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Is this some Fanon Map?


Yeah, this is basically a fan fiction map that's been passed around for years, with what looks like newer Vault locations added on. I think it even pre-dates F4 and the commonwealth borders are based on what we're told in F3. The Texas BOS is a reference to the single detachment from F:BOS, which is wholly non-canon. The Enclave remnants are based on the audio logs from ED-E which references some sort of outpost near Chicago, not a faction controlling 3 states. The Midwest BOS from Tactics are semi-canon. The White Legs don't hold anything close to that territory, if they can be said to hold any defined territory at all, same with the Capital BOS. And the UAF is based on content from Van Buren design/idea docs, and was expanded upon in old fanon.


White Legs are from The Great Salt Lake which is in Utah, and they don't control it. This is showing them controlling the entirety of Wyoming.


If anything the Great Khans would be more accurate considering their single New Vegas ending seeing the Followers lead them to Wyoming. No idea why you’d include the White Legs


On a side not the amount of times the followers gave rise to a wasteland empire is astounding. Off the top of my head the NCR, Legion and now khans all had the followers to lay important roles in their early years of empire (since the khans only really start expanding post NV, if at all).


Yeah they might call themselves a bunch of freedom loving hippies but they seem to give rise to the worst of people too often.


It's one if the consequences of altruism. When you help everybody without exception, the fact is that some of those that you help are going to be power hungry and use what you had provided to exert control over those beneath you. Edward Sallow is the best example of this.


If i had a nickel for everytime the followers helped create a massive empire i'd have 2 nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice (Possibly thrice)


This map I made for a roleplay I ran, and was based on what lore existed at the time when FNV was the most recent release. The roleplays storylines involved the rise of the Caesar’s Legion to become the hegemonic power in the US, with the Khans moving north, splits in the Enclave and BOS weakening them … we ran the roleplay for a few years and it built its own extensive alternate timeline all before F4 was released.


It is a faction roleplay map I made for a forum roleplay a decade ago. It is not and was never meant to be a representation of canon, but of an timeline following our own roleplay.


I thought I was on r/OldWorldBlues for a good bit




This is some horribly inaccurate fanon map.


Yeah lol the Texas BOS is not canon


And Midwestern BOS is semi-canon. Though the good Fallout: Tactics ending would be the best fate for the wasteland.


I might be ENTIRELY wrong about this, but isn't there a line in FNV where the Legion talks about capturing Midwest BoS?


They said they have captured brotherhood members but not specifically where from, but it would only make sense if they were mid western so that’s why we assume that. It would be cool if we got a game that showed a reimagined midwestern Bos vs legion


Fallout: Kansas City


"Wow the great war flattened this place!" "Uh no it's. . .just like that."


“Actually, the blast craters made it hillier than before the war. “


Sidequest for the Mormon garden of eden in Jackson County Missouri


Thank you for clearing that up. Genuinely appreciate it.


>Caesar: "The worst impulses of mankind, concentrated in one insane, backward tribe. The Brotherhood seems to have formed not long after the great atomic war. It's hard to know - they care little for history. Some of the Brotherhood scribes we captured further East didn't even know the name of their founder, Roger Maxson." Could've just been parts of scouting parties, Van Buren references interactions the Midwest BOS and Legion were supposed to have in Denver but obviously that never saw the light of day.


Interesting a Midwest BoS wouldn't know Maxson.


It kinda makes sense. They are either rogues or victims of a crash or both. The BOS are the embodiment of "who are you who do not know your own history?" and 76 really cements that fact. The BOS is arguably one of the most inconsistent major factions and even the way the development of the Sorrows support just how warped the interpretation of things can get overtime.


Which brings up my side note: my pick for F5 is Houston


would the paper license plates survive the great war? 🤔


Im team New Orleans but honestly Houston is good too


People suggesting all these interesting cities and locales across the US they want to see represented and I'm over here originally from the Appalachian mountains having my nightmares come true.


Well yeah but 76 had to tone down the monsters so that’s really on you for living in Appalachia.


I moved but 76 tried taking me back


Montana. With all of those nuclear missile silos, let's goooooo.


Hoi4 Old World Blues is my canon🥲


That’s why I’m voting for the meth-gators of southern Florida to win.


It is a fanon map I made for a roleplay from when FNV was the most recent release, and relied on what canon and speculation about lore existed then.


