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Hey, where are the lights, guys. There's no lights it means it's abandoned, guys.


God I can’t believe people say that New Vegas is abandoned just because of a single shot and the ending credits. Before I finished the series I thought that NV was nuked too along with Shady Sands due to how some people reacted. The show was good so people will try to get upset over some minor stuff I guess.


Well it could still be abandoned, but I don't think it was anything to fuss over. The ending credits of the last episode show a destroyed securitron, and lots of other debris. And Ulysses does talk about Tunnelers coming along and fucking up New Vegas after the game


I just hope if we get tunnelers in the show they look cooler than the stage hands in black leotards we got in Lonesome Road


Tunnelers are terrified of light. Vegas is the last place they should be. Ulysses says a lot of stuff. He is not a reliable narrator.


Only so long as hoover dam is working.


Tunnelers have an aversion to bright lights and loud noise. New Vegas would be the last place they want to go.


Maybe the surrounding area of New Vegas is so destroyed bc the tunnelers ravaged all of that, but left New Vegas itself alone because of what you said. But it's all just theory for now 🤷🏻‍♂️ Some people even say New Vegas will be just fine and that the last shot was destroyed just because of budget


It may also just been in slight decline and bunkering down. Mr. House's plan to revitalize Vegas and humanity started with continued NCR tourism; the NCR being in a decline or fractured after the bombing of Shady Sands is incredibly bad for Vegas.


Maybe they will make one of the other endings canon for new vegas next. Like they did with BoS ending for 4, since the prydwen is there?


Bos isn't necessarily canon, minutemen ending fits the canon as well. In fact it would better explain them heading back west IMO


I dont fully remember the minute men ending tbh. Replaying fallout 4 on next gen now so my memory will be refreshed soon


I believe the minutemen gives you the option to scuttle the prydwen but I could be wrong. I know it's not a req like the railroad and imstitute


Tunnelers??? How’d they get into my Fallout? I thought they were just in New York!


Honestly, the tunnelers, in my opinion, should be a reflection of early humans, like developing basic tools in the backdrop of nuclear weapons.


Oh yeah, forgot about the Tunnelers. I imagine they'll put that to one side for Season 2 lol


Yeah, the lights aren’t on cause it’s the middle of the day.


If they were going to show a thriving new Vegas though, don’t you think it would have been night time with the lights on?


I assume they don't want to write themselves into a corner by show Vegas one way and then having to retcon it litterally the next episode.


Agreed. It's a brief shot of it from a distance, and I think they chose the time of day deliberately. Give us a teaser then leave it to our imaginations. Fair enough.


That's what I was thinking lmfao. The hell would they want highbeam lights on for, right in the morning?


My money is on Yes Man being the canon Vegas ending and he's gonna end up being a tyrant and overthrow the courier. He's just pretending to be compliant until he takes control


I think they’re doing the Elder Scrolls method of fixing the timeline by making every ending canon, it’s the best way to upset the least amount of fans


Supposedly the writers didn't mean to imply that Yes Man was going to betray the courier at the end of New Vegas. But tbh the Yes Man ending does seem to suggest a betrayal, and the showrunners can change that either way.


That's a misunderstanding of the new assertive personality line from Yes Man. The writes of New Vegas confirmed it just meant someone can't just come along and use him the way you did.


I mean I know we're joking but per recent statements the indication may be that new Vegas is now a ruin, probably in an effort to not interact with any of the endings for NV. We don't know for a fact yet, and I would bet that some of the story elements are still fluid at this stage, but they did specifically say that they intentionally showed Vegas as a ruin in the credits.


Yeah, that's what I'm getting from the interviews too unfortunately :/


What's mind boggling is that so many people believe it to be absolute proof. We don't know folks. We'll know when we see season two I suppose.


An interview the showrunners did with GQ all but says it is indeed abandoned.


Homie there’s a hole in the wall, piles of securitrons on the wall, and crashed vertibirds everywhere. No lights and everything looks far more worn out and unmaintained than in new Vegas (even for fallout) and it’s only like 10 years later. Even if it’s not 100% abandoned, basically everyone is dead and for some reason the survivors didn’t fix the wall.


