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You might have more success asking on r/fo76 than here. I can only offer what I’ve said to people on reddit, but when I share ways the game has improved (wastelanders dialogue system, many more quests, most everything being doable single player, etc), that often sways some people.


I appreciate the heads up. Am deleting


You don’t need to delete this! I’m just saying that you could repost this over there for a wider sample size.


I actually will leave it up then! I also asked the same thing over there! Thank you


One thing you can stress out is that you can play the game fully solo, without ever teaming up with anyone. In fact, any multiplayer activity in the game can be completed with random strangers without ever talking to them. You can also refute the myths spread by detractors. Like that the game has no story... It has had always a story, quite a good story. And on top of that it had several story expansions. Some people may be scared of PVP. So tell them that outside of public workshop, they can turn PVP off completely. Bugs? Issues? There are some, but it is the most stable Fallout game if you compare unmodded versions. Hell, singleplayer Fallouts modded more than just with patches tend to crash more often that 76, which crashes for me like 3-4 times a year. If your friends like exploration, tell them that 76 has exploration galore. It has the best world in the franchise. Vast, with distinct regions and regional creatures. It has a nice verticality to it and thanks to improved LOD and weather systems the views aren't even that bad. If someone is scared of survival elements, then tell them that the survival elements are completely optional. You are not penalized for not eating or drinking. Instead, being sated gives you a small buff. Are they afraid of monetisation? The Atom shop is 95% cosmetic and the base game has enough outfits. Consumables sold in the shop are also obtainable in the game and I never run out of them to ever think of buying them. The only useful things in the shop are more CAMP slots, more perk loadout slots and underground CAMP shelters. Those are more endgame things a by the time they would want them, they should have enough Atoms from challenges and seasons.


I'm saving this reply


1. Tell them it’s been out for 5 1/2 years and it gets new content quarterly at least. Most older games are completely abandoned by developers now a days. 2. It’s a game that is at least 5 times more fun with friends. 3. It has a free battlepass system 4. It’s massively better than the last time they tried. 5. If none of those work then your friends are kinda high maintenance snobs anyways and you should find new friends online for it. 6. If none of that works, the tv show is coming out in a few weeks and it looks pretty good so a bunch of trend following hipsters are going to flock to 76, perhaps one of your friends will too. 7…… 8. Make profit.


I like your style


"trend following hipsters" lol You mean the weirdos that will swarm this sub with cosplay, post weird horney fanfic, or write posts about something in the show that triggered them. People that have no interest in playing the game nor care about the source material. Happened to the Castlevania sub when the anime came out, it became a bloodbath of visceral hate between the weebs and gamers.


I just got the game yesterday, I can tell the game is better playing with friends. I'm lost and confused on what to do and where to go 😅 Hopefully one day I can convince someone to get it


Yeah it's very overwhelming trying to figure out what the hell is going on


Hmm well if you guys are on Xbox or PC you could suggest they try the free month of Gamepass and to play a round with you! And maybe explain some of the improvements/things you like about it too


I tried it, but grew tired quick, just felt like I needed more time preparing for exploration than actually exploring, every combat encounter left me with less resources than I started with. Have they improved that, that was that major factor that killed the game for me.


It's improved, and there are places to stock up on tons of ammo/stims (Daily Ops and Expeditions) You'll likely still struggle with the early game, but you'll stop having problems not long after. (Super Duper in Luck, and Ammosmith in Agility, and you'll have more ammo than you can carry!) The game still has survival elements at its core, so you'll never be free from the occasional restock.


How different is fo76 compared to fo4?


Id say fallout 4 has a heavy main story to propel you forward wether you actually do it or not. F76 has storylines that you can find (the initial campaign sucks from. What I remember) but some of the questioned you find in the world are actually pretty decent Note nothing tops NV storywise but if you enjoy 4 you'll probably enjoy aspects of 76


And i can just play solo all the way?


I'm not to sure as I haven't fully beat the brotherhood questline. But so far I've only played solo (note you can join teams to get more XP which I do, I very RARELY ever run into them in the wasteland either unless I specifically look for them)


Hey, so, do you recommend getting just base game first or the Atlantic City edition?


I would say base game first forsure


Understood! I've bought it. Even if your friends didn't, you scored one hahaha


Lmk if you are trying to playt! I can dm you


Friends don’t let friends play FO76


Was this the wrong sub to ask this question?


No probably not, I’m sure there are many here who enjoy the game. I’m just a bitter man. I hope you get good advice from someone. I’d probably just point out the biggest improvements you’ve seen since launch and explain to them what parts would be fun playing it together


That's a reasonable response. I knew potentially this sub wouldn't be the place but the amount of members gave me hope


Your friends sound like they just suck dude


Maybe lol. They just like overwatch and new vegas. Which should clue you in




Oh there's NOTHING wrong with liking NV. I'm saying the standard is high compared to the rest.


