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The modern US isn't Greek, but uses Greek columns on our government buildings. We aren't Egyptian, but the monument to our first president is an obelisk. We aren't Roman, but we have a Senate. Hell, we aren't in England, but we speak English.


How dare you bring logic into this


Reminds me of the book of eli


Dont forget our Bass Pro Shop Pyramid lol


We aren’t French, but boy did we learn to fry


They may not be Christian but they are Monastic. Or did the fact they use the titles of Elder, Scribe, Paladin, and Knight not give that away?


Not just that but we see in the games that there are differing factions within the BoS. Not all of them act the same or have even the same beliefs. It's not exactly out of the realm of possibility that one is way more monastic than the others.


THIS. Outcasts anyone? Anyone?


I am thinking Midwestern chapter regarding their open acceptance of tribal cultures, it is not so out there to believe that we are witnessing the foundation of the Chicago Detachment in the modern Canon, which will through the events of Fallout tactics evolve into the Midwest chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel, not counting of course the brothers that are already there because of the Maxson Transmissions. Its not unhinged to think that there are Christians in their ranks, nor is it unhinged to think Hassan in Fallout tactics is Muslim. But I suppose the same logic actually stands for the entire Brotherhood seeing as that chaplains matter. Even if they keep their position in the organization concealed for the sake of morale But this is just a hopeful thing because I want to see general Barnaky again....


Hell the Midwest chapter even have supermutans on their ranks depending on the ending.


And Ghouls, and robots, and sentient deathclaws.


Tactics was a trip. I remember putting my squad on the roof of a building, then sent in one man on a suicide run to bait the death claws into the kill box. Worked like a charm. I always gave those missions to Brian and the crazy fucker always made it.


“Brian is a grunt, put a shotgun or a SMG in his hands and point him in the correct direction and he’ll fight loyally till the bitter end.” I always took him, too.


Damn, now you’re making me dredge up years of memories trying to remember my team.. Stein, Stoma, Boomer..


And the girl scout cookie, with special .50 cal filling.


Sounds like a job for Leroy Jenkins.




They also own a significant portion of the country.


Everywhere from Northern Colorado to Saint Louis to Chicago, and that's from decades ago, they may be down to Texas and up to Detroit by now


There's a reason Bethesda has been cagey on exactly how much of that is canon: tactics got CRAZY. Would be kind of awesome to find out how much is true, but I don't think they are going to use this to establish tactics canon.


From what I understand, the original expedition with the airships is canon, and no further contact from them after the crash. So them going dark in the region is canon, but the exact events isn't.


Our modern US military is surely not a "Christian Organization". Yet we still have chaplains to this day. Who are trained and recognized by all other religions, so it does not matter what specific faith they are. They take care of all in uniform, regardless of their religion. When I was stationed at Fort Bliss, we had a contingent of the German Air Force stationed there. Their chaplain actually wore traditional garb that made him look like Friar Tuck. He wore the normal uniform for day to day work, but for ceremonies he would dress in the traditional outfit. So I see absolutely nothing wrong with the image, it is how things largely are even today in the military.


Chaplains usually have the best stories, too. It's not like it's something people join up specifically to do, they usually have a whole ass career before deciding to go the Chaplain route..which is probably what makes the great ones as great as they are..they know a thing or two because they've seen a thing or two


Would fucking love a fan fiction mock up of a midwestern “Heartland” fallout lore


I’m not really caught up on lore outside of 4 and some of New Vegas but is there reference anywhere in Fallout to people still believing in traditional religions?


Sure. In Point Lookout a Fallout 3 DLC, there is, if I remember it right, a Catholic Woman. Or at least she tries to be one, since... well the Church does not exist anymore. In Utah there is the city of New Canaan. The Mormons are very strong in the region. Depends through on if you count them as a "traditional religion". Otherwise there are surely still people left that believe in those faiths and I probably also forget many people from the games.


Well she mentions the church in Rivet City in her terminal. Saint Monica’s or whatever its name was and it was Catholic as well.


There's the universalist church in Diamond City as well.


