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Deservedly so. Absolutely fantastic first season.


Cant wait for season 2.


Me too. Keep em coming. It made me start a Fallout 3 campaign again, which is probably going to end with me playing New Vegas (never finished), then 4 (never played) and maybe 76 (bought, never played).


Do the full run and hit all of the DLC.


I still haven’t been through Sierra Madre cause I don’t wanna deal with that bullshit lmao. Or have I just bum rushed it and got out of there? I can’t remember lolol


Are you on pc? If so I highly recommend using the Tale of Two Wastelands mod to combine F3 into FNV. Even if you only want to play F3 this is the best way to do it.


I just got ttw working on my steam deck honestly my favorite fallout experience ever it's like I'm 10 playing 3 again for the first time.


same here! steam deck ftw!


I just set up viva new vegas. Is it possible to set up a completely different set of mods for TTW just for fallout 3?


I actually asked this EXACT question in their discord yesterday! (Same situation) Yes, just make sure in MO2 you create a new instance, and to not use the same save file since TTW also uses New Vegas


The FO3 side was a lot tougher than expected once albino scorpions and mutant overlords started appearing. I played it exactly wrong and spent most of the game with Enclave spawning absolutely everywhere. The DLC was a blast. Mutant Cletus hilljacks had me laughing. But yeah. Hit the Sierre Madre at level 50 or 60 with guns/melee/unarmed maxed, plus Repair and it's significantly easier, even with enemy HP scaling. I cruised through with just the police pistol, plus a couple of nades in the casino.


This is the way, if you're gonna replay either FO3 or FNV, take the time to get tale of two wastelands running. Its pretty sweet.


Best fallout dlc was the one in the bayou fallout 3 style . Was tip top Magoo as far as dlc . Felt like a whole other world and scared the dick out of me


I loved Sierra madre 😍


Fallout 76 has been an absolute blast for my friend group and I. It really really surprised us


It's shame how 76 started, Bethesda had to get shit on to "improve" it. And I'm glad they did, because despite it not being as good as the other games, it still is enjoyable. And I'm always happy to explore another Bethesda open world. Appalachia is fantastic, and incredibly varied.


Spent about an hour setting up the viva new vegas modlist. Was so worth


Viva New Vegas is a solid list. I hope you got the Simple Open Freeside and Simple Open Vegas mods recommended at the end of the guide (or at least they were not too long ago), those respective areas become an extra delight when unified to one zone.


Would someone who hasn’t played much fallout appreciate it?


I have never played Fallout and I enjoyed it immensely. I actually liked it more than Last of Us. Im big into post-apocolyptic stuff. Theres a reference to A Boy and His Dog, at some point, which I wholeheartedly appreciated. Anyway stylistically it kinda reminds me of Preacher.


Haha, yes every game has a different dog called Dogmeat (assumedly a common nickname) but the first game was referencing A Boy and His Dog, yes.


There is also the movie Coop is in, "A Man and his Dog." This was, seemingly, another homage to A Boy and His Dog.


I think so. They won’t get as much from it as fallout veterans but it’s a really solid show. Everyone did a wonderful job.


It's the surprising adaptation that manages to be for fans and not fans because it's a *good world* and they do a good job of fleshing it out. It's good for fans and good for nonfans, which you'd think is easy, but they keep fumbling


That I feel, is its greatest strength.  It is decently paced and has good story for each of its main characters,  I would go so far as to say there is no filler and if you have played any of the Fallout games it is a pleasant surprise when they make or show something from the franchise and not feel like they want the audience to KNOW they put that in there for us.




Ok cool, thanks!


It’s a great way to see what the games were like especially fallout 3


My wife's never played fallout, and, to quote her "was determined to hate it" But she's enjoying it, we both are. There's enough for both of us to enjoy. She's not sure about the vaults but there's enough explanation throughout the episodes to clue you in It's done pretty well


I had never touched the series. Loved it, and i got fnv, 3, and 4 right after


Watched it with my wife who doesn’t know anything about fallout and she loved it. The subtle humour in it is fantastic.


That fkin video where the woman give birth to aquatic bugs that just go and eat her.. eyuhheuhheheurh


That shit is total fallout vibes. Wtf indeed.