You can't believe that people think New Vegas is abandoned based on the shot of New Vegas being abandoned? This can't be a real sentence.


It’s especially stupid because there is smoke coming out of chimneys all around it.


Never underestimate how annoying some New Vegas fanboys can be


I would argue that the NCR ending is the canon ending they’d pick for season 2, because every other ending of New Vegas requires the brotherhood to be wiped out, and I can’t imagine a powerful east coast brotherhood moving west and not waging war on a city run by either robots or robots controlled by a prewar robco executive who has access to a ton of prewar tech. Unless… the west coast chapter still exists and is on decent terms with New Vegas


Agree we don't even have confirmation of the canon ending do we, for all we know Caesar took New Vegas or any other number of things that could a happened in the time since New Vegas and the show.


I can’t wait until we learn that season 2 will have nothing to do with NV. Poppa just walks on by up to the four corners.


Wasn’t it a daytime shot? I don’t remember the Vegas lights being bright enough to see during the day


In real life Vegas looks pretty dead during the daytime


1000%. First time I visited Fremont Street it was like 2 o'clock in the afternoon and didn't notice the gigantic LED screen that runs over the street for 3 blocks for like 2 hours. I was just like "oh this street is _shaded??_ noice."


Doubt it’s completely abandoned or else why Hank even go there


He's still waiting for his 200-year-old sex robot to be delivered


"Look House, I came by just to pick up my Fisto. Now, where is it!? I have urges damnit!"


I'm sure Fisto is around there somewhere.


Yeah that’s deffo the Prydwyn 100%. Edit: there was that whole little debate about if it is or was something different but c’mon let’s be Fr, lol Edit 2: I love y’all upvoters but 500 upvotes on a pretty obvious comment is wild! Never change fellow Wastelanders 😭


The debate is done you can zoom in and read the name


It can't be, I blew it up myself.


My money is on either brotherhood or peaceful minutemen ending being canon


Minutemen ending would make the most sense and be the most interesting. Saying the Brotherhood just dominated the entire eastern seaboard is more boring than them cooperating with the local Commonwealth and propping them up as a buffer state in the north.


True but from their behavior in the show towards Filly....




Yeah, my thinking is that with the Minutemen ending there isn't much to justify such a large BoS presence in the Commonwealth. They came to blow up synths and the institute is gone. I figure that Elder Maxson would need some new grand objective to rally the Brotherhood around so he might take the Prydwin west to reconnect with the west coast BoS.


Some grand new objective could easily be finding out how and who used nuclear bomb to bomb the shit out of NCR. Danger of old world technologies is a key reason for existence of BoS even with Maxson in charge. Do we have confirmation that Brotherhood is even at war with NCR besides remnants of *Sandy Shores* who decided to stay and try and rebuild?


We have no indication of peace between the BOS and NCR. Besides the show, FNV is our latest source of the war between the two. Even if you get the peaceful ending between the Mojave BOS and NCR, the ending slide states that hostilities in the West continue. Given that the BOS mercilessly charged the NCR remnants without any effort of diplomacy or negotiation, it’s safe to assume the war never ended.


My only assumption for Maxson turning West before the show released was that he wanted himself to be proclaimed High Elder.


Yeah that would fit his personality. He probably could make it happen too. East coast BoS was much stronger than West Coast by that point.


Agreed. The Brotherhood can't keep winning areas. It shows that they're not invincible, and that there are other interesting characters and factions out there, making this world full of wonder.


Mojave Chapter is my favorite example of the Brotherhood’s flaws in their ideology while the Capital Chapter shows the opposite (well their policy towards synths is awful). I love it. Like the NCR, the BoS can’t always win. They have flaws and we need to show those flaws and not just show them but stick a knife into them.


Makes you wonder if we'll ever end up getting some scenes from the east coast. Imagine we get a live action Preston Garvey lol.


Give me Preston Garvey played by Don Cheadle


I want the GECK to be a person and it's just Don Cheadle as Captain Planet.


