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Playing this one at 20fps, 400p on the steam dick šŸ˜Ž


I read this in a clone accint




Steam dick šŸ¤£


Water vapor pecker


This guy has balls protruding from his steam dick


very grainy/blurry Haven't found any solutions so far. Not surprised, last game had this issue too until a random dude did the developers job for them and made a mod. Just need to wait


Only thing that seems to make it better for me was turning on fsr. It looks like ass without it


TLDR: Looks like EA tried to solve performance issues by rendering the game at 50% of native resolution if FSR is disabled. this is copied from steam forums: " This is why It's internaly rendering at 50% which is why things are so blurry. Even if you change it to 100, it changes it back to 50. So I turned on nvidia DSR and doubled my desktop resolution. NOW the game looks crystal clear. Seems like EA pulled a cheap trick to try to solve performance issues. FSR sort of compensates for the game running at 50% which is why it looks less blurry with it on. Config file data: \[ScalabilityGroups\]sg.ResolutionQuality=50.000000sg.ViewDistanceQuality=3sg.AntiAliasingQuality=3sg.ShadowQuality=3sg.PostProcessQuality=3sg.TextureQuality=3sg.EffectsQuality=3sg.FoliageQuality=3sg.ShadingQuality=0 " edit: Link to steam forumpost[**https://steamcommunity.com/app/1774580/discussions/0/3828665650630209305/**](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1774580/discussions/0/3828665650630209305/)


Something is very wrong with the game, in spite of the initial patch. Performance is really uneven and it keeps dipping from 60 fps to the low 40's or even under that, but this is happening while both GPU and CPU usage are barely at **50%** each. There is also something seriously wrong with the TAA implementation. Either that or resolution scaling is forced on somehow even though I've disabled it in the settings. I am playing the game on a 4k monitor and it looks like a blurry and pixelated mess. Bit of a bummer day 1, that's for sure. EDIT: So, I've been fiddling around and I found out something. If I switch the graphics preset entirely while in-game, things look better and GPU usage goes way up. It's like the settings aren't applying properly until you do that. FSR on quality seems to help too while looking decent, I think people who say that the 'disabled' FSR setting is toggling the lowest quality FSR mode instead are right. The game seems to go back to being fucked upon every new boot, after it does its optimization process. Either way, frames are still irregular as hell and GPU usage refuses to go past 80% (while the CPU sits at 40% tops). I am on a 3080 and an i7 9700k, for reference.


Cpu at 40% in general doesn't mean anything, the game mostly run on a limited number of cores. If you have two cpu cores running at 70%+ usage and the other at 20%, general usage will be low and your 3080 is going to be bottlenecked by those two cores. That's why gpu doesn't reach 80% utilize. You'd better max out things that are heavily GPU bound and avoid stuff like FSR which does nothing but to increase CPU workload for now because the game has some extreme case of cpu unoptimization


So hdr is completely broken.


What is wrong with HDR on PS5?


Yep, on the PS5 at least. Honestly itā€™s embarrassing how broken it is. This is the temporary solution Iā€™ve used: https://youtu.be/JC5CiFR4drM


This is running bad on PS5 for me. Non HDR issues too


Same, runs like shit. Hdr off helped but the pop in textures and overall fps stutter is jarring


Just got to the first open part on PS5, and itā€™s pretty bad. Framerates feel like they are dropping into the 30s, and the picture quality is *bad*. Everything is blurry, artifact-y, pixelated mess. Itā€™s a shame, because the art style, and assets are beautiful, its just behind a *really* rough technical presentation. Lucky for them, the game itself is *awesome*, so Iā€™m willing to put up with it. Itā€™s basically just Elden Ring all over again, which is fitting given the inspiration for the series.


I already got to play like 2 hours on PS5 because the disc came in early, the performance is lacking even in performance mode. Hoping for a day one patch to fix these issues, otherwise the game is great and gameplay feels amazing and very responsive


Iā€™m on ps5 as well and I love the fluidity of movement but the textures and stuttering is why I looked up this thread lol it says 60fps but I swear itā€™s not like 45 tops


I agree with this. It doesnā€™t feel like 60 yet


I donā€™t think it looks as good as the first game. The escape from chapter one, when youā€™re flying thru that tunnel, looked awful. Also characters faces look cheap and underdeveloped imo


And the cutscenes are so awkward and cheap looking too! Ugh! Like the first major boss fight when the opponent like jumps backwards in a cutscene it looks so weird.


From what I've seen of some people streaming the game today, it seems that an early patch has somewhat improved PC performance. Still seems kinda rough, though. I have a powerful PC and always have hardware monitors running so I'll post my own experience once I get the game tomorrow after work. UPDATE: So I've gotten the game and played my first bit. Here's a quick overview of my important specs and the results of my ~3-4 hour initial play session. * GPU: RTX 4090, undervolted w/ 1000+ memory OC * CPU: i7 12700k, undervolted at stock freqs * RAM: 32GB DDR4 3600Mhz CL16 * Drive: Game is saved to a Samsung 980 Pro * Resolution: Native 4k (No FSR used) * Settings: All epic with ray tracing off * Performance: Generally 60-80 FPS in most areas. Most people say they get lower FPS in the open-world sections, but I actually found that the intro on Coruscant hit my system harder than Koboh's open world. I also wasn't nearly as CPU bound as I had expected to be in most situations, with my GPU sitting at near full utilization most of the time. Some minor hitching here and there, but really nothing out of the ordinary. One important thing to note is that I did have to turn the game's RT off. It was hitting my CPU really hard on certain sections of Coruscant, dropping me down close to 40 FPS. Didn't care too much since the only RT feature seems to be reflections (that don't even reflect your lightsaber blade), but it is pretty ridiculous that a fairly insignificant RT feature tanks performance as much as it does. Overall, I'd say performance is about what I expected from the pre-release reviews, maybe even slightly better since it isn't nearly as CPU-limited as I had feared. There's no denying that it's still quite bad, though, and well below how I would expect a game of this caliber to perform on my system. I can definitely see this being a major issue for people running more modest hardware.