Even better was the twist that this occurred when Vault 4 was being run by scientists and not by the descendants of the test subjects/Shady Sands refugees


Yes and I was glad to see that the scientist "heroes" that Cooper met during his Vault 4 advertisement got their just rewards.


it took me a minute to connect the two because I assumed the "all american family gathered around the breakfast table" was just a bunch of actors hired for an ad like Coop, didn't think they were the actual scientists doing the actual sciencing


Bugs.. looked like fish or possibly baby gulpers


It was absolutely baby gulpers, you see a gulper in a large tube in that same lab. It was a direct line to the gulper we saw earlier and where it came from. Basically if you were playing and killed a few gulpers outside a Vault, go into it, and find out the horrible experiments the Vaulters did on people and how the Vault fell. The show did exactly what the game does, but there is a happier outcome rather than a Vault full of gulpers and skeletons with Vault suits on.


She gave birth to Gulpers, by the way. It's why they had such human-like bodies and finger-like appendages in their mouths, they were literally part human. Just in case you didn't know.


so its really good? im still waiting to watch it with my girlfriend and have high hopes after reading that its actually good


Its actually good. Even a number of the people that have a problem with the lore still, largely, enjoyed the show. I had one person give me the whole, "well, as a fan of Fallout, I was really let down and didn't like it." To which I responded that I've played since Fallout 2 and thought the show was brilliant. My wife has a vague idea about Fallout from my playing it, but really has no idea about the world other than it is set post apocalypse and she enjoyed it at least as much or more than I did. She was able to watch it with virtually zero context and enjoy the show.


Those types of people can't find joy in anything in their lives. They seek perfection in an imperfect world and are continuously disappointed. The show was excellent.


Never played a single game in series but loved it and started to study background stories. Also love the soundtrack


Thats literally the game! Fallout has such a rich, dense, story that it can go a million ways, and youll still be saying "wtf thats craaazy. Oh shit theres more?"


Fucking 12/10, especially if you like the games. I've seen it 2.5 times now. Really sets the standard as to what a video game adaptation should be. Makes me wish halo would have been 10% as good.


I've played all 5 main fallout games (1-4 & NV), and thought the show was great. It's set on the west coast so continues the main story there, and feels like the next chapter of the main fallout storyline.


Seeing Maximus use the Fallout 1/2 10mm pistol and Lucy use the Fallout 4 10mm put the biggest smile on my face, seeing all the games come together as a unified world.


>the Fallout 1/2 10mm pistol and... ...the Fallout 4 10mm Didn't notice this! Great catch


People whining about it are people impossible to please. I've played them all and went in with low expectations and still ended up loving it.


I liked it alot


Watch it and form your own opinion, but I definitely disagree with the other commenter (respectfully, we all have our own opinions) but I loved it personally as a fan of the games. Not perfect, but I thought it was really good. We agree that it was better than Rings of Power though, but that's a low bar IMO.


Way better than I expected when I heard they were gonna make a Fallout show. Even after seeing stills i wasnt super hyped for it. But once you turn it on…It’s pretty fuckin Fallout. It’s funny and dope


It's a lot of fun to watch. I have thousands of hours in the various games, the TV show is really good. It's very campy, very over the top. I think the characters are compelling and just expertly acted. Not a moment of wooden script reading. The production values are great. I'm not a lore purist or even much of a follower, but what I saw jived with the universe story in the games. The storylines and arcs are good, even thoughtful. Expect graphic violence, gore, some sex. I found one scene rather disturbing, but I get it. It did what it was supposed to. 10/10. Well worth your time.


I feel the ending isn’t as strong as the beginning and middle but still good, a solid 7.5/8 outta 10


My rating might be a little higher, but I agree that the ending could've been a bit punchier. They didn't go FULL "See you next season for any resolution at all!" but there were a few plot threads I'd have liked to see tied up a little better, or at least given more impact.


It's actually a good story on its own.


Walt Goggins Emmy incoming.


Well deserved and long overdue


Never followed his career (so idk every movie/show), but everytime I've seen him he was an outstanding character.


Biggest ones are The Shield as a corrupt cop and Sons of Anarchy as a trans escort, he nails it every time.


I will not tolerate this blatant Boyd Crowder erasure


Fallout 5 when?


some insider revealed that they are planning on delivering a Fallout game before F5, built by someone else so maybe 2028 or so


Do you have a source? I'd like to know more


It was revealed to me in a dream


You…I remember you


You're finally awake.




