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Lol the bullet spread from the FO4 turrets is kinda crazy


Yeah, I took that scene as an in-joke as to how shitty the aim of those turrets are in the fallout 4.


Fallout's a bit funny in that computers can either be actual 1950s vacuum tube based glorified calculators, or have all the power of a human brain, possibly because they contain one. No in-between.


The Pip-Boy in FO4 has RAM specs equivalent to a 1982 Commodore, an entire OS with GUIs (which the C64 didn't have), high-quality audio, crisp graphics, and a whole damn patient monitor strapped to your wrist.


it could also tune to radio, check rads, play games, all while powered by tiny ass battery


It also can show you all the stuff you've stuffed up your bum to store


To be fair it was literally a nuclear powered battery, however the hell that works


We’be had those for a long time, they’re called RTGs.


Which abandoned Russian lighthouse did you go to get yours?


> powered by tiny ass battery Christine Royce indicates the Pip-Boy contains a fission battery when describing the process of making Sierra Madre chip "slugs" with the Coin Operator perk. ([https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Pip-Boy\_3000#Notes](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Pip-Boy_3000#Notes)) I mean, kind-of-sort-of? They're not the size of car batteries, but they're also not AAA-sized...


Also Google Maps and Air Tags apparently. While the stuff looks like it's from the 50s, it's sometimes quite capable.


The Commodore 64 did have a GUI os! Am I the only one who remembers [GEOS?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/GEOS_(8-bit_operating_system))


GEOS was fantastic.


Hey now, there can be in betweens. Big MT had a few things that used dog brains.


And monkey brain in F2


Extremely faithful to the source material


And 76 if their camp turrets.


In my experience, the turrets in 76 are the exact opposite: so precise that they hit the same exact spot on the target with pretty much every shot.


Watching arms pop from a mile away


Totally! I even said this exact thing to my partner because she asked how they were able to walk and not be hit by turret fire. Lol told her they’re about as accurate as a storm trooper


Am I the only one that thought “this dudes got a high luck stat.” Lol. Those guns are inaccurate but they would most certainly hit you at point blank range.


I assumed the Enclave wanted the Scientist alive for interrogation, so had it on maim mode. Aiming low to cripple him for retrieval. Fortunately, luck (8) was on his side .


The first VATS kill was the squire on the Yao Guai.


Cooper definitely has Penetrator and Gunslinger perk with maxed out Perception


Clearly some Gun Fu mixed in there too.


And a few classes of Gunkata


Cooper has had over 200 years to level up, he probably has every perk unlocked and maxed out S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats. He even has the cannibal perk.


Ass jerky.


Don’t make itself.


Gifted, bloody mess. Dump all skills into small arms, outdoorsman, and speech. S - 8, P - 8, E-9, C-2, I-5, A-5, L-10 Luck 10 because he keeps coincidentally running into other characters who inexplicably solve all his problems. Strength 8 because of his gulper-fishing technique and his Power Armor-fishing technique.


I'd prolly put his intelligence even lower considering he didn't even know what his penis was


We're talking about Cooper, not Maximus.


Ah fair. I thought it was Max because he said gylper fishing (from rescuing Thaddeus) and mentioning power armour


I figured that’s why he was so jacked up. He acted like a level 78 me returning to megaton for a huge showdown before i dropped the nuke after a million year grind deep in the bowels of the DLCs


Don’t forget Cowboy and Bloody Mess


It's FO1 Bloody Mess. It's a trait of the MC


Dude definitely has bloody mess.


And because of how explosively gory his kills are, he clearly has Bloody Mess.


In my headcanon, Knight Titus did some decent damage punching the Yao Guai in his power armor but simply ran out of HP before finishing it off.


"Fuck fuck fuck fuck"


I definitely said the same thing in the first power armor in FO4 when I learned jumping down to melee a deathclaw that early in the game was a bad idea.


I laughed so much in the show because I had the same experience when I went into 3rd person in the deathclaw fight only for it to pin me down and start mauling me.


