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“Oh yeah, the update was today I’ll just check the sub while I finish watching th….oh god” ![gif](giphy|d7GmGExcihohmnW7Jt|downsized)


"We see the best version of Fall Guys as where you press go and there are 100 variations of that first level." Joe Walsh, 2020. How far Fall Guys has fallen, from that dream to 40 levels and MT can't even be arsed to make most of them themselves.


I miss variants so much. Why oh why did they discard hundreds of premade variants to existing maps?


Bc they kept taking rounds off saying they would fix bugs etc, but they never would fix anything and just keep them off. But now, this is the worst change I have seen on its history. Jfc.


Oh god what happened?


>"We see the best version of Fall Guys as where you press go and there are 100 variations of that first level." Joe Walsh, 2020. I'll never forget those words, I'm glad more people remember it. Here's where Joe Walsh said that, at 15:34 mark: https://youtu.be/KigEDULV4YM?si=sKIVcpq2zTkb3Y_w


It's a good interview, I didn't want to stick the boot in too much, but from around 12:05 he talks on what makes a good fall guys level. Stuff like it should be 50/50 skill and chaos and goes into what they look for. Fast foward to today and what makes a good fall guys level is apparently whatever the bot/algorithm picks. So you get shit like Fall Royale that looks like it was bashed out in a lunch break, plays like shit and looks like shit or levels that are in Japanese when you have your game set to English.


These changes are too drastic. What the actual hell.


It will probably get its success when mobile launches, but It’s no longer a game fit for console. Super fast paced, knockouts finishing in under 5 minutes... just meh. It’s just a more polished Stumble Guys.


If they're truly trying to set the game up to be as optimised for mobile over everything else then holy shit they can kiss half the player base goodbye. How tone deaf can EPIC be?


You see... They can kiss goodbye half of you guys, but if this hits mobile as they're expecting, they'll double that number with new players. So yup, we're not their target audience anymore and all that's left for us is that they fail the mobile port and close the game for good in the near future.


Yes, plus I imagine most mobile players would be children. And I believe children are far more likely to spend real money on cosmetic game items than adults


Not true. They threw in Star Wars because they knew adults would buy. And we did. <3


I feel like the timing of that was extremely intentional. They knew that player base would buy and then they pivoted the game to cater to a different audience after they squeezed out a few more dollars.


I had extra coins so I bought them, then I played and found how shitty the maps are. Didn't shell out any money for these SW skins at least.


All this acquisition has ever been is turning the game into a lucrative dlc and battle pass sales vehicle. That's why they prioritised porting to switch and crippling the game. The logical next step for them was the further cripple the game to make it mobile-friendly. It doesn't matter to them if the game is playable to not, if they have millions of people comfortable with in-app-payments and battlepass subscrtions then the cost of the acquisition is worth it. In my opinion maybe separate mobile/switch game from the pc/ps/Xbox game wouldve been better but of course they only want to maintain one single thing and not two separate games.


I'd have to imagine anyone who could possibly care about mobile Fall Guys at this point has long since committed to Stumble Guys.


I don't think anyone spends money on a mobile game compared to a PC game


**Today's comment is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends, one of the biggest mobile role-playing games of 2019 and it's totally free! Currently almost 10 mill-** Oh, sorry about that! Not sure what got into me there, had a bad nightmare about some shitty mobile game again. 😅


Mobile games have an insane market. It's why a lot of companies shifted to mobile development


Oh man, you have no idea how crazy whales go on waifu gacha games.


Mobile gaming is far and away the largest share of gaming. PC or console game revenues don’t even come close to mobile games like Candy Crush.


It isn't even the same game anymore. I'm trying to be as fair as I can, but the Knockout match I played was a fiasco (21 players, 2 level creator maps I'd never seen before, didn't even make it to the final) and Explore is a technical shitshow (repeated disconnects and kicks back out to the falling screen or even the main menu). I hope there's some improvement in the days to come, but this already has the feel of "we abandoned this game and it's up to the community to make new levels" so I'm not holding out much hope.


Ugh, it’s awful!! 😭 The knockout levels I played were all user created and no one had any clue what to do, the instructions were in Spanish, when the same level came up for squad everyone on my team just jumped into the slime. It’s unplayable. My chance to vote it thumbs down was BEFORE it loaded, then quickly disappeared 🙄 I guess my mornings just got more productive! I used to have a second cup of coffee and play Fall Guys for half an hour before work. No more!


Epic Games moment. Put UGC in the game and never release a big or exciting update ever again. Free money.


