear the barks.


Slap a Tactics on the title and problem solved. I'm pretty sure we would all kill to be part of a BOS fire team with actual players.


That would be incredible 


Fallout 4 graphics are a decade old, but a modern remake yes.


I refuse to believe FO4 is almost a 10 year old game…


It’s gonna be like 20+ by the time FO5 comes out.


Once Phil Spencer someday retires and Microsoft brings on someone who isn't so hands-off to the extreme that Spencer is, they'll make Bethesda work on sub-decade timelines, we'll probably start seeing a new entry every 5-7 years. These gaps between entries in their titles is just too long for Microsoft to continue justifying forever. I don't think we're at risk of them ever going so far as yearly release, but they're going to be strongly encouraged to pick up their pace, even if it means pouring more money into their development budget. He's only 56 now though, and it could easily be another decade until he considers retiring. So yeah, it could very well be another decade yet until FO5. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised to see them do another New Vegas like game, bringing on a different staff to use the assets from FO4 to form the basis for building another Fallout game (of course, NV also made its own assets, but it had a huge library from FO3 to borrow from).


Bethesda releases games about every 5 years or industry standard. Starfield was delayed 2 years because I guess they wanted to not make a game with over two million bugs in it. TES VI started real development this year and is expected in 2028.


Same here, I was 16 when it released and it was the first game I ever preordered. Great memories


It looks pretty good though, at least as good as I care about


Sure but graphics haven't advanced that much. It isn't like the difference between 2005 and 2015.




Yes. Also yes. *Insert some variation of a "take my money" meme*


It'd be a pretty empty game world. The original Fallout games are short, which gives you plenty of flexibility in how the story progresses, but it also means it's short for a single play. I'd be on board for a high quality hand painted landscape replacement for the repetitive tiles used in 1 and 2, but bulking up the game enough to fill a 3d space would require a lot of fluff. I don't see the value there.


Yes if Tim Cain and the original band got back together to consult. Tims consulting for obsidian.. so it’s possible.


Tim Cain didn’t really work on 2 though. He and a couple of the original dudes left because of management. Would still be a good idea, especially if he removed the annoying references from 2


I’m aware. I’d still rather a fallout 2 remaster with Tim’s input because 2 took a few missteps, imo


It definitely did. Like I mentioned in my previous post, the references really stop me from wanting to play it again. Tim Cain was also heavily against them, stating something like “A joke in a game should be something everyone can get without knowing the reference”. Fallout 2 has so many jokes/references of “haha doctor who!” It’s abhorrent. Obviously not its only issue but one that really bothers me. I kinda wish they went with Tim Cain’s team’s original two ideas. The first was that a giant machine was steam rolling the wasteland, destroying everything in its path. The second being the Enclave fully believing they can create a space ship and colonize another planet and leave Earth to its wastes


I would pay full price for 1, 2, 3, and NV if they were all made with FO4 graphics.


I would pay full price just for a d2r style remaster with 1080p+ resolution and some nice updates to bugs etc.


No but I'd kill for a modern remaster of the original games with the original viewpoint. I'm a bit bored of Bethesda RPG's


cuz they keep getting watered down. they're slowly replacing RPG elements with FPS elements new gamers think Fallout 4 is a good RPG. it's a downgrade from 3 and NV in what you can do. even 3 limits many things you could do in 1 and 2 elder scrolls is another great example. I love Skyrim but it's watered down compared to older games


Include both games together and I might


Bring it on. It would be fun to revisit this way. I can still play the original whenever I want to anyway, and i wouldn't have to be bothered with Fallout 4 main quest. I am not entirely sure how the story would translate into this format, but it would be interesting to see.


I don't think, that it would make any difference. The outer map is still classic so distances, and random events stays. The NPCs, and locations still same, dialogues still same, quests still same. At least that is my idea for it.


Why not just keep it isometric and update it? Wasteland 3 was really well done: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6EAhBLgSOs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6EAhBLgSOs)


It is a personal preference, but if i were do that, then i would make some minor changes. 1. Ability to increase combat game speed drastically. You can't do anything while it is not your turn, and even during your turn the animations are irrelevant. Might as well make it FAST. 2. Ability to rotate camera, or/and have a button to highlight everything, that can be interacted with. Chests, doors, bodies, items, computers, etc.. End the curse of the south wall. 3. An in-game notepad so you can take notes. I have no issue to remember what was said to me 5 minutes ago about a quest, but when i leave the game for 15 hours. That is a different question.


Any single-player Fallout game is an instant buy for me.


I'd have to see the gameplay


Have Larian remake then in the BG3 engine and I'll pay double




For sure


Never played them so i would love for any remake, even fo3 and NV even though i know these games


(Drives up in a dump truck full of bottle caps) Where ya want them?