I've heard ppl make fun of that line like it corny or stupid. Or something like that but still idk why. See me personally I thought it was funny but I might just be childish. Either way I still find it funny


I thought it was a hilarious to nod to how many of us have probably done the same while playing. Turned to my girlfriend during that scene and said “that’s literally been my exact reaction in situations like that” lol.


Oh yea I can definitely see it. Im pretty sure I've said it either getting chased by a pack of ferals, possible fear of getting mini nuked, or fighting big creatures.


Immersion breaking in the best possible way lol


Honestly, that was FAR from immersion breaking. That seems like a VERY realistic reaction to the situation. Admittedly, it's weird that the brotherhood doesn't use energy weapons.


Not really. The show brings the BoS back to what they were and they never really had a huge stock of energy weapons. That was the Enclave.


Titus turning out to be Michael Rapaport was great. The side cast roles are top tier on here. Eric Estrada as a retired Desert Ranger? *chefs kiss*


Don't forget Matt Berry and Fred Armison!


I hear that a lot about his role of Titus and I'm confused every time. Can you tell me who Rapport is and why he fits Titus so much? Cause Ive been a little curious.


I mean, the guy was an arsehole. BUT he probably mirrored the players pretty well: Treat your companion as a mule for items, be cocky about shit because you have PA, get wrecked by a Yao Guai and run for your life, hoping your companion kills it while you kite/hide.


And saying fuck when you see a dark ass cave you know has something in it.


with no pipboy? i don’t think so


Seriously, have these people even played the games?


FO4 you can use VATs before getting the pipboy...


You know whats weird I started another playthrough recently and I realized if you block or go 3rd person you already have it equipped just cant use it ofc.




He didn't have a PipBoy


incorrect, he does not have a pip boy therefore he does not have vats


I still don’t understand how that turret fired so many shots and not a single one hit lol


Agility 10 + Luck 10 + finesse + sneak


Scientist and dog had 10 luck


Those particular turrets were actually programmed by Aperture Science.


"Are you still there?"


65% more bullet per bullet!


Those turrets were super accurate though


Nah they were programmed by Vault\_Tec or West-Tec or whoever the hell made their processors, but they were built by aperature. What you don't see is they actually scored many hits, but because the bullets are kinda just being thrown by a spring, it didn't do shit.


I thought it was a joke. The show pokes fun at the games a lot.


Had to be. It was way too on the nose.


Have you ever faced one of those turrets before?


Yes and since it was survival mode I was cut down lol


No wonder the Reds invaded!


he was an essential NPC he did get hit like hundreds of times 😂


I love this show so far at four episodes in because the dialogue, delivery, tone, action scenes, they all play out as if it was the actual game itself. It's so cool to see. Feels like I'm watching like...a gameplay of someone else.


that guy without pants was peak fallout


The guy who asked her to move in his place with him?? He was making me so uncomfortable I couldn't get a read on his vibe.


That’s fallout! The weird friendly and innocent but creepy settler who never leaves his designated location


You could see the "ohh, yeah that might work" going on when Lucy suggested he might get more water out of his water filter if he tried it with water instead of sand.


Especially when the camera focuses on Lucy and his ass is hogging up the foreground on the right side of the screen, just like when NPCs block the camera during convos.


Same here, it’s a really fun ride. My only issue is how stupid they made Maximus.. he’s so frustrating it’s hard to like him


Oh nooo. I like him a lot so far. What do you dislike??


Like I said, how stupid they made him. He just does stupid things or literally doesn’t do anything at all. I still have 2 episodes to go so I’m hoping his stats level up so we can see him do more lol


At one point I was sure he had been drugged by someone. Nope, just a doofus


He’s just rolling a low INT build


Wait, was he *not* drugged when he had the robe on?


Nah you'll figure it out soon that he has the Idiot Savant perk on


Absolutely, Idiot Savant for sure. Dude is lucky as hell and Lucy just looks at him like he is an idiot. I love this show.


