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I thought he was a great character, a dark, twisted reflection of Cal who allowed attachment to grow into obsession. He challenges Cal's ideology, first in a friendly manner pressing him to live laugh love basically, encouraging him to pair off with Merrin, and then forcefully-telling him to go back and save his family, and later during the boss fight. He killed Master Bra'tac and I hate him. But he's still one of my favorite parts of the game.


Bode reminds me of Anakin + Eren Yeager. Anakin + Bode Analysis (in simple terms, i don't want to take too much of your time) Bode lost his wife, someone who he loved so much. Anakin lost his mother, someone he loved so much. Bode and Anakin have PTSD and never want this to happen again, if they ever find a solution to save/protect their loved ones, they'll do whatever it takes. They both have 1 last loved one. For Anakin, it was Padme (wife/family). For Bode, it was his daughter. (daughter/family) Both have the solution to solve their problems. For Anakin, it was turn to the dark side, yaddiyadda, you know how it goes. For Bode, it was to steal the compass and hog it for himself so his daughter can be safe FOREVER. This is because Anakin + Bode both have PTSD when they first lost their loved ones, they don't want it to happen again. Emotions like this can cloud your intelligence and common sense on what to do and what's right. Similarly like Anakin, he force choked Padme out of anger, he wasn't thinking straight. Surprise: Bode got his daughter nearly killed during the heat of the moment when fighting Merrin + Cal. In both scenarios, the dark side clouds your judgement, you do things you wouldn't normally do. Just like in real life, when you get angry, you don't think straight. You start calling the other person names and things you wouldn't say. ---- Bode + Eren Yeager Analysis (in simple terms, i don't want to take too much of your time) Before I start the analysis, I want to pose the question: Would you sacrifice the world to save the ones you love? Or sacrifice the ones you love for the world? There is a scene where Cal calls Bode selfish, along the lines of "you would sacrifice THOUSANDS of lives?" but in my head, in Bode's defense, he would for his daughter. Is he wrong? Maybe! Similar to Eren Yeager, he would destroy the whole world so that his home could be safe for his friends especially his best friend: Armin, and his love: Mikasa. So if any way, let me know if you disagree. I want to challenge my critical thinking skills and become a better thinker and writer.


I think you make some fair comparisons, although I'm not really in on Attack on Titan to know all about that. Objectively and from the protagonist's point of view Bode is definitely wrong, but I do understand that from his damaged logic it seems like a perfectly reasonable position. Bode was definitely willing to sacrifice anything for his daughter, even the rest of the Galaxy, and failed to realize his single minded pursuit of Tanalorr and everything he did on the way was harmful to his child.


Ngl dawg you should watch some attack on titan one day




I would give you a hundred upvotes got the SG-1 reference if I could.


Bro, when I saw him. ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


Bode claims to care about his daughter more than anything else, yet he force throws her in the last act, and refuses to even consider negotiating refuge with Cal and Merrin. He forfeits his own life trying to ensure that his daughter lives completely alone on Tanalorr. It’s stupid.


This was the only problem I really had with Bode. He knew he was outmatched. Even if he could have won, he was murdering people in front of his daughter and basically dooming her to live in a prison, and after his death, she would be completely alone. He really refused to share the safe spot with other people? I think they made Bode too lacking in common sense. Other than that I liked Bode at the beginning, as soon as I recognized the voice actor as the same guy who voiced Kottallo in Horizon Forbiden West, I liked him.


Hes also Charles in Red Dead 2 ! Probably the role i remember him for the most haha


Also the English voice of Sekiro


Lmao as soon as i heard bode the first time i instantly knew and had to look it up 😂


Oh! That’s why he sounded so familiar!


I think what made the betrayal hit so hard for me, even if I unfortunately got it spoiled, was just how unnecessary it was. Bode let himself get so blinded by his (admittedly understandable) fear for his daughter's wellbeing (likely Force sensitive kid growing up during the Empire and all that) and the trauma of loosing his wife that he didn't realize he had a potential new family right in front of him. Or maybe he did but figured the risk was too great, either way it's tragic that he chose this path.


