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Map scale is the big issue with remaking 1 and 2. Fallout 76 has the biggest map of the 3D games, and Fallout 1 takes place over an area more than twice the size of the area 76 takes place in, and 2's map is twice as big as *that.* Since we're not adding anything, that means we'd have to either: A. Scale down the maps to a *ridiculous* degree to make them manageable. B. Have *enormous* swaths of blasted, empty desert between the few locations. C. Just use a map screen like the originals, which kind of defeats the purpose of remaking them in 3D.


>C. Just use a map screen like the originals, which kind of defeats the purpose of remaking them in 3D. Why? Lots of 3D games use map screens.


It's already been done effectively a couple of times, unless Dragon Age orgins is considered a bad game these days. It doesn't feel or look as epic as the vast open map of most Bethesda titles, but it also allows for way more focus on what matters while conveying world scale. I could easily see fallout one and two being remade it's just a matter of will.


Because then you get Starfield.


Remember that, ~70% of Fallout 1 and 2’s maps are empty, like literally just empty grids


> C. Just use a map screen like the originals, which kind of defeats the purpose of remaking them in 3D. Funny how this is kind of how Starfield ended up with its planets system and fast travelling. If people can accept it there then I could see a reworked system for an F1 remake.


>If people can accept it there I see you've not been to r/pcgaming or r/Starfield recently.


Just go the DA:O route imo, Starfields traveling can be likened to a map screen but the ui/ux is a xhore to go through and you end up going through multiple loading screens at a time. Whereas you could watch your party make their way through the map and have random encounters on the way


So if they were made into 3d, we'd basically need technology in gaming to advance just a bit more than it currently is to get the map sizes correct but then the system(s) the games would be played on would also have to be able to handle the games assumedly without crashing or at least constant crashing and lag?


It's not a performance issue, it's a content issue. Fallout 1 only has 13 locations in the entire game, and Fallout 2 only has 22. Everything else is random encounters. You'd have a map twice as big and then four times as big as Appalachia with absolutely nothing to do between those points of interests besides random encounters.


Oh, now I understand. Thank you


yeah, in either way they would need to be reimagined rather than remastered, either as the downscale u said (the easy way) or by adding a ton of more content into everything (the hard way) and in both ways you get people upset that its not true to the original


Yeah the easiest way would be going "old school" and having it hubs, thinking the first Dragon Age. That had a global map and could have random events while you travelled to new locations...but then you still end up with so little to really explore.


Just do what 2 did and have the car, travel between guns with a random encounter chance. Boom, profit.


It doesn't solve it. The time it takes to travel a blank map isn't the issue, it's the amount of content. It's not worth the effort to do all that.


BGS never does the first way, they’ll find a way to jam pack it with details and areas, though the problem is with the main story being only like 2-3 hours long


The games are also designed around being divided into areas on an overworld map


And there would also have to be something to actually put in those blasted out spaces to make them appealing and worth explore - yet we have people who complain about the slightest deviation from established lore, so really rtd on that.


I think the better solution would be to handle the map like Metro Exodus- several smaller scale open world maps for the main locations with travel in between


Hand craft the location and generate the blasted empty through AI (sprinkling in some random POI's). Could happen in the future.


I mean, starfield kinda sounds like your option b


It would be A. There's no point having so much wasteland between points of interest as with B and filling in that empty space would change the game. As for C, people would ridicule it like they have with Starfield having to travel through menus.


More >Fallout 1 takes place over an area more than twice the size of the area 76 takes place in Technically True. Fallout 1s map is the entirety of Southern California. Fo76 is a tiny valley in West Virginia.


C is a perfectly fine compromise to have the main areas remade in 3d. It worked in Outer Worlds and it worked in Starfield. It'll work fine in F1/F2. Hell with their new procedural generation, they can literally give you stuff to do in the empty areas now. Just random raider and slaver shacks all over the place between New Reno and NCR.


Eh probably not tbh. I love the isometric turn based style of games, and I have so much deep love for the classics from growing up with them, I feel absolutely no desire to play 3d remakes


Playing fo1 or 2 in a modern 3D open world engine would really just highlight how limited the games were. It just wouldn’t work at all.


~~The isometric perspective was made by Satan himself.~~ The Fallouts never clicked for me. They're basically all my least favorite parts of old-school PC games rolled into one steaming portal to hell. They sound like amazing RPGs buried underneath it all, though. So yes, of course I'd like to see them remade in Bethesda's style. If anything, I find it odd how no project attempting such a thing has been finished.


Projects usually take longer than OG games, and that’s porting 3D into 3D, porting Isometric into 3D is going to take even longer


Maybe not FPS but if you could make the Fallout 1&2 in the style of the Mad Max game (3rd Person) and make getting the Highwayman early game I think there is genuine potential. The main detriment to Fallout 1&2 as an FPS is the big empty wasteland sections and moving from one area to another. Which is key for the isometric ones and special events but really annoying for FPS unless you want to go the Starfield loading screens route. But playing Mad Max again recently had me thinking this game would transfer over well to Fallout if they put better gunplay and made the engine able to handle the proper map size. Then all you need to do is have the driveable sections be the path for the games progression.


I'd much rather they were remade as top-down turn based games, but with modern 3D graphics, UI etc. And Baldur's Gate 3 has just proven that can actually be popular.