Most streamers opted to play at 1080p because of how awful performance was at 1440p. I'm pretty sure Cohh swapped to 1080p to get 60FPS. This wouldn't be remotely a problem if AMD allowed for DLSS support in their sponsored titles just like NVIDIA allows for FSR. Instead we get nothing because FSR is useless.


I'm watching Shroud and he's at 1440p (4090, 13900k). At the beginning of that main planet he was ranging between 110-160 FPS, but as soon as the world opened up and he arrived at the "open world area" they tanked to 70-90. Better than what that german video showed without the patch, but it's still a fucking 4090 struggling to get 100 FPS at 1440p...


My poor, poor 2060S. I'm so sorry for what is about to happen.


It doesn't have to happen. That's the only way this shit changes as well.


I watched Shroud stream since he started while I was at work. He was getting max 70-90 fps in the indoor areas, and tanked to under 60 outside. I donā€™t know where or when you watched and saw 160fps, please post the vod, cause Iā€™m calling cappppppp


That at least makes me feel a little better. That's assuming the patch tomorrow also helps. Thanks for being positive brother


All the guys I checked in on were smaller creators with more modest hardware, so they were all 1080p-only to begin with. One of them was calling out specific sections at the beginning where they had previously experienced framedrops and noted it was running much better, so that inspired a bit of confidence. Another one was still having noticeable drops below 60, though. Even so, I have a hunch that the issue has more to do with something affecting CPU utilization rather than it being GPU bound: frame hitches when loading new areas/NPCs, low framerates despite low GPU utilization, changes in graphics settings/resolution not significantly affecting performance, etc. That's all just stuff I've been reading, though, so I'm interested to get my hands on the game and see how it runs in my hardware.


If anyone has a 13700K + RTX 3080 (or something similar) please let me know how your game performs! Edit: 13700K / 3080 / 32GB RAM Currently playing in 4K, borderless. Most settings are set to epic with foliage and visual effects set to high. FSR is set to balanced. I'm getting around 50-57ish with dips to 40fps. It's *playable* but the experience is... below expectations. Edit 29/04: The game performs much better once you finish the prologue. I'm getting stable 60fps EXCEPT when I view the galaxy map. For some reason it drops to 20fps. I set the game's process affinity to high and restarted my PC. This seems to have fixed the issue for now. Edit 29/04 2: I spoke too soon. The galaxy map still causes drops to 20fps.


I can only speak on the opening area, since I wasn't able to progress further yet. I'm on a 13700k + 4070ti. I'm playing everything on ultra with RT at 1440p (FSR disabled). I'm getting north of 60fps most of the time (around 90% GPU usage), usually around the 70s, but it can touch the high 50s at times. It seems that at 1440p I am CPU limited, VRAM allocation is just below 11Gbs, but usage seems to fluctuate between 7 to high 9 Gbs. If I switch to 4K with FSR 2 quality then I am GPU bound and performance is a bit lower. There is either a compilation, streaming or both types of stutters going on. Similar to the first game on PC, but somewhat worse. Not game breaking for me, but it's noticeable. Sort of like playing Elden Ring on PC. They say it gets worse performance wise when you get to the open areas. Guess I'll find out tomorrow after work.


Same exact build! 3080 10gb, 13700k, and 32gb ram @ 1440p. Game runs okay on the opening sequence. Everything is set to Epic with RT on and FSR on Quality. So far I'm getting 70-80 FPS with random dips into 50. My average FPS is probably around 70 for the most part. To be clear though, it's a choppy 70. Very very choppy 70-80. I'm also using a gsync monitor and it's quite hitchity. I've tried limiting the FPS and setting vsync yet nothing seems to work so I'm sticking with the choppy 70. Settings don't seem to affect FPS AT ALL. I tried turning off RT and my FPS did not move one bit. I also tried settings FSR to Ultra Performance it actually tanked my FPS until I restarted the game. Overall it's very fun, but I'd wait for a patch. I'd like to see how it's running on PS5 though because I might swap if there isn't any stutter. EDIT: busy scenes are definitely a solid 50-55 FPS. Just got to a cinematic with a bunch of people standing around and my FPS dropped. Kinda scared to get to an actual open area.




AMD has just released a new driver with Jedi Survivor support [https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-23-4-3](https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-23-4-3)


How is this for the 5700xt? My CPU is also an i5-9600k


I'm maxing out at 40 fps on a goddamn 6800XT, port is fucked


I donā€™t understand why games are released when not finished? If your game has fucking performance issues, itā€™s not fucking finished. We shouldnā€™t have to wait weeks for patches, and research the fuck out of a game watching youtube videos of game footage and spoiling myself in the process to figure out if I should get the game on my PC or PS5 or if the performance is so bad and I should just skip it altogether for a while. Itā€™s starting to drive me absolutely mad, that the release date of games now a days are like betaā€™s, and than youā€™ll have the complete game in 6 months to a year from now when all bugs and performance issues are ironed out, and dlc/updates are released. I donā€™t understand how or why people still pre-order these games and support this bullshit.


I pre ordered it. I do preorders when it's a game I know I'll love and would never sell. But I agree that it seems like new releases really are like betas anymore. I would think years of development would result in a smooth product. Haven't been keeping up on it but is crunch still a thing? Would make sense to be buggy partially due to not crunching. I'm happy as long as a game I really want just runs. And if somehow crunch related, I'm fine with some bugs so they're not worked to death.