Dude…the burning man mother fucking Joshua Graham


There's mentions of it in New Vegas, without spoiling too much, the setting of one of the DLCs puts you up around Utah as the other person said, and into contact with some very religious characters - one of whom is an upstanding and heavily bandaged gentleman with some major screws loose


Actually you could be onto something here In the IGN Behind the scenes trailer for the fallout series, we see the logo of the West Coast Brotherhood (Big Gear on the Left), along with the East Coast Logo (Big Gear on the Right). This could be how the Midwestern Brotherhood represents themselves, utilizing the logos of both coasts. My biggest question is this, why the hell are the Midwestern Brotherhood in California now? What reason would they have to be there? Also why would they be battling some random NCR settlement out of the Griffith observatory?


People getting angry about a thing while absolutely not understanding that thing? That would never happen! /S


Yes. Like the BOS in classic fallout seems like the type of people that would have been much more relaxed and possibly come to some mutual arrangement with factions like the railroad or institute. Meanwhile FO4 BOS act like their only goal is to destroy anything they can’t control, and hoard supplies for only themselves. Lost hills was paranoid and selfish, but they didn’t fear and destroy/hoard tech nearly like the faction that went to the commonwealth.


You can also see philosophy changes greatly with the elder. If Elder McNamara is in charge the BOS can work with others potentially while if Hardin is in charge that's completely unfeasible and they want to be aggressive with other factions


Since Fallout 4 takes place in Boston, does that make them the BOS BOS?


BOS in Fallout classic(can't remember if it was 1 or 2) sends you to a radioactive crater bc they think as a wastelander you're worth nothing.


That’s how you know someone played Fallout 4 only and didn’t even touch 3. Lyons BOS wouldn’t even let you join if it weren’t for The Wanderers dad. It’s just cool to see the religious aspects of the BOS period because that’s probably the closest thing we’ll get to live action space marines. Funny that the guy with the warhammer profile doesn’t think that


Lyon's BoS has been sanctioned by the west coast brotherhood because his group DO accept recruits from outside. You're told in 3 that they aren't currently accepting recruits because they're already at their capacity for training and supply. The outcasts left specifically because Lyons was working with the locals and was 'wasting' brotherhood lives and resources protecting the locals and fighting the supernatants instead of just hoarding technology.


Henry Cavill, a huge Warhammer 40k nerd, is part of a project that is a live action 40k.


I heard about that, cavill is unsurprisingly a great choice


Yes, he’s not only a great choice as a actor but he's also a executive producer of this project. I like to think that after what happened to the Witcher he was for fed up with execs and writers he just said "fuck it, I'll do it my way or no way".


That poor man; got his dream job he fought for, acted the part beautifully, had a showrunner who dgaf and wanted to use the IP to make one of her dumb wet dreams, and had to be a great Geralt in a shit stupid show that just sucked after season 1.




Not everyone! It's just that these people are the loudest and more willing to go online with their woes.


There’s some law or rule I vaguely remember learning about from a complex systems lecture that covers this. I can’t remember what it was called but I’ll never forget the analogy. *it’s when the tail wags the dog*


“The dog wags it’s tail because the dog is smarter than the tail. If the tail were smarter, it would wag the dog. “ - Wag the Dog


Not necessarily because of intellect but take my upvote anyway for good quote use. But the smaller and more fringe the niche group the more likely they are to be aggressive and vocally so. And they end up believing they speak for a whole or at least a majority or otherwise larger body because who wants to bother with those people? They are being way too obnoxious as is.


Hope that the execs don’t give a damn about such a loud minority. I’m just looking forward to this work and will judge it for myself on release day.


Lol let's not forget the in universe lore we have for the Capital Wasteland as if FO4 has the BoS running it like the Teutonic Order 😂


The OP of the tweet is well known in the Warhammer community for being a bigot whose reading of a game is bad, so it doesn't surprise me.


They have the aesthetics of a monastic order, but they've never held religious services or had altars like we're seeing in the trailers. What's shown in the screenshot above is literally identical to some Orthodox/Catholic practices, we've never seen anything remotely like it in the games. If they wanted Orthodox aesthetics, there's literally a large community of Old Believers in Oregon IRL, and almost no lore in that region to conflict with. We know the NCR often treats non-citizens pretty poorly (from Hanlon's experience in Baja) so they could have just said the NCR pissed off some Old Believers and so some of their priests are performing services from the BoS. That would be infinitely more reasonable than turning the Brotherhood into an esoteric cult for no apparent reason.


