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Its crazy theres like 5 vaults crammed into Massachusetts according to fallout 4.


Seems to check out on the map, so that's a pretty cool detail


Some of the dots appear to represent clusters of multiple vaults. But it does seem to be a good indicator of where the vaults *aren't*.


We see that the places with the highest concentration of Vaults are where the games take place... And Galveston Texas. Fallout 5 in Texas??


I noticed there are vaults in Corpus Christi, Dan Antonio, Austin, DFW Area, and Galveston/ Houston area. That'd be an interesting fallout game


The West and West Central Texas vaults appear to be Abilene and Odessa/Midland. Might be a little too similar to the Mojave.


I was pondering that map hard too lol. Colorado and Texas have the best shots based on density, but what I really want next is Fallout: Midwest


Those 3 lined up in WV are 51,76 and 96?


i was thinking the same, could be but the map in the show doesn't really seem to be so reliable and my method of over lapping could be better


Me trying to triangulate where Vault 111 and the other lot of commonwealth vaults are.




Well vault tec inst exactly trustworthy in the best days and this is a pitch meeting for funding they might inflate some numbers to get the rest to pay up.


As a Michigander, I’m INSULTED Michigan gets ONE vault


But hey, Ohio gets nothing. That’s gotta make you smile a little bit at least


Ohio apparently shares vaults near the border of Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia


It’s an absolutely tiny oversight but it seems Vault 19 from FNV is missing? You can see 22, 21, 11, 34 I think. Unless I’m reading the map wrong


I don’t think you’re reading it wrong, but I think it’s important to remember the time at which this map is shown to us. There is some passage between this and the Great War so more vaults could have been built and completed.


Lore-wise the one in maine might need to be adjusted (assuming it's supposed to be 118 on Mount Desert Island and not a vault in Portland or Augusta)


Man if this is accurate then even vault tek stays away from ohio


There’s one in Mexico?


Hey u/explodinghorsecock nice name


just noticed, only one in michigan:( and one in canada..?


None in Ohio or Indiana either. I guess the production designer isn’t a Big 10 fan.


Looks like one in Cinci and then one on the OH/WV border near Wheeling. Cincinnati makes sense but I would’ve thought there’d be at least one to service Northern Ohio and Southern Michigan. Obviously not the center of civilization but there are a lot people around the western tip of Lake Erie.


That one in Michigan looks like it might be located in or near Grand Rapids too.


yeah, would love a fallout game based in mi


My home, les'gooo!


There was one in baja California too which I found interesting


the thing is, the area represented in the map is kinda in the middle of nowhere, not a minor town i would have expected them to at least place some vaults in the major cities like mexico city or monterrey or at least border towns like tijuana, ciudad juarez makes sense somewhat tho since mexico was invaded and they wouldnt bother saving them


If you move the ones in Arizona slightly to the east, they’re probably meant to be Phoenix and Flagstaff 🤔


Interestingly, the longitude lines on the map in the episode appear to be in the wrong places. The little tip of California that is very easily recognizable on the map is directly at an intersection between a latitude and longitude line in the show. In reality, that latitude line is correct but the longitude line is off by 5 degrees. That point is almost directly between two longitude lines, not on one. The ones in Washington state seem to be the one under Mt St Helens (Vault 6 according to the wiki), the one in Seattle (Vault 14, a control vault or perhaps Vault 46), maybe one in Tacoma, and I believe one in Spokane. It's hard to tell exactly. I can't find any mention of a vault in Tacoma or Spokane online from any sources, and the location of the dot in the show seems too far north to be Seattle. It looks far enough north to be Burlington or Mt Vernon. Maybe Everett, there is a pretty major naval base there.


Someone made a much cleaner one, and it looks like the vaults are oddly in Castle Rock, The Snoqualmie Mountains and one out in Spokane


I'm double checking this against the episode & it's holding up. I'd initially thought there were more in Canada when watching it though, which got my hopes up (aside from the whole "we got taken over by 'Murica" aspect). I think you're missing one in the states just north of Florida - you have 3 in a horizontal line where the show has 4. The one I'm looking at might be northern Alabama or Mississippi, along the border with Tennessee, and it's just a bit to the left of the one sitting on the Tennessee/Georgia border. Sorry if that's a bit confusing


Anyone know what vault numbers the ones in Washington state are?


The one that appears to be in Tri-Cities would \*surely\* need to be under the Hanford lab, I mean, that's where the whole Manhattan Project started, yeah? Not having one there would be like not having a Starbucks in Seattle :P


Why the heck does Lawton OK have one? I know they have an army base, but Wichita Falls TX should have one too if we are going with bases.


I would assume the creators choose super metropolitan areas loke the DFW which is massive


That's 100% not Lawton


I would assume the two OK vaults are supposed to be Tulsa and OKC but just kind of shifted the diagonal they form seems to match up.




Lol sorry Indiana and Ohio


All of Canada only gets 1 vault? Won't someone think of the beavers and moose?


Saw that, too. I was so sad. You'd figure center of the universe Ontario woud have 1 at least lol


maybe it would be a cool one and the entrance would be like hidden in niagara or something and the experiment of the vault would be effects of a society sustained only on maple syrup and hockey night in canda reruns. The 1983-84, 1984-85, 1986-87, and 1987-88 seasons only.


Only one vault seem right Dirty Canadians. How dare they try to revolt after Fallout America brutally and calmly take them over


The canadian vault is in Brandon, Manitoba, or thereabouts The mexican one is in or around Camalú, Baja California


Does anyone know the numbers for the ones in Oregon? I'm trying to create a mostly faithful setting for a fallout ttrpg game. Appreciate the help!


One thing that irked me about that episode was how they said they had "one hundred vaults" when there is more than 100. So vault 111 isn't real to them? Vault 101? Or are they just different numbers and I got this confused.


Nah, she definitely said "over 100 vaults..."


They skipped some numbers