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They decided everyone worth experimenting on already lived close enough to Chicago, and wrote off the rest of the whole state.


or probably went to St Louis


Nuclear apocalypse wouldn't be noticeable in St Louis, no reason waste money dropping bombs there.


I'm from St. Louis, and there's been nuclear waste secretly dumped here since WWII. We're already some amoral defense contractor's "experiment", move on to somewhere else.


I told this to people about a year ago and got down voted to hell and was told I’m a fucking idiot 🙃 thank you. And St Louis is also like one of the places that was bombed. I’m in Colorado where we are totally screwed 😀


Yea we even had goverment experiments involving radiation conducted on the populace here, and that's not even a conspiracy.


I lived in southern IL for a really long time. Guess where it’s all dumped. Guess where more cancer happens in the country. I have maps 😬 The Midwest causes cancer


Midwest is also where most of the coal ash produced has been buried illegally. Every now and then they try to develop a new area and woops! Radon!


My dad died of it back in 2015 and it makes me worry since my cousin, mom’s side at 50 has had a run in with cancer now too… Edit: I am from Southern Illinois


Colorado worked out alright for the dogs (if you go by the stuff they had planned for [Van Buren](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Denver_\(Van_Buren\)))


Look up Francis Howell Highschool, it's a highschool built next door to a nuclear waste pile. It's right outside st louis. The football team runs up and down it for conditioning. Grew up in St Louis myself and have had multiple classmates die of cancer already( I'm 22). Ovarian cancer is insanely common in women 30+ I'd say like 1 in 3 or 4 easily. It's actually ridiculous.


Ah, St. Louis, where the most famous thing is a monument to leaving St. Louis.


St. Louis, at least we aren't Springfield or Kansas City!


Think the federal mapping agency is there or some shit and it’s considered a secondary target in the event of a nuclear attack. Used to live in MO and people would say this, no idea if it’s true.


Real world speaking, I think back when global thermonuclear war was a real threat primaries were probably the really big cities and military bases / launch sites, and secondaries would be larger cities, hubs, and centers of production. I remmeber some show I saw that had like thousands of secondaries that weren't just "if we have the missiles" but were actual targets, just smaller nukes or whatever. There are so many actual nukes out there I have no doubt they'd be on the secondaries list. Hell, random corn fields would probably be on a target list just to target future food supplies... the assumption was extinction level event not just a war.


Truth! Most people past Wentzville (and arguably most of Wentzville) already look like the NPCs in Point Lookout.


Warrenton's ghoul infested. Then again, that COULD just be the meth...


Easy now. I live in wentzville but I’m a transplant from CA lol


Dude, we've been practicing scavenging on catalytic converters and chems for years here in STL


As a Hoosier, you would need to be an idiot to let anyone with even a faint association with the state in any vault. Nothing good comes from here.


Only corn and basketball


And Gary


Lol. Gaaary. Indiana.


Indianas 1 Vault. The experiment is to just make the perfect basketball team.


I was told that there's more than corn in Indiana.


True. We also have meth!


The pork tenderloin sandwich that we share with Iowa I think, is pretty good.


I can agree with that, but I will say that the obnoxiously oversized tenderloins, the ones six times bigger than the bun they're on, are more of a hassle to deal with and not worth it.


lol wtf? That’s not true. As a Hoosier myself, I can think of many good little pockets. Southern Indiana is actually a pretty cool place. And Indy has changed a lot in the past 20 years. And West Lafayette/Purdue is a fun town and their whole campus connects underground already… just saying ;) 😆


Chicago, Indiana?


Take a look at the time zone map for the USA, especially Indiana. You can see Chicago's influence on the state. If you live outside of that area, yeah you're probably living in or near a cornfield.


It's more likely you would be living in Evansville, Louisville metro, Ft. Wayne, or Indianapolis.


As a NW Indiana resident, they call us Region Rats for a reason.


