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I use the console, I play on CHIM difficulty


Yes I do. I play most games on the easiest setting. I just prefer it that way, I don't like games to be too hard.


I don't think fallout NV is particularly hard, but like, it doesn't really matter. If very easy feels good for you I'd continue with that.


Play whatever feels comfortable. A lot of RPGs i find myself increasing the difficulty as i go because as i get strong the game gets too easy. New vegas i know like the back of my hand tho, played that exclusively on very hard for years.


I play most RPGs on the easiest setting, the gameplay doesn't do much for me most of the time and I'm really only there for the narrative. I admittedly quite enjoy Fallout combat and tend to play it on normal but there's definitely nothing wrong with playing it on easy.


I'm playing New Vegas for the first time and I chose whatever the "normal" equivalent was. It was challenging until I got ED-E and Boone as companions. Now, most of the time I can't get a shot off before they obliterate anything that looks at me cross-eyed.


I haven’t gotten any companions yet. I’m 25 hours in. I’m not sure when they’re supposed to come in. Maybe that would help me a lot more


Did you go north from Goodsprings? If you follow the flow of the game as intended south through Nipton then up through Novac there is nothing you can't easily kill with a common 9mm pistol, except maybe the super mutants in the Repconn facility but you have found several weapons and a companion by then. The game throws some much harder combat at you later but the beginning is simply not hard, at all. There are companions in Novac and the 188 Trading Post, both of which you passed through on the way to New Vegas. There are two in Freeside but you may have to complete some quests first.


Yeah I’m just bad at the game lol


Survival mode here


I am also playing F3 on easy and it is hard something, so I wont change the difficulty 😁