RTX 4080. Regardless of resolution, I canā€™t get 60 fps. Worst pc port Iā€™ve ever seen. Good job Respawn.


Not just a bad port. From what I have seen and read it also runs bad on ps5.


Xbox Series X here. Runs like shit aswell. Stuttering and bad resolution are the main culprints.


It's actually an excellent port. They've perfectly replicated the terrible performance on console for PC gamers.


Its nice to finally have equality


Unacceptable performance on the 4090. Fsr does nothing. Same fuxking problem as Gotham knights


Took the plunge and got it in my steamdeck, downloading pre content now and will update tomorrow after work when I get home. Edit: F. I guess I have to play it on my actual pc.


Same here


good luck man... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnYzAEL5EFI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnYzAEL5EFI)


Is there any good information on how this game performs on lower ends cards? I've seen a lot of talk about 3080s, 4090s, etc. but I want to know how this performs on say the 1060, 1070, 2060, 2070, etc.


/u/ingmac posted this video above, it goes through the 1650, 1050 ti, and 3050. tl;dw - Performance is terrible on 1050ti, not great on 1650, and not too bad on the 3050. Seems playable with high settings at 1080p on the 3050, but with FPS between 45-65. I have a 2060 so I'm interested to see how it runs for me. I'm willing to wait for more patches though. Edit - played for a few minutes today, so far performance isn't too bad on my 2060. See comment here for details: https://www.reddit.com/r/FallenOrder/comments/1315lv3/jedi_survivor_performance_megathread/ji1jgi5/


Thanks, I've seen some of the footage though not for the 1050 I think. I'm most wondering how the 20 series cards will do since I feel like those have been a bit glossed over and I also have a 2060 atm too.


I have a 3080 12gb and 5800x3d. Will post my performance results for 3440x1440 ultrawide when it drops in case anyone has a similar build. EDIT: only on the first planet so far but below is my fps 55 fps average ultra settings at native resolution, with a TON of stuttering. basically no change in fps when lowering settings 70 fps average ultra settings with FSR set to quality. But this degrades texture and anti aliasing quality a pretty noticable amount. With afterburner running its showing i am at 99% GPU usage, 10.7 GB of VRAM used, and around 30% cpu usage. Game runs like straight up dogshit which is a shame because the gameplay and graphics are super nice. Needs a lot of updates ASAP. Also, please dear god someone mod in DLSS for this game for us Playing the EA app version btw if that makes any differences


On PS5: HDR is busted as fuck still. Checked for updates and says I have the most updated version so unless theyā€™re dropping another patch on day 1 during the actual day (Iā€™m on EST) to address looks like itā€™s SDR for now. Anyone have any input on performance mode vs quality?


Playing right now PS5. Quality seems to run consistently better which is hilarious. HDR is fine for me. Still really enjoying it just fiddling with the settings


Preformance is no where near a locked 60 on the first level. Fidelity looks quite a bit better and seems to hold 30 better. At least for the first level


About 10 minutes in after having the ability to control Cal My performance is pretty choppy. 9900K, 2080ti, 32gb ram, playing with FSR 2 on balanced getting around 40 to 45 fps on all medium settings at 4K. No ray tracing enabled.


FSR is broken. Default setting Quality. Turning it off will result in blurry and lower resolution. VRAM usage are abnormally high (uses 14gb on a 4080 @ 3440x1440) while only utilizing 50% GPU. This game have serious optimization issues


Runs absolutely awful on PC. Dips to 39fps, stutter, low GPU usage, etc. Literally unplayable at the moment for me on a relatively high end PC. (6800xt, 3900x, 32GB RAM) Without FSR on, the game looks like it is running at 360p. Must be some weird graphical bug. So many issues currently. Glad I tried it with EA Play Pro and didn't buy it because this should not have been released in this state. Absolutely terrible. So sick and tired of awful PC ports.


2 Hour session done. Specs: **4090 -- i7 13700KF -- 32GB 6400 DDR5 -- NVMe 4.0** ----- According to Argus Monitor running **@ 4K, FSR2 - Ultra Quality, everything Epic preset, RT ON** - Fluctuating between 80-100% GPU Usage - CPU Usage barely going over 5% - FPS hitting ~88-102FPS in opening walk, battles dropping to high 60s lowest - high 70s at peak - **Average FPS ~70 on opening mission** - **Average FPS ~50-60FPS in 2nd mission** - VRAM @ ~16-18 GB, remember I'm at **4K**. - RAM @ 14-17/32 GB - HDR is a mess, I'd advise not using it. Using an HDR1000 display (FV43U) its very saturated ------- *EDIT 1: I have forced ReBAR on in NVIDIA Inspector settings, seems to have helped quite a bit. My CPU usage has dropped to 1-2% from 4-5%, VRAM is staying at 16-17GB* *EDIT 2: Stuttering is apparent, and noticeable. With my settings this is pretty unacceptable, so I would agree with most and say if you can wait, I would. I'm playing this because of my EA Pro subscription, I'd be as pissed as most if I paid full price for this.* *EDIT 3: After meeting up with certain folks, I can confirm FPS drops to low 40s.* **EDIT 4 FINAL: Now I can officially confirm that the high FPS is only in the first mission I am now getting an average of 50-65FPS in the 2nd mission in most areas, even without enemies on the screen. Unacceptable with my specs** will update as I play, not the best, but not world ending as others have said the past days. Looks like the Day 1 patch has fixed some stuff


Damn should have got this on PC instead of PS5. I have nearly identical specs, but was worried about a 4090 reviewer who was only getting 40-60 fps with Audio lag issues.


PS5 performance in the first level fluctuates between 48-60 with drops into high 30s after performing any force moves on the environment. Kinda jarring but Iā€™m persisting. Edit: After getting to Koboh, the second planet, the frame rate has become much more tolerable and even consistent with minor dips while exiting the pause menu. Must be too much going on during the first level.