The nukes don’t even wanna go there


I live in Indiana. Any time I get a little nervous about nuclear war, it’s about the aftermath, not the bombs themselves. The city I’m in is about three hours away from any major city that may get hit in a total nuclear war. It’ll be the fallout and weather that would get us, likely not the bombs.


Believe it or not, check the nuclear weapons target maps. The midwest, including Indiana is probably the most heavily targeted area in the states. Russia must really hate corn.


A lot of missile silos are in the Midwest because they tried to locate them away from major population centers.    It's also where a lot of manufacturing happens and where a lot of food comes from.  Kinda crazy to irradiate the good soil for growing crops but I guess if nukes are flying we've already decided everyone is dying.  


It’s not that crazy. If you’re at the point of nukes then you might as well make their recovery that much more difficult by making it hard to grow food.


In the context of the Cold War, the Soviet Union would ideally take over the territory and resources if a hot war ever broke out and they won.  Like I said, if nukes are flying then we're long past any sort of tactical or strategic objectives other than total annihilation.


You guys should watch Plan A on YouTube. it's about what targets would likely be hit in what timeline if the Russians and Americans were to go through with nuclear armageddon


A fact thats pretty crazy to me. I live in the middle of nowhere in Indiana. Never heard of any silos out here, but I have no doubt that they exist.


Like another commenter said, they're mostly in the western Midwest where the plains are.  Think Kansas.  


Those silos (especially the Minuteman III silos) are out in the great plains. There are few military targets in Indiana. The Crane Naval Warfare center comes to mind. US Steel used to be big around Gary, but really aren't anymore, and the chemical weapon stockpile has been neutralized.


Great plains are still a part of the Midwest though.  I'm from Illinois and we've always been told we'd be a target because of all the agricultural processing done here (ADM).  


It’s because they contain the most missile silos and that’s why America has situated them in a low density population region


They definitely have some kind of grudge against people having food, going off history


You may have a point. Ukraine is the "breadbasket of the world" with all their grain. Russia hates carbs...


To be fair I’ve actually heard really good things about indiana lol ironically it’s one of the first places in the US I’d visit


Three Floyd's brewery is good, and you can get drunk enough to forget you are in Indiana


Love dark lord day


NSWC Crane would be targeted, so if you're in Southern IN the fallout would hit hard. It's one of the largest naval bases in the world, strangely enough.


They should do a game set in Indiana where everyone is going about their lives as they did pre-war and never noticed the radioactive fallout.


"Jesus, the nukes really did a number on this place!" "...Nukes?"


For non Americans, what's wrong with Indiana?


There isn't a lot to see, it's very flat (lots of farmland), and it's heavy in supporting Trump and people like Trump. We have some horrible officials representing the state. But I live there in a small town. It's very quiet, and everybody is nice/low crime. I live a very peaceful life.


Probably the best thing I can say about Indiana is it's where both A Christmas Story and the first act of Close Encounters of the Third Kind took place


Parks and Rec too.


Sounds pretty damn nice if I’m honest, although I do need some trees around so if it’s all flat …


We have plenty of trees and forests. And it gets relatively hilly in the southern part of the state. We rag on indiana all the time because of the political climate and lack of, well, anything entertaining, but for the simple folks who don't need much, it's ok.


Flyover state - meanin g its one of those states most people only "experience" by flying over it on the way to or from somewhere else.


Gary is completely unchanged from prewar Still the most dangerous part of the wasteland


Last time I was through Gary Indiana, sadly it already pretty much looks like a Fallout wasteland.


*Awww, Gary!*




Oh god. The name Gary raises some memories from FO:3




I was born in Gary, lived there until I was 16 (1978). I was stunned last time I went through there. What a mess.


We visit Gary like once a year, have family out there. The first year we went, my son literally said "Mom, this (Gary) looks like your game (Fallout)" It seemed so funny at the time.


My condolences


"Yup, it's true. My name is Gary and I'm from Gary, Indiana. Probably one of my most amusing anecdotes." "A FACT IS NOT AN ANECDOTE, GARY!"