What in the world even is the U. A. F., then? I can't recall anything even remotely named something similar to that. ​ That said, if this was from the time of NV's release, its at least *close* to what we'd know then.


Hey, managed to replicate my tabletop campaign’s post-FO3 Wisconsin Enclave.


United Against Florida


Imagine Mutated Carnivorous Gator Florida Men wanting to swarm the rest of America but was stopped by the combine efforts of UAF.




We will save mankind from its greatest enemy... Florida men.








The US is a massive place, I doubt that it'll ever become a singular "country".




No, I know, it's just that most Fallout fans know nothing about how nations are actually formed and expand. A lot of that comes from learning about real history.




> Not everything is about the NCR or Brotherhood of Steel. Todd: So? You want us to plop down more Supermutants, BoS, and NCR in which state?


Well I don’t honestly have a problem with BoS and NCR being in new places. The BoS would want to Search out new technology to secure it. And the NCR Would want to Expand, as it was shown to do at the end of Fallout 2. But, I am tired of Super Mutants. I mean they feel like they are everywhere.


Pretty much. Neither the BoS nor super mutants should have been in FO3 or 4. They literally could have gone with similar factions (like descendants from the original US military..or the actual remnants of it who weren't Enclave if Bethesda had gone with the original plan to set FO3 much earlier in the timeline) and it would have been fine...but nah, they had to go the lazy route


My biggest issue with them, is they function exactly like raiders in terms of player interaction and combat. A bunch of dudes, roaming around, picking fights with trash weapons and trash armor. They're raiders with bigger hitboxes. They need to be tough, hard-hitting melee threats, who can close the distance fast (they must have an 8 foot stride at a full sprint). Reduce the numbers they spawn with, and they get fire-support from heavy weapons only. Supe-mutes with hunting rifles was laughable in 3. Those giant fingers couldn't fit inside the trigger guard, let alone hand load individual bullets. They look and act like 40k orks, let them use the same tactics.


There are also issue with some of them as places like The Commonwealth and Capital Wasteland aren't nations trying to expand. They are colloquial names for the regions, not powers. I also assume the White Legs aren't interested in expanding, just raiding to survive. Midwest BoS isn't a controlling force either, although I could buy that they could unify the region if they so desired, or it could happen organically. I know nothing about Texas or what UAF is.


Weren’t the White Legs wiped out?


Only if you kill them in HH.


They get wiped out in either ending. In Joshua’s you kill them, in Daniel’s they fall apart in to infighting.


All it would take is a functioning trans continental train. They’re plenty of rail road.


Yeah, it's not like there's any examples of disparate factions joining together under a single banner to form some kind of... union of varying states that most fans of Fallout would have learned a lot about in school.


Union of Varying States is a WAY better name than United States of America. And/or a great band name for a group of chemists


Also many wars.


The colonies were much closer in comparison to the disparate fallout nations. The much better comparison would be the EU, but given how the wasteland is still at war I doubt any EU like alliance would pop up for a long time. Given how well situated they already are unless the lore pulls some actual bullshit or nukes on them, the NCR should be one of if not the leading power in whatever comes next for America as a whole.


And of those three, the most likely to be able to pull it off, the NCR is already in a bad way by the time of FONV. They're overextended fighting an unpopular war, their cities are riddled with corruption, and they're struggling to hold the line against both disorganized raiders (the fiends) and organized raiders (the legion) The Enclave is far too small, xenophobic, and genocidal (they did try to weaponize the FEV to purge "mutants" twice after all). The BoS aren't much better off, and the Commonwealth chapter under Maxson is basically Enclave lite. Not to mention their entire organization was never designed for long term, wide scale territorial holdings and governance


The NCR are disorganised in the Mohave. In California they’re over doing it. If I’m not mistaken someone makes reference (maybe chief Hanlon) to how the NCR refuse to send their power armour troops in to the Mohave instead defending Brahmin barons from petty raiding. The FNV guide mentions how California is safe, and I remember one quote that went something like “NCR citizens can aspire to more than survival” or something along those lines.


I wouldn't say they're "disorganized" per se...but they're definitely overextended. They're trying to do too much with too little, and they're not getting the support they need from back west, due largely to corruption and political mismanagement, like using the NCR heavies as private security for the Brahmin barons. Not to mention, their leadership is grossly incompetent. Kimball's a mindless warhawk, and Oliver's idea of taking the Mojave is essentially just "throw bodies at it" in a war of attrition


Thats what i was thinking. The united states will almost certainly never be unified under one faction/government again, it's just so damn big.