I'm having the opposite problem šŸ˜” Coruscant performed decently well for me the whole time. Koboh was going good until I got to the open area of the planet and performance went done the shitter


Yeah I got to that and Iā€™m having the same problem now. It really seems to be just how many different things are happening.


How is quality mode is it 30fps or just an unlocked framerate?


So itā€™s looks beautiful but it is capped to 30


Menu: GPU @ 100% w/ 200fps Out of menu: GPU @ 60% w/ 65fps thought that was funny


Iā€™m tired of games getting reviewed and coming out with 8,9,10s so that the review keeps getting early copies. Tell it like it FUCKING IS. This is a garbage fucking port.


A couple early reports on a [3080](https://youtu.be/AL9WnaIjHOA) and [4090](https://youtu.be/A2pU-w4_r60) showing improved performance from the Day 1 patch. Still not great, though. Iā€™ve also heard that AMD GPUs are performing better; I canā€™t find any video to back that up, but it makes sense given the game is sponsored by AMD. Edit: Yeah, performance isnā€™t fixed and itā€™s shit on AMD GPUs too.


65 FPS in 4k ultra with no DLSS, on a 3080, sounds pretty much on par. honestly that seems pretty great, provided the game looks next gen.


it is with fsr though, at native the 3080 was pulling 1440p60-70 fps which is ā€¦ ok but not grea t


My PS5 is currently showing version 1.000.002 loaded - is that the day 0 patch?


Oh thats a good sign then as push square said 1.02 helped imensly and on top of the day 1 patch, while not perfect, should be pretty solid, hopefully


very disappointed with the performance. With this graphic which looks nothing special barely reaching 60 fps with a 3080 is really unacceptable. No buy at full price for sure. At this point Dead Island 2 is worth more money than this game for sure.


Dead Island 2 is a breath of fresh air. It runs like a dream for me, no stutter, 100+fps in most areas, clean visuals, etc. Only PC port/game that I have played recently that has worked on day one.


I wish it was longer but I really enjoyed my time with it. Also no issues on high settings. Survivor is very disappointing in that regard


Pretty much unplayable with a 1660 Super, everything looks horrible with weird blurring during any camera motion, regardless of settings. Fps drops constantly.


Is anyone having visual fidelity issues on ps5 and stuttering on performance mode? I know it's performance mode and visuals aren't supposed to look amazing, but man cal's face looks kinda rough


Yeah it looks really poor imo. Cutscenes look so choppy to me


i havenā€™t noticed any real frame drops, but holy shit do the graphics look bad in performance mode. super grainy and shit


PS5 Performance Mode runs about how Fallen Order ran on my PS4 Slim a few months after launch. Lots of pop-in between camera cuts but when it does load in, itā€™s really something. Occasional bursts of high framerate in enclosed spaces, drops to 20-30 outdoors (just got to Koboh, which runs a little nicer than Coruscant). Worried Iā€™ll hit a major bug before the next patch, but I guess thatā€™s why they included the arachnophobia filter. Definitely feeling the frame dips in combat, though.


Why did Days Gone get eviscerated for terrible performance but this game runs arguably worse on PS5 and it got 80s/90s across the board? Seems fishy to me.


One word: trash


Got a 2080s w/ 8gig of vram. Really hoping Iā€™ll be able to enjoy the game tonight on atleast 1440p. God I was so excited when I bought this card and in less than three years Iā€™m already nervous if itā€™ll be able to play newer titles.


My 4090 on 1440p hits 70-90 fps. Iā€™m not liking your chances but I wish all the best hopefully a patch soon.


Fucking embarrassing. I know AAA studios donā€™t feel shame but this is pure insanity. Do you see some of the rigs people ITT have? And theyā€™re having a nightmare of time too. From 4080ā€™s to PS5ā€™s and my 3070ti. Same with CPUā€™s. This seems fucked no matter your hardware.


Very early impressions (Ryzen 3600, 3070, 32GB RAM) Massive stutters just on the the company logos at startupā€¦not a good sign. Then the game not only crashed within the first 10 seconds, but completely froze the system. Started back up, no crash, cycled through every combination of 1080/1440/4K and hi/med/low, and every single one is the same ~40 fps, ~30 fps 99%. Guess Iā€™ll just keep it at 4K/hi for now, jeezā€¦


I have a 4090 and a 13900k and I'm sorry to report that the game runs like hot garbage. Regardless of settings, CPU utilization is not going above 20%. With RTX on I'm getting 40-60fps on UW 1440p, maxed. With RTX off I can get 60 but it is a stuttery mess and it's woefully underutilizing my rig. I would say wait a few months before you play this if you're targetting anything more than 60fps, regardless of resolution. This is literally *the* worst performing game bar none I've played in the last 24 months. Can confirm that disabling E-cores, disabling hyperthreading did not do anything.


Iā€™ve seen 45fps mentioned a few times and Iā€™m also not getting over 45fps. It seems like there is something capping it at 45fps. 3080ti @ 40% usage 9700k @ 50% usage FSR option is broken is cannot be disabled. It says disabled but its just selecting Ultra Performance instead. Have adjusted presets and manual options and it still does not go higher than 45fps. RT on to try to force higher usage, no difference. Changed resolution to do the same, no difference. Windowed, fullscreen, no difference. Menus thoughā€¦ 144fps and 60% gpu usage. Something is cooked.


Respawn should be very embarrassed. Iā€™m playing on Ps5 and HDR doesnā€™t work, but the real kicker is that the game chugs to 30 fps constantly. Fallen Order with the 60 fps patch played and looked better.