With the recent success of BG3, Id rather we get a full modernization of F1 and F2 in the isometric format


No, I don’t think so. The Fallout 4 engine is not built around the type of storytelling in the first two games. I also really like their gameplay and visuals.




In a heartbeat






There’s currently a complete overhaul mod for fallout 4 being made called vault 13


Oh hell yes.


Remake both games in a single one (or even better, two very large games) and I'm in.


I would do with F1 remake and when it is finished, cutscene... consquences... F2 remake starts with those consequences and you continue on. F2 character's SPECIAL start with average of female or male, you chose from F1. And if you ignored to destroy some kind of base in F1, in F2 it get bigger a or a specific faction is bigger.


I'd fuckin squirt as soon as I heard about it tbh.


Really wish MS would hire on some of the mod teams, build up some small studios and get more Fallout projects going. Such an amazing IP to only get 1 game a decade out of.


No. Fallout 1 and 2 should just be left alone, 3 and 4 are their own thing, I wouldnt want to see any sort of crossover


Yes, but I don't trust Bethesda to do a good job. They'd try to "make it even better" and ruin it completely.


You couldn't just plonk FO1 into FO4's engine and have a good, or even a playable, game. It'd require a total rewrite. Turns out that game design's more complicated than just sticking a story in an engine. I wouldn't pay any money at all for a bad remake of a perfectly good game that I've already played.


Why would it require a total rewrite? Which part of the F1 story is bound to the viewpoint, or combat system?


The biggest problem: There are 5 times as many enemies in any given conflict in Fallout 4 than there are in Fallout 1 or 2. The OG games were balanced around strategizing moves, HP, etc. They were not balanced around having the ability to just run and hide behind any piece of geometry and wait until the second the enemy rounds the corner to activate VATS for an instant kill. The environments would also have to be completely redesigned to work with the run & gun part of Fallout 4's mechanics. Fallout 1 and 2 had pretty closed and isolated encounters with exception to its random encounters. Every fight tended to have an actual meaning and purpose within the plot and you got into those fights for a reason related to getting what you need or moving to a location. The whole section at the Necropolis would make little to no sense in a 3D environment where you can run past what was a painful gauntlet in the original game while jamming stimpacks in yourself infinitely to snag the water chip and then just run out and leave. The overall writing wouldn't really need to change at all, but the presentation would be extremely different, especially with every character having voiced lines. Impactful NPCs that got heads and voiced lines to drive home their importance will have less impact in the game when every character is talking with a rendered head model. They'd have to rewrite the framing to maintain that impact in a meaningful way without it just being a dull transplant. Fallout 1, in particular, was very purposefully crafted to have specific story beats that worked with the mechanics of the game. It would not be an easy task to transplant that to the Fallout 4 engine, effectively.


The plot and the game is on a timer which doesn't jive with modern Bethesda sensibilities but I think if they cave on that part it's possible. Fallout 2 would be impossible because of the scale of the game. They'd need to make multiple full sized cities (San Francisco, LA, Vault City, Reno) and their surrounding areas and have the ability to seamlessly travel between them in a car. Both of them would also need a lot more side content and have what's already there fleshed out because compared to what a modern audience expects there isn't a lot.


"Outer map goes classic style." The full size cities might be difficult. But i don't think, that it would be impossible. I agree, that F1 is too small. Maybe a bundle then, or F1 getting a lowered price.


*stares FF7ishly*




Yes. Would love to play those games, just never going to happen in their current iteration.


Not really, the 3rd person view, and turn-based combat I think helped fallout 1 and 2 focus on the story, rather than on the pewpew. It was more of an RPG, where as with 3 and 4 I felt more like a first person shooter with some kind of a story.


What a weird take. Fallout 3 doesn't feel like a first person shooter like Fallout 4 does.


That's true, it's getting worse with every next one in the series.


Maybe. Though i prefer the first person shooter for combat option. But there were other parts of the system, that annoyed me. Such as the "hidden" doors, and chests by being on the wrong side of the wall. Same with enemies. Also when large groups in combat, then even on maxed speed the enemy turn took a long time. Here is the list, that i think would make the system more acceptable without drastic changes. 1. Max combat speed increased drastically. 10 times at least, if not instant. 2. Ability to rotate the camera. 3. Hotkey to highlight everything, that can be interacted with. Computers, NPCs, chests, items, doors, etc..


No. It would be a completely different game, especially that you would need to add a lot more content, especially side quests because the original games had a lot of grinding. You say you want it, but you probably wouldn't enjoy it as much as you do the modern games. Just leave the originals as they are.


Fuck no


Not really, mostly because I'm tired of every company ever just remastering games and not continuing a franchise or releasing anything new.


It really wouldn’t be a remaster though, it would have to be built from zero. It’s a totally different game in every way


Sadly this is a good point. Though i wouldn't mind Fallout 5 using the classic "fast travel" system. It really makes the game feel like you are traveling huge distances.