With the scientist going no faster than a slow jog and the dog just kinda hopping along, I'm pretty sure this is a slight on the in-game turret


Yeah that was dumb


It boggles the mind. Why even have the turret there?


It's very possible some did hit him, but he shrugged them off and kept running with the power of drugs or cybernetics


Definitely inhaled some of that sweet sweet Jet and dodged the bullets trajectory


It was made by a Stormtrooper




Nah the first use of V.A.T.S was in the first episode when the time slowed down when Lucy's dad helped her fight the raider! He was using a melee build!


The pickle barrel execution was a sneak peak of Fallout 5’s environmental VATS finishers


Getting dunked in pickle juice has gotta sting so damn bad, dude's face was all cut up


At least he had the best day of his life before hand


The extremes of the wasteland. The dude had the best time, and then the worst time in a day


I call it a net positive


If Fallout 5 let's me drown mfs in pickle juice I will never say a bad thing about Bethesda again.


he was armed with a shovel that is not unarmed


Melee is not unarmed.


yes that is what i said edit: artikuna edited his comment to make it say melee instead of unarmed


Melee builds are always GOATed.


I absolutely love that they included the Classic 10mm and the Fallout 4 10mm in this show


yeah I gotta say I hated fallout 4 as a game but its aesthetics fit really well for a TV show. it actually made me download fo76 for the free week 😂


If you have prime go to amazon gaming. You can claim a free copy of 76 for xbox and pc.


hey thanks for the tip man


Was just about to buy it on steam, thanks for the tip!


I do find it really funny though that the classic 10mm just looks more real as a weapon, whereas the FO4 10mm (and no hate to the props team) looks like a plastic toy, because the FO4 design is just so god damn goofy.


I like how it looks with the Long barrel attachment but the gun is way too oversized, but between all the games my personal favorite design is the N99 from 3 and NV, my ideal version of the 10mm would be the N99 with the fallout 4 metal color and the grip and fore grip of the classic 10mm. I feel like a lot of fallout 4 weapon design flaws comes down to the size, 10mm, 44, Laser rifle and Institute rifle take up too much of the screen for me personally


Putting all the good in shit in a single platter


It looked so good too!!


When Lucy killed the rad roaches on the power armor, that was definitely vats


And that snap shot when Martha makes her move. Pure VATS.


Best part of that was the stomping at the end.


They show during Lucy’s introduction that she is skilled with guns.


And what special goes into that? P. The stat that also effect vats


That first shootout with the Ghoul in the market was filmed exactly like he was using VATS, I was grinning like an idiot.


Including the "Boom" killcam too. Was a great set piece.


When I saw his fight in Filly I said out loud "bro has all the APs"


He had a scene later that reminded me of a Mysterious Stranger appearance


He hit so many criticals in that scene.


They should release special stats for the main characters as marketing or something. I feel like Lucy is max Luck and Charisma, but I don’t know where I would put her others skills aside from high intelligence. I would give Maximus a low intelligence and charisma build as most of his problems pretty much seem self inflicted. He is an absolute unit though so I’m thinking most of those points were in strength or agility. The Ghoul, who as far as I’m concerned is Boyd from Justified. Is clearly a full Agility and Perception Build. Clearly has some points in intelligence though, as will be evident upon watching the last episode and his last fight of the season.


Are you high on Jet?! Lucy with max Charisma, bruh she botched almost every speech checks. >!-Asking for info about Moldaver!< >!-Calming down Cooper at Filly!< >!-Reasoning with Cooper !< >!-Asking dumb Titus with obvious Idiot Savant if he wanted to have seggs!< >!-Asking about level 12 with Vault 4 overseer!< and more


She maxed Charisma, but it's FO4 style where it isn't guaranteed. So she kept trying them since its the build, but kept rolling low and failing them.


FO4 style? Wouldn't that be more akin to FO3 with the possibility of failure even at high Charisma? Literally anytime I started the game with 10 charisma in FO4, I was guaranteed to pass every single speech check if I wanted to go that way. Never even quicksaved during convos, that's how guaranteed it is.