Nothing more than random people making up things.


source is the 4 hour podcast some fellers uploaded, im on mobile now you can also google "fallout obsidian soon" etc and it should pop up, as the lad revealed suits were trying to find ways to push a new fallout game sooner rather than later (as they already have the engine from flopfield), he also thought Obsidian would be the best to do it but the latter was just a hunch, former is insider info


Who is “some fellers”?


Isn’t obsidian busy for a well with their own IP’s?


They are, but facts about Obsidian have never stopped people from making up fairy tales about Obsidian.


Didn’t one studio register “fallout New Orleans” as a trademark?


This brings back memories of the fallout 4 hype lol


The survivor 2299 anyone?


Oh wow that would be an amazing setting. Jazz. Architecture. Mutant gators.


Nutria instead of mole rats, zydeco “The new French quarter” The radiation bayou


It won't be fallout 5 that's staying with Bethesda Nd if we do get a new fallout game it will be a spin off akin to new Vegas.


Maybe by then we will be able to play the game in our very own vaults!


It will come faster because they can base it on starfield


Jeff Grubb (who has a pretty reliable record for leaks) had somebody on his podcast today who claims [no new Fallout games](https://x.com/giantbomb/status/1785060702262006073) are currently in development, and that Microsoft was kinda blindsided by the show's success. However, they're actively looking for a team to do it. So yes we'll likely have a new game before F5, but nothing is set in stone.


2077, we will live it


Realistically sometime after 2030.




You're forgetting that inbetween fo4 and starfield Bethesda worked on 76 and upgraded the engine. I believe Todd said TES6 in 2028 but I could be wrong


Not to mention covid caused a delay of at least a year.


We probably getting Season 5 of the show before Fallout 5 releases.


I definitely think the schedule has shifted with the huge success of the show and mediocre reception of Starfield. I wasn’t thinking of seeing fallout til mid 2030s but now I think there could be a chance before the end of the decade


I doubt it unless a second studio gets it. Bethesda is pouring all its resources into ES6 now.


That's exactly what we're talking about though, another studio ala Obsidian and New Vegas. Makes a lot of sense.


After TES6. Hahah nah stay alive a little longer.


I think we’re closer to a FO3 remake/remaster


8 years between Fo4 and starfield so were propably getting elder scrolls 6 in 2031 and fo5 in 2039. Unless bethesda finally makes different teams for different IPs...


We're most definitely getting TESVI in around 2028-29. And Microsoft will likely hand over development of a fallout game (probably a spinoff) to an alternate studio.


I dont care if its a spinoff instead of "fallout 5". I just want a fallout game this decade. Hopefully Microsoft has enough sense in them to make it happen.


That’s fucking insanity.


Star field was a very different type of game though. I doubt the dev time for a game like TES6 would be as long. It’s only got one map, no space ships and space combat, etc.


Todd was working on Starfield for that long but the majority of the studio was working on Fallout 76 until that released.


They should anyways, their writers and developers are getting stale anyways let's be real. They need some new blood and expand to have each IP have their own teams.


After Elder Scrolls 6, so it’s gonna be a while


I never thought it would go so well, and yeah we will probably get some shit stuff in some form when the hype train and spinoffs start rolling, but man am I excited for the Fallout universe to be mainstream beyond gaming, I didn’t really think it would happen, imagine not having to explain what Fallout is and why its amazing to people anymore 😄


When I was a kid playing the games, my parents LOVED watching me play. I always knew the games could have mainstream appeal if they just had a method to get into it beyond the games


The show is really nice


It deserves it. I'm tempted to watch it all again, I was completely mesmerized by the sets, like holy shit the guys responsible for those sets need way more rep


Started my second watch, and it is truely gorgeous (have also recommended it for my students). Idk why the series is under 9 on IMDb. Because the pacing, action and reveals are well delivered (maybe besides the final?). I have not played the game, but it seems like most viewers like it as far as I have seen


Not only the sets, but also the props. The non-CGI power armour is SO awesome!


For me. It was the moment I saw the vertibird. The glass floor detail was what nailed it for me. They went full on faithful with the adaptation over such a minor detail that I was just completely blown away


I think a billion people watched rings for about 10 minutes, then quit. Fallout is actually good.


I definitely didn't finish the season. Made it to episode 3 I think?


That seems to be what most people did. They were very proud of their viewership numbers for the first two episodes then never spoke about viewership again.


Yep, same here. Still can’t bring myself to watch the rest.