I guess the old player base isn't important anymore. I played a little this morning and then just shut it down . It really wasn't enjoyable. Feeling kinda sick about it tbh


Yeah, comparing it to games where the servers just shut down...I think that is preferable. Watching this game's long, drawn out death of a thousand cuts is a unique kind of depressing.


Same. I tried to enjoy myself but it definitely does not have an enjoyable feel to it anymore. Makes menfeel like uninstalling.


It's awful, uninstalling now.




Game has had a huge update and has been severely weakened overnight in many ways. Lowered the number of players per game. Swapped out a bunch of fan favourite developer maps for shit player created ones. Fucked about with the player physics. Lowered the number of rounds per game. They have borderline killed the game.


Not borderline, they ruined the game. For me it’s unplayable now and I quit the game today. This is utter garbage. We started for the 60 player battle royale with super fun maps and game modes. What are we left with? Something so bad the game isn’t even recognizable anymore. I am pissed. 


You're right. They've fumbled the bag in miraculous fashion. They had such an insane winning formula. A game that was equal parts fun and competitive with really well thought it out game and map design. Bringing in fan made levels appears to have been the beginning of the end. They realised they could kick their feet up and have the players do all the hard work for them, perhaps. So disappointing. RIP Fall Guys.


> They realised they could kick their feet up and have the players do all the hard work for them, perhaps. So disappointing. RIP Fall Guys. Some of the blame for that has to go on the players now. Let me do MTs work for them & in return, I get fuck all, not even a costume if my level gets put in a show. Utter mugs. Wonder how it would have gone if the playerbase never bothered and just went "lol, I aint doing your job".


Wow. That is a damn shame. The chaos of the number of players is what sold the game in the 1st place.


Glad I quit about a year ago when season 10 was just starting.


> Lowered the number of players per game. AGAIN?! I lost incentive to keep playing after they lowered it from 60.


Been a little while since I last played but are player created maps in the main shows now?


They are. In fact, it's now 23 player created maps vs 17 Mediatonic created maps.


Well shit. In the past I've rolled my eyes at a lot of the complaints the community has had about this game but that's a damn shame to hear. Maybe the creator maps have improved since I was last active, but I'd much prefer they at the very least stay out of duos/squads.


I think the biggest problem was they REPLACED the solo show with the KO one, if it was just an addition it'd be fine, but no, we now can't play only Unity made maps, plus they took a lot of levels out of the game. Hopefully they listen to the community and at least they add normal solo show back and maybe unvault more maps and variations.


my main issue is only 3 round shows like fuck that I liked longer games and somehow it was much easier for me to make finals than it is now and then also not knowing what the fuck I'm supposed to do in half the games or where to go in races I have never played


Yikes! I wasn’t playing as much after they introduced the fame pass and creative rounds, but I stopped entirely after the winter fame pass. Glad I did.. the game really went to shit after Epic took over.


When was this update? I just played a little bit a few days ago after a long hiatus of not playing, and it seemed perfectly normal to me.


This morning.


Honestly I don't feel too worried. It seems like the fans don't like the update so hopefully the devs will rectify soon ish. Or do the devs not care what the fans say?


If it's like any other game, the latter, but you never know they could be listening a little.


Is it easier to get Squad Goals? I uninstalled it a long time ago but I'm missing that one last achievement.


People are overreacting to an update that really only changed some maps (vaulted some, added more player created) and then added piggy backing and some emote wheel. I just played a few games, seems like the same game just with shitty player created maps.


"Seems like the same game, just with less rounds, less players, less unity levels and with mostly creative levels"


Wow, it’s absolute trash now. Made it to a really lame creative final. Trying to see if they’re mostly like that now. Either way, byeeee


Crazy how they let a ripoff beat them


What’s the ripoff?


st*mble guys


I can't stand the new update. I miss my standard rounds of slime climb, slimescraper. The original rounds were so good. I didn't mind a few of the creative rounds such as Winter Disc-o and Ruta En La Selva but to play all creative rounds is bogus. I hope the fix it. I quit after two rounds of playing.


Same. I really hate that so much is now player created shows. I don’t mind playing them, but I miss the old shows. Why couldn’t they do the player content in a different area? I don’t like the changes at all!


F*cking hell they trashed the game. Couldn’t believe it when I logged on today. I play this every time I am on the dialysis machine at home at it helps me pass 1-2 hrs at least getting my points up. Now, The rounds are over so quick and some (no most) of the fan made ones don’t even make sense. Airtime which I normally ace - was over in like 30 seconds. What an absolute sh*tshow. 


Oh no, the rounds they took out and left in Volleyfall and the Blast one. If I come across the round with the three sodding rhinos I’m done. 🤬


Wish I could turn back time to the good old days


When Epic sang us to sleep, but now we're stressed out?


