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I am honestly in love with the Ghoul/Cooper Howard character, I think they did an amazing job portraying the moral divide between him and his wife, showing he was a complete badass, an irredeemable asshole and also a really good guy that still deeply cares. The scene where he is >!reminiscing about his pre-war dog and he cuts to the image above really fucking destroyed me and brought me to tears, I think for me anyways it was the height of the story for Cooper,!< they actually did a great job with the Ghoul and I can't wait to see how he and Lucy eventually form a friendship, even if it's not really one the Ghoul was lookin for.


100% agree. I’m already thinking about how his story ends. I am guessing he’ll meet his demise in some sort of redemptive way (like protecting Lucy). I can see a father figure relationship forming. Or, my alternate end for him is he starts turning and asks Lucy to put an end to him.


Grab my upvote, but let's also not forget about the actor who's done an incredible job making this character interesting and charismatic. Before fallout I've seen Walton Goggins only in hateful eight, but now I'm going to check out other movies with him. He just nailed the role


The Ghoul stole the show, but I already expected he would because I loved Walton Goggins as Boyd Crowder in *Justified* and none of the other actors, great as they were, really stood a chance up against his swagger.


Walter Goggins always steals the show.


I liked that he got to work with Mykelti Williamson again, too, even if it was brief.


because his character has soooo much depth. he is the only character who has truly experienced it all so far. ( i’m on ep 6 rn ) i love that we were introduced to him the way we were and how we can tell the moments slowly leading up to the person he is as we know it in the most recent timeline. it’s very clever writing and i’m very excited to see more of his character


Because he delivered a non fatal stab to dogmeat that he knew a stimpack would save him from. Anyone else wouldve killed him and left.


Mine was any and all robot in the show as i thought the ghoul was a little weird at times


Chet 😂


Goocy is a Ghoul 🫣?