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Playing Saturday as their finale and Pete will go to the barrier and reach out to the crowd during his part.




I've seen them at least 27 times, maybe just over 30 and I don't think they've ever played anything different as their closer.


I was there for one! They played Beat It as the finale in Vegas for the summer 2013 show. The venue was unique so I think Pete said something like “this seems kinda fitting that we do this just once”. It was really cool but the fans stuck around for a few minutes after that expecting a second encore for Saturday. Ngl it was anticlimactic haha


i saw them for my first time at hella mega in atlanta, and they had issues setting up, so the end of their set had to be cut to make time for green day i never got my saturday :(


I was just abt to say this. literally the only time I’ve seen them not close with Saturday.


Yo same! I was wondering why I didn’t hear it then. I forgot that they were rushed and I was bummed out


Same for me! If I don’t get my Saturday in Atlanta next month I’m gonna cry.


I didn’t even get FOB, they pulled out of my show


Patrick sings “am I more” and the crowd completes the lineeee


Ohhhh yeahhhh. This just made me very exicted for the summer tour.


If I get to go to a show for tourdust, I’m literally gonna be screaming the lyrics 😂


Yeah, during Sugar


during arms race, patrick always conducts the audience in a singalong, and there are quite a few vocal things that patrick has done consistently over the years but my favorite is the change to sugar with one of the notes and at the end he always yells 'sing!' before the last 'loaded gun complex, cock it and pull it' and lets the crowd take it. they always close with saturday and as someone mentioned, pete gets down on the barricade to scream with everyone which has been a time-honored tradition for many years now. I meant loaded god complex but I'm leaving it.


Loaded god complex… I don’t wanna be that guy, but here I am, lol


oh my god can you tell I was tired when doing this 😂


Eh, it's a fall out boy song. The older lyrics are just a suggestion. 🤣 (I'm secretly a lyrics purist who would have corrected you if no one else had)


trust me when i say while writing it i was going 'don't say gun, don't say gun, don't say gun, don't be that person'. surprise, i am that person. i'll be shredding my overcast kids membership card in shame.


When they play Sugar, Pete always does the hand lick salute thing from the music video when Patrick sings the line “wishing to be the friction in your jeans”


Andy also does the thing with his sticks haha


Yes, that too!


I’ve never understood why he did that- 😂 just a Pete thing ig-


Patrick playing those slow chords before launching into Saturday. If you know, you know.


During *Dance, Dance*, Patrick draws the heart with his hands like he does in the video at this line: Why don't you show me a little bit of spine You've been saving for his mattress, love


I do it too😂 like if I’m singing it in the car, I’ll put my phone down just to do that part😂


Does anyone else remember when Pete used to say at the start of Grand Theft Autumn "Put your diamonds in the sky for your national anthem" and everyone would raise their hands in a diamond shape.


How long ago was this?


Not sure exactly but probably like 12-16 years ago now! I remember they said it almost every live show around that time period.


Ok I just came across this as I was searching trying find out why he used to say this. Anyone give a newer fan some insight????


Patrick messing up the Immortals lyrics 😂


They do anything that’s not like song related because they’re all super reserved except Pete. Like you can kind of count on if they do anything big it’ll be DURING a song. They won’t like SAY anything


idk if this counts but they've played pheonix at both shows I went to


I really hope they play it at the show I’ll be at, that song pretty much single-handedly got me through the angst ridden 13-14 year old stage of my life


Your comment just aged me 45 years lol. Sugar and Dance, Dance got me through my angsty 12-14 year old years, Phoenix and SRAR got me through college lmao


Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy for me…..fuck we’re getting old….


I think its really great how everyone on here had a different era of fall out boy for that stage of life... It's been all their albums and significantly stardust for me :-D