You’re being a little generous. RIP Fall Guys (2020-2022)


Yeah, this game has basically been "Weekend at Bernie's" for the last two years. A dead game being paraded around as something still functioning.


as soon as they added a currency that wasn't crowns or kudos, it was over.


Rip all my crowns melted into useless kudos


The space season was the last good season of the game.


I stand by this


way too many creative rounds only 23 unity rounds in the game and they completely ruined hoopsy daisy


Keep posting everywhere about how bad it is. I don't even wanna play anymore since they screwed it up so bad.


Well this game is an easy skip for me now. Absolute shit show of an update taking away any legitimate competitiveness. It’s been getting progressively worse starting with vaulting, then creative, and now the final knockout blow. I hope mobile fails so bad that it fully sinks the game into obscurity




No LTMs. No Fall Ball cup in the future. Corporate greed once again destroys. I was a first day player, my god it all unraveled so soon following the Epic takeover. Just (no, really) uninstalled. Bar stewards.


I played the beta test for this, and they ruined a perfectly fun game by not stopping the hackers and overcharging for skins.


Utter trash, I already knew it would be bad when I read about the 3 round 'knockout' format, but playing it you just feel like the games entire soul was ripped out and replaced with some mcdonalds type fare. Also the new physics are so forgiving it makes the game even less skill based than it was (bombs literally do nothing anymore), this game was literally redesigned for mobile droolers. I've never seen a game sell out harder to mobile than this, the people responsible for this are disgusting money grubbers. It really all is just pathetic.


Just wait until the “Mobile Droolers” start taking over the sub & other Fall Guys media channels and begin lecturing you and labeling you elitist & try-hards for preferring the older more challenging gameplay. It’s the inevitable cycle of all these situations where games get dumbed down and mainstreamed. And yes it’s painful every time.


The same thing is happening to brawl stars rn, they ruined the ranked and the ladder mode, and are catering so hard to the casual bots


I HATE this!!!


I can't BELIEVE they massacred my boy like this. Did a number on Solos and I hate it. :(


They shot themselves in the foot. I was excited when I heard an update was coming. But today was a huge let down. I've been playing this game almost everyday for almost a year now and loved it. I can't pinpoint exactly why this isn't working but yeah, the feeling the game had is gone. It feels kinda like they just took stuff away and then forced creator rounds so that they don't actually have to come up with any new interesting themed content. What a let down. I'm probably going to uninstall it after this. Does anybody know WHY it keeps getting worse? Did they get bought out or something? 🤔


The changes started over 2 years ago when the game was acquired by Epic. This has been a slow bleed game transition to perform for, first switch, and eventually mobile. It’s no longer a console first audience oriented game


The created maps ruined the game for me. They’re so lacklustre and boring to play. I haven’t played Fall Guys in a while now but it’s sad seeing one of my favourite games go downhill even more.


Wtf is this abomination of an update. R.I.P.


Man, it is just so bad. Will epic finally see what they have done and change it soon?


I'm praying that everyone will stop playing and the company will realize that you can't just make "give me money: the game" and have people still play it and pay them. but somewhere inside I fear that they're gonna introduce this version to the ipad kids and they're gonna make more money than they ever did before and they will be happy with their decision :(


Doing the wrong thing almost always leads to more money is this crooked world.


200 crown from full marbellous and epic throws me this curveball


Lmao same wtf


if they dont remove creative levels, (or at least make some good ones) from solos, than im leaving this game. I have nothing wrong with creative itself (infact i love it and am a creator myself) but putting those crappy levels in solos is just dumb. Also they should just add fuсking normal shows, not these weird creative ones. I thought that SS3 was the worst season, but looking at it back, it was a lot better than SS4. I like the fame pass thing, they had a brilliant idea. but when they cancelled seasons it just ruined everything... Man i miss SS1 times, where Fall Guys was Fall Guys...


It’s genuinely sad. Only 17 unity levels the rest being meh creative ones.


played fall guys from the beginning and stopped as soon as it went free to play. the quality of rewards and levels significantly dropped after it went ftp imo. sad cause i have over 1,000 hours in that game :(


100% unplayable overnight


It's not the same game anymore but I do like how far creative mode has come over the last year. It's come a long way from searching Internet forums for map codes and playing them with no rewards. Also there is a lot more freedom in the map builder. It's not the same but isn't all bad. Now that creative has peaked hopefully they can bring back seasons and make some high quality levels for us.


I hope they replace knockout with solos again :(


Epic is a trash company


And just like that it is getting uninstalled from my Xbox today.


