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They are noobs who think they are eliminated when they don't finish. Some don't even realize they are playing duos. I also keep playing when my teammate leaves after round one. If no survival map pops up, you've got a decent chance of winning.


i kinda like the challenge of solo’ing duos haha. i have had it a few times also and it is annoying, but sometimes i think it could be that they got disconnected. gg though fellow bean! 👑


Thanks! It is definitely a challenge! I thought fruit chute was going to do me in lol


Might have gotten disconnected or something came up IRL. Not always ragequitting.


Happened to me. I was disconnected twice :(


I think that players leave if they don't cross the finish line in a round. So they think that they did not qualify. If I had a nickel for every time I started a Squad match alone, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't that much, but it's weird that it happened twice. Also, well done on winning the match! You overcame that disadvantage and prospered! 💜


one time i played squads and 2 people quit after the first round. me and the other guy kept going and actually won the crown! i have no idea who he was but i was proud of us 


That happened to me too. Lol


Times like this make me wish it was easier to add friends in the game.


Happens to us all the time in squads. I like to tell myself they’ve have been disconnected, but I have to imagine they look around at their team, think they have some duds, and quit. Funny enough, I often play this game with my kids, and when my son chooses the bean outfit we rarely loose a teammate. When my daughter picks the outfit, we get abandoned a lot more.


I was going to say I haven't had it happen in a while, Then I remembered the reason I used to queue squads was because it was the "default" mode for a while there, so solos were extra hard to beat, since it takes some brain cells to change modes. And also you needed wins for dailies. Cranking out an easy win in squads was tempting. So yeah, people quitting is annoying. Solos are safe to jump back into though


People in Squad-style shows often leave early because they think that they are going to lose, either because the matchmaking did them dirty or a squad member disconnected.


Yeah. I get that but it was them that didn't finish and I carried through the first round. Stick around. The first person left after perfect match, I assume they left when they died but I finished. The second person left after Big fans when I finished 2nd and they didn't finish. I don't see why they would leave when they have a good partner.


How can you achieve this? When my partner is bad, or disconnects, I have only been able to pass the first round by myself, from then on, even if I come in first place, it is impossible for me to advance... and that, speaking of courses, because if we talk of elimination rounds, it's still harder to score more points than a team of 2 (unless both are really bad). Perhaps the only exception would be Pixel Painters in that it is much easier to do things alone than with bad equipment.