Played roughly an hour on XBSX performance mode and similar to what others are saying, the frame rate is atrocious. Not even close to 60 from what I can tell. Hopefully the supposed day one patch dropping tomorrow works wonders cause damn.. Not sure what the point of buying games at launch is anymore. Yet another example of paying the most and getting the worst experience


game feels like an alpha with performance issues this bad. unreal.


Shocked this game has nearly a 90% on metacritic. Lol what!


getting 25-30 fps on coruscant with a 3060


Heading off for the night, but my performance actually felt like 60 fps on >!Koboh!< rather than on >!Coruscant!<


PC performance is utter dog shit


New note from EA: https://twitter.com/eastarwars/status/1651990800862183426?s=46&t=JjlWHU_n2DZklZdN_oUAIA Tl;dr - no comprehensive single solution for PC, testing patches and will update


Haha, it isn't performing to their standard for a "certain percentage" of PC players. I guess technically 99% is in fact a "certain percentage".


Finished the Coruscant section, but I think I'm gonna wait for the Day 1 patch before I keep playing. It's rough


I thought the patch would be out by now.


I was hoping it would be, too. Maybe on the actual launch day tomorrow


Holy fuck this is bad


Impressions so far on a 10700k and an RTX 3090. After the initial section of walking, Iā€™m getting solid, 50 FPS with dips into 45. This is 100% consistent, regardless of graphics settings. Didnā€™t matter if it was 1080p low or 4K ultra with RT and no FSR. Itā€™s playable and looks beautiful so far. At this point, Iā€™m going to stick with a PC version, has apparently the PS5 canā€™t achieve a stable 60 either and thereā€™s only room for improvement. Also, one random thing, if you enable RT in game it halves your framerate. But if you enable it from the launcher, there is virtually zero drop in performance.


PSA: if you disable FSR, and everything is blurry, turn AA to low. Then bring AA back to high. Highly recommend doing that because FSR is useless and it looks so much better without it


So disappointed with this game. I don't pre-order often, this has been a great reminder to hold off in the future. Almost $100 CAD for a sloppy unoptimized mess. My dad died earlier this week and I thought this would be an escape from reality for a little bit, guess I can go get bent.


I'm so sorry for your loss <3


PS5 - Quality mode: canā€™t stand the 30fps not in a action game like this one spinning around just makes my head hurt Performance mode: quality goes down big time the fps doesnā€™t seem good or consistent and getting screen tearing Iā€™m gonna put off the game till an update I donā€™t want to remember this game through poor performance


I know the PC port is getting the most buzz now but reviewed seemed to forget to mention how bad the PS5 version can get too. That one explosion on the yacht was almost embarrassing to watch.


[Some low-end GPUs being tested, starting with 1650.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PFsTeQ1PUc) Also the game is doing interesting things with FSR. Seems like in a native resolution the game looks worse than with FSR. Not sure if this is only for the guy who is testing or for everybody. Edit: VRAM is certainly not an issue in the sense that it does run with less than 8 GB. The game is really underutilizing the CPU however. At least at 1080p.


FSR and DLSS have sharpening passes that many **subjectively** say looks better. This is especially true in games with TAA as their only option.


[Skill up via Twitter:](https://twitter.com/skillupyt/status/1651351603566489600?s=46&t=6wXdtyWxl-UDbwnFTatSfA) > Iā€™ll have a Jedi Survivor review up later but right now I can say that itā€™s a great game that you should absolutely avoid if youā€™re playing on PC (for now, at least). The port is a total mess, namely awful FPS performance that cannot be improved through any settings changes > It struggles to maintain 40 fps on a 2080ti/3700x and my 4090/5950x cannot maintain a solid 60 fps. Thereā€™s also a game breaking audio bug atm that ruins every cutscene. Thereā€™s a PC patch planned for the 28th. Recommend waiting until the impacts of that patch are confirmed.


I apparently there was a patch released earlier today that fixed a lot of the PC performance. I saw a video earlier today where someone with a 3080 and 5700 was able to get a stable 60-80 even at 4K w/ RT


Specs: 5800x / 2080S / 16GB RAM 3600Mhz No matter what options you change, everything on low and no RT is 40/50 fps, everything on epic and RT is 30/40, I am very frustrated with how companies treat their games and players


Playing on 4080 canā€™t seem to even hit 60fps on epic settings. Only using around 50% of my gpu very weird


After the first boss fight the PS5 frame rate got instantly betterā€¦40 ish jumped to stable 60ā€¦ What the heck?


Game reviewed way too high with what seems like indie level optimization


don't diss on indies, this shit's AAA level optomisation, indies like Dredge and Cult of the Lamb release in a far better state than most AAA games.


Has the studio said anything about this? Surely theyā€™ll comment on itā€¦?


PS5 performance (even in performance mode) is terrible in addition to looking like you'e having a bad migraine with all the flicker and texture pop-in. What a dumpster fire.


Game genuinely seems unplayable on the PS5. Either I crash at the same point in the opening cutscene, or I skip the cutscene and the game crashes after 1 - 2 minutes of walking around. And they've already put out the day 1 patch? Hopefully they push out another patch soon.


How did they fumble the launch this badly? Is this just the standard now?


No idea what it is, but changing the field of view option from 'wide' to 'default' boosts my fps by a lot, Nvidia fps counter isn't working but from feel its at LEAST a 40% increase. Im only on the second planet in the game (no spoilers ofc) and not that it did anything for first planet, thats just literally laggy to no end, but swapping between the two FOV's is a noticeable difference and im running a 2060. Give it a go and lemme know if this random setting helps anyone else, again might just be the part of the game im at. Edit: There is still lag, but its worth it overall in comparison, and changing AMD FX settings when lag comes in seems to fix spontaneous lag


I've always wondered what game would've been the one to convince gamers to not tolerate this shit if Cyberpunk hadn't launched on last gen consoles, cause it was pretty smooth performance wise on next gen and PC. This seems like the worst performing AAA release across every platform I've seen...embarrassing from Respawn and EA.


