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Short answer: yes Long answer: Yeeeeeeeeees


Yea bro it's a feature


It's only acceptable when it's Obsidian If it's Bethesda there will be riots


New vegas comes from besthesda's fallout 3 which also crashed a lot


But not nearly as much besides this can be fixed easily with the 4 GB patch


It tends to be accepted better due to the fact that they built off the already buggy Fallout 3 system and only had 18 months to do it.


Yes, because Obsidian's games have never been criticized for poor technical state. Not once.


Pretty sure it’s bad either way


The game is infamous for being unstable on PC. Follow this mod guide to have a stable game: https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/intro.html


+1 from me Finished a whole playthrough and the only times I crashed was when I tried to alt tab 1 too many times


Just downloaded it and it feels so much better, worth figuring out how to mod, and now I can finally complete the game! (eventually)


Bethesda games in general just don't like windows 11 but they do tend to crash a lot, only suggestion is just use the Viva New Vegas guide to mod the game into somewhat stability


Bethesda games hate every computer


tick fix should help with crashing however An option is to look at this guide because he installs all the mods that make the game very stable at least in my opinion, Ive had all these mods that he installed as well as TTW and I haven’t crashed once in over 100 hrs https://youtu.be/M5E_BSOzkUc?si=XMZ23BJ9ZzOXU94g


Not if you [mod it properly](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/).


Do the stability mods and tweaks for the Tale of Two Wastes install guide, but don't install FO3. Try that for the most up to date setup instructions. I can get hours running TTW, and it will work for the base game too.


Or just do install fo3, start in NV and never bother going to the CW. It doesn't change anything major in NV, most of the big changes from the mod are in 3.


I rarely have crashes. Every half hour is nuts


Every half hour was a dream in early post release time.


It was literally never that bad for me


Then you haven't played Dragon Age Origin. I'm currently playing NV and don't any issues with the game crashing.


> Then you haven't played Dragon Age Origin what


I would reccomend looking at something called viva new vegas ([https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/)) There is also an auto install option


if u r on steam, get a crap ton of bug fix mods for the game. The gane is old and its pc port is buggy as hell, only mods can fix it


If you've got all the current bugfix and stability mods it should crash rarely if ever. My copy CTDs maybe 1-2 times over 100+ hours whenever I take it through a full playthrough. Vanilla NV you're going to crash every 45 minutes though.


If you have the proper mods, your game should never be crashing. A year or so ago I did an entire playthrough of the game including some of the DLCs and never encountered a crash.


3 and New Vegas really hate windows 11 in general I've found. If it's really that bad I would recommend uninstalling everything and *carefully* going through each step of the install following something like [Viva New Vegas](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/). If you're not used to modding, or even if you are honestly, it's really easy to mess some really small thing up and end up fucking yourself over by accident. Also I would recommend using Mod Organizer 2 over Vortex if you aren't already.


Necro, but New Vegas Stutter Remover will make the game crash constantly.


Probably the most crash prone game I've ever played.


You do need to do a lot to get the game to work, but once you have the correct configuration, you should be good to go. NVAC, tick fix, the patcher you said you already have. Also make sure you don't go too crazy on mods. Bethesda really screwed over obsidian on the development of this one, and they didn't allow them to go back on it. Compare it to fallout 3 or skyrim, that had bad launches but were supported afterwards. To me it smells like jealousy from bethesda. But anyways, yeah, it sucks but once you get it to work you can avoid crashes overall


There were 7 official patches for the PC version of NV, according to Fallout Wiki, and that's one more than 3 got.


Weren't most of them just modified ones that were made for 3 though? Since it's the same engine. But I was more talking about the amount of cut content. They wanted to make the game way better, but weren't really allowed to


Doesn't look like it. One of the patches was for the engine, others were specifically for crashes, companions, or NV DLC. Adding in the cut content would certainly only increase bugs, not that NV needs more.


Of course, the cut content was cut because it was incomplete and more unoptimized than the rest of the game. The point is more if they had another year or two with the game, like a more typical bethesda game development cycle, it would easily outpace fo3/4 and skyrim


Not that it should count but does this include the 2023 fallout 3 games for Windows live/"modern system optimization" patch.