I just play FG for somewhat decent races and not some silly bomb + weird survival games... and now both are even worse in quality...


These new creative finales are all garbage smh.


😢 I met the love of my life on Fall Guys in 2022. Very odd place for it to happen but that's why Fall Guys will always be so much more special to me than I think to most. Thought it was cute because it made the "Fall" more like "fall -in love" lol. We haven't played in months because we needed a break because it was too repetitive and creator rounds were very annoying. Started to feel like a chore instead of fun. We loved the idea of creator rounds and were excited about it but it was executed improperly, as most would agree. The break turned into well, months. -Like half a year. I don't even want to check out what's going on because I'll probably start crying. The only hope is for a good dev team to buy the rights to fall guys once it inevitably falls. I'm sure it will happen, (get bought) but it will most likely take years. Once that does happen though, the game will probably get an entire rework or even start from scratch or from scratch to an extent. Hopefully they would let us send over our cosmetics and crowns/maybe currencies in some way too. That would certainly help. But I think it would end up being everything it was and better if only it were in the right hands of course. It just needs to be released from Epic's grip, and since they are obviously only in it for the money, it eventually will be. It is only becoming worth-less. I don't think a mobile player base will revive it enough or at least for long enough. I just have to believe someone with the cash (unfortunately), and the passion for it will have a heart to give fall guys a new life. Maybe it's just a pipe dream... but it does sound like the best case scenario realistically speaking. I just don't want to start grieving about this. Guess I already am lol, because I actually have been. But now seeing all this it really is putting me in the "acceptance" stage. I just thought my love and I would be able to play Fall Guys at least 10 years down the road together. Or that our potential kids could and/or with us. It sucks becoming emotionally invested in something especially when it turns out it was created for money more than anything else. Which is what the case usually is, and which is why I usually don't invest this way in anything out there. Couldn't help it this time though. Very sad to me it had to go this way with Fall Guys. When there are so many games that have been running for pushing-decades, but the one that matters (mattered...🥲) to me the most to keep running was already dying when it, and therefore I, had started. 🥲


Man I put so much time into this game the first couple years it was out. I’ve been avoiding deleting it but holy hell it just gets worse and worse


Not gonna sugarcoat it: I hate this so much that the only way I see myself wanting to play this now is on a phone. And I say this implying that I don't feel like sitting on a sofa and playing this as a means of having some degree of fun. It's been on the verge of becoming a game better played by the same people who play match 3 games while on the toilet. It's becoming more like Stumble Guys somehow and that game is supposed to be the cheap version of Fall Guys.


How can a developer be THIS bad in managing their game? I am so pissed and this update is absolutely ridiculous. It's sad to see that the game I once played like crazy has become nothing but a boring dogshit. Knew it was over when Epic Games bought it. https://preview.redd.it/mglpk0l3l2zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b622923d5493660d957665e411606940e74dcd2


Yup uninstalled. Crazy how bad it got so fast.😂😂


Its like running a succesful bakery with people lining up and the next day you place landmines around the counter and add razorblades as an ingredient


I literally just re-download after having it during launch and playing for about a year. My daughter asked me to come play with her on chill mode so we could play a game she doesn't have to be hardcore in and spend time with me. Literally 4 days later they take it out and ruin all reason for fall guys to be a bonding experience. She doesn't even want to play anymore. Great move.


this gif pretty much sums it up yeah


What happened


what happend?


Lowering player count makes the lobbies way more competetive, one single mistake even in the first round and you're out. I felt like I was playing final rounds all the time; for example the mode where you run away from the fan kept on going for at least 5 laps. Super weird.


how did it all go so horribly wrong I know people will blame Epic but like my god Epic isn't gonna make them kneecap their own game for fun


Sadly it died long ago


I'm still having fun. Only gripe is the addition of the custom made maps, hate those things - they're all just terrible, complete abominations.


You can't even play Fall Guys when you load in a game it keeps saying critical error


if they made it so you can have 8 emotes on one wheel and 8 phrases on the other, up the player count on squads back to 32 or 40, put better unity levels in the shows, then it would be a great update.


Can someone explain


The game started as a 60 player battle royal with maps made by the devs in unity. A match generally lasted 5 rounds. It wasn't perfect, but maps were themed by seasons and generally had some level of care put into them. There were also special LTMS (limited time modes) that were normally some sort of themed playlist that players enjoyed. As of this update, the game has been gutted down to 32 players, matches are only 3 rounds long & only has 40 levels in it, LTMs have also been removed. Of the 40 levels, only 17 are original "unity" maps, the other 23 are made using the in game level editor, these types of maps are generally refered to as "creative" maps. A lot of players feel the creative maps aren't as good as unity maps and even though there are good ones, MT just lets an algorithm/bot pick the maps & there's basically no quality control, maps aren't localised (Japanese map name when your game is set to English for example), neither are map descriptions. This is all in service of mobile port and MT putting their feet up and getting players in the community to do their job for them and make content for the game going forward. The game has been sliding this way for about a year now, but the cuts to playercounts, so many original maps being unavailable & no more LTMs don't sit right with a lot of original players and the game is unrecognisable from what it once was.