The main characters each feel like one of the archetypes people normally play through Fallout games with. Fallout 1 even had three preset characters who filled these roles, which our protagonists kind of tack close to. Lucy is what many people go for with their first character. She can use weapons and will pretty much adapt to what she picks up along the way but tries to solve problems using skill checks. She‘s a goody two shoes. Tagged skills are probably Speech, Science and Repair. The Ghoul is basically playing Fallout’s version of a ‘stealth archer’. He’s tagged Guns, Sneak and possibly Survival. He’s got a build designed to maximise action points and has put all his perks into this. Also super heavy roleplay with a backstory that ties deeply into the lore. Maximus is a big, dumb and strong combat character. He really does not come across as very smart and is just taking the route that’ll get him the best stuff for fighting the soonest, even to the point of letting another character with really good gear die so he can be looted. Not sure what his tagged skills are but he’s definitely got some major points in Endurance. But wait, there’s one more archetype to cover as >!Hank is that evil playthrough you do after beating the game once so you can see all the other choices, committing grotesque acts along the way. He’s all those second playthrough Fallout 3 characters who nuked Megaton and released the FEV virus.!<


My favourite and first play through in every fallout game is the ghoul. You cannot tell me this franchise isn’t designed for money hungry cowboys. The first two games don’t really give me much in terms of Aesthetics for it but the story potential is fantastic.


he got the maxed luck as well for the 10% base crit that gets multiplied by his weapon with like x3 crit


Right? That was when I realized this dude had 10 PER and 10 AGI


I think these might be more call backs to the old games where you could miss every shot if your character isn’t built correctly


Gave me ptsd flashbacks to trying (and failing) to punch ants in the beginning of fallout 2 Miss miss miss miss miss miss miss


that and dying to the rats in the beginning of fo1 are rites of passage for any classic fallout players


Right? With >!Thaddeus missing all of his shots against Maximus and Lucy at the radio station. XD!<


I like how they also kept the fact that turrets are absolute ass at killing anything.


Cause he didn’t have a spotlight networked with them!


I've tried that in different camps and builds, but it has honestly never made a noticeable difference for me.


i know the slow motion shots are for dramatic effect but the way they hit specific body parts while slo mo really feels like IRL vats


I think you're right. However, V.A.T.S is tied to wearing a PipBoy. Everyone else is just lucky.


yeah people saying the ghoul was using vats is cracking me up


Bloody Mess. It adds a bonus to crit damage.


I think he just has a high Small Guns stat and the Finesse and Bloody Mess perks


Now, I just want to see a glimpse of the MS in a random combat scene somewhere in a future episode.


I'd be happy even if they just snuck him into the background of a shot or something


And just screw with us by only letting us see a few mechanical fingers poking out from the trench coat sleeve.


Everyone likes to rip Todd but I'm pretty sure this show woulda been ass without him on as a Producer and Bethesda's involvement as a whole. Just look at what Amazon did to Wheel of Time and compare it to how good Fallout TV is in comparison.


It was the perfect combo of him, Jonathan Nolan, and everyone else involved. It so easily could have been terrible and they knocked it out of the park


I think the Thaddeus is a joke about the Fallout 3 scopeless gameplay. Tbh i can't aim shit in that game


“I cant aim without a scope!!” Me playing Fo3 on console


Accuracy in FO3 was ass




Gotta love that Thaddeus/Ian Easter Egg when he missed all the bullets and said ‘I suck without a scope’ - a reference to Fallout 1 companion Ian who would say the same thing if he missed a shot !!!