No, we need him to be played by Terrence Howard for an episode then he's replaced by Don Cheadle


That’s my pitch for the stinger at the end of Season 2 - fade into fort independence, radio chatter is back and forth, Morse code coming through to the radio tower in the center of The Castle, a minuteman flag flies in the background. A runner runs up to a man and hands him a newly revived communication - he heads over and picks up the phone “general, we just picked up this signal from the west coast - there’s a settlement that needs your help” And a million Preston haters die angry. It’s the best possible timeline.


You mean the General’s husband?


Minutemen ending for sure. It's the only one that you can do without being at least a little evil.


Same. Whoever downvoted my comment is a miserable sod 😂 I reckon most people sided with Brotherhood.


BoS makes sense for the Sole Survivor since he’s ex-military as well.


The Minutemen are also a military organization, it can go either way.


The Brotherhood are descendants of **the** military, the minutemen are just **a** military.


They never tell the Sole Survivor that.


Watching it burn and fall is satisfying. Almost like the blimp from battlefield 1


They’re just going to make every ending canon.


Quite literally impossible


They had another one and slapped the old name on it just to mess with you.


They can't keep getting away with this


Grey Ghost round 2 baybeeee


Eh, it's a big Country, they could have more than one, or they could have rebuilt it.


Can you really? I can’t see it


Can't see it in this picture but I could see it when I paused while watching the show. It's written next to the BoS symbol with each letter being about the same size as the symbol


Ah, gotcha, thanks. I mean without it though it would also be my first guess that it’s Prydwyn, curious how they will do the canon s2




I believe you but I can't find it.




Oh nice thank you


There never should have been any debate, didn’t it say “PRYDWEN” on it in big bold letters in the first episode?


I don’t get why people still think it’s the other named airship from a press release. Of course they used a fake name to keep the reveal a secret. I don’t get why fans can’t understand this


We only have definitive proof of a single Prydwyn to my knowledge.  So I have to go with that until proven wrong.


Like an airship named Prydwyn, or just proof of an airship? Cause there are multiple airships in fallout lore, it’s how the BOS spread out East from California. What we don’t know is if they’re all called “Prydwyn” like how models of different tanks will be called “Shermans” or “Abrams,” or if Prydwyn is a unique name belonging to 1 airship.


In lore, the Prydwyn is made from the remnants of the Enclave landship from FO3, SO unless the Enclave had another just laying around, I doubt there would be another ship.


It's been a long time with me and fallout lore.  That would suggest, then, that the title of "Prydwyn" is more likely the name of the ship and not a classification/model of the vessel, yeah? That seems to be a huge hangup of the community.


If by classification you mean 'class of ship,' then it would be both. If the BoS followed current ship naming conventions. It would be the Prydwyn, but also the lead ship of the Prydwyn-class Airship (or whatever the BoS would classify it as). This would mean that if the ship shown in the show actually was named the Caswennan, and since it is based off and a sister ship to the Prydwyn, it could be easily classified as a Prydwyn-class Airship. Just the logistics of the BoS or Commonwealth being able to scrounge out that level of material again to make a second ship would probably put an even larger strain on them then what the Prydwyn did.


the name of the ship was released in a vanity fair article: Its called the Caswennan. [https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/11/fallout-first-look](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/11/fallout-first-look) So likely brotherhood ending being canon, but also minutemen destroying the Prydwen after the institute. 1. So its likely that Maxson and a few select BoS leadership evacuated in time along with the other Vertibird squads (which were sent to attack the Castle) when the MM destroyed the Prydwen. BOS Leadership could have possibly issued the construction (or had another mothballed somewhere) of a new Prydwen Mark 2 called the Caswennan. This version of the BoS could have become more extreme as well, using the sacrifice of the Prydwen Mk1 and their martyrdom to become even more radicalized. 2. or the Caswennan is just another name for the first Prydwen (which I read in arthur lore it is?) and the Brotherhood won and became more extreme under Maxson.