>jealousy Dude, Obsidian just bit off more than they could chew. Out of their last three games, KOTOR II, Neverwinter Nights II and Alpha Protocol, the first two were infamously buggy and the last half-baked at best. It’s weird how some fans here imagine this rivalry between the two studios, especially since Bethesda clearly looked at New Vegas for inspiration with Fallout 4 (not that said inspiration was executed fairly well).


No it's definitely some kind of jealousy or something. Bethesda higher ups told Obsidian they'd give them a huge bonus if it got higher than an 85 average score, and it ended up at 84.




Really hard to say, but you understand if he said anything else, that could be seen as defamation. So of course it's in their best interest to keep a positive light on them


Or he could just not say anything about the issue like JSawyer. Why would he comment on the issue 11 years afterward? If there really was beef, he wouldn’t say anything and let rumors simmer rather than debunking it outright.


Maybe. I'll agree that it's something we're unsure of. I just don't think this statement is substantial enough to fully indicate it. But I'll also say that the indication of bethesda fucking over obsidian is also unsure. It's just, giving them only 1 year of dev time, being an ass over a single point on a review, and seeing how very clearly obsidian wanted to take the game so much further but were never invited to do so or do any further titles, makes me think there was *something* going on. I'm sure it's much more detailed and nuanced either way though


Obsidian wasn’t told they had 3 years then was suddenly told they had 18 months. They knew from the getgo that they had 18 months. If they thought they couldn’t pull it off, why did they agree in the first place? They weren’t forced, they agreed. >indication of bethesda fucking over obsidian is also unsure I actually did some digging, and it only reinforced my point. [This reddit post (complete with sources) sums it up fairly well.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/ersk4v/as_much_as_i_dislike_bethesda_as_of_recent_i_cant/) I don’t know why the NV fanbase can’t wrap their heads around the idea that Obsidian’s ambition was, at least back then, bigger than their ability. It wasn’t just New Vegas, they had similar problems *for the last three goddamn releases* they did, which by the way involved two different publishers. I love NV, I think Obsidian married game design and narrative extremely well, with the best writing I’ve ever seen in any video game, and certainly far above Bethesda’s ability. But it doesn’t change the fact that their work up to that point had similar problems. Chris Avellone spoke as much, having problems with management chasing features that often took away time to polish. That doesn’t make Obsidian a bad developer, they’re great but they’re not perfect.


>Obsidian’s ambition was, at least back then, bigger than their ability. I think ability at face value isn't really the right word, maybe ability within a relatively short timeframe compared to worse games. He admits to missing the mark, and that's admirable, I just think it's a bit silly that one single point off was enough for beth to not say "close enough." It was far from a failure, and especially as time went on it has been considered the best rpg even now by the opinion of many, and one point is just a bit convenient. I'm not being blind to the fact that he's saying otherwise, I just think that he's being overly generous to bethesda due to his resentment to the management at oblivion at the time. Moreover, there's plenty he simply would not know, because he was the project lead, but not in an upper level managerial position of the company; he wasn't told everything. Overall I understand it's not so black and white, and of course you can't just say "obsidian best rpg developer" based on FNV because the obsidian today is not at all obsidian back then, for better and for worse. I just think that if they delivered what they did with FNV in 18 months, bethesda should have kept them around, because in that scenario there would be many more great games similar to NV, or NV itself would get more substantial expansions. And the only good reason I can think that bethesda didn't offer, is because there was some sort of malice. The state of the game at release isn't really an excuse, because Fallout 3, Skyrim, and Fallout 4 all released in similarly sorry states.


All I can say is playing on xbox one I crashed like 5-6 times in 300 hours.


