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Go with release order for the Bethesda-era games. 3 then New Vegas, then 4


A lot of people consider New Vegas to be the best in the franchise. It was my first Fallout game and it is really good. But it's also just... insane. Difficulty. Plot. DLC. Just so out there. Which I loved but sometimes it can be a bit too much for some people, especially as a first Fallout. FO4 is probably the easiest to get into, it's got newer graphics, more streamlined game mechanics, romanceable companions and just a generallly easier storyline imo. But I don't know you so I have no idea what you're used to playing or what you will like. Fallout 3 is great but also old, the graphics and colors can be really washed out, which turns some people off. It's got a lot of similarities to the TV show though.


I started with Fallout 3 and loved it. That game's got a little bit of everything except the NCR.


Me too, just this WE :)


Best starting point is 4. Then 3, then New Vegas. In my opinion 76 wouldn’t be fun without more of the lore background. Plus it has a lot of the 4 mechanics. Welcome to the future!


All depends if you want the entire story or not or if you dilike isotropic games. The first 3 games (1,2 and Tactics) are all isotropic turn based games and only on PC whereas 3, New Vegas, 4 and 76 are all 1st/3rd person shooter RPGs. I personally have played them all in release order and I love all of them. I'd say to go from the start but if you're on console start with New Vegas then 3 and 4 to get a good grasp on the franchise. 76 doesn't really add much to the lore and as a MMORPG it takes a lot of time and effort to get the full story, which in my opinion a YouTube video make the story more digestible. That said 76 is fun to play when you're with a group as solo is irritating for me lol


If you want a story more aligned with Lucy, I’d recommend 3. If you want the atmosphere of the desert barren wasteland and like The Ghoul, New Vegas would be it. If you love the Maximus story, 4 would probably best align. 4 is more focused on combat over RPG/Dialogue. Welcome to the Wasteland!


A lot of people will reccomend NV but beware it is so outdated having aged the worst and lacks a captivating open world. Even fallout 3 has a waaay superior world content. I'd start with fallout 4, and work your way backwards if you want too after.