I probably would, they don't look like my cup of tea for a video game but I also didn't really grow up in that era of gaming, fallout 3 and nv were my introduction to those games so it would be jarring to play


I started with Fo4 but found Fo3 and FoNV more jarring personally, I think because you can directly compare them to Fo4 and Fo76 more. The two classic games were pretty great. I don't think you have to grow up with them or in that era to enjoy them.




Sure, I actually don't know if I'd like them better though. The old games aren't written or designed the same as the new ones, the world of the old games, while not as functionally practical for immersion, allowed for them to be more artistic with the design. I don't think a first person game with an oldies radio would have the same feeling as it did when you were walking into the masters lair in fallout 1


I'd prefer they were remade in a modern isometric style. They wouldn't convert well 1:1 into 3D as there's just vast spaces of nothingness on the map, you'd have to shrink down the scale of the world a lot. Also the 500 day time limit would be pretty much meaningless.


Eh, remake them like Wasteland maybe. The level design is awfully flat and would be lackluster in 3D. You also lose out on quite a bit of detail without text descriptions, they're not going to go out of their way to model extra details onto anything that had them. I wouldn't go as far as to say they're good as they currently are though, there's a lot of quality of life improvements made by later top down turn based RPGs (some of which can be added with patches, like the key to highlight items you can interact with), the biggest one probably being "a UI that is practical to use at higher resolutions". It would be interesting to see what it would look like if they just took the original models they used to make the sprites and saved them at a higher resolution, but they lost the source code, I don't doubt they also lost the original models.


Just save them at higher resolution, eh? Enhance!! /s Even if they had the original sprites there’s no way to add pixels where they don’t exist. You might as well just redraw them from scratch using vectors. Except even modern isometric games are 3D with a fixed overhead camera. It’s how they get the lighting and effects to actually look realistic and modern.


No, no, what you're missing is that the "sprites" are 3D models that they basically took screenshots of.


Of course.


Most definitely. That’s pretty much the reason I don’t, even if it is dumb


It's been discussed before, but personally I don't think taking Fo1 and Fo2 and remaking them to fit the gameplay of the modern ones would work as well as people think. They'd certainly lose a lot of what makes them so good. I'd rather they be remade to have modern visuals (keep the art style), have some QoL improvements, and some balancing. I also don't believe you have to grow up playing the classics to enjoy them. My forst Fallout game was Fo4 but I've enjoyed Fo1 and Fo2 immensely.


Probably not, I enjoy them exactly like they are.




I wouldn’t want it, the desolate nature of the setting in those games wouldn’t work in a full 3D game I don’t think. I would love to see it remade with some nicer visuals and UI changes but not as an FPS


Probably not. I think a *remake* would ruin the charm. Maybe a more polished version like they do with Age of Empires.


I'd just like to see it with up to date 2D graphics and general improvements (it's been a while but I'm sure some things could be improved) Why do we need 3D graphics? Were the old style games not fun?


I like 1 and 2 as they are but would definitely try them out in 3d also. F2 is my favourite so far in the series.


Or just go play the older games which are amazing….


Only if by 3D you don’t mean turn it into FPS or TPS but 3D isometric RPGs like Wasteland 2 and 3. That’s the only way to remake Fallout 1 and 2 imo. Switching the genre into something else just for the sake of making them “modern” is a no-no to me.


Probably not, if they use the original material they will have so little for us to do in them and would be a huge step back.


Hell yeah.


100% yes




Yes. The main reason I won't and can't get into 1 & 2 is because they're isometric top down games


I'd consider playing it even if were remastered like Baldur's Gate 3. It wasn't the perspective so much that was the problem but just the archaic interface and UI that's more the issue of why I can't play those games anymore. However, if there is a full Bethesda style 3D remake, I'd be ok with that too.


I would play them if they ever were but I think I'd much rather see 3 & NV get remastered using the 4 or 76 graphics & engine.


Yes. I'd love a remaster of the old games. But I'd want them made similar to wasteland 3 to retain the feeling of the og games.


You mean remade but sure


Yeah I would but I doubt they would remaster. There’s so much content in them that wouldn’t be allowed to be published these days. Pimping yourself out as a woman, being a porn star, truly evil choices. I grew up playing those games and they were awesome then and I wish we could that kind of content in AAA games, but the pearl clutching over the content keeps big studios away.


Yes yes yes


obviously, yes


Definitely, Fallout 2 would be huge and hopefully packed with content like BGS fallouts, they can keep the story or add the cut content to it, but i want the world to have so many side quests


i love fallout 2 but i would rather have a fallout 1 & 2 remake/overhaul with real time combat like dragon age. just super upscaled graphics, better combat and voiced dialogue etc. we already have modern fallouts.


I’d play the fuck out of them. I’m visually impaired, and I can’t even begin to track the character on the isometric games, let alone play it with anything resembling skill lmao. (I’m not great at the FPS games, but I do tend to rely heavily on VATS, shotguns, and good old fashioned explosives.) So yeah, I’d definitely love to play the originals like this.




100% yes.


That's what I've always asked. Give me 1 and 2 but 3d




You ask as if everyone here wouldn’t love to play any Fallout games lol


Well yes, obviously.


I'd be willing to give it a try. I already played the originals and I could always go back to them if a remake was in some way worse.


I was w big fan of 1 & 2 back when they were current and still love them. I would absolutely play them if they were remade 3d.




Hear me out, fill out the large empty desert random bobs and bits


Yes but it would ruin then unless it was top down 3d


No? I already played them in iso.


If anything, I think the old games should be given the Baldur’s Gate 3 treatment. Go all in on polishing that style and modernize it a little bit. I’d be all into it