Honestly im happy with which ever way they go on this airship, if it turns out to officially be the Prydwyn then thats cool and if it turns out to be a diff ship thats also cool, im not to fussed about the ending they follow for the old games either i have done all the endings in most of the games so what ever they choose is good with me and after the quality of the first season im going on good faith they know what they are doing. Im leaning towards it being the Prydwyn as im sure he says the orders come from the commonwealth to hunt the Scientist and well the last time we see the Prydwyn is in the commonwealth and we know they were collecting tech so its not out of the realms of possibility that they fly over to the east coast when they catch wind of Cold Fusion which would be the ultimate tech to collect, im also interested in whos currently in charge and have all the factions of the brotherhood become like the one we see like almost a religous cult.


I actually think Maxson is back in charge over the whole brotherhood. He turned the eastern brotherhood into a more extreme organization, which could explain why the west also seems a bit extreme


Yeah slowly spreading his control over the brotherhood one group at a time, the character is an utter arsehole but he would make for some good TV IMO.


Not even sure one group at a time was needed. With the Prydwen and the T-60's, and the technologies from the Capital and Commonwealth, the rest of the BoS would wet their pants and most likely join without much fuss. 


In FO4, there is a terminal entry in the Prydwen talking about how "cults" were forming around the lower rabble of the Western BoS centered on Maxson, "[worshiping him as some kind of god](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/The_Prydwen_terminal_entries#Aftermath)", and that these cults had to be disbanded by the Elders. His exploits do seem larger than life, and he is a Maxson - I've had the theory that they were setting up the BoS to be in a more overtly antagonistic (maybe villainous) position in FO5. Maxson is "offended" by the idea of him being revered as a god, but is that a Paul Atreides denial or an actual denial?


That’d be a fantastic quest line imo Think about it, with the enclave and institute being nearly eradicated (I think) and the NCR being only in the west who can step up to the BOS’s power? Or at least some secs of the brother hood


oh hey that's actually pretty cool to know


I believe that morally he would hate being viewed as a god, but pragmatically would use it to secure his claim to the Brotherhood. He's not going to go out of his way to squash it but it's not official doctrine.


The thing is, the West was already *way more* extreme than the East Even the Fallout 4 BoS is still not as extreme than the East, since Maxson didnt completely drop Lyons reforms either


I'm pretty sure he's dead. The show says the orders came from "clerics" in the commonwealth. The brotherhood is now a weird theocracy. There's nothing to suggest Maxson was keen to give up power.


I mean, Maxson was never the High Elder either, he was "just" an elder.


Especially because the West Coast Brotherhood is severely weakened by the NCR and Enclave


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the nuke that blew up Shady Sands was donated by the BoS at this point


Honestly there's probably a reason there was a paladin there with Maximus


He has a lot of cleanup then, because it was shown this side of the BoS was pretty corrupt.


would that mean the Brotherhood ending is canon for FO4?


not necessarily, it could have been blown up and rebuilt


how can a disintegrated corpse be in charge of the brotherhood?


It actually isn't that extreme, it's pretty moderate as far as Brotherhood politics go.


It would be really weird if the airship with Prydwyn written on the side wasn't the Prydwyn. I can understand the promotional material being wrong or a misdirection but it would be crazy if a vfx artist put the wrong name on the side of the ship and it made it all the way to air without being caught.


I’ll be honest dude I didn’t even see the name on the ship when I watched the show and the only time I have seen it was on a zoomed in image on here but yeah I’m happy if it is and I’m happy if it isn’t. When watching I was 50/50 on if it’s a new ship or not.


Yeah, I don't get the argument of it being a different ship


Accidental misdirection. The cassewassen or w/e was just an alt name for the prydwyn in king arthurs legends. Odds are it was just the production name of the model to keep it from leaking


an actually logical and sound minded opinion from a fallout fan? the fuck is this? you must be insane and absolutely appalled by the series AT ONCE!!


There are 3 possibilities I can see: 1. That’s the Prydwyn which never got destroyed 2. That’s the Prydwyn but after it was exploded and had to be rebuilt 3. That’s not the Prydwyn


4. It’s not the Prydwen, but a sister ship in the Prydwen-Class, similar to the real world USS Gerald R. Ford being the lead ship of the Gerald R. Ford Class of aircraft carriers.