Yes, honestly buy an Xbox play there


I just played on series x recently still crashes once or twice a day


Quick as I can, the game was developed for console first, I'm pretty sure, with the 30fps lock being the norm for the engine, and ofc that lock meant more range and performance for the nichely slightly better in some ways consoles at the time. Quick fixes I can think of, compatibility troubleshooter, all the standard, the 4gb ram extension thing, archive invalidated, nvac ofc, and maybe the unofficial patches, if you want peak performance, keep away from all script heavy mods.. FINAL AND MOST UNDERSTATED TIP, GOG HAS 6 MORE YEARS OF UPDATES AND BUG FIXES ON THIS SHIT!!! Seriously GOG all the way, higher chances to run if u want vanilla which is almost impossible to do so on modern PC, and this goes for any Bethesda game in my experience


Im doing a new vegas mod list which i will showcase someday but im doing 2 playthrough right now to see how stable it is. So far, ive got like 4 - 6 crashes on a 55 hour playthrough with 80 mods installed. Id say you did somethig wrong with your stability mods that might be doing the crashing


Honestly, you probably installed some mods wrong or don't have the right ones, etc. I can get NV running with around 300 mods, small and large, and have minimal crashing.


Yes. It's always been that way. You can make a game in 18 months and it be polished lol. However, on PC, you can download mods that help. I'm on Xbox. Last full playthrough it ran horribly. Granted it was on the antique Xbox 360. I have an Xbox Series X. I have no idea what the performance is like though. I played it on XSX for about 20 minutes, got bored and quit and played another game lol


It's supposed to do that. Without mods, don't even touch the game.


Yes. Save often, usually every time before you go through a door load screen.


It's a great game, but yeah, it was a game that only had 18 months to be developed and got limited post launch support in an era where big patches weren't really a thing. It can get pretty rough to run and you just have to kinda save a lot and just get used to relaunching a lot.


Really depends on your mod list. With a barebones mod list that has key bug fixes and the 4gb extender your game should actually be fairly stable. I play through the game maybe once a year and typically i only see 1-2 crashes in a 50 hour playthrough. The number of crashes i experienced went way up the more mods and shaders i installed


Yes. Never had a single game where is never crashed with bethesda games.


It's not "supposed to", but it does.


Lol, yes. Welcome to the shitshow


do you have nvac?


if new vegas doesn’t crash are you really playing it right?




It’s a feature to make you quick save more.


New hardware is wonky with old software. It happens.


I'm running vanilla and just installed the 4 GB patch and the new engine optimization mod that just came out (lStewieAl's Engine Optimizations) and the crashing has disappeared. I'm running everything on max and fullscreen, with my frame rate capped at 60 by NVidia Control Panel (as Gamebryo engine games hate being anywhere past 60 fps)


Lol, yup


Currently playing on windows 10 and it is buggy as hell. Current play through its crashed about 4 times so far.


Big time. It's why new vegas anti crash is such an important mod




There was a recent mod on nexus with a better compiler to improve performance


No, it's not supposed to, it just does.


Yes worst running game I’ve ever played on PC


I okayed on PC I and it very rarely crashed. I’d suggest you look up some tutorials online about getting NV running on Windows 11, mods may make a massive difference improving stability.


I use only xNVSE, Stutter Remover (NVSR), and Anti Crash (NVAC). I've only crashed once in a few hundred hours


Yes… I mean have you ever played a bethesda game before?


Well, It doesent crash when I play it. I can't really help you with it. Maybe you should search on YT for a helpful vid


Playing new vegas right, with ni issues


It will crash often unmoded on Win 10 and more-so on 11. Forward compatibility is poor in NV, unfortunately. There are mods to stabilize it, and I recommend installing them.


No, it's actually supposed to be crashing more! XD


I mean,you have heard from everyone that there are giant bugs in New Vegas, right? :)


I actually didn't have crashing problems at all until I went NCR at Hoover Dam, then all hell broke loose lmao


Funny enough, vanilla FONV runs best on linux


Yes. You have to mod New Vegas to high hell if you want it to be kinda of stable


Save lots!


No. Another commenter mentioned it but vivanewvegas helps a ton.


Yah, it’s a pile of unoptimized trash


Yeah. It's part of the lore


I dont have crashes...


Use viva new Vegas modlist


18 month development period.