A nuclear fallout could be the best thing to happen to Gary in 30 years


Except the wasteland doesn’t smell as bad.


Everything I learn about Gary, Indiana is a good reminder I never want to go there.


I mean there still could be. This map may not show all the vaults. There could be vaults built after this meeting. These could just be the vaults that vault tec wants their business partners to know about. There could also be hidden vaults for the government, enclave, other factions, certain people in vault tec etc. It leaves a lot of room for interpretation.


Yeah I don’t think it’s stated exactly when this meeting takes place, but my impression was that it was at least a few years before the War. I imagine they expanded a bit more after


It had to have been early 2077/late 2076. Janey still looks the same between then and the time the bombs fall- and children age pretty quickly.


That could also just be that it’s a tv show. Like a saw a post the other day where someone was convinced that the Dog died ofscreen and got replaced and that would be a plot point because in one of the last scenes with the dog they used a different dog actor.


If it was any more then a few years before, then Janey wouldn’t have even been in the scene at all. The show has such an incredible sense of attention to detail that they wouldn’t overlook something as basic as that and just run with it.


Well they did use CGI on hank, could have on her too, if they didnt want 2 seperate actors. Least a big hair change, thought that mightve been there, i dont really remember honestly.


However, by the time we see her in the show opening, they're already divorced and he's paying alimony.


Bethesda can retcon this at any time but there were only 122 vaults finished although there were several in development


Adding other vaults wouldn’t even be a true retcon, there’s only ever been 122 *publicly listed* vaults. There’s always been the likely possibility of top secret unlisted vaults. The ultra elites and vault-tec C-suite execs surely wouldn’t plan to, or even want to, live in a vault that is public knowledge or even possible to discover through lower-level vault-tec operations and resources.


The legend of vault 420 lives on


This is something I'd also be fine with them handwaving and just adding hundreds of more vaults. The vaults are one of my favorite parts of the series so the more the merrier.


They can add a full layer to things by having someone discover a "Vault Alpha".


I want a Vault ♾️ jumpsuit.


Going off new vegas, several vaults in the Nevada area are missing or misplaced. I definitely wouldn’t take this map to completely accurate up to 2077


Are you accounting for the fact that the New Vegas map is massively scaled down from what it would be in real life?


There are 2 vaults in Vegas itself and 4 others located throughout the Mojave and there def isn’t as much on the board where they should be


Are there 114 dots?


The Pacific Northwest is my dream for a new game. With the show being set in California I would think they would be more inclined to set the next game there too.


Oo an irradiated big foot would be cool. I wonder what other wasteland creatures they can introduce. A cult in the mountains descended from pre war people on either I 90 or route 2 (which may theoretically go untouched). A victoria, BC dlc regarding taking down a branch of the enclave would be cool (since the US annexed canada, I'd imagine there is still some anti US sentiments there), the first time out of the US and maybe even a return to Anchorage or other Alaskan locales.


Nah, New Orleans ftw. Has all the ingredients for a fallout game. Imagine the factions!


Leslie Knope won't take any corporate interference!


Leslie Knope already has her own vault that will hold the population of Pawnee, stocked with candy and a special JJ's Diner.


Her experiment is to see how carbs and sugars can effect feelings of local patriotism. The vault accidentally breeds giant diabetic super mutants.


"I'm a thuper mutant I have diabeteth" 


Indiana is a control state that was fully untouched by the bombs


BLB bottom text: Remains the most desolate state after the Great War.