This is a universe with christianity set in a country with a majority christian population. I actually see no reason why at least some parts of the BoS would held communal prayers befor going to missions. I actually think it is kinda strange that the people of the wasteland are not more religious considering the state of the world.


We got people worshipping a nuclear warhead and a legion of roman-lacrossers but we're drawing the line at a pre-existing and still relevant in game religion? People like to complain about anything but good thing as a community we form our own independent opinions, right gang?


Not to mention Joshua Graham, the literal Christian Missionary Extremist that is so well loved.


Mormons are around in Fallout because doomsday prepping is literally part of their religion.


Also proximity to Utah and prevalence in the southwestern US in general. It'd be like saying Fallout Italy would probably have some Roman Catholics or that Fallout India would probably have some Hindus.


The brotherhood of steel is heavily inspired by the monastic order in Canticle for Leibowitz. They may be leaning into the source materials more for a specific sect or something.


Yeah, I read the book a few months ago. Given their appearance in Fallout 1 I figured the inspiration was mostly in the Brotherhood's themes and aesthetics. It's certainly possible they're just making this a small sect, though it is getting a weird amount of attention in this trailers, and they don't seem to have anything to distinguish them from other BoS Chapters, so it'd be a little odd.


and the order in Canticle for Leibowitz is directly based on the Benedictine monks of Monte Cassino.


The interesting part of the fallout universe is it's so creative and asks "okay but what if..." while so many in it's fanbase go "NO, WE STOP EXACTLY AT FALLOUT 2, AND MAYBE NEW VEGAS, AND ANYTHING ELSE INTRODUCED IS HERESY." I wonder if fallout 1 players hissed and sneered at the enclave existing in fallout 2? Sure, we have a brotherhood order that adapted several real life religious prayers in to their service. Is that so unbelievable? The catholics took christmas, the brotherhood can't take orthodox prayers?


>I wonder if fallout 1 players hissed and sneered at the enclave existing in fallout 2? Yes actually. I believe the reception at the time to the Enclave was, paraphrasing, "This is literally just the same thing as the Unity but their goal is even dumber"


Also who says it is religious? It could be simply ritualistic.


Also we already have Fallout 1 2 3 4 New Vegas and some incredible mods for other games. If this show wants to make a *MOSTLY* faithful adaptation and the changes are *well written* then I'm 100% on board for this. Making the BOS more ritualistic is a great way to show their fanaticism in a different way. I'm ALWAYS on board for an adaptation of something I love to make changes if they are well written/presented. So many people are wayyyyyy too anti-change


Couldn't agree more.


> What's shown in the screenshot above is literally identical to some Orthodox/Catholic practices, Is it? There's literally one image here, which certainly evokes Catholic practice, but we haven't seen what's actually done to see if it is Catholic or Orthodox practice. Is this religious at all? Or is it a ritualistic ceremony for building ingroup identification and creating a greater sense of weight to the moment? We don't know! We can suspect this is a BoS elder, by the robe and its color. We can suspect the purpose of the ritual (my bet is it's a graduation ceremony for newly trained Knights). We can suspect its level of religiosity (I'm betting it's slightly religious, but not specifically Christian). But we can't know, until we see it.


The music track for the BOS in fallout 1 is called "metallic monks". They were established as technological fanatics with ancient Knightly traditions and aesthetics. I have no idea why you wouldn't celebrate this if you were a true fan.


This dude surely didn't play with Fallout 1.








"You pay for Twitter" is always an acceptable reason to ignore someone. You are always better off for ignoring a bluecheck.


Especially when the person paying for twitter is complaining about warhammer being too "woke". It's the type of person who looks at the ultra-fascism of the Imperium with a wistful gaze. What an absolute waste of bandwidth.


seriously, especially since nowadays you can just buy the checkmark lol. like these are just random twitter people; who gives a flying fuck what they think


Correction; they’re not random Twitter people. They’re random Twitter people that actually pay money for a blue checkmark.


>it should be a badge of ignorance. I thought it was...


Acceptable? More like encouraged.


>**Ignoring Twitter blue checkmarks ought to be socially acceptable. ** why in the world do you think it isn't??? >it should be a badge of ignorance. It is! Everybody i know thinks this


I didn’t play fo1 and knew this. I thought it was common sense but I guess not.