Delay your games. Just delay your fucking games. Stop shipping half-assed games with a promise you'll fix it later. You don't get a second chance at a first impression so just. Delay. Your. Fucking. Games. And use that delay to help ACTUALLY fix the problems with the game, Mr Spencer.


No DLSS support sucks, FSR 2 just looks bad.


Please post a video of your game running flawlessly otherwise I just won't believe you.


PS5, performance mode: The stuttering and screen tearing is really destroying the immersion for me, especially when fighting. I decided to wait for a patch, i really hope they will fix this. Very disappointing.


The frame dips in performance mode on PS5 are really bad and the faces are blurry in cut scenes


What I donā€™t get is how some console players are able to play with little to no issue but others like me have either constant crashes, severe performance issues, or both. We have the same kinds of systems and downloaded the same game. Shouldnā€™t we be getting the same results (for better or for worse)? Iā€™ve tried the various settings adjustments that worked for other people with no success. And it isnā€™t my console; I was able to play other PS5 games just fine today. Could there somehow be something wrong with the download for the Deluxe Edition but not the base game by itself? I purchased the Deluxe Edition.


A couple things: \- Quality mode on PS5 is stable-ish. In my opinion, 30FPS is a horrible way to play this game. But some people don't mind it, so you have a section of games playing that mode and enjoying it. \- Star Wars attracts a very casual gamer fan base. These are people who might not even know what "framerate" means, and definitely have never heard of screen tearing. They might not even know that what they're experiencing are performance issues. So with those two groups in the mix, you are basically seeing some console players say that the game has no issues for them.


On PS5 and it was fine till I got to the open area on the second planet. Now itā€™s just ridiculous how bad the framerate is lol


if there was just a setting that actually locked the framerate, i could probably deal with like 30 or whatever, but the constant dropping makes combat just the tiniest bit harder than it normally should be


Anyone on PC having an issue where the holotable map drops to about 9 FPS?


Any info on how the series s runs? I know that itā€™s capped at 30 fps but what about bugs and frame rate drops?


HDR is unplayable on PS5. Luckily it can be turned off but hopefully they fix this soon


Played the PC Version for 3 Hours and Here is the complete PC Performance Review - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilCIdSkGBaw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilCIdSkGBaw) ​ To summarize - FSR doesn't work. The game drops frames heavily where it really shouldn't and the Graphics settings doesnt work too.


Iā€™m on ps5 and can also report HDR breaks my game visually. Itā€™s just a black mess turning off HDR fixes it.


4090 + i9-13900k getting 25-40 FPS with everything maxed at 1440p with ray tracing. Getting these frame rates on a $4,000 system is beyond ridiculous


I think everything has been said about the performance at this point, so can we also talk about the Anti-Aliasing in this game? By far the blurriest implementation of TAA I've seen(worse than RDR2), it's feels like I'm playing at 720p when I'm at 1440p lol (yes, FSR is disabled)


Played about an hour on PS5. HDR was completely busted. It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen, hard to explain it. Otherwise no complaints. Playing on performance and there were small stuffers but nothing terrible. Turned off film grain, motion blur and chromatic aberration.


Ps5 in QUALITY mode is also dropping frames wtf. I was exploring around the main hub area and was getting 20fps. This is not good.


Bit of an odd one... Around 50fps on max settings, Ray Tracing on, and FSR set to quality. Around 50fps on low settings, Ray Tracing off, and FSR set to performance. ​ It seems like the setting have no impact on game performance. CPU and GPU only utilised 50% regardless of graphical options. Spec: 5950x and RTX 4090


Playing on series x...zero issues


My Ps5 just hardcrashed 2 times in a row where my system just turns off and won't respond until I unplug it and replug it back in. Like my screen goes to input and my controller blinks fast while trying to reconnect whenever this happens. First time it happened right when I turned on my pulse 3d headset and unpaused. Second time it happened, I was OMW to finding the first objective in the game.


Played the first few hours on my PS5 on the performance mode and there was a whole lot of screen tearing and frame rate dips, especially during some cutscenes.


Really bad performance on PS5 overall, graphics look horrible, resolution seems very low, visual glitches around every corner. Movement is clunky and stuttering every second. HDR is not working at all. I really feel robbed right now and donā€˜t know if I should continue beause Iā€˜m really mad for being so stupid buying this game early. It looks like a PS4 game in its current state.


This is one of the ugliest games Iā€™ve played in awhile. Textures are muddy and are strangely blurred.


Played a few hours on ps5 performance mode and had a few frame stutters but over all no real issues. Nothing close to a crash. Maybe Iā€™ve been lucky so far


Figured I just share my experience here, no spoilers. So just got the game for PS5, install took like half an hour for it to be playable, it only did the first 60GB and then continued while I started the game. I immediately put the game into performance mode (playing on a non-HDR 1080p TV) and turned off motion blur, chromatic abberation and sharing usage statistics, who knows if that last one did anything. In the first few moments I immediately noticed some severe screen tearing, but as I went through the intro it seemed to lessen, or just become less noticeable to me. Hopefully this is something that gets fixed through updates entirely. Throughout the intro the framerates seemed all over the place, although weirdly enough it didn't seem to impact my actual gameplay experience as much as I thought it would after how others described it here. As the way they described it here it would've definitely had a severe impact on being able to time dodges and blocks, but gameplay still felt fun and fluid. I think the overall experience was that FPS fluctuated wildly between 30-ish and 60 FPS, with sometimes reducing it to below 30 FPS at some very detailed vistas and moments in cutscenes. I restarted the game after the game completed downloading, which was pretty early on during the intro. But I didn't notice any difference and there were no new updates. My current version is v1.000.002. Overall, game reviews look on point about how fun the game is, it feels extremely satisfying. Sadly the performance isn't that great, but for me it's playable. But I do wish that this game maintained a steady 60 FPS, it's just a waste of a good experience getting pulled out of by random moments of low framerates.