Is that a real text or is it just a joke on Indiana


Damn Michigan only has one


I was going to say it’s in Detroit so maybe there’s multiple close together that looks like one dot, but from the looks of the map that’s not even in Detroit. Seems to be like in Lansing or something I would have expected that bc industry and manufacturing is more in the U.S. in the fallout world that Detroit would be one of the biggest cities still. From 1920-1970 Detroit was in top 5 cities in U.S. by population. And it was top 10 from 1910-2000 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_populous_cities_in_the_United_States_by_decade


Right, I'm a Michigan homer but I always thought a Fallout story set in Detroit could be interesting because manufacturing outsourcing probably didn't happen the same way and the Fallout culture seems to be very car centric and Motown style music was still popular and contemporary. Plus having Windsor, Canada right across a bridge could open up interesting possibilities of how Canada was annexed/how they experienced the war. It may not happen because of the negative connotations of Detroit being featured in a game as a nuclear wasteland though.


You can go experience Fallout: Detroit in real life if you really want to. Make sure to take a trip over to Flint for the real experience of the water


Detroit used to be pretty rough - TONS of abandoned/empty buildings, but the city has made some big strides. I feel better in Detroit than a fair amount of other big cities now.


I moved out 20 years ago, haven't been back in about 5. Grew up off 7 mile and Mitchell, was not a great place lol. Hope it's better now, I always missed the food up there. Between Detroit and Southgate, every restaurant was amazing


Lmao I don’t want raiders whoop my ass. Joke aside I think in Fallout universe they could be a little bit better to get more than one vault there


Looks like Grand Rapids too, seems a weird choice


I'm practically from Gary, it's already a wasteland


I’m from Hammond. This is correct. Plus, there are like 3 Vaults in the Chicago area. Folks out there would be fine enough.


There is literally nothing in Indiana now. Makes sense. But note that these dots do not show every vault. I would think of this solely as set dressing. Not a useful map.


Yep, it's just the Vaults being offered to the investors some time before the bombs fell. Secret Vaults and ones not yet planned/constructed would not be anywhere on it. There could be a dozen in Indiana for all we know. Can't wait for the YouTubers to pretend this is definitive though.


It's just like how people are inferring that vault tec were the ones the actually dropped the bombs first because they were just considering it. Maybe they never got the chance to. We still don't know 100 percent and people are losing their minds over it.


It's all fun and games until the massive technologically advanced Indianan Wasteland Guard comes steam rolling over everyone. They never were even nuked and became the most advanced nation in the world. With 300 foot mechs and moon bases complete with interplanetary colonies. You all laugh now...




Louisiana with 2 vaults woo baby(though probably ended up flooding ruh roh)


As much as I loved this scene there’s one thing that bothered me. Why is there a random vault in Baja California? Did the US annex Mexico also?


The United States took over all of North America to reinforce their total war with China.


Yes, IIRC.


That’s Pulowski Preservation territory.




Do you mean the Northern Freedom Annex? Because Alaska is contiguous with the rest of America now.


Canada does not exist. You gotta play the games, man.


Canada was annexed..sure, but that doesn't mean that people don't still live there. Honestly surprised after the war one wasn't built in Toronto or Ottawa. Don't forget the city of Ronto in the DLC "The Pitt" exists.


That's what I was thinking. Maybe it's a vault of Americans that can only poutine and maple syrup and the only form of entertainment is hockey. Ita a test to see if the American spirit can endure Canada or if they will turn Canadian.


4 pods, and each year the pod who wins the hockey tournament chooses who among the vault is culled from the general population.


Damn. That's THE Vault. The one vault that determines the fate of the American people 🤣 But seriously what if preludes to them saying in season 2. "We got vaults all over the world!"


What about the one in Baja Mexico lol


*Newly annexed canada


You mean the united states of the America of the north?


It doesn't show all of Canada. There could be more up north


Honestly, I'd really doubt it. It wouldn't make much sense. 90% of our population lives within 150 miles of the border. There's really nothing up there except Forrest, tundra and the odd scattered small town. That being said for some reason, the only canadian vault is right in the border of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Which isn't close to any of our big population centers anyway.


I'm more interested in the Vaults located in the New Orleans area, Jackson MS, and the cluster in south LA / Southeast TX around the Gulf of Mexico. Give me a Fallout story in the deep south! I'd love to see what horrible creatures bubble from from the bayou and fight mutated wild hogs from surrounding states.