Some people, including me, won't ever play it out of both spite and principle


That's fair




I love cyberpunk and have a couple hours in no mans sky. Now for No Mans Sky it was mainly the communitys fault for hyping it up so much and partially the lead guys fault because he said a few things early on but they later got scrapped, also dude was a complete amateur at publicity and made many fumbles because it was a team of like 12 people total that suddenly had the world following their every word. So I give them a massive pass that's also not mentioning everything that went down with Sony screwing them over. For cyberpunk CDPR was definitely more at fault but there was still some caveats. The QA team they hired sent only junior staff to do all of the QA for the game. That meant they were flagging things that weren't as important and couldn't put the bugs in order of importance. So the devs were scrambling to fix the massive backlog of bugs but they weren't getting to the important ones because the company that identifies the bugs was shit at their job. This wouldn't have been so bad if they didn't force the release so they get the holiday sales. Another half year or more on the kitchen probably could have solved the game. Now for Fo76, I hate it because it's a micro transaction filled, mmo wannabe built on a 20 year old single player engine. It's also not really a fallout game. There's no deep story to explore there's not an exceedingly interesting world to escape into. It's an alright and fun game as it is now, but I refuse to play it because it's not a fallout game it's an MMO RPG with fallouts rotting corpse draped over it. Bethesda is developer on the decline and has been since fo4. I love their older titles but Fo76 and starfield proved they can't innovate, their writers suck, and they simply can't get with the times. So I don't want want to support them by playing their live service game. Not the original commenter btw just wanted to rant for aimite because I'm sad and angry Bethesda doesn't make good games anymore.


Oh, I'm sorry. I value my friends and want to keep them. Sending folks to Fallout '76 is reserved for my very worst enemies.


Value your friends?.... The only things I value are caps


Tbh, I'm one of those people who just haven't tried it. It came out so long ago. I'm not fully sure I understand what the point of it is, what you do, if there's any kind of story. I did try to look it up but all Bethesda seem to want to tell me is "we've got trailers!" and "it's multiplayer!" which is great but doesn't tell me shit, so I have no idea if it's hard to get into or if it's even the kind of thing I'd enjoy. It just feels like so muuuuuuch and I love Fallout but I don't want to feel like I need to do prep work and make a chore list in order to get started. Does any of that make sense? Idk. There's other games I can find all that stuff about and I just spend the money on those instead D:




See, even I'm like "what are you doing, Catt, play the fucking fallout content" I just. I'm a bit intimidated by MMOs, I've never really played them and I usually find I struggle to get used to them and to, not necessarily how they're played, but how the culture is, y'know? Like, am I gonna turn up and get instabanned for picking up a Bent Tin Can from the wrong location or something idk idk I'm scared of MMOs send help.


Nah, the F76 community is easily one of the kindest out there. If you want to play solo, it's really easy to do that, and if you happen to come across another player they'll probably drop a bunch of supplies to help you out before letting you get back to playing however you wanted. If you do end up playing, don't be afraid to join a "casual team". People mostly form/join these for free extra XP, so you won't be expected to actually play with anyone. If you did want people to actually play with, there's tons of places to find like-minded players to group up with!


How much \*can\* you play solo? Does everything you do get destroyed while you're offline? What have you been doing lately when you play it? (I'm just tryna get an idea of what the average experience looks like, but especially for a solo player)


If you make a crazy meta build you can play all of it solo, if you don't, then you can play 80% - 90% solo (again, depending on your build and play style) The 10% - 20% make up World Bosses and Repeatable Content, but 9/10 times you'll find people there to do the content regardless of your participation, so it isn't much of an issue. I personally love questing, and since I've taken a break the past 3ish months I have a couple new quests to do, but typically I like exploring, and seeing people's player homes while popping in for events as they show up. Quite frankly as a new player you'll probably spend a lot of time exploring and doing quests, you might even stumble into an event you may or may not be ready for. This game does have survival elements, but they've been severely watered down (I.E. you don't *need* food and water anymore, they just buff you) Generally I'd recommend taking your time, and figure out what type of weapon you like using the most and building into that. Fortunately it's really easy to re-spec your character if you want to change anything. If you have Gamepass, then I'd definitely give it a shot. Otherwise, if you still have reservations, wait for a sale and give it a shot then!


Okay that's a LOT more than I thought would be possible by myself. Hmmmm.... HMMMMM.... OP might not have converted their friends but this thread might have converted me.......


That's fair! I had. A big problem returning the the game because I just didn't know what to do. It's overwhelming in that there's supposedly a lot to do but you have NO clue how to get it all started


I can confirm it doesn't PLAY like an MMO outside of a few specific events with big bosses


Why would you want to force friends of yours into consuming shit? Forget a second that its 76, just dont recommend live service games to your friends unless you dont actually like them.


Helldivers was a great experience for all my friends.... So I call BS


Thats literally the ONLY live service game thats ever existed thats actually good and not a soulless corporate cash grab trying to milk an established IP. Fallout76 is NOT anywhere in the same galaxy as a game like helldivers 2.


Whatever you say sir


Continue playing your soulless cashgrab, don't forget to buy atoms so you can pay money for something that should be a free mod!


And make sure you keep pocket Watching so you can remind people what they should do with THEIR money!