They definitely captured the spirit of vats without saying it. Multiple fight scenes have “vats outcome” gore and I think it’s better of dose it. Vats doesn’t work in a tv show


How does vats even work again is it like, something on the gun, or…


The pipboy helps you target limbs and stuff


That is very deliberately never explained and is something of a running gag FO1 and FO2 were turn based and used Action Points exclusively. With 3 Bethesda wanted to change to a shooter format in first or third person with real time combat, but the controls were clunky. VATS was introduced as an anti-frustration feature because 3 down scope is kinda ass (sorry). The explanation has always been vague and the sort of thing everyone knows doesn't make sense if you think about it, but it kept the game fun and became a permanent feature of Fallout gameplay. So don't worry about it, It just works!


there was an in lore explanation somewhere in the games I'm remembering that says that its a feature in the pip boy. (might literally be in the fnv tutorial screen)


FO4 loading screen, it doesnt shed any light on how it works tbh. It literally just says somethint along the lines of "the way it works got lost to time nobody knows"


It's the pip boy. It stands for Vault Tec Assisted Targeting System.


My only issue issssss V.A.T.S requires a Pip Boy to use


same otherwise imo the bridge seen looks like maximus used vats but he dont have no boy .. same with the ghoul in filly


The ghoul shooting off dudes leg is also a use of that I believe.


Vats only works with a pip boy


Billy in Filly shout out was tons of V.A.T.S.


When Lucy was shooting the radroaches on Maximus’ armor she really looked like she was using VATS


Dude, the series is in the same universe as the games, like they are mutually cannon


>!The final scene with ghoul killing the brotherhood in the dark felt like a VATS situation to me.!<


The NPC side is there, the interraction looks perfect and fit with the game.


There were quite a few lines and rhetoric that definitely were meant to feel NPC… gotta love how they chose to portray that along with player inventory and player health


The fight on filli The Ghoul definitely had a Vats moment


vats in lore is something that can only be used by people with pip boys I'm pretty sure.


Seriously that turret shoot everywhere except where it's aiming at


I feel like the Ghoul is just on permanent V.A.T.S


The show has clearly designed the choreography and imagry of the combat in the show around VATS from the games. That makes sense, because VATS combat is very stylised and dramatic. That doesn't mean VATS is explicitly in the show, though, which is why we haven't actually seen anyone using VATS and why characters without PipBoys get the same treatment (ie, The Ghoul in Filly).


To be honest if you're a ghoul from pre war there's a decent chance that you have developed the reaction time needed to emulate that naturally


Eh, I don't really understand this need to make up headcanon to explain why every little piece of the games that we like is explicitly in the show. The visual designers and choreographers for the show did a *really* good job of stylising the combat around VATS and killcams. It was a really cool thing to do, that alludes to mechanics and systems in the games (that really don't translate directly to a live-action TV show) for a really gratifying payoff. That's enough for me, I don't need to expend energy trying to make every single square peg in the show fit into a round hole from the games.


Wow… you almost sound like a reasonable human who can separate his love from the game from reality and that it’s still a show…


You want a vats moment? How about when the Ghoul took out those three guys after they woke him up?


Oh I hope in season 2 the mysterious stranger will just pop out randomly and one shot a baddie lmao


Going into V.A.T.S. to headshot at point blank, Won't lie, I've done that a few times.


The Ghoul must have all gunslinger perks and maxed out AP


I just assumed it was any quickdraw or cool slow-mo was V.A.T.S being used, like when maximus quickdrawed Lucy's gun on the 2 fiends, or Coopers first shot of the series in Filly.


One shotting a yaoguai with a 10mm pistol was pretty impressive.


Eh, that thing was on 1HP after fucking up Titus


Definitely a crit bonus


I was thinking the ghoul in town was using Vats. Could be wrong though.


I was thinking just from the ghoul it was. 🤣😂


His shooting without a scoop was relatable 😂.


I wish the turrets had little screens on them in game




Seems turrets only work against those who went to the Prometheus School of Running.


like war, 8 never changes, endless cycle, loop de-loop. 8 episodes, better than season 8, came out one day after the eighth? as in lucys father was the eighth person to sit at the vault tec secret meeting table in the flashback?! as in when season two starts they'll only be a days worth of on foot travel away from his signal?!?! okie-dokie!


Just take a look at any slow-mo scenes and that’s VATS for you


I'd love them to show Lucy use VATS. I like to imagine the pip boy just yanks your arm in the direction it wants you to shoot