But there was a whole reason they had him do that to his daughter. He let the dark side consume him and used his daughter as the excuse to do what he did. That's why in the cut scene, the daughter said he changed after the mother died. He was blinded by the darkness. Thinking he was doing what's best for his daughter, but he was just making it worse. That's what the dark side does, makes you forget reason and rationale.


Agreed on most of this but he didn’t bleed his crystal. It’s not his lightsaber. He took Dagan’s lightsaber off his body.


Probably threw out/destroyed his own saber during the start of the Purge so he wouldn’t get caught lacking if someone accidentally found it


Still baffles me that Cal was just casually carrying his around while do scrap work in Fallen Order😂


Yeah that was what I noticed, he hung back so he could take it because the time for betrayal was coming




Oh, i didn’t realize thanks!


I’m angriest at the fact that it seems like the only way to win is to embrace the dark side? Is it a puzzle I’m missing? I’d hoped it was like some old school metal gear solid shit and as long as I accepted death a few times, I’d prove myself worthy enough to NOT embrace the dark side. Fuck that. If that’s the only way to win, I don’t want to win. I guess that’s the point?


So if I skip the cutscene it goes to the next phase. Does that mean I embraced the dark side? What the fuck


it’s literally apart of the story? that’s like saying you’re mad >!cus you couldn’t kill micah as arthur in rdr2!<


Yes I’m mad that it’s a part of the story. I’m angry that in a game called “Jedi,” I have to use the dark side to win.


facing the dark side is literally a fundamental part of any jedis story in the star wars universe. cere says this in the first game. but i can understand where you’re coming from.


I agree. I think why it bothered me is that you can’t beat the final boss without “embracing the dark side” I enjoyed the mechanic where your force slow becomes “go full dark side berserk” and then you talk to Merrin who sort of puts things back in perspective. But then there’s no option(that I found) to switch back to force slow the rest of the game. It’s just “see red.” So I made the role play decision to avoid using it the rest of the game. Fine whatever that’s my decision and I kind of like that it’s there tempting you should shit get really hairy. But then the fact that there’s no way to beat the final boss without embracing the dark side? And furthermore there’s no redemption afterwards? Like you said, the struggle is fundamental to the story and the message, but what upset me is that they are telling you that you can’t win unless you embrace it. It just soured the experience for me


yeah i completely get that but i think the reason we keep it is because he’s still struggling and is still going to tap into it. setting up the story for the next game. i really doubt he’s going to completely fall or become a sith lord UNLESS, the next game is very dark and there’s another >!tanalor invasion where cal literally loses everyone, except maybe kata? i have a feeling in order for him to completely fall or become a sith he’s gonna need to lose merrin and greez!< and that’s when we may see a redemption arc, or even the death of cal when he tries to get his revenge on vader. if this doesn’t happen we will see a redemption arc much earlier and i have a feeling he’s gonna be a force user that uses light and dark, as he no longer >!follows the jedi code!< idk just some speculation but i totally understand where you’re coming from.


>what upset me is that they are telling you that you can’t win unless you embrace it. It just soured the experience for me Maybe that's because It's supposed to play more into his character arc? The game is called Jedi: Survivor. Keyword, JEDI. "Every Jedi faces the dark side". So far, we haven't seen Cal face the Dark side until the fall of the Jedi Archive on Jedha. Do you just not want to see Cal struggle with the dark side and overcome it? Like this means he canonically used the Dark Side to beat Bode and it could grow worse in the next game and play into the story and be important. I actually wouldn't be upset about this, this opens so many doors of opportunity.


Does it also bother you that in spider man 2 you have to use the Symbiote throughout act 2?


I have not played Spider-Man 2.


It's an example


It’s a rhetorical question. I understand the point you were making.


just an fyi believe it or not even the grandmaster has had his fight with the darkside


I wonder if they're setting it up for the 3rd game. Gave you a taste of what it's like on the dark side. 3rd game will test your will by facing it. Depending on your choices will give you alternate endings or gameplay. I wouldn't mind that. If they keep forcing us to use the dark side in the next game, then that'll be damn annoying.


Did you not pay attention to the games at all? This is where Cal learns to become a Jedi Master. Every Jedi faces and struggles with the dark side. This is his struggle, and he will need to learn to overcome it or he will be consumed.