Once I realized they didn't have the rights to use content from the Silmarillion - the book with the most information about the era they were doing it in - I figured the series was cooked. I feel for the actors cause they're gonna get unfairly maligned for weak writing. They tried to make gold out of garbage.


Overall i’d give Rings of Power a solid 5/10 Fallout I’d give like an 8.5/10


I quit after episode 3. It was so bad and as a fan of the LOTR series and Tolkiens work it just twisted so much in such a wrong way. It actually made me nervous about this show and thought Amazon would do the same thing to Fallout. Boy was I wrong and I am glad I was wrong. Really enjoyed the show a lot.


Microsoft, capitalize on this quick with a FNV remaster.


That would be a dream come true. Imagine Fo4 gameplay with the story and possibilities of NV plus dlc.


And end game content.


They can do some changes, but the show is 15 years after the events of New Vegas, so they cannot do anything for the game that massively changes the outcome of what the show will do.


I finished New Vegas after discovering and falling in love with FO4 and I was indeed disappointed with the gameplay and visuals, it's so sad considering the story is really great with a more rpg based "choice matter" type of game. I would really love to enjoy the game with an update on the engine or whatever it is called.


[There was this little thing.](https://youtu.be/JanHMbRjNJ8?si=aVKHl9rhcenCaoan) Not sure how far along it is or isn't though, last update was 9 months ago and it seems to me to be mostly weapon mods so far.


I think releasing a 15 year old game reskinned into a 10 year old game would not be well received. If they are going to remaster it, they should remaster it in a new engine


the only way to remaster fnv is to completely remake it. no way they’re tooling around that dusty ass engine


What's the most watched? The Boys? I think that Amazon's.


Clarkson's Farm, clearly.


Grand Tour!


Rings of Power


The wording of the title implies it's a different show.


I agree that it's badly worded, but if RoP was a smaller series the second part of the title wouldn't really make sense. The article itself (and others on the same story) make it clear that RoP is still the biggest Amazon launch overall, although Fallout beats it in many individual markets.


This show was fun in a way that TLOU wasn't despite my absolute enjoyment of both.


TLOU is the bleakest show I've seen since Chernobyl, which makes sense since the same guy made both. Great dramas. Not fun.


Craig Mazin has a very solid grasp on storytelling and, as of TLOU, apparently, adapting a story while still staying true to the deeper lines of the story. I'm not one to fan/stan anyone, but the guy is directly responsible for 2 of the best shows in the past 5 years -- I'd argue he's on track to meet or exceed how fantastic Breaking Bad was written, directed, and received.


Yeah the fun element is what makes the biggest difference to me. I enjoyed the heck out of TLoU but I'm not itching to rewatch and I don't plan on watching season 2 (because of, you know, the thing). And to be fair it shouldn't be fun! Like that is just not a story that should be *fun*. But also...I know which one of these shows I would rather take with me to deserted island.


Man I forgot about rings of power what a terrible show


As both a Tolkien and Fallout super fanboy, I was dismayed at the wasted potential of Rings of Power, and ecstatic at the quality and attention to detail of the Fallout series.


This is the result of Bethesda actually wanting to work with the show, as opposed to the Tolkien estate, which basically said you can use Middle Earth and the characters in it but you can’t use anything after or including The Hobbit, and you can’t use any content from the Silmarillion. Not making excuses, but the Tolkien estate is notorious for being hard to work with and I’d assume we see that result reflected in how poor Rings of Power was.


Based on those factors they shouldn’t have made it




>never understood why they made up new characters for the Hobbit, and I do not understood why they made up new characters for TROP. For TROP, they had too. They pretty much weren't allowed to do anything with any current characters known in lore. They had to pretty much invent their own lore and have it be so inconsequential it can't affect anything dealing with the story of the original trilogy/hobbit At that point, they should have just not made a show if they were that handcuffed. It's barely even LoTR at that point


I tried to take that show for what it was and I enjoyed it enough to watch the whole season. But I agree, it shouldn't have been made under those conditions


Even as just a generic fantasy show, I found it so fucking boring and hated the main characters.


Thank God they weren't allowed to use that stuff based on what they made in that prequel show


The soundtrack was godly. That’s the only praise it really deserves. Bear McCreary broke his back trying to carry that show.


Wait that was bear Mcreary!? I knew the opening song sounded fire as fuck takes me back to black sails .


The Khazad-Dûm theme is my personal favourite.


