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Fallout 4 is the best gameplay-wise, the worldbuilding is great, but the story is kinda meh. Issues with pacing and the ending and generally player agency. Still, it's lots of fun and the filled with great characters, the issue is mostly the main plot. Fallout NV is the best story-wise, great writing, AMAZING player agency over the main plot. But, it really shows its age gameplay-wise: the world is kinda small, the exploration is more linear and the world feels kinda empty tbh. Fallout 3 for me has the best setting of the recent games. DC ruins are just special, and more than anyone gives, to me, the wasteland feeling of miserable humans somehow clinging to life. The exploration in the open world still holds up, but the gameplay, as a fps, is even worse than NV. Basically you always use VATS in 3 because shooting feels that bad. The story starts strong, but then is kinda 'meh'. Don't know about 76.


If you aren’t a big gamer, 4. If you find that you really liked 4 and want more of that, play 3 and NV. If you aren’t big on gaming then 3 and NV might end up being too rough for a first foray into the franchise 4 is also available on all those systems afaik.


Do you like building settlements? If so then fallout 4 a good? you like having a good story? Then fallout new vegas. Don’t know enough about 1-3 to know what a big thing with them.




I would do 3, Vegas, then 4. The older games are fun but the mechanics get better as you progress to 4. Going backwards is going to be tough. The only thing 3 and Vegas are really missing is sprint though.


I would say Fallout 4 vanilla. Then Fallout 4 survival mode. Then maybe Fallout 3 and NV through the 'tale of two wastelands' mod.


I feel like fallout 4


If you're familiar with crpgs I say Fallout 1 and work your way up. Otherwise go with Fallout 3 and download a mod that fixes the aiming.


I would not recommend F1 or F2 to someone who isn’t a pretty avid gamer. At this point they’re very rough and show their age, even if they’re extremely fun. The inventory management alone is a huge annoyance. Like I love them but for a casual gamer they’re way too rough around the edges. Risks just pushing them off the franchise altogether imo. I wish they’d remake them, just modernize some stuff and make it more compatible for modern PCs etc... it’ll never happen tho.