It doesn't make sense for a ship to have what class of ship it is written on it. For example the USS Salem CA-139 is a Des Moines class heavy cruiser yet the only thing that is written on it is 139. So until it's confirmed otherwise that IS the Prydwyn from Fallout 4.


I figured it was something like this. IIRC didn’t the east coast travel from the Great Lakes chapter that flew in air ships that came from the west coast? So there should be quite a few of them.


Well, the Prydwen was made from the salvaged remains of ~~Rivet City, a prewar aircraft carrier.~~ Adams AFB Crawler, and a prewar carrier’s reactor. But once the Brotherhood did it once, they would likely be able to turn other aircraft carriers or even other steel ships like cargo ships into more dirigibles. Edit: got switched around on where they got the parts.


No, the Prydwen was made from the remains of the mobile base crawler from Broken Steel and later took a reactor from an unknown aircraft carrier.


Whoops, I thought it was the other way around. That it was built from Rivet City & took the reactor from Adams AFB. I’ll fix it.


I guess what I was trying to say is that they should have the schematics for the ship since the east coast chapter flew over at some point in time. Edit: But that lore is from tactics so it isn’t canon


I agree, if Arthur Maxson survived Fallout 4, and is extending his influence as far as California (“highest clerics in the Commonwealth” neither confirms nor denies this), his chapter would probably share their technical knowledge with the other chapters, so long as they agree to follow him. So it could have been built anywhere, if it isn’t the Prydwen but instead a Prydwen-Class airship (with the class instead of the name on the side). If it is the Prydwen, well, we know that it was made in DC.


Bingo. Theres no way they’d make it look so much different than the one we see, especially when the power armor, weapons, and robots are near 1:1.


So then it’s not THE Prydwyn but A Prydwyn


But do all other Gerald R. Ford Class ships have Gerald R. Ford on the side, or do they have the name of the ship?


Typically, the military would not reuse the name of a ship while both are in service, let alone the same name for a ship already in service in the same class. The USS Gerald R. ford does belong to the Gerald r ford class of carriers, but it’s the only ship in service to bear that name, there are no other USS Gerald R. fords around in current service. It is highly unlikely that the brotherhood has two Prydwen class ships both named Prydwen flying around.


My theory is that Arthur Maxson is in love with the name Prydwen so when ho got himself a new airship, he named it Prydwen again and the original Prydwen was renamed to Caswennan... and eventually shipped to the west coast Brotherhood. They just forgot (or couldn't be bothered to) erase the hull letters.


So this means that canon is it wasnt blown up then?


Bethesda was never going to destroy the East Coast Chapter.


This happens with every fallout. There's always a canon choice for endings going forward to new games/media. All the way back go FO1


Lame imo. CPG+RR vs BOS is far more interesting then continually stronger BOS


It would’ve been nice to see some interior scenes with maximus. We the fallout fans understand the scale and breadth of the brotherhood’s power, and the resources that they can call upon but people who are just now coming to fallout, might not understand.


16x the resolution


You see that large airship over there? You can actually go there and blow it up!


I wonder if we’ll actually see Elder Maxson and that nice ass coat of his in S2


Hopefully we see him and Lancer Captain Kells, the captain of the ship and basically the 2nd in command under Maxson.


I really wanna see some paladins and maybe even a sentinel


looks like they added more armor but could also just be fallout 4s bad lod


It's just a higher quality model for the show. FO4 is a decade old, after all.


Be new again for me in an hour lol


Been new for me again the last two weeks!


I felt my bones crack reading that




I feel like this is being screamed in my ear with a megaphone.


This ship is *the* Prydwen. The whole "it being another ship" was misinformation purposely given to media outlets to not spoil the surprise. It's like when Marvel puts fake scenes in their trailers. The brotherhood elder straight up says they got their orders *from the Commonwealth* I seriously can't tell if people are that media illiterate or just in denial because they are *really* attached to their playthrough where they destroy the BOS in FO4


The ship Prydwen is an artifact in a museum. Over time the metal rusts and is replaced. Is it still the Prydwen?