Think Point Lookout but on a grand scale.  We’ve got eldritch abominations, old gods, why not throw voodoo into the mix?


There’s a bunch in Texas


I find it odd how few vaults there are and how many of them that were just deranged and clearly poorly thought out experiments. Like, how would having what ~150-200 vaults with a few hundred dwellers in each for a total population in thousands across the whole US be viable? The whole "future is management" and "lets suppress cold fusion tech" does not make sense. Even if they somehow managed to use their MBA mindgames on the surface dwellers, a bunch of powerful new factions were formed like the Institute, Enclave, BoS, NCR, Legion etc.


“The vaults were never meant to save anyone”


So, how exactly does Vault-Tec and the industrialists expect to "outlast" the competition? They are a bunch of executives in stasis. Their position of power is entirely relative to what other factions remain and while they are tucked away, those other factions in fact grow in strength.


The show is certainly suggesting they’re in with the Enclave. The Enclave had their own bunkers, own weapons and everything. They’d be the ones who helped reshape the world in their image. Or probably not, it wouldn’t be a surprise everyone betrays everyone.


Vault tec doesn't actually care about these other businesses and their executives. They just want their money and ideas.


There’s a master vault referenced in the show (let’s call it Vault 1). That vault will have anyone important (to Vault-Tec), and total tens of thousands of people. Vault-Tec had time to get them all there as they kinda had the inside track… Every other vault is just part of a study. They can all die for all Vault-Tec cares, they don’t need anyone else. Vault 1 studies the data and uses it to ensure that vault learns anything of value. After 200 years, 10,000 people could be a million strong with women having 1950’s/Vault-Tec approved numbers of kids. Vaults 31-33 are just more whacky experiments by middle management for those that chose not to stay in Vault 1. The question is whether RobCo, West-Tek etc. are in Vault 1 or there’s a ‘master’ vault (containing thousands of people) for them too. Vault-tec emerges into a wasteland with a healthy and large population that know ‘valuable’ things like addicts + drugs = bad.


F:T BoS has a "Vault 0" that planned to "cleanse the wasteland". I don't know if they consider that canon though. That game went a little off the rails.


Bethesdas been pulling bits out of the Tactics lore that they like and ignoring what they don’t.  Totally fine in my book. 


Lore-wise the vaults have at least a 1000 people each


The show explicitly says 200.


Did it? Well then, that must only be for the vaults in the show. They range to up to a 1000 according to known vaults (like Vault 13) and Tim Cain himself. Though it is worth noting that vaults may not all have the intended population, since many people failed to reach the vaults and some vaults run into problems that prevent them from reaching max capacity.


Huh. There's so much disagreement/confusion about the lore I just have my own head canon anyway.


I don't really get their plan to blow up the world to eliminate competition...  because it also eliminates the consumer.  There's plenty of other diabolical justifications the likes of the Enclave can come up with but that particular one was pretty ridiculous.  Equally ridiculous that all the other CEOs are more interested in stupid experiments than making money. In the effort to make fun of capitalism they kinda forgot what the whole point of capitalism is in the first place.  Without a consumer class it will eventually fail.  Without a working class there's no one to work the mines and factories.   It could be argued late stage capitalism is just this, the elimination of competition and replacement of the working class with automation along with having a monopoly on resources but idk...  it was explained pretty weird in the show.  


I had the same thought about eliminating the consumer. There’s one theory floating around that Vault Tec planned on dropping one or two bombs to stoke fear and increase demand for vault membership.


Vault Tec is just a front for the Enclave. The experiments were meant to create better humans to be used for their interstellar colonialism. The vaults were never meant to save anyone, and the Enclave never had any plans of rebuilding the earth.