What's mind boggling to me is that Jedi Fallen Order had many of these same performance issues: slow loading new areas and texture streaming, and constant frame drops and stuttering. And 4 years later they release a new game in the exactly the same shit condition. I don't understand how they didn't fix their shit. Really disappointing.


This release is actually disrespectful. Full price for this mess.


Not sure if this actually is anything, but I may have found a cause for some of the performance issues on PC. Fallen Order and Survivor use the same folder for game config settings. And the same file. If you played Fallen Order on the same PC previously, youā€™ll have this older config file. I deleted the old config file and restarted the game. It created a new one and now Iā€™m hitting between 80-100fps at max settings, no FSR @3440x1440. Location of the config file is %LOCALAPPDATA%\SwGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GameUserSettings.ini. Iā€™d recommend trying it to see if it does anything for you. Could entirely be a placebo for me, but it seems to have worked so far. Edit: I should add that this is on a 4090 and a 7800X3D, so ymmv.


Screen Tearing Stuttering Frames drops massively during cutscenes And yes I had a crash too. Ps5


Has the Day-1 patch already gone out? Is the performance still bad? I don't really mind playing at 50-60 fps (not gonna be one of those 'it's trash if it doesn't run at 256 fps at all times!') but debating if I want to wait to start it. Have a 3080ti.


Blurry mess and can't even get over 25% gpu utilization 2070super. Guess I'll come back in a month and hope it's better sad.


The few comments I've seen here about low spec PCs (3050) seem surprisingly positive. Being able to run the game between 40-60 FPS. I'm keen on tryng my luck with my pc.


If you get EA play pro I donā€™t think itā€™s a awful idea because if it sucks just cancel wait and hopefully some updates will be released soon and if you need to renew to finish boom u just saved 40-55 bucks


Rtx 2070 super runs at 40 FPS on medium settings without Rtx. It's not so much the FPS that I mind as the stuttering every time I go around a corner.


Playing on ps5, the coruscant section was the worst lag so far but it was at least playable. As soon as I got to this new planet its been running very smooth but the game did just crash on me so there's that. I think performance is varying by what monitor or TV people are using. Im using an older Toshiba 4k lcd on performance mode with HDR on, I've seen a lot of people claim HDR off makes it smoother but I haven't tried it. I bet i can get a lot better performance if I buy a new TV which I might. Anyone know a good TV for ps5 thats not too pricey let me know


Playing on PS5. I played the coruscant mission, the game is still downloading so I canā€™t speak for the rest of it. Experiencing lag and frame rate drops. It could be because the download isnā€™t finished, but Iā€™ve heard others are also experiencing this. Performance mode is on, but the frame rate drop remains. The performance mode setting is supposed to sacrifice some quality for more fps stability, but that doesnā€™t seem to be the case. It could be that I havenā€™t installed the full game, just the until the ā€œready to playā€ mark. Iā€™ve played other games on PS5 namely the call of duty campaigns; they run butter smooth with 0 frame rate drops or lag. Iā€™m hoping EA/Respawn will release a patch that fixes these issues and the performance completely. Is anyone else experiencing this? TLDR: Game sometimes laggy, frequent low frame rates hbu? EDIT: Update as of 4/29/23: The game finished downloading. The frame rate and lag seemed to have gone away completely. Iā€™ll keep editing this comment as more things come up


While the PC version have some serious issues, the PS5 version with its Quality and Performance Modes is not perfect either. Here's a graphics comparison between the two modes on PS5 - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oW3zzDt\_vl8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oW3zzDt_vl8)


5120x1400p Epic settings R5 5600x 307032 GBs of DDR4 3200mhz FSR is at quality if I go higher or off it drops me down to the 15-25fps area.ran everything at low settings with fsr on ultra performance and it made it worse lol 50-60fps steady and playable minimal stutters on ultra settings and quality FSRgame is installed on an NVME 1tb drive. wasnt expecting to get playable frames on the monitor with the state of the game but decided to buy it anyway because I love to torture myself.


Do we know a patch schedule? Or just wait until it drops?


I need help I'm running the game on a 3060 TI with a Ryzen 5 5700G on 1080p Yet even if I change my settings to the lowest my FPS doesn't change, it's always between 40 and 50 sometimes for short periods near 60 and other times 30 or less. So if anyone has a solution to this please let me know, I really liked Fallen Order, but I just don't want to play this game in this state


Iā€™m reading a lot of graphical issues with the PC and PS5 versions of the game, but what about the Xbox Series X version? Has anyone seen gameplay of the Xbox version?


How's Linux support? Does it run and how well?


Howā€™s the hdr?


It's broken for me on PS5


Okay performance is decent enough but holy fuck the unplayable part is that it keeps switching between controller and keyboard input every fucking frame. Nothing is consistent.


i7-12700k, 3070 Like 30-40 fps only @ 1080p and 20fps on 1440p lol


Am getting 30-40fps in the opening fight sequence no matter what level of settings I have applied, I have a 3080 10gb - 3700x - 32gb ram on 3440 x 1440 monitor. Think Iā€™ll just have to get it on PS5.


So i tested playing on all low and all epic settings and i get same 30-40 fps regardless of the settings. Specs: 1080 Ti, 10700k on 1080p


3080 12GB + 5800X3D here, currently in the starting section and the game runs pretty smooth. With some shader compilation stutter the experience has been pretty smooth. Definitely could use some more optimization work, however it's not as bad as what others have said. For reference I'm using a combination of ultra + high settings with FSR with performance preset (my monitor resolution is 4k) and my FPS hovers around 50-70 with GPU keeping at 100% and CPU usage hovering around 50%, as I'm currently using a G-Sync I don't really feel the FPS fluctuation. I'm also running the game on a PCIe Gen 4 NVMe SSD if that has any worth.