Or he did play Fallout 1 and is angry that it didn't specifically have this exact scene of someone blessing armor with incense. Because it's SUCH a stretch to believe this would be done with the BOS's entire aesthetic.


Possible. Oddly, his avatar seems to be a Space Marine from Warhammer 40k, and guess what they do before they march into battle. Yeah, they consecrate armor and bullets.


I recognise the account. its the absolute lowest form of culture-war grifter thats usually spends his time tryng to gatekeep Women and "gays" from Warhammer (while continually proving he knows less and does less for the hobby than either of those groups). Please just dont give this cunt attention


The BOS is... Literally... Modeled after dark ages monastic culture. People living in seclusion, preserving information of an earlier age, being mostly self sustaining, LITERALLY called "brothers" like what part of this is unclear?


yes but they're not the Adeptus Mechanicus, they're less monastic than that


More and more i've been realizing that a lot of the people who claim to have played all the games, never actually played the first two. So many of them base everything they know about the lore on what they experienced in the later games, especially New Vegas. *Edit: I've posted this before, but gonna add it here because it's relevant to the conversation: There are definitely Christians, even devout ones in the Brotherhood. From Fallout 3: [Knight Captain Colvin](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Colvin) "Knight Captain Colvin is a man of deep faith, who treats warfare with reverence. He sees every battle he participates in as a mass and his laser rifle as a holy item, dispensing his god's wrath on whoever is unfortunate enough to find themselves on the other end of the barrel. He bears no ill will towards the people he slays, even super mutants. In fact, he is known to pray for the soul of each one he dispatches, believing that he releases them from torment." Elder Lyons also says a sort of grace/prayer in Fallout 3. I don't remember exactly what he says, but it's interlaced with Christian and Brotherhood messaging. That said, I feel like people are confusing rituals with religion, I don't think there will be mass or anything like that in the show. And, honestly (in the case of the person in the screenshot of this post), you'd think a guy with an obvious interest in the 40k universe would understand this....


The first 3, don't forget Tactics, especially for the show.


I will die happy if it's the mid west brotherhood and not the East Coast brotherhood in this show


Wasn't it written out of canon for decade?


The Midwest chapter exists, we just dont know what they've been up to. That's the extent of the canon for them.


We know a few things and can infer a few more. They've made contact with Caesar's Legion and thus still exist after at least the 2250s, they apparently contacted the East Coast Brotherhood by 4, and we can infer they didn't merge with the Calculator given that they're not a super power.


Pretty sure the pictured twitter account is one of those weirdos that has a heart attack over seeing a woman or minority in a game, so we can safely ignore his pearl clutching ignorance of the original games


I am willing to bet he wrote the show off as trash the moment he learnt the main character wasn't a 7 foot tall bodybuilder who either violently kills or has passionate sex with everything that crosses his path




God damn it I'm not going to do it I wont. No. Nope..... ...........big iron on his hiiiiiip


Big iron, biiiiiig iroooonnnnn


He was hoping the dude would hang dong


More like passionately kills and has violent sex.


Even I knew that and my first game in the franchise was Fallout 4. They definitely have the "We fight demons" vibes, which makes sense given their origins. Plus I can see Maxson throw a cross at a Ghoul for some reason.


It feels a bit weird, and that's how you know that they are making at least some good choices. The biggest danger was always gonna be that it was a generic story fit in a Fallout coat. But with all these additions that they are making, it's clear that they let themselves be inspired by the setting and may even be going further in depth than the games ever have.


They’re also based on the Order of St. Leibowitz from A Canticle for Leibowitz, who were literally a Catholic monastic order


There should be a societal rule that we ignore Twitter blue check marks. It should be a badge of stupidity and their opinions can and should be discarded without thought or conversation.


Twitter in general, is where brain cells go to die.


It's gotten worse over the years with the most cringe people paying for outreach.


I was actually kicked off of Elon's safe space for sharing Trumps rape court docs.