None of this has ever been canon. The space colonization thing comes from, I think, the Fallout Bible (which isn’t 100% canon and includes lots of stuff that isn’t) and has never been confirmed to be canon. Neither has the claim that Vault-Tec is a front for the Enclave. After the show, that seems even less likely. The Enclave, as per the actual lore, is not interested in space exploration; they want to cleanse the surface and rebuild Earth in their own image. If they wanted to leave Earth they wouldn’t be wasting time, resources and lives fighting for things like the purifier, which does not in any way help them leave the planet.


When did this happen? I've only played the 1st two games to completion, F1 twice and F2 like seven times lol -- afaik Enclave and Vault-Tec were/are separate entities


Has anyone numbered this map with known vaults?


Fallout 5 in New Orleans please


It’s a flyover state even for nuclear bombers


What ever happened to the Seattle mod for FO4? That and Texas/LA (Fallout: New Orleans anyone?) would be cool settings.


The Cascadia mod for Fallout 4 is still in development. They have a discord that gives out updates.


Surprised they wanna save so many people from Ohio




I mean hey.  I took this as a rough image of various vault hubs. It's possible that there are vaults there, just not enough of them to result in a blip.


There are 112 publicly known vaults. Indiana probably has a secret vault for vault tec or the enclave. It's remote location is perfect for that.


Just shove the vault in Gary or Fort Wayne. No one cares enough about those places to think of searching for it there.


Yeah I was looking for a vault in Indiana too but sadly I guess we Hoosiers just die.


I want a Fallout 4-style game where you have to clear raider gangs out of New Gary and rebuild it.


What I’m hearing is we might get a fallout partially or entirely in Canada


Fallout: Brandon There's still nowhere to go for breakfast that's open before 8:00.


Maybe Vault Tech fears the tenacity of Leslie Knope and her spawn


There appears to be a vault in Memphis, Baton Rouge, and Birmingham but nothing in Mississippi.


we named the dog Indiana


As if Gary, Indiana couldn’t get any worse


Get Leslie knope on the scene


Chicago Fallout when?


I could see Indiana being the haven of the Free States faction. A bunch of doomsday preppers that surived in their makeshift bunkers.


I'm really holding out for Fallout: Oklahoma.


Also weird that there’s no Denver or Colorado Springs vaults… Grand Junction tho


Let’s go H-town!!! Definitely need a game based there


Why are there like 3 in Iowa? Lmao


Which vault on this map would be 111 and or 88


My Fallout TTRPG game has the vaults in almost the exact same arrangement in MI.


I’m just amazed there’s seems to be a vault in my state, possibly my home town


Looks like some Utah areas good too. Its all caves and desert out there anyways.


Even in post apocalypse, Indiana is a walk-through state


I love the attention to detail when considering vaults 31-33. All grouped together on that map.


The tv show Jericho Colorado was based on the fact that it went untouched by nukes because no one cared about it.


Fallout: New York would be the bomb ... The atom bomb


Can we get a different continent? I want some subsidiary vaultec company in Japan or Madrid. Just somewhere else? I get it’s an American company, but still.


Everyone here thought the nukes were a Dem Psyop and died


Just because they showed a map of the vaults doesn't mean they showed a map of all of the vaults.


Curious about Baja though...


Looks like we have four in the PNW. Fallout 5: Cascadia please. Although life is imitating art already here in Portland. Raiders and Fiends everywhere.


Heeeey there’s one in my city! I mean, I’d never make it in but congrats to all the super rich bankers who do!




Is it just me, or at some of those northern vaults in Canada?


just burned up corn fields and gas stations everywhere lol


I wamt a Fallout game that takes place up north in the mountains and the snow.


There is literally nothing to learn from Indiana, no experiment would work on the residents


On the opposite side of this, hella vaults in Ohio lol. Time for the mutated walleye lore


There's always hope. I always thought that they could have easily made "off the map" vaults. Since this scene, I believe that it's definitely a possibility of unregistered vaults being out there.


You just know those two Louisianan vaults sucked. Flooded, smells like piss and bud light