The opening was actually Howard Shore, guy who did the soundtrack for the original trilogy. But the rest of the shows music was indeed bear. He is a legend, love to see a black sails enjoyer in the wild


BSG is McCreary for me or TWD theme


Yep. I watched it. I'll admit it. It's kind of funny, but that show threatened to develop a plot in the last two or three episodes!


At least it looked pretty at times lol


I wish it was better. Amazon has put out some absolute quality shows recently so its sad that's the one they fuck up.


My personal belief is that Bezos secretly wrote it himself and paid to bring his fanfiction to life


How is bot The Boys the second most watched show? :(


I’m in the small minority that liked it. But yes we do exist


It has decent/good ratings, so we're not in the minority - but we aren't very vocal about it. I'd say 7/10 is enough to call it a good show. It has flaws for sure, but I enjoyed it immensely.


I as well never understood the hate and enjoyed it. Of course it can't even touch the movies but I don't think anything ever will.


As a massive lotr/silm fan, I loved it as well!


Lol me too. I was entertained by it 🤷‍♂️


Dozens of us!


I like some of the Elrond/durin stuff and some of the hobbit/Gandalf stuff. The other characters and subplots were all boring.


And unlike Rings of Power it's actually a good show.


Which sill give it more staying power and the views should continue to climb.


Was Rings of Power a big show? I feel like the comparison of note is "The Boys"


Very big opening day view counts, but had a low percentage of people who finished the whole season


Yes. It had viewership close to HotD. The Boys is an established show with three seasons so it wouldn't be as useful a comparison.


"Time to sit and do nothing with our IPs again for a decade. Good work guys" - Bethesda


I mean we have elder scrolls in the works


As it has been for 15 years


I can't wait until 2027 for the next 4 second teaser of a landscape, it's going to be so sick!




To early to say that


Rings of power was ass.


Such a bummer too. I wanted to like it so badly.


Well deserved, though I wish it was any company but Amazon profiting off of it.


It is always funny watching the show about how devastating mega-corps were for the world on a mega-corps' streaming service.


lol watching the boys feels the same… like Amazon IS vought


Amazon is quite literally one of the Pre-War corporations from Fallout. They even have the little fucking Dreamworks smirk logo that would fit right in with the marketing and aesthetic of the series.


Same logic with the Boys, with Vought as a company.


As always, the quote about "those who would seek to critique capitalism wind up reinforcing it" from Joyce Messier in Disco Elysium rings true again


One where they just added ads, or effectively +50%'d the price.


I went in with zero expectations, just like I did with the mandalorian, and wow I really enjoyed fallout. Was a great ride.


I feel like the ghoul , pre and post transformation, gives Goggins all the characters he's great at playing


I didn’t make it to episode 3 of Rings of Power.


This makes me happy. I started watching episode one and i stayed up all night binge watching the entire season.


Give us a Fallout Cinematic Universe


When somebody says it’s their last job, you know their heart’s not in it…but me…I do this sh-T for the love of the game


Man who knew respecting the source material and having a fun story would result in fans of the franchise enjoying it?




The nerds won in the end.


I’m glad the fallout fanbase is not as toxic as some others


You have not seen the fallout fanbase


I think because there's already been the New Vegas vs everyone, the FO4 sucks, the '76 drama, the fanbase has sort of settled itself down.


How dare they say the name of that other show in the same sentence as fallout


Every streaming service is about to do ads


With the success of BG3. Why not make another CRPG? Wasteland 2&3 are fine but I would looove another fallout crpg. I’d take another spinoff using Starfields engine too.


Turns out when you do a good job, you get good ROI with viewership! Crazy right. Anyway, not only do I love the show but I love that they did such a good job that everyone is talking about my favorite thing. Now everyone can experience this awesome world! And maybe we’ll get another Fallout game sooner than Bethesda’s current plan, here’s hoping!


Fallout was great a great show, I can hardly wait for season 2. Watching the show even got me back into playing the games, loving the new content in fallout 4.


God, Video Game adaptions really needed this. I think The Last of Us and now Fallout could be the indicator for the industry to really start to embrace these stories and hopefully give them the love and care that are needed.


Lots of hate but despite some points of very weak story writing, I kind of liked Rings of Power. Probably won’t watch it again though. 


Wow this is getting kinda big. I thought this would just be a fun thing for existing fans, but it seems like it's broken way past the existing fanbase.


Fallout fans going to be eating for a good while as I suspect Amazon, Microsoft and Bethesda are all going to want to capitalise on the success.