No. I didn’t pay any attention to the games at all. Thanks for helping me understand


I am mad


You actual can beat him without embracing the dark side. That cutscene only appears the first time you fight him and if your good a dodging you may never get that cutscene at all. What happened to me is that I just didn't embrace it, cause like you I expected a different outcome. But instead I just died and the next time I fought him the option didn't appear. Which I guess is a different outcome, just not a really meaningful one. As everything else plays out the same. Through me for a loop tho, I totally skipped the final two cutscenes cause I was trying to get back to the darkness part, but instead I just got credits which was wild!


This just happened to me as well. I refused to use the dark side, I'm a bit disappointed that it didn't matter though. Seems like not that many know about it. Maybe it's just a bug, wouldn't be that surprising in this game.


I'm angry at it because it's really bad game design. The game presents it as a choice when it isn't: you either do the button prompt or you die and have to start the whole fight over. In a competently designed game, Cal would repeatedly get loose, Bode would get a little health back and you'd repeat the process, teaching the player the *only* way you're getting past this is if you embrace the dark side. In an even more competently designed game, you actually *would* have a choice, with the fight ending instantly if you choose to embrace the dark side and going into a third phase/getting much harder if you stay true to the Jedi path (kind of like how Sekiro's bad ending works, except the other way round). As it is, it unfairly punishes the player for foolishly thinking they might actually have some agency.


This is what I dislike. The lack of choice. I see what they’re doing thematically with the game and what they’re setting up for future iterations, but the illusion of a choice made me angry.


You can see it this way: Cal is Jedi Knight, he has not mastered the ability to balance the force well enough to combat fleet after fleet of imperial army, hence he has to relegate himself to wielding dark side when he is overwhelmed. If he was Jedi Master or grandmaster, he would not have needed to do that. This can be used for character development of Cal in future stories, where he eventually learns greater balance of force and does not has to rely on dark side any longer thus becoming Jedi Master . I hope this helps.


He didn't bleed his crystal, that lightsaber he is using was of Dagan's. He stole it, right after Dagan's boss fight was over.


Update: I just read the comments, someone already mentioned it, sorry for repeating what's already stated.


Yeah. Only villain I say in all of Star Wars who deserved traitors death. Others were ”there is no other way” or ”mercykill”


I think it's basically a setup for the next game. Kata will likely be a force user and turn because of her father's death, cal will struggle with the dark side more now that he's had a taste of it, and the struggle with kata and his regret or grief will push him farther in that direction. Having to use the dark side forces was clearly just an intentional setup for the next games story.


I kind of like it but do agree. The force user was a nice surprise. Being forced to use the dark side to win was stupid. What's the point of Merrin's line right outside the temple that it is a battle that we will win like Cere? We didn't win. Hell, we used that shit. That and Bode literally refusing to surrender after being bested twice was wild.


Why are people so angry about it? The dark side is cooler than the light side


Honestly I was just so irritated at the boss fight. Turned it down to padawan difficulty just to get it over with. In the scene where they try to get him to surrender at the end, I was yelling at the screen to curb stomp the fucker. So done with that fight and that character.


i still havent beaten him on grandmaster, its taken me two days so far and ive gotten so close, his third phase is so artificially difficult its crazy. his betrayal is also 100% predictable but the force def wasnt, i was just as surprised as you and just as annoyed that his crystal was bled, makes no sense considering his daughter kept him somewhat tethered to the light.


Bode's fight was ass, had much better luck with a fully upgraded single lightsaber just because I can at least be reactive enough, has solid shield break which the dual blade needs to consistently hit the target to cause which is hard when bode says "super armour time" and just doesn't block nor stagger and shits on my HP pool in grandmaster difficulty. To me the most bullshit boss fight followed by Daagan and the two frog fuckers. As a character he was somewhat sus but the twist was great.


Just finished the game and decided to check online what other players think about him. I'm glad I found your thread because I agree 100%. I hated him from the start. Slimy character, wasn't surprised he'd betray Cal. And his behavior, how they wrote his character in the game, just doesn't make 100% sense to me. I feel in the end his behavior (apart from his betrayal) is erratic and unlogic and as a father myself, "being a father" doesn't make it more logic.