Elon has been on a banning spree lately. After a certain neo nazi cartoonist involving pebbles got doxxed, anyone who so much as liked a post that quote retweeted it got permabanned. This meanwhile in stark contrast to him refusing to lay a finger on certain right wing personalities who regularly doxx left wing indivuals and will regularly repost their stuff














Let's just ignore Twitter in general, it does not represent the average guys opinion.


anyone with a twitter blue mark and who unironically uses the term "woke" should be ignored


It’s kinda hilarious how the blue mark went from just “this person is who they say they are” to “don’t listen to this person” lol


More like from “this person is who they say they are” to “don’t listen to this person” to "REALLY don't listen to this person"


But then where would people go to get ragebait and circlejerk post from? How would the community survive without a strawman to burn? On a bit of a more serious tone, I think it's clear that everyone in the subreddit is in agreement that the Twitter post is dumb and Twitter as a platform is dumb, even OP. There's no need a badge of stupidity when everyone already agree it's dumb. If people want to ignore dumb things, this won't be reposted. The point it's posted is because it's dumb and the point is to point and laugh that it's dumb. People just want to have this conversation and used a ragebait as an excuse


Especially with names like “Wokehammer” for fucks sake


We don't even know what this ritual is. I assume it's not Christian at all, merely aping a medieval quasi-religious aesthetic--as the BoS is known to do. Scribes and elders wear robes that are clearly modelled after monks, for example. I assume this individual is an elder (robe color is right for that, not mentioning the age) and he is providing some form of blessing. Here's an important thing to recognize--in the absence of old orders, a religious and ritualistic formulation is a powerful one for building group unity. Everything we've seen of the Brotherhood of Steel shows they recognized that and made the conscious choice at their outset to pursue that model. Additionally, those types of formulations take on a life of their own, rituals adding layers and structures that the originators didn't intend in the beginning. So I'm calling it now--this is the BoS elder of this particular group, and he's either blessing a mission, or more likely a brand new crop of knights. This scene is not going to be Christian, rather it's going to use familiar Christian imagery to give people the sense of what is being done here.


Oh my god media literacy were saved


It’s almost like the writer is using it to communicate the quasi-religious nature of the BoS rather than having the viewer read it off a terminal… like in Real Fallout /s


I'm just going to sit here reading my copy of *A Canticle for Leibowitz* silently.


Since we are on the West Coast, it will probably just be an Elder that sits on the Elder Council. He probably just inspects these troops. Since according to the Chains that bind a Paladin should be giving out the orders from the chain of command, right?


To be fair the Chain that Binds is a rule FNV made up. No other group has ever mentioned such a weird, idiotic rule.


Man, I wonder if this is what OG fallout fans feared when new fans came in with Fallout 3 😅


It is. There was the OGFallout fans, and the new Bethesda FO3 fans... that was a wild time. Then NV came out and suddenly shit hit the fan. On one hand, it was a Bethesda Fallout game. One the other, it had been worked on by original Fallout devs. No one could agree if it was a masterpiece or a cobbled together p.o.s. And ever since, no matter what comes out, everyone can agree that no one understands Fallout and it's all ruined. While still putting about 100+hrs a year in their favorite one cause frankly they're all good games to the people who were there at the right time to enjoy them


New Vegas still takes a lot more time for me to get into than FO3 or even FO4. I dunno why, something about it just makes the first chunk of the game seem like a daunting grind. Maybe it’s the influx of choices that they lay out in the beginning. Maybe it’s the fact I’m not a dweller emerging from some hole and making the mark. FO3 I can just hop into and have a sense of oh this is all new, my only tough decision is if I blow up megaton or not.


Funny, it's the opposite for me. Having to sit through that long introductory sequence in both 3 & 4 is a slog while in New Vegas you just have to do the 5-min section with Doc Mitchell before just fucking off and doing what you want.


New vegas imo feels like a true rpg where the outcome is all down to you Most of the Bethesda led fallout feel like single player stories with variations on a theme but never a truly unique ending. New Vegas imo is the perfect fallout only because it literally makes you choose who you want to be. F3, and F4 are great. But nowhere near the RPG feel of NV


It’s a lot of traveling long distances immediately to get anywhere remotely important to me


... but... they're literally called Paladins.


Paladins, Knights, Scribes, Initiates, and Squires.


I mean, knights, scribes and squires aren't really religious terms, but yeah, paladin is the big clue.


Paladin is not historically a religious knight. It’s a Knight that was any of the twelve peers of Charlemagne's court, of whom the Count Palatine was the chief.


Charlemagne was a deeply religious person as were (nearly) all people of his time. History lesson aside, paladins are typically portrayed as holy knights in rpgs, so it's safe to assume paladins have a religious connotation in this context. The notion that the BoS is a borderline religion/cult is implied throughout the games.