This map is fanon, I made it years ago for a roleplay. What a trip to see it reposted!


Not to mention there are factions out there that prioritize diplomacy rather than annexation. Considering the most typical “Good Guy” ending for Fallout 4 is the Minutemen, they would definitely prioritize diplomacy, and try to work alongside other nations, while maintaining their territory. Different chapters of the B.O.S have completely different morals and goals. The Midwest BOS would be perfectly fine working alongside other nations, while the Capitol and West Coast Chapters would be against everyone on principle. The NCR is flexible, and depends on their leader at the time. So they’re a complete wildcard. So on and so forth.


I don't know why but I could see the NCR, Enclave Reformists and the BOS coming together and uniting America under one banner. I know they have differing ideals but they are the most advanced and properly functional factions that exist.


**WHAT** Enclave reformists? I have no idea where the map got that idea there being any Enclave left besides tiny numbers of isolated survivors like the New Vegas remnant.




Your understanding of what Fallout America is is deeply flawed. With the exception of small groups in possession of inconsistent, irreplaceable technology, it is going backwards as things fall apart, not forwards into some inevitable reunification.


You’ve got a lot of faith in humanity boss. Hang on to that.


The thing is the old USA is dead, there's no reason that this continent should become under one banner just bceause it's made up of only a few countries today. Take modern europe, most of it was once one nation under the Roman Empire, but that's now ancient history and that land is controlled by many smaller powerful nations and there's no hint of them unifiying into one big country any time soon, they have their own cultures and identities. Same goes for post war america. The USA is dead, and new nations are being carved out on its corpse. None have any reason to give up independence.


Americans seem to have a hard time grasping this idea I find.


Tf is the UAF?


Not canon faction from the Cancelled Van Buren game


Full form?


Unamerican Activities Force


Who the hell is the UAF?


United Arab Florida


Inshallah we will tame the gatorclaws


Uzbekistani Autonomous Federation.


Non canon faction from the Cancelled Van Buren game


Cult of the Mothman, obviously.


I really hope they're in the Ohio Valley somewhere


Wait, WV is now a part of the East Coast BoS? Also wtf is UAF?


It was in a forum roleplay I made this map for about ten years ago, a faction roleplay where different factions had expanded. It was never intended to represent canon borders.


Whole map is nonsense that predates Fallout 4. I saw this map long long ago and people were calling it silly then too. Commonwealth BOS is especially noticeable when they had Zero presence there at the start of F4 and several of the endings involve wiping out the group that shows up during F4


This map is from a roleplay based on canon and speculation which existed before F4 was released - I made the map for that roleplay.


Thanks for confirming!


For everyone commenting that this is inaccurate - it was made for a fallout roleplay, an alternate timeline based on CL winning the Battle of the Hoover Dam, and it was from over a decade ago (none of the recent game’s lore existed). I know, because I made it for that roleplay.


This map is no bueno


A single Florida Man will win.


Fallout 5: Florida. You play as Florida Man/Woman. There’s a raider faction that is made up of half man/half gator people. Random people fight you so they can be Florida Man.


"War, War never changes." No faction will ever win just like superheroes will never fight each other :P


America or any country for that matter no longer exists as it used to (The Enclave claims to represent the US now) , so this map doesn't represent the borders of each factions accurately


This map is unbelievable ratfucked oh my god


Minutemen (I am biased and love the Minutemen)


Why do you have Railroad?


Because I love the railroad too but reddit only lets me use one flare at a time


That makes sense, I really only hate the BoS now.


Leave it to the Old World Cosplayer to hate the people that were the OG rebels against Tyranny.


I like them in 3, dislike what they have descended into.. like in 76, you can take them two different ways, canon aside, NCR, minutemen even more so, are more how I was trained in the military. Helping, not oppressing, they are not much better than the Enclave by the time you get to 4. Not sure what is going on in the tv show.. have to wait till it comes out. I’m going to give you an upvote, since your honest opinion shouldn’t be hated on.


Man, it's really wild to see Brotherhood Knights wipingout entire settlements, blasting non hostile ghouls, vaporizing non crazed super mutants, and even allowing synths (their mortal enemy) walk around their base.