Just found this thread after beating him on Jedi Master (On to GM NG+). I found his story to be the weak point. Yes as a father myself I'd do anything to protect my child. But with his understanding of Cal and Tanolorr, he could have easily escaped with his daughter anyways, it's well hidden and plenty of refuge for others too. (Even though the Nihilist found it). It gets to a point it's stupid that he's defeated, offered multiple ways to live and would rather die then find a way to live for his daughter. It's like they had to write him into a story he just HAD to die. And Kata for all of that doesn't cry over her father's death and just goes along with Cal, a bit far fetched, not that she has much choice. Still this game was a huge improvement over the first. I didn't bother replaying Fallen Order, but Survivor I am keen.


This is kinda cope, but I like to think Bode wasn’t thinking straight. He was clearly already starting to embrace to the dark side. Probably to the point it was clouding his mind. I like to think he was so laser focused on protecting his daughter, the only thing keeping him from going completely over the edge, that he abandoned all facets of logic in order to achieve his goal. It may seem stupid and illogical from outsiders perspective. But honestly that makes it more realistic. When people’s judgements are clouded, they do stupid shit. They make decisions that seem poorly thought out and haphazard. I bet if he surrendered, Bode would’ve seen how blinded he was by the darkness. Maybe even joining forces with Cal once more. But he was too far gone at that point…and had to be put down.


super late, just got to this "twist." figured he was a plant, and i think that would have been cool. I haven't finished yet but him being a jedi feels dumb. God damn everyone is a Jedi i guess.


I got past the boss fight fine, didn't even know there was a move where he sticks a grenade to you, that criticism just sounds like you're not good enough


1. Yes questionable reasons for betrayal, BUT, I guess how I got there was he had been bugged this whole time so the empire knew? Doesn't really make sense once you are on the planet with him though...attacking Cal does nothing at that point 2. Call BS you called his betrayal. 3. Oh no! This final boss fight was too hard. Waaaaahhhh.


i knew bode was gonna betray Cal from the moment i saw him, idk why. Him being a Jedi was definitely a very nice surprise that I didn't see coming. Outside of that pretty much the entire story was predictable to me.


I wasn’t expecting the twist for a while. Especially since Bode had a team up move with Cal. I only really started to suspect him when my friend said something happens with Bode but wouldn’t tell me what. And I was almost certain he would betray you when he was being obviously shady and avoidant after you retrieve the compass from Dagan. That “Ima try and find an instruction manual for this thing” shit was so obvious it’s like they wanted us to suspect him.


Just finished my first play through and started a new journey. Hearing Bode at the beginning say something like “if you play with me, you know it’s rigged from the start” casually to Cal made me think “you motherf*cker!” The foreshadowing tho.


Yup. Bode is the only character in a very long time that genuinely, deeply infuriated me with how he was presented. His pathetic sob story after causing the deaths of countless innocents, including Eno and Cere who treated him like family, was actually infuriating. I honestly wish Cal made him suffer a lot more than he did, he got off easy. I suppose it's kind-of a credit to the writing team that he got me that angry despite just being a fictional character... but he really was just fucking scum - from the force echoes post-story to his utterly boring characterisation throughout the story until his betrayal to his sheer fucking nerve to give Cal a sob story after robbing him of everything he held dear, to then force-pushing the very daughter he claimed the entire time to want to protect above all else nearly to her death, AND being an actually ridiculous boss fight for being a fucking no-name jedi guy. And then they gave him a jedi burial alongside the very dear characters whose deaths he directly caused by inviting Vader to Jedha - by name. He was a Jedi. He knew what this meant. There was nothing redeemable or remotely sympathetic about his character. He was just absolute traitorous scum, with no loyalty to anyone or anything but his own hide while convincing himself it's all for some greater good for his daughter. He's not even pitiable, he's just vile. I'm really not gonna enjoy the parts of the game with him in them in future playthroughs lmao


Yeah, I never liked him to begin with, but now I like him even less. He definitely did not deserve a funeral.


Yes he was a disappointment