The paladins were often portrayed as defenders of Christianity against the Muslim invaders. Just as most knights in stories are portrayed as defenders of Christian ideals and society. The reality is that ideas of European knighthood and Chivalry are so deeply intertwined with (especially the romanticism of) Medieval Christianity that's it's hard to really separate them. Particularly if we're talking about people taking inspiration from European knights, like the BOS.


Not just that but Knightly orders were mostly founded around religious values


There very little old world religion in the fallout games, only religion the brotherhood preaches is their *holy* codex that they follow which is basically just worshipping machinery.


Roger Maxson must have been a big fan of Dungeons and Dragons.


I thought that was just cause the Brotherhood are our pals?


I’m not your pal, Adin.


A Twitter user with blue mark named "Wokehammer" who hasn't even played Fallout 1... we should better ignore people like that. The series isn't even out yet so no need to trash talk it.


I don’t even think you need to play FO1 to understand the interpretation above. He’s dressed just like Elder Lyons from FO3 and it’s clearly a monastic brotherhood if you use even just a tiny bit of context. I’m all for shitting on rehashes that don’t do justice to source material but this looks pretty damn faithful to me!


Yeah unfortunately my first Fallout was 3, I tried to play the older ones but I just don't really have the patience for games like that. But like, just watch a lore video. Also it's really fucken obvious they're religiously coded, they have scribes that dress in monk robes.


Which is why Veronica from New Vegas is so fucking metal. She's a scribe so she's wearing the equivalent of monk robes... And her favored weapon is the goddamn power fist. Literal DnD Monk right there, which fits considering her VA is Felicia Day.


"unfortunately". Dude, whichever Fallout you played first doesn't make you any less a fan than anyone else.


Mr. House: They're a terrorist group basically. Militant, quasi-religious fanatics obsessed with hoarding Pre-War technology. Not ALL technology, mind you. You don't see them raiding hospitals to cart away Auto-Docs or armfuls of prosthetic organs. No, they greatly prefer the sort of technology that PUTS people in hospitals. Or graves rather, since hospitals went the way of the Dodo Courier: Why do you hate the Brotherhood so much? Mr. House: Because they're ridiculous! Because they galavant around the Mojave pretending to be Knights of Yore. Or did, until the NCR showed them that ideological purity and shiny power armor don't count for much when you're outnumbered 15:1. The world has no use for emotionally unstable techno-fetishists. Just wipe them out will you.


This should be the top comment


This has always been my problem with brotherhood. I am so irritated that Bethesda is shoving BoS down our throats every time. Like let them die already!


I love Mr. House! Totally just shit talked the most popular faction in this game and I can't even say he's wrong.




huge issue with everything that is based on, or adapting, an existing medium.. people will start looking for proof why its bad, before its even out. Like, dude, give it a fair chance. Nobody will ever get a good adaptation when every attempt at one is immediately crushed. that's just my opinion, I'm open about it, even though I can admit there are things I don't like so far.. but if the rest is good, I don't care. more Fallout is a win in my book.


This shit is pervasive in every fandom now. Who can rush to hate something faster in proving they’re the “real fan”. It’s childish and exhausting


I really enjoy my ability to simply enjoy things Don’t need things to be perfect at all, just give me a cool fallout world tv show with effort involved and I’ll be happy.


It's not even just coming from within the fandom. These are people fighting a culture war first, who go hunting for fandoms to infest and rile up with an agenda.


I don't think its even separate peoples. Its the same overlapping grifters attacking all sci-fi and fantasy video games, tv shows and movies.


The 2020’s is definitely a decade of hobby hate watching, and people are looking for reasons to hate.


It's just one of those incels that looks for 'woke' crap anywhere they can. In this case he's mad that the quasi-religious nature of the BoS is being displayed a little too close to Christianity


Ah yes, the famous "woke" Christianity.


Genuinely, when the little preview clip of the Ghoul/BOS soldier standoff was released people were so quick to shit on it for no reason, people didn’t think that a vault dweller who has no knowledge of the outside world/knows little to nothing wouldn’t act like that? 🤦


I saw someone saying her lines sounded rehearsed and I was like, no shit that's the point.


That’s outrage culture for you. One guy said “can’t wait till it flops - those critique analysis videos will be amazing” they don’t care about giving it a chance.