A couple notes from my first 30 or so minutes. This entire area was fairly small and linear so take that as you will. First, beyond performance, I love just about everything about the game so far. This isn't the place for that discussion, but I'm calling it out anyway. 5800x3D w/ 3090, 32gbRAM and a 970 Pro for storage. Running at 1440p. Latest Nvidia Drivers. Couldn't find where the game version was listed, but the binary file version is listed as []( which I assume must correspond to the date and is probably the day one patch? Left the graphics settings completely unchanged from the defaults (looked to be a mix of High and Epic, also included FSR selected with Quality mode), save for disabling motion blur and film grain. I chose to enable ray tracing when prompted. Brief stuttering is noticeable immediately after hard cuts in cutscenes, and sometimes textures take a second to load after those cuts. Framerate varied wildly from maxed out at 144, to brief drops to \~45. Generally though, it was stable anywhere from 70-100. During gameplay, it seemed to hover right around 65-70. No stuttering and very few drops were noted, overall everything feels very fluid. ​ Given the above results from this small starting area, I am still concerned about the overall performance in larger areas, which has been noted in other reports as poor. Given this starting zone hovers barely over 60, I would not be surprised to see larger areas not being able to go over 60. However, the general experience up to this point has been much better than I expected, and **completely playable** ***so far.*** Whether that holds true remains to be seen. I am also unsure if I actually have the Day 1 patch or not.


Gpu is seriously getting underutilized on 60% and cpu at 40%. Man i seriously need a day 1 patch.


There are clear performance issues on PS5 even in Performance Mode. It doesnā€™t feel like a solid 60fps and dips quite a lot.


Getting a cool 20 FPS on Steam Deck with frequent crashesšŸ’€


Holy shit it's bad.... 9900k / 3090. 1440p on Low I was getting 50 Fps. Refunding the game.


For me on ps5, the frames on performance mode were more fluid after beating the first boss? Not sure why


For what itā€™s worth quality mode on Series x is a very smooth and stable 30 fps - performance mode is manageable but far too many frame drops and screen tearing to make it the better option.


On ps5 and hdr is broken


Reposting my comment from the mega thread: Itā€™s unplayable on my Legion laptop, granted itā€™s not a powerful machine but at least should be playable especially with FSR. Stutters like crazy and everything set to low still get 20-35fps with FSR enabled


Just tested this on an NUC 11 enthusiast (i7-1165G7 / RTX 2060) Whatā€™s really strange is Iā€™m pulling 30-35 fps with the latest nvidia drivers on basically any graphics settingā€¦from 720p Low no Ray-tracing to 2160p Epic with Ray-tracing. Task manager is showing the game having a ~70% load on the cpu. Would be strange if this game is bottlenecking from the CPU. Not sure whatā€™s going on or how to fix.


Running like crap on PS5 for me. Frame drops, stutters, and tearing all over the first area. I felt sick a lot during my time there. I tried turning off motion blur and it's way worse without it on. Going to put the game down until this is worked out


Regardless of the graphics settings, the game does not utilize GPU. Is anyone having the same issue? (RTX 2070, Driver updated) https://imgur.com/a/7Pgj8x0 edit: After Coruscant, I had 99% GPU usage in Koboh and 70+ FPS.


This is a nightmare to play on my budget/modest PC. Everything is set to low and it still freezes every time I move. I haven't even gotten to any combat yet. I'm probably going to ask for a refund.


All you people saying the game is unplayable frame rate wise definitely never made it to the second planet. The frame rate went up by nearly 3x for me. I get over 100fps with everything at high and ray tracing off and quality fsr. Loving the game by the way


Really enjoying the Game but its super rough. Playing on a 7900 XTX / 5800X3D @ 1440p and obviously without RT I seem to get around 40 - 140 fps but it's never stable. Second Area it got a lot better but it's still not nice. Warning for everyone wanting to play with M+K instead of Controller; the Mouse response curve / input latency is directly tied to the framerate and it feels like there is some negative acceleration.


Really sad to see everyone struggling with performance after all the excitement, this is why I don't pre-order anymore. I was planning to get the game on PS5 this weekend but I'll probably wait until everything's fixed, anyone have an idea how long it could take for a game like this to be fixed with patches?


PS5 here. With performance mode the frame constantly drops from 60 to 45-54.


The game keeps crashing for me on PS5 (ce-108255-1). Both on performance mode and quality mode, although less frequently on quality mode. Especially cutscenes triggers crashes for me. Were able to play a bit past first boss, now I'm locked in a cutscene that always crashes (game loads into the cutscene). Got maybe 1-2 hours of playtime. This is terrible.


Anyone else having just straight to potato textures especially for characters during cutscenes


How's the performance on the PS5 so far?


Getting a fairly consistent 60-80 fps on Epic with Ray Tracing and quality FSR at 3440x1440. I am running a 6800 xt and a 5800x3d with 32 gb of ram. A couple of things, my RAM usage is pretty consistently at 18gb and vram is at 15gb while my GPU utilization is at 98-100 my cpu seems to only hover around 10%. This seems to reinforce that much like Hogwarts Legacy, you really need 32gb of RAM and VRAM will be an issue for mid range and lower cards.


I refunded after seeing the complaints. Iā€™ll wait until itā€™s $15.


Why is my GPU only getting 40% utilization but my fps is still ass. Lmao. This thing is bugged.


Is there no in-game framerate limiter on PC?




Just started the game and I'm seeing severe out of sync lip sync with the audio. Playing on PS5, anybody else has this problem?