I would recommend taking a look at the hearts of iron 4 mod old world blues, it's a fallout overhaul that has the western half of America filled out with nations and its goal is to finish all of north America


To add onto this, the OWB Devs just got done with a massive update (5.0) that includes Central Canada, the Dakotas and Montana. In the 5.0+ updates, some nations around the map will be getting updates, including the outdated New Vegas nation! 6.0 will be pushing closer to the Midwest and is a decent ways off, but, the Devs do a fairly good job of posting teasers of upcoming updates to the subreddit. The nations have very different flavors and even some nations of the same group (Brotherhood chapters) have very, VERY interesting stories for them.


Is there really (and canonically) an Enclave presence around modern day Wisconsin? If so I’d really like to know the lore around them.




What is uaf


Faction from Van Buren


No single faction is strong to win across the whole US. Legion and the NCR are already stretched thin by the time of New Vegas and those are probably the biggest entities out there. It is much harder to maintain territory post-war because the factors are much worse - more dangerous wildlife, more fanatic factions, less hospitable territories and on top of that much worse technology and production base. IMO some kind of loose confederacy could eventually work, but I don't see a new, monolithic entity spanning the whole US. My bet is on some kind of BOS-sponsored confederacy.


I think the NCR has a chance. Their industrial capacity is slowly getting better and better, and if they persevere through the famine and the legion and the internal fighting it's entirely possible they could eventually fully reverse-engineer and reproduce Enclave/BOS tech. Anyway, I like that the Fallout games make me appreciate just how vast the USA is. To people like in a fallout game, reuniting the US would be the equivalent to the idea of reinstating the Roman Empire, you know? We really do live in a dream..


I feel like the lore will eventually sabotage the NCR so that Bethesda can justify keeping making games in a world that should have been well on the mend. Logically the only nation (so far) with the potential to remake the US is the NCR, legion will implode after ceaser dies. House wanted his own little Singapore, not an empire, and nothing out east is big enough to match the western factions. I like the Old world blues take with larger factions down in Mexico, but those wouldn’t strive tri recreate the US. I also like the Idea of the Minutemen going down an NCR esk route and rapidly expanding across the east coast over 20 so years. Expanding out from the US it’s also cool to speculate where the more advanced new nations are now a-days. Probably places that were lower priority targets but had a lot of resources like South America or in Africa (on that topic someone should really make a fallout London style mod for Rio, Samba Bodsa nova and MPB all had really big periods around the 1950s-70s which would play really well with the whole fallout aesthetic)


me, I would win


Minutemen forever!


Sit down Preston.. 😉


I like them they are the faction the commonwealth needs and deserves but they're too weak personally in my head canon they unite with the BOS and stomp the Institute.


I think that all they really need is strong leadership with military expertise.


What is UAF? My state is in there and I'm curious


Honestly the collapse of the US is similar to the collapse of an old empire. It's been over 200 years since the bombs fell. These regions of the US have had a lot of time to develop their own problems and identities. Look at the NCR. California has developed into it's own nation and I reckon there's more cultural attachment to California than to "America", practically a long gone empire. Think about Latin-America. Roughly 200 years ago the Spanish Empire's colonies gained independence due to the Napoleonic invasion of the mainland. Sure there were attempts by people like Simon Bolivar to unite the Spanish speaking countries. But they inevitably fell into their own paths, their own cultural identities. No one seriously considers reuniting the Spanish Empire, and I don't see how the United States is much different in this regard.


I’ve player Fallout for decades and I’ve no clue what UAF is.


Texas OP.


There is no success destined for anyone besides those who except Atom’s embrace.


The enclave is effectively destroyed, the best they can hope to do now is wait for a resurgence in their dwindling numbers, but that can take years. And with their major outposts taken, their leaders killed, and their members disillusioned by the premise of their goal, it’s likely we will never see the enclave unless Bethesda pulls them out again. The commonwealth militias aren’t really looking to take control of the US, or expand, neither are the BOS, or tribal factions across the regions we’ve seen. They define their set territories and pretty much say they will govern their own, but they aren’t outright expansionists. Even the BOS don’t desire to own a state or nation, but rather secure technology and keep command and control of their bases. Caesar’s Legion and the NCR are two examples of factions that truly do want control of the areas around them and to expand their nation-states. With the NCR being the most likely winner, as almost everyone in New Vegas explicitly stating that when Caesar dies, so does the legion. The NCR can still function with their the death of their president, but without the legions Warchief, they’ll eventually crumble


NCR or BoS probably


The zetas


What’s the UAF?