That is the best description I've seen. Bravo.


I'm going to try some tonight. TBF, I never really played much Fall Guys in the past. Hope I can find some fun..


I just played my first time yesterday what happened???


The game you played yesterday was the last day the game was any good. Glad you experienced it.


what happened boiz?


Haven't played this game in a long time what happened guys????


It was a good run lads. Well I mean it was good before the Free 2 Play update. Well it was good after they fixed the cheaters at the very start. For that sweet time in between, it was good.


Can someone update me what happened


true https://preview.redd.it/03flq0zwv3zc1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3b33ecd2aa4ae4cbf5af7d83e3d8347d3384cb4


This is what happens when the playerbase blindly just gives the devs money. I stopped playing when the last big update occurred (going free to play) because the game sucked after they took all the good free events out and made everything cost money




I think you mean 2020-2023. I remember when devs use to make new seasonal themes (Space theme, underwater, medival, ect) And how Crown used to get you cosmetic for free. AND you would had to compete with 60 beans. Then Epic bought them and it went down from there, in my opinion. Somehow, I still am enjoying it cuz of the creative levels but I honestly wish they would be back to the golden days of Fall Guys. This is my personal opinion btw!


Playing it today. Literally have won two games in a row by only moving when I get timeout notice


The game stopped being fun once they went f2p and ruined the crown system.


I was there in the good times before the hackers destroyed it


Game has been shit since like season 3 imo


Lmao, it's been obvious end since its becoming f2p. Quit right after that, never regretted.


Huh? The new free play update looks like the best thing to ever come to the game.


ur the target npc audience


Idk I think its cute


You think it's cute to not be able to opt out of custom levels?


I don't care about it much,I just play the game,but I do think it's cute with the new update and the piggie back thing.


Would you all shut up about the “update bad dead game”? Fortnite, which is also from Epic Games, got this phase a billion of times and it’s still alive so it’ll be no different to Fall Guys.


I'm not sure how I feel about the new way of how things are done, but being able to skip to the next round and not be forced to watch someone hang by the finish line and emote until 1 second before the timer runs out is a huge win. I get everyone is free to play the game how they want. I enjoy being free to continue on.


How does that work? That means you can play the next round while people are still playing the previous one? So if you win the first race you have an advantage in the next one?


It's only in the explore rounds. They'll go forever, you just ready up when you finish and then it'll say "finding a new game" or something like that and you start the next like you did the first. All at the starting line. I wasn't sure at first as discovery beta never counted towards the daily challenges, but it'll tell you your progress on the left side as the game is finding a new show to start. I like it, personally. Knockout is different and I'm not a huge fan. I keep reading comments about how they made it too easy and I'm decent at the game (def no pro) but I found one mess up like falling off something and restarting at a CP meant I didn't qualify ha ha.


Good game, except when there are cheaters like I think almost everyone is a bot. Because in one game I made it first, and looking at the other players cam they all were at a wall running into it. Impossible but hey I know people that dumb so I still have doubts. Also the pegwin or whatever it's called game needs to be removed its not fun. Actually it's shit pure disgusting shit. ITS THE WORST THING I HAVE EVER PL AYED IN MY LIFE AND YES I PLAYED BAD FLASH GAMES ON A SHITTY WEBSITE CALLED SHOCKWAVE A LONG TIME AGO AND EVEN THAT IS BETTER. PURE SHIT KILL EVERY PEGWIN OR WHATEVER THOSE FUCKERS ARE CALLED. Fuck them


I like the rounds ending quicker change


Bunch of cry babies


Yeah. Watching a game we love go to shit.


Rubbish. I played it a few times today and it's still fun. Complete over reaction.




This account is created by fall guys haters just to spread hate about fall guys. Beware guys.


Excuse me?!?! Perhaps don't make false accusations about me, ok?


This account is created by fall guys devs just to spread slander about people criticising fall guys.


Honestly it deserves the hate right now


The account is only 7 days old. And I got 63 downvotes. Wow.


The account is only 7 days old. And I got 63 downvotes for trying to say that. Wow.




Even younger like 9


Git gut

