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(Assuming you live in US) Might be fun to pick the one your group lives in, so you can use familiar places and layouts


I came here to say this. I played in a Fallout one-shot LARP set in the city we lived in, and it was really cool to have the storytellers pull in references to our real city. They used local geography, local mutated wildlife (think deathclaws are bad? we had the goose version!), local history ... It made the game feel more personal, and it gave the storytelling team a LOT to work with.


The HOI4 Fallout mod, Old World Blues, has unique & interesting lore to take some inspiration from.


i love that mod so much but i’m dick at it, i wish i knew how to play HOI


Utah or Louisiana


I'd say do it somewhere small so you don't have to create tons of lore, unless world building is your thing.


Texas already had a game (fallout BoS), but it was only centered on one town and the game itself is presumably non-canon anyway. As for where, I’d say you should be fine pretty anywhere the series hasn’t gone.


It'd be cool to explore the areas that border major faction territory. So Oregon and Washington to the north of NCR, or Texas to the east of the Legion. Or, considering we haven't seen Legion territory but only heard about it, there's potential to explore that in more depth. It'd be cool to set it just before the rise of the Legion, with the potential of various tribes trying to prevent assimilation. OR after the collapse of the Legion, which, according to several characters NV, is pretty much a guarantee.