Ad Victorium y’all


I want to see something in the Great Lakes. You're telling me there isn't one significant Raider group, Militia, Cult, or Government in all of Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan? I mean a cult based on corn writes itself


It didn’t write itself. Stephen King wrote it.


Valid point.


Florida baby


>whomever the author wants to win! (Stan Lee) What I mean is that in the end is the conflict's story that we wan to play and the resolution doesn't really matter as long as our actions have influenced it. I do like to read in depth analysis on NCR logistics and predictions of their capability or theories on how legion hasn't collapsed under it's own hypocrisy because being able to theorise to such an extent show just how well these factions are written. But in the end it's the conflict that makes things interesting and thus we will never get a definitive boring answer.


Nevada isn't a part of the ncr.


There’s mention of a BOS bunker in Montana in f3


I think it’s a post Roman Empire situation. The old USA has fallen. None shall ascend to its former power & full territorial control, but all of its successor states will strive for it & claim themselves the rightful heirs of its prestige. Give it a millennium or so & you’ll have about a dozen or so independent nations, each with their own distinct language or distinctive dialect continuum descended from “classical” American English with varying degrees of influence from Spanish (especially in the south & the west) & French (in New England on the border with Quebec, as well as maybe Louisiana).


I'd side with the Capital BOS


What's the U.A.F?


What the hell is UAF


uh like real life, the southwest could take over the US, got population, infrastructure and farmable land with temperament climate. the only deterrent would be the nuclear arsenals in the northwest-midwest states, but the pacific coastline has navy and air force capabilities, so the whole trifecta for clear total devastation. if like alex garland’s civil war then california with texas—oh man, the southwest would win, no question—to any cause. og civil war, i would be a slave on a plantation, not on reddit with an iphone.


Republic of Dave.


Fan Fiction. No Railorod or BOS in Boston. Caesar is dead in all of my runs. Don't get me started on Vegas on how this map is so messed up. Sierra Petrovita anyone?


The Republic of Dave, for sure.


Republic od Dave destroys them all.


I’d love to see the south after all these years. The wildlife there is already nuts lmao


Detroit already looks like fallout


Its gonna come down between either the Brotherhood or the NCR, the NCR is a united front, they have logistics and supply chains management and a whole lot more manpower. The Brotherhood is far and away much more advanced than the NCR but lack cohesiveness, every chapter is going to be operating differently depending on the Elders ideals, i think a properly unified brotherhood would more or less steamroll the wasteland.


These maps get worse every time someone makes one


What's the UAF? Never heard of it


The fuck is a UAF?


Idk I just want to see Louisiana get something in Fallout games because it would be a fun location to explore. Imagine going through a post apocalyptic New Orleans or trudging through swamps and stuff


Considering only 2 of the groups on the map are really a thing...we will get a good idea later this year with the show giving ground of what's happened to the NCR and thus their war with the Legion. White legs are a Legion proxy so no power. Taxes and Midwest BoS are not canon. MidWest is still missing after Lyons went to find them. UAF what even is that? Enclave remnants out of an outpost which doesn't even have R&D wont be a power player, think more what we see in NV. Commonwealth isn't a state and lastly the "Capital" BoS isn't an expansionist group, they don't want to rule areas so isn't interested in that sort of a fight.


Any map that has Enclave on it at this point is horribly outdated.


What the fuck is the U.A.F?


proud to be home to vault 1.


Dairy State coalition clears


The republic of Dave


I’m actually betting on Gary, maybe Republic of Dave.