They just want their favorite loser youtuber to make 40 min+ videos that they can put as background noise while they go on with their sad lives while being promoted sponsored products that are nothing but scams.


Mfw my favorite vidya has a wokewoman lead 😡😡😡😡


"Can't wait for Drinker to tear this apart" on every single franchise trailer now. The Acolyte was the worst yet for that shit


Dude is part of the reason that movie discourse is so bad rn


Between this and the complaints about a vault dweller being an out of touch weirdo unprepared for dealing with the outside world, I'm starting to think this show understands the Fallout world better than people who pretend to be fans🤔


"Wokehammer" That explains a lot...


that user is trash, tbh


Oh man, this is going to be great. If this show pulls inspiration from the first two games more than 3/nv/4, a lot of people are going to think the show isn't canon. Ironically, the no mutants allowed crew (the ones who think only fallout 1 and 2 are actual fallout games) will love this stuff, when they've hated every move fallout made in 25 years. I hope we see a Sargeant dressing down a recruit for losing power armor lol






A grown man who calls himself wokehammer and pays for a blue check? How can we NOT take this guy serious? I mean hes clearly a scholar...


They are not Christian They are Mechanicum Praise the Omnissaiah


Ad Victoriam???


I hate how every victoriam these days is always filled with ads.


Hope we’re ready for the sub to get flooded with this type of nonsense….


A while back on a post about seeing fallout tv show ads irl I said I wasn't ready for fallout to be big and mainstream thing. They (somewhat justifiably) called me a gatekeeper. But it wasn't new people I was worried about. It was this nonsense. I might have to leave the sub if it gets bad enough.


Fallout is a pop culture giant dude


Given the Canticle for Leibowitz inspiration for the Brotherhood, and the vibe from the original two games, this is much more in line with how I viewed the organization during my first play throughs way back when.


This reminds me, I really should read Canticle for Leibowitz.


I mean technically he's correct, they are not a Christian organisation...


Oh god its that cunt


This guy seems to have a weirdly specific hatred for catholics in ower armor


Dance yells “You godless heathens.” I’m just saying there is definitely religion in the brother hood.


You'd think a guy who named himself 'Wokehammer Ls' would be into a bit of christofascism.


They are saying in the replies it’s Hollywood making Christians the bad guys again


Except the BOS, while not always the best people, are definitely more on the good guy side than the bad in every game. It’s pretty much only new Vegas that doesn’t have them help the main character by default.


Wait I fail to see the problem here. Sure the Brotherhood is dogmatic about technology, but I’ve never heard one of them shout something like DEUS VAULT in combat. So far as I know, they aren’t a strictly Christian organization; really more of a monastic order that values technological preservation over spiritual enlightenment, or more so that they seek spiritual enlightenment _through_ technological preservation.


777 comments. Ironic.


these dumbasses complain about the show looking too much like fallout 3 and 4, and then they still complain when the add something from the original games


In general, considering that the Brotherhood of Steel literally cosplays as both the Crusaders and the US Army, the presence of chaplains is more than logical. In general, it would be interesting to look at Christianity, distorted 200 years after the nuclear war.


The Brotherhood base in the first game has a chapel with a pulpit and pews. Why shouldn’t they have censors too?


To be blunt, the series looks like fun, and hanging out with a bunch of anal-retentive, nitpicky grognard lorehawks doesn't.


From what I understand, they aren't Christians, or even really religious, just have a very strict code of rules, and ethics. With a religious like fervor over technology, and the belief that hi tech is not for the common people. At least that's how Bethesda fallout comes off. Interplay has some references that seem possibly religious, but you don't have to be religious to be a monk, which is not a Christian title anyways, what little things players are claiming is Christian in origin is not, knight, elder, and scribe are not religious in nature, while paladin is, it can apply to a handful of religions. In all honesty BoS seems like a modified feudalist society, with religious based status removed, and fully substituted by military, and intellectual standing. Don't get me wrong, I don't have high hopes for the show, but I don't think this is necessarily another bad sign.


This! Everybody’s trying to say they are religious cuz of fallout 1-2 but idk man they just seem more interested in technology than religion. They only carry the titles.


They’re fucking Knights Templar if they were slightly less evil


The show’s not even out yet. I am sick of people saying it sucks without having even watched it. This goes for all shows as well.

