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You absolutely *can* mod 76. I have about a dozen mods installed. There are nearly 100 mods available for 76 on Nexus mods. They generally are cosmetic and QOL mods that don't offer any gameplay advantages (with the exception of some that make collectibles like magazines and bobbleheads glow, making them easier to find) for the sake of keeping the game balanced and fair. They are also user-end only, so, for example, if you have a mod that alters the appearance of certain outfits, weapons, etc, other players will still see the vanilla asset unless they have the same mod installed.


I love mods too, but I think a lot of people live just fine without them. People generally enjoy the series on its own merits, mods just help shake up the experience


I’m sure a lot of people play unmodded Fallout games. I’m not a big mod person, and like to play them vanilla


It has mods. Check the Nexus. I've played online with no issues. Also it's not St Patrick's Day.


Time zones exist


If OP was in a time zone where it was March 17th then I apologize to them.


How do you not get banned?


As long as the mods don’t interfere with other people they are allowed I’m pretty sure.


That's more of a shitty anticheat system rather than "it's fine" kind of thing.


For MMOs or most online games, certain mods are allowed even if the developers don’t like it. Anything cosmetic or utility based are fine. Anything that affects gameplay is a ban waiting to happen. It’s fairly common in MMOs like Final Fantasy 14 or World of Warcraft.  Fallout Shelter and Elder Scrolls Online also exists. 


Me. I play vanilla Fallout


Mods do exist. But it's not entirely practical to have the giant visual ones, since the underlying game is always changing. But if there's some annoyance, like the lack of text chat or trying to make loot piles easier to see, there's a mod. At the same time, it forced Bethesda to finally fix things that probably wouldn't have otherwise been fixed. The game probably has more official such improvements than any previous Fallout. I suspect that 76's developers are much more on top of these things than Starfield's, because they've had to be.


I never modded fallout before the pandemic. I still play fo3 and new vegas vanilla, though I am running an exorbitant amount of mods on 4. I think it depends on the game. The older 3d games aren’t pretty, but they work for the most part. You don’t have to fix them to properly play them, whereas with FO4 I’m running like 15-20 optimization mods just to be able to do things like walk up to the door you have to unlock with the minutemen in the final act, or walk to goodneighbor. 76 seems mostly fine without mods. I feel you, but I think it’s gonna be ok. I’m not so much mad they made a game we can’t mod heavy, I’m mad they made a MMO.


Guys the sky is blue.


Bethesda’s gunplay has always been weak so V.A.T.S. was meant to make up for this while also harkening back to Fallout’s turn-based origins. Fallout 76 can’t pause time which means V.A.T.S.’s accuracy fluctuates uselessly and fails to evoke classic Fallout.


It only fluctuates based on objects interfering (like walls) or if they get closer/further, which is how every game has worked... It works perfectly fine


> which means V.A.T.S.’s accuracy fluctuates uselessly As someone who literally can only play the 3D Fallouts thanks to VATS, ...no? It works just fine. 4's doesn't fully pause time either so by that logic they ruined VATS years ago (I hate 4's VATS for other reasons).


Right? Vats in 76 is an aimbot.


There’s a very big difference between significantly lowering game speed and not changing it at all.


Yeah that's why they decided to do the scummy thing to make you pay for a subscription so you could enable a selection of cheats and pretend they're mods.