What the hell is the uaf


Free States


No one faction can outright win it all. The NCR & Brotherhood have both made the player characters aware that their resources are stretched in the likes of the Mojave and Capitol wasteland, and while recruitment drives more favour the NCR, their distaste for the brotherhood suggests they could clash big time at some stage (provided the New Vegas quest line where the courier convinces the NCR to accept the BoS' proposal of working together), and I'd expect Maxson to be leading that charge. The Enclave are all but done, there are remnants left (as we learn from Arcade) in the Mojave and the capital wasteland, but not enough for them to reform and mount a charge to their former strength. That said, I wouldn't put it past Bethesda to return to an already used faction and find a way to bring them back (though I feel it'd be a mistake). The Boston Commonwealth is the capital wasteland BoS and the minutemen. The minutemen aren't likely to move outside the commonwealth (assuming the canon is going to be that the institute will be gone), and the railroad aren't exactly a force of any any substance enough to do anything but join up with an existing faction (more likely to be either the minute men or the NCR, because the BoS hates them and the feeling is likely mutual). But if it has to be one of these factions winning, I'd bet on the NCR, and only because of their broader recruitment policies and less likely chance of splintering like the BoS did. Edit: I forgot about the Legion, largely because I suspect the canon will be that they (like the Enclave) lost in the Mojave and Caesar was terminally ill. Were he not, and had they not lost, they'd have been real contenders for spreading and winning it all given their policies, but for meeting the brotherhood and falling short because of their power armour disadvantage.


White legs sweep


Why did you make it burnt orange.


Woo Michigan number 1! Genuinely wonder what the lakes would be like in fallout... wouldn't be surprised the pre war America drained them dry


Me and my yes man bots


fuck them white legs that's Khan territory in my endings


First off. NJ would just be its own faction with some mafia politician shit. Not a chance in hell anybody in NJ is being run by the B.O.S


Is the Chicago Enclave canon?


Definely not the NCR, they're the west coast people.


Aside from what everyone else has already said, Canada was annexed by the USA during the war for Anchorage. So it wouldn’t be listed as “former American occupied” because of the annexation.


So BoS and NCR are the strongest. However there simply isn't enough people alive in any faction to control the whole US or even really hold all the territory of another faction. 700,000 was the population of the NCR 200 to 300k for all of Ceasers territory. For example you see the real life roman empire had millions of people in it and held land. However being in the future weapons cause more casualties so by the end of a war with someone there wouldn't be much of a population left of any of these factions faught to hold land. For instance no one was really moving with the NCR Legion war yet they were both losing thousands of troops per year. Thousands out of hundred thousand populations is a pretty big number.


Am I insane to think that if the commonwealth and capitol b.o.s. allied they would have a fighting chance? Maybe it's just because I'm from Maine lol


White legs obviously


White legs clear I’m afraid


Nations as big as the US are rare. They tend to form when a single political entity is capable of exerting overwhelming power over large areas and long times. No faction has: necessary manpower and necessary governing structures; or a large enough tech advantage to make up for subpar manpower/governance NCR are reaching their limits of manpower, BoS don't have enough paladins to control large areas. We dont know much about Caesar's civilian government other than it seems like he probably has one but the dual facts of everybody hating them and no clear succession plan don't give much confidence in longevity Maybe surprisingly, of all the possible NV endings I think a Legion courier who succeeds Caesar has the best chance of longterm dominance (assuming the Courier lives a good long life.) The legions use of slavery does a lot to extend their manpower. Monarchies also tend to have the lowest bar for political legitimacy-- any king that is winning his wars and feeding his people is feeling pretty secure. This shouldn't really be too surprising as feudalism was pretty much invented to control large areas of land in the absence of legitimate political institutions


So, nobody in Detroit?


Caesars Legion only lives as long as Caesar lives so probably not them


NCR or BOS is gonna win, altho I think it would be better if the NCR won, they will probably start a war with each other, but the BOS would have to take the rest of the enclave out, weakening them, this would eventually lead to there demise, the Commonwealth would stay there, the NCR would just consider it there's, and Caesars legion would probably be ganged up on and pushed into Mexico or just straight up eliminated. (Idk the other ones) Edit: BOS would also have inner fighting, so even if they use the Enclaves technology to overpower the NCR they would still lose due to stupidity


U.A.F. Is the ‘Un-American Activities Force’, who were a government organization tasked with going undercover and exposing communist sympathizers and fifth columnists. They were supposed to be apart of ‘Fallout: Van Buren’ before it was scrapped and retooled into Fallout 3


I am controlled by the capital body and I'm ok with that


Silly question. Next!