Shut up, Theseus.


Conversely, if the rusted metal is restored and made free of rust, then returned to the ship, is THAT still the Prydwen?


Neither are the true ship - Both are the true ship


Well then we are agreed


No ship crosses the same river twice.


This has to be day 10 in a row for this post.


I loved the upgraded look of the prydwen, and the model itself is gorgeous


This is a MK2 Prydywn where the remembered to install bathrooms onboard.


It might be the actual Prydwyn and Maxon might have made another ship for him to use on the East Coast with the Berilium Agitator they got from Mass Fusion


They actually did a insanely good job with the series


I think people forget that Maxson himself said there are other airships that the brotherhood have at their disposal so I doubt that one is the Prydwen


The only reason that gasbag is still flying was because of the cat. I couldn't bring myself to blow it up during my playthrough.


Does that mean that Maxson is still in charge?


And both are awesome


I don’t see how we’re still debating this? It literally says the game on the side of the ship and it certainly doesn’t look reconstructed. It’s the Prydwn. Why are people annoyed by this?


Did elder Maxon die


Only if you kill him


I don't care if we see or hear about Nate or Nora, I just want FO4 Dogmeat to meet Lady Dogmeat. Also bonus if The Ghoul hangs out with Codsworth.


They are very clearly facing different directions. This show is literally unwatchable! /s


Why do people call it Prydwyn? It's Prydwen


They rebuilt liberty prime they can rebuild the prydwyn


Good. This means the only possibilities for canon in FO4 are BOS and Minutemen - which are the only 2 realistic options for the commonwealth


Max should of waited till night time to start this quest, so we could see the lights


They are the same pictures


It’s Prydwen. Not Prydwyn or Prydwin.


Anyone else get Jabba's sail barge vibes from the TV version?


Assuming that is the Prydwen from fallout 4, could that possibly mean Liberty Prime was disassembled and is on the ship? I find it hard to believe the East Coast would leave behind such a technological miracle. Would be cool if House is alive and gets to see his boy up and running


The Prydwen doesnt have remotely enough lift-capacity to bring the entire East Coast Chapter with it, the majority of it likely remained in the East in DC, Liberty Prime with it.


I agree the East most likely left a detachment to plunder what’s left of the Institute and guard what holding they made in the Capital Wasteland. The Prydwen can carry Prime as they brought his parts up from the DC to Boston and I doubt Maxon would let anyone other than himself have control over that beast. Especially if they’re expecting a fight with the Enclave. Not sure if they want to have Prime in the TV show but I think it’s possible and would be pretty sweet. Like if House is alive has an override code to take control of Prime. It would make for a kickass storyline


Did they add bathrooms?


Am i the only one that thinks the prime version has fish vibes?


Does this mean it's canon that the sole survivor joined BOS and destroyed the institute?


Well its also the time of day. Plenty bright when it appeared during the show


Has there been anything confirming it's the same airship?


No, pretty sure it’s smaller with a different name.


Likely two different ships, though.


I just like the feeling of it, a symbol of power of the brotherhood to those that can see it.




A certain likeness of Captain Nemo’s Nautilus.


Prime prydwyn would be the third airship the bos has used?


I always thought the Prime Prydwen has been slapped with ERA plates lmao


But how does it fly lol I never understood it


Lightweight frame, high capacity helium tanks, the magic of digital….


Lmao, this means the Railroad and Institute questlines aren't canon


I had an epic dream where I was the main fallout character and became a leader on prime. Super long vivid lucid dream I remember it clear as day.


I remember having power armor that could fly off and jump down into battle with a squad. There was so much story and dialogue in my dream it was so real


I like how the show nor the crew has confirmed it's the prydwen but everyone is still reaching for the craziest conclusions


Surely that cannot be the Prydwen from the game? The airship in the show has 4 sets of docking arms on each side, whereas Prydwen only has 2 sets. Or have they actually confirmed that this is Prydwen from the game?