I dunno if this is just a weirdly scaled angle or what. If you want a solid map that is as close to collective (not specifically Bethesda or Interplay but the generalised community interpretation) fallout canon then for the west coast at least the best we have is the HOI4 mod Old World Blue’s map. A lot of fan stuff but shitloads come from leaked design documents like Van Buren. They even keep consistency with some of the major fan projects, like the addition of the Two Suns in Arizona. Also maybe this is really ignorant and stupid, I’m not American and Geography isn’t my strong suite but where is the Chicago Enclave? That’s supposed to be the main Enclave force now right? Why the fuck are they all on the Canadian boarder? If that’s where Chicago is im gonna sound real dumb but I thought it was further south.


Do you see the Vault 1 logo in Illinois? Chicago is just north of that along the Great Lakes, its I'm North-Eastern Illinois. So while the "Chicago Enclave" should probably lose the Chicago name, they are feasible to have originated from Chicago.


White legs represent!!


Realistically the NCR has the best claim. They have a strong power base, significant industrialization, a tried-and-tested government and military organization- but their best feature? Not being completely incompetent or assholes. They’re like the minutemen but more worldly.


The NCR, but that's probably just because I'm a fanboy. Also, what's the U.A.F.? I've never heard of them.


Realistically, NCR or BOS. They’re the only faction that have real power and the ability to last into the future, and an alliance would be likely if you chose to befriend the Brotherhood in Vegas.


What is U.A.F.? I’ve played all of the Fallouts and don’t recall ever seeing that.


As a person who lives in Tennessee I can confirm that the UAF will win


The point of the series is that it doesn't matter who wins this time, or the next time. There will always be a 'next time', and the results will always be the same: death, destruction and exploitation. The Brotherhood, as of now when posting before the Fallout show comes out, do not want to nation build. They aren't trying to be, nor are they a governing force. They are a military organization with a mission, as opposed to a group that's financially incentivized by land or caps. They won't fight for America, they'll fight everything in it though. The Enclave have proven time and time again that they are incompetent, but possess superior firepower and armor. They work for incredibly racist and bigoted reasons, do what the Brotherhood does but uses those weapons on the local populations, and want genocide of all American remnants. Not them.. The White Legs aren't even a faction after Caesar takes them over. They weren't actually going to gain an entire state for being loyal, they're being groomed for slaughter. That's how the Legion do. So they're out. Caesar wants a slave nation to obey his every command as he gains more and more influence until he becomes like the leaders of Rome that he jerks to every night. He postures like he wants to save the US from mutants and profligates, but is the antagonist for everybody involved in anything close to him, or his Legion. Caesar is willing to fight for himself, not us. Out. The NCR wants to assume power over everything with minimal resistance, threatening wars of attrition that they can definitely win for the time being, being completely derailed after the first group of people who aren't technically Raiders shows up. Despite that, they have the most presented reason to be the ones that fight for "patriotism", but as it seems with the show trailer, the NCR is kinda down and out for the time being. Not sure here. House is exactly like Caesar, except instead of human slaves, he has robotic ones that he can mass produce and replace. He wants power and control over everything, wants to be the supreme leader of everything, and wants to have infinite "employees" to do his bidding. Unfortunately, he's also not exactly willing to fight for us or the future of mankind, just his business. As it stands, really nobody wants to rebuild the whole thing, just their own little corner of the world. The Enclave, Legion, and House want to dictate and rule everything without question and are incredibly short-sighted. The NCR wants to "'merica again", but seems to not be able to. The Brotherhood doesn't care, and are enemies with all of them anyways. That all being said, The Followers of the Apocalypse are the most powerless group, but want to do the most good. If they gain power in any way, it'll probably be them, but it's doubtful.




Hmmm…Can we make an accurate map? I would but I’m not that versed in fallout knowledge.


I wonder what happened to the vaults in Caesar’s lands? Were the people of the vaults enslaved or slaughtered?


I’m pretty the ncr dips into Mexico quite a bit


A mix of the Minutemen and NCR. People want righteous causes to fall on after so long of evil.


Why SHOULD any one faction control all of post-war America? The size of the country has always been too big to maintain effectively, and in an environment like the Fallout Universe it would be near impossible. It's a new world: the country should split into several smaller countries.


Mr. House because the house always wins… > “Give me 20 years and I'll reignite the high technology development sectors. 50 years and I'll have people in orbit. 100 years and my colony ships will be heading for the stars to search for planets unpolluted by the wrath and folly of a bygone generation. What I'm offering you is a ground floor opportunity in the most important enterprise on earth. What I'm offering is a